Fix database recovery

This commit is contained in:
Bob Mottram 2014-08-10 19:28:39 +01:00
parent e2223cde9b
commit b8627554d3
1 changed files with 141 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -3302,171 +3302,196 @@ Now visit your blog and follow the setup instructions, which are quite minimal.
IRC is not an especially secure system. For instance, even with the best encryption it's easily possible to imagine IRC-specific cribs which could be used by cryptanalytic systems. However, we'll try to implement it in a manner which will at least give the surveillance aparatus something to ponder over. IRC is not an especially secure system. For instance, even with the best encryption it's easily possible to imagine IRC-specific cribs which could be used by cryptanalytic systems. However, we'll try to implement it in a manner which will at least give the surveillance aparatus something to ponder over.
First install some dependencies. Because hybrid doesn't support OpenSSL by default, you have to do a manual patch to get it working.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
cd ~/build
mkdir hybrid
cd hybrid
apt-get update apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential openssl libssl-dev debhelper dpatch docbook-to-man flex bison libpcre3-dev screen apt-get install build-essential openssl libssl-dev debhelper dpatch docbook-to-man flex bison libpcre3-dev screen
apt-get source ircd-hybrid
Then get the source code for ircd-hybrid. To enable SSL
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
mkdir ~/build editor ircd-hybrid-*/debian/rules
cd ~/build
verify it. At the top add:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
sha256sum ircd-hybrid-8.1.17.tgz USE_OPENSSL = 1
Install it. So the file should looks like:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
tar -xzvf ircd-hybrid-8.1.17.tgz 1# ...
cd ircd-hybrid-8.1.17 2# Some useful stuff to edit here.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ircd --enable-openssl 3# Beware: TOPICLEN may not exceed 390.
make 4NICKLEN = 15
make install 5TOPICLEN = 350
8# ...
Customise the configuration to your system, giving it a name and description. In this example is the static IP address on the BBB on the local network, so change that if necessary. Save and exit, then rebuild the deb-file and install it:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
chown -R irc:irc /usr/local/ircd cd ircd-hybrid-*
cp /usr/local/ircd/etc/reference.conf /usr/local/ircd/etc/ircd.conf dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
editor /usr/local/ircd/etc/ircd.conf cd ..
dpkg -i ircd-hybrid_*.deb
Set *name* to the domain name of your server, and set a description. Edit connect, listen and operator settings:
Set a *network_name* and *network_desc*. The network name should not contain any spaces. #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
editor /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf
Set max_clients to 20, or however many you expect that you'll typically need. Edit the connect section. Set *name* to the name of your server, and set a description.
connect {
/* name: the name of the server */
name = "";
Set a *network_name* and *network_desc*.
/* host: the host or IP to connect to. If a hostname is used it
* must match the reverse dns of the server.
host = "";
Set max_clients to 20.
/* passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C:) and accept (OLD N:).
* The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
send_password = "password";
accept_password = "password";
Within the admin section set your *name* and *email*. Within the admin section set your *name* and *email*.
Within the *listen* section set host to your fixed IP address (in the earlier Enable compression.
sections it was
Within the *auth* section set user = "*@" - or whatever the fixed IP address of the BBB is on your network - and password to the desired password for the IRC server. If you don't wish to use a password then remove need_password from the flags. #+BEGIN_SRC: c
/* compressed: controls whether traffic is compressed via ziplinks.
Within the *connect* section set *host* and *vhost* to your fixed IP address (in the earlier * By default this is disabled
sections it was and *name* to your domain name. Also set the *send/accept passwords* to your IRC login password. */
compressed = yes;
Within the *operator* section change *name* to the username/nick which you will user to irc@ };
Change *ssl_connection_required* to *yes*.
Save and exit, then restart the IRC server. Open port 6697 on your internet router and forward it to the BBB. Note that although ports 6665 to 6669 are active within the configuration file in practice we will only use the encrypted port.
Ensure that the configuration is only readable by the root user.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
chmod 600 /usr/local/ircd/etc/ircd.conf
Now create an init script. Within the *listen* section set host to your fixed IP address (in the earlier sections it was
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: c
adduser irc /* listen {}: contain information about the ports ircd listens on (OLD P:) */
listen {
/* port: the specific port to listen on. if no host is specified
* before, it will listen on all available IPs.
* ports are seperated via a comma, a range may be specified using ".."
/* port: listen on all available IPs, ports 6665 to 6669 */
host = "";
port = 6665 .. 6669;
/* sslport: ports to accept ONLY ssl connections on */
flags = ssl;
port = 6697
Make the password some long random string. Generate a password for the IRC operator using mkpasswd tool.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
editor /usr/bin/runircd mkpasswd -Hmd5
Add the following: Search for operator block and change it to look like this, including the password which you just generated:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: c
#!/bin/sh # ...
USERNAME=irc operator {
COMMAND="cd /usr/local/ircd/bin; ircd > /usr/local/ircd/ircd.log" /* name: the name of the oper */
su -l $USERNAME -c '$COMMAND' name = "root";
/* user: the user@host required for this operator. CIDR is not
* supported. multiple user="" lines are supported.
user = "*@*";
/* password: the password required to oper. By default this will
* need to be encrypted using '/usr/bin/mkpasswd'.
* WARNING: Please do not mix up the 'mkpasswd' program from
* /usr/sbin with this one. If you are root, typing 'mkpasswd'
* will run that one instead and you will receive a strange error.
* MD5 is supported. If you want to use it, use mkpasswd -Hmd5.
password = "#MD5 PASSWORD HERE#";
# ...
Within the *auth* section set user = "*@" - or whatever the fixed IP address of the BBB is on your network.
Save and exit. Save and exit.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: c
chmod +x /usr/bin/runircd service ircd-hybrid restart
editor /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid
Add the following: Now open ports 6665 to 6669 on your internet router/firewall.
After connecting to IRC server you should see something like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
#!/bin/bash 23:50 -!- - hybrid7.debian.local Message of the Day -
# /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid 23:50 -!- - _,met$$$$$gg. ircd-hybrid 7.2.2
23:50 -!- - ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. -----------------
### BEGIN INIT INFO 23:50 -!- - ,g$$P"" """Y$$.".
# Provides: ircd-hybrid 23:50 -!- - ,$$P' `$$$. If you are seeing this, you have
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog 23:50 -!- - ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: installed the ircd-hybrid package and
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog 23:50 -!- - `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ you are now connected to your new IRC
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 23:50 -!- - $$P d$' , $$P server -- congratulations.
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6 23:50 -!- - $$: $$. - ,d$$'
# Short-Description: starts irc server 23:50 -!- - $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Since you have just installed the
# Description: starts irc server 23:50 -!- - Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' package, there are some things you
### END INIT INFO 23:50 -!- - `$$b "-.__ should do before going any further:
23:50 -!- - `Y$$b
# Author: Bob Mottram <> 23:50 -!- - `Y$$. 1. Edit /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf to
23:50 -!- - `$$b. suit your needs. Beware some options have
#Settings 23:50 -!- - `Y$$b. been removed or moved into other blocks in
SERVICE='ircd-hybrid' 23:50 -!- - `"Y$b._ the configuration file since
COMMAND="runircd" 23:50 -!- - `"""" ircd-hybrid 7.0.3.
USER='irc' 23:50 -!- -
NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources 23:50 -!- - 2. Edit /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.motd (this
HISTORY=1024 23:50 -!- - MOTD) to suit your needs. You are free
INVOCATION="nice -n ${NICELEVEL} ${COMMAND}" 23:50 -!- - to use this Debian swirl under the
PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/core_perl:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin' 23:50 -!- - Debian Open Use Logo License. :)
23:50 -!- -
23:50 -!- - 3. Restart the server using invoke-rc.d
23:50 -!- - ircd-hybrid restart.
23:50 -!- -
irc_start() { 23:50 -!- End of /MOTD command.
echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USER
irc_stop() {
echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
pkill ${COMMAND}
#Start-Stop here
case "$1" in
sleep 10s
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Save and exit, then start the daemon. If necessary you can change the message of the day with:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
editor /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.motd
The restart the irc server.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash #+BEGIN_SRC: bash
chmod +x /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid
update-rc.d ircd-hybrid defaults
service ircd-hybrid start service ircd-hybrid start
@ -7169,7 +7194,7 @@ mysqlcheck -c -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE > $TEMPFILE
# If it still contains errors then restore from backup # If it still contains errors then restore from backup
if grep -q "Error" "$TEMPFILE"; then if grep -q "Error" "$TEMPFILE"; then
mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE -o < /var/backups/$DATABASE_daily.sql mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD $DATABASE -o < /var/backups/${DATABASE}_daily.sql
# Send a warning email # Send a warning email
echo "$DATABASE database corruption could not be repaired. Restored from backup." | mail -s "Freedombone database maintenance" $EMAIL echo "$DATABASE database corruption could not be repaired. Restored from backup." | mail -s "Freedombone database maintenance" $EMAIL