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Bob Mottram 2014-02-23 21:19:53 +00:00
parent 137637e011
commit 41d9636d16
1 changed files with 9 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ Set the following properties:
ADVANCED_EXCLUDE_UDP="520,138,137,67,70,80,443,143,6670,993, 5060,5061,25,465,22,5222,5223,5269,5280,5281,8444"
@ -511,10 +511,14 @@ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -j DROP
# Incoming malformed NULL packets:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP
# limit ssh logins to no more than 3 per min
# drop UDP to used ports
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --match multiport --dports 70,80,443,143,6670,993,5060,5061,25 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --match multiport --dports 465,22,5222,5223,5269,5280,5281,8444 -j DROP
# limit ssh logins
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
# Limit web connections to 20 per min
# Limit web connections
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
@ -529,6 +533,7 @@ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 70 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -
# Limit IMAP connections
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 993 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
# Limit SIP connections
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5060:5061 -m limit --limit 10/minute --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT