diff --git a/doc/EN/faq.org b/doc/EN/faq.org index c8807d40..748a5908 100644 --- a/doc/EN/faq.org +++ b/doc/EN/faq.org @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ #+BEGIN_CENTER #+ATTR_HTML: :border -1 | [[I don't have a static IP address. Can I still install this system?]] | +| [[Why can't I access my .onion site with a Tor browser?]] | | [[What is the best hardware to run this system on?]] | | [[Can I add more users to the system?]] | | [[How do I remove a user from the system?]] | @@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ Yes. The minimum requirements are to have some hardware that you can install Debian onto and also that you have administrator access to your internet router so that you can forward ports to the system which has Freedombone installed. The lack of a static IP address can be worked around by using a dynamic DNS service. Freedombone uses [[http://troglobit.com/inadyn.html][inadyn]], which supports a variety of dynamic DNS providers. +* Why can't I access my .onion site with a Tor browser? +By default the Tor browser has [[https://www.eff.org/HTTPS-everywhere][https everywhere]] enabled and this can clash with onion addresses. Really this is a browser bug, which ought to be fixed. If you notice that "https" has been automatically prepended to your onion address then go to the https everywhere settings and disable it. https isn't needed for ontion sites since onion services already have their own public key encryption (the onion address is the public key). * What is the best hardware to run this system on? It was originally designed to run on the Beaglebone Black, but that should be regarded as the most minimal system, because it's single core and has by today's standards a small amount of memory. Obviously the more powerful the hardware is the faster things like web pages (blog, social networking, etc) will be served but the more electricity such a system will require if you're running it 24/7. A good compromise between performance and energy consumption is something like an old netbook. The battery of an old netbook or laptop even gives you [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply][UPS capability]] to keep the system going during brief power outages or cable re-arrangements, and that means using full disk encryption on the server also becomes more practical. diff --git a/website/EN/faq.html b/website/EN/faq.html index d8168c82..58fbde7a 100644 --- a/website/EN/faq.html +++ b/website/EN/faq.html @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">