#+KEYWORDS: freedombox, debian, beaglebone, red matrix, email, web server, home server, internet, censorship, surveillance, social network, irc, jabber
#+DESCRIPTION: Turn the Beaglebone Black into a personal communications server
"/With the increasing move of our computing to cloud infrastructures, we give up the control of our computing to the managers of those infrastructures. Our terminals (laptops, desktops) might now be running entirely on Free Software, but this is increasingly irrelevant given that most of what actually matters gets executed on a remote closed system that we don’t control. The Free Software community needs to work to help users keep the control of all their computing, by developing suitable alternatives and facilitating their deployment./"
So you want to run your own internet services? Email, chat, VoIP, web sites, file synchronisation, wikis, blogs, social networks, media hosting, backups. Freedombone enables you to do all of that in a self-hosted way, where you keep control of your data and it resides in your own home.
Ready made disk images which can be copied onto USB or microSD drives are [[./downloads][available here]] and also [[http://www.postactiv.com/freedombone/2.00/index.html][mirrored here]].
This site can also be accessed via a Tor browser at http://pazyv7nkllp76hqr.onion. This documentation is under the [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.txt][GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3]]