Most people don't have a static external IP address, so you will need to have an account on a dymanic DNS service. [[][FreeDNS]] is the one recommended, but others are available.
If you want systems to be available within an ordinary web browser, such as Firefox, then you will need to [[./domains.html][obtain a domain name]].
A list of other supported ARM boards [[./boards.html][can be found here]], or you can install onto an old laptop or netbook. Some installation instructions for different use cases are:
* [[./homeserver.html][Typical installation]]
* Installing [[./beaglebone.html][on a Beaglebone Black]]
* Installing on an [[./debianinstall.html][existing Debian system]]
* Installing [[./armbian.html][on Armbian]], for unsupported ARM boards such as Raspberry Pi
* Creating a dedicated [[./socialinstance.html][fediverse instance]] for a single user or to host a community
* Deploying a [[./mesh.html][mesh network]] which can operate with or without the internet
* [[./users.html][Adding or removing users]]
* [[./security.html][Improving security]]
* [[./mobile.html][Advice on setting up a mobile phone]]