#+TITLE: #+AUTHOR: Bob Mottram #+EMAIL: bob@freedombone.net #+KEYWORDS: freedombone, akaunting #+DESCRIPTION: How to use Akaunting #+OPTIONS: ^:nil toc:nil #+HTML_HEAD: #+BEGIN_CENTER [[file:images/logo.png]] #+END_CENTER #+BEGIN_EXPORT html


#+END_EXPORT The Freedombone system isn't primarily aimed at companies or institutions, but if you're a one person company or freelancer then having the ability to run your own accounting system and keep the data private and also backed up is useful. Akounting provides a nice web based system for small business accounts, and is also quite usable within a mobile web browser. * Installation Log into your system with: #+begin_src bash ssh myusername@mydomain -p 2222 #+end_src Using cursor keys, space bar and Enter key select *Administrator controls* and type in your password. Select *Add/Remove Apps* then *akaunting*. Enter the subdomain that you which to use, such as *accounts.mydomain.net*, and optionally a FreeDNS code. From the *Administrator control panel* select *Passwords* and look up the password for *mariadb*. Now in a browser navigate to your subdomain. You will need to enter some details for the database. The password should be the mariadb one. #+BEGIN_CENTER [[file:images/akaunting_setup.jpg]] #+END_CENTER After that you'll need to enter a company name and an email address. You can make the administrator password anything you prefer, and a suggestion can be found within the *Passwords* section of the *Administrator control panel* under *akounting*. #+BEGIN_CENTER [[file:images/akaunting_setup_company.jpg]] #+END_CENTER From then on the system should be usable. Accounts software can often be quite complex, and so you'll probably want to refer to the [[https://akaunting.com/docs][official documentation]] for details.