#!/bin/bash # Freedombone install script intended for use with Debian Jessie # # Note on dynamic dns # =================== # # I'm not particularly trying to promote freedns.afraid.org # as a service, it just happens to be a dynamic DNS system which # provides free (as in beer) accounts, and I'm trying to make the # process of setting up a working server as trivial as possible. # Other dynamic DNS systems are available, and if you're using # something different then comment out the section within # argument_checks and the call to dynamic_dns_freedns. # # Prerequisites # ============= # # cd ~/ # wget http://freedombone.uk.to/debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar.xz # # Verify it. # # sha256sum debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar.xz # fc225cfb3c2dfad92cccafa97e92c3cd3db9d94f4771af8da364ef59609f43de # # Uncompress it. # # tar xJf debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar.xz # cd debian-jessie-console-armhf-2014-08-13 # # sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools dosfstools git-core kpartx wget parted # sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb beaglebone # # When finished eject the micrtoSD then reinsert it # # sudo cp /media/$USER/BOOT/bbb-uEnv.txt /media/$USER/BOOT/uEnv.txt # sync # # Eject microSD, insert into BBB, attach USB cable between BBB and laptop. # On Ubuntu wait until you see the "connected" message. # # ssh-keygen -f "/home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts" -R # ssh debian@ (password "temppwd") # su (password "root") # passwd # adduser $MY_USERNAME # sed -i '/iface eth0 inet dhcp/a\iface eth0 inet static' /etc/network/interfaces # sed -i '/iface eth0 inet static/a\ dns-nameservers' /etc/network/interfaces # sed -i "/iface eth0 inet static/a\ gateway $MY_ROUTER_IP" /etc/network/interfaces # sed -i '/iface eth0 inet static/a\ netmask' /etc/network/interfaces # sed -i "/iface eth0 inet static/a\ address $MY_BBB_STATIC_IP" /etc/network/interfaces # sed -i '/iface usb0 inet static/,/ gateway s/^/#/' /etc/network/interfaces # shutdown now # # Connect BBB to router # # scp install-freedombone.sh $MY_USERNAME@$MY_BBB_STATIC_IP:/home/$MY_USERNAME # ssh $MY_USERNAME@$MY_BBB_STATIC_IP # su # ./install-freedombone.sh [DOMAIN_NAME] [MY_USERNAME] DOMAIN_NAME=$1 MY_USERNAME=$2 FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE=$3 SSH_PORT=2222 KERNEL_VERSION="v3.15.10-bone7" USE_HWRNG="yes" # The Debian package repository to use. DEBIAN_REPO="ftp.de.debian.org" DEBIAN_VERSION="jessie" # Directory where source code is downloaded and compiled INSTALL_DIR=/root/build export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # File which keeps track of what has already been installed COMPLETION_FILE=/root/freedombone-completed.txt if [ ! -f $COMPLETION_FILE ]; then touch $COMPLETION_FILE fi function argument_checks { echo './install-freedombone.sh [domain] [username] [subdomain code]' echo '' if [ ! $DOMAIN_NAME ]; then echo 'Please specify your domain name' exit fi if [ ! $MY_USERNAME ]; then echo 'Please specify your username' exit fi if [ ! $FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE ]; then echo 'Please specify the freedns subdomain code. To find it from ' echo "https://freedns.afraid.org select 'Dynamic DNS', then 'quick " echo "cron example' and copy the code located between '?' and '=='." exit fi } function change_login_message { if grep -Fxq "change_login_message" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo '' > /etc/motd echo ".---. . . " >> /etc/motd echo "| | | " >> /etc/motd echo "|--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. " >> /etc/motd echo "| | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' " >> /etc/motd echo "' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --'" >> /etc/motd echo '' >> /etc/motd echo ' Freedom in the Cloud' >> /etc/motd echo '' >> /etc/motd echo 'change_login_message' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function remove_proprietary_repos { if grep -Fxq "remove_proprietary_repos" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi sed -i 's/ non-free//g' /etc/apt/sources.list echo 'remove_proprietary_repos' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function change_debian_repos { if grep -Fxq "change_debian_repos" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* apt-get clean sed -i "s/ftp.us.debian.org/$DEBIAN_REPO/g" /etc/apt/sources.list # ensure that there is a security repo if ! grep -q "security" /etc/apt/sources.list; then if grep -q "jessie" /etc/apt/sources.list; then echo "deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list else if grep -q "wheezy" /etc/apt/sources.list; then echo "deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list fi fi fi apt-get update echo 'change_debian_repos' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function initial_setup { if grep -Fxq "initial_setup" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y remove --purge apache* apt-get -y dist-upgrade apt-get -y install ca-certificates emacs24 echo 'initial_setup' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function install_editor { if grep -Fxq "install_editor" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/emacs24 echo 'install_editor' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function enable_backports { if grep -Fxq "enable_backports" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi if ! grep -Fxq "deb https://$DEBIAN_REPO/debian jessie-backports main" /etc/apt/sources.list; then echo "deb https://$DEBIAN_REPO/debian jessie-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list fi echo 'enable_backports' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function update_the_kernel { if grep -Fxq "update_the_kernel" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi cd /opt/scripts/tools ./update_kernel.sh --kernel $KERNEL_VERSION echo 'update_the_kernel' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function enable_zram { if grep -Fxq "enable_zram" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo "options zram num_devices=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/zram.conf echo '#!/bin/bash' > /etc/init.d/zram echo '### BEGIN INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Provides: zram' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Required-Start:' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Required-Stop:' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Default-Stop: 0 1 6' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Short-Description: Increased Performance In Linux With zRam (Virtual Swap Compressed in RAM)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '# Description: Adapted from systemd scripts at https://github.com/mystilleef/FedoraZram' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '### END INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo 'start() {' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # get the number of CPUs' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # if something goes wrong, assume we have 1' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' [ "$num_cpus" != 0 ] || num_cpus=1' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # set decremented number of CPUs' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' decr_num_cpus=$((num_cpus - 1))' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # get the amount of memory in the machine' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' mem_total_kb=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | grep -E --only-matching "[[:digit:]]+")' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' mem_total=$((mem_total_kb * 1024))' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # load dependency modules' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' modprobe zram num_devices=$num_cpus' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # initialize the devices' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' echo $((mem_total / num_cpus)) > /sys/block/zram$i/disksize' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' done' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # Creating swap filesystems' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' mkswap /dev/zram$i' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' done' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # Switch the swaps on' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' swapon -p 100 /dev/zram$i' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' done' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo 'stop() {' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # get the number of CPUs' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # set decremented number of CPUs' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' decr_num_cpus=$((num_cpus - 1))' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' # Switching off swap' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' for i in $(seq 0 $decr_num_cpus); do' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' if [ "$(grep /dev/zram$i /proc/swaps)" != "" ]; then' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' swapoff /dev/zram$i' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' sleep 1' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' fi' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' done' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' sleep 1' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' rmmod zram' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo 'case "$1" in' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' start)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' start' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' stop)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' stop' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' restart)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' stop' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' sleep 3' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' start' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' *)' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo ' RETVAL=1' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo 'esac' >> /etc/init.d/zram echo 'exit $RETVAL' >> /etc/init.d/zram chmod +x /etc/init.d/zram update-rc.d zram defaults echo 'enable_zram' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function random_number_generator { if grep -Fxq "random_number_generator" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi if [ $USE_HWRNG == "yes" ]; then apt-get -y install rng-tools sed -i 's|#HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng|HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng|g' /etc/default/rng-tools else apt-get -y install haveged fi echo 'random_number_generator' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_ssh { if grep -Fxq "configure_ssh" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi sed -i "s/Port 22/Port $SSH_PORT/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/X11Forwarding yes/X11Forwarding no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/ServerKeyBits 1024/ServerKeyBits 4096/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's/TCPKeepAlive yes/TCPKeepAlive no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's|HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key|#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's|HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key|#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo 'ClientAliveInterval 60' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo 'ClientAliveCountMax 3' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo 'Ciphers aes256-ctr,aes128-ctr' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config echo 'MACs hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160 KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config apt-get -y install fail2ban echo 'configure_ssh' >> $COMPLETION_FILE echo '' echo '' echo ' *** Rebooting to initialise ssh settings and random number generator ***' echo '' echo " *** Reconnect via ssh on port $SSH_PORT, then run this script again ***" echo '' reboot } function regenerate_ssh_keys { if grep -Fxq "regenerate_ssh_keys" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server service ssh restart echo 'regenerate_ssh_keys' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_dns { if grep -Fxq "configure_dns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo 'domain localdomain' > /etc/resolv.conf echo 'search localdomain' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf echo 'configure_dns' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function set_your_domain_name { if grep -Fxq "set_your_domain_name" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo "$DOMAIN_NAME" > /etc/hostname hostname $DOMAIN_NAME sed -i "s/ arm/ $DOMAIN_NAME/g" /etc/hosts echo " $DOMAIN_NAME" >> /etc/hosts echo 'set_your_domain_name' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function time_synchronisation { if grep -Fxq "time_synchronisation" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y install tlsdate apt-get -y remove ntpdate echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'TIMESOURCE=google.com' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'TIMESOURCE2=www.ptb.de' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'LOGFILE=/var/log/tlsdate.log' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'TIMEOUT=5' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo "EMAIL=$MY_USERNAME@$DOMAIN_NAME" >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# File which contains the previous date as a number' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'BEFORE_DATE_FILE=/var/log/tlsdateprevious.txt' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# File which contains the previous date as a string' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'BEFORE_FULLDATE_FILE=/var/log/tlsdate.txt' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'DATE_BEFORE=$(date)' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'BEFORE=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" "+%s")' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'BACKWARDS_BETWEEN=0' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# If the date was previously set' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'if [[ -f "$BEFORE_DATE_FILE" ]]; then' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' BEFORE_FILE=$(cat $BEFORE_DATE_FILE)' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' BEFORE_FULLDATE=$(cat $BEFORE_FULLDATE_FILE)' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # is the date going backwards?' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' if (( BEFORE_FILE > BEFORE )); then' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n "Date went backwards between tlsdate updates. " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n "$BEFORE_FILE > $BEFORE, " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo "$BEFORE_FULLDATE > $DATE_BEFORE" >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # Send a warning email' > /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo $(tail $LOGFILE -n 2) | mail -s "tlsdate anomaly" $EMAIL' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # Try another time source' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' TIMESOURCE=$TIMESOURCE2' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # try running without any parameters' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' tlsdate >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' BACKWARDS_BETWEEN=1' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' fi' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# Set the date' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '/usr/bin/timeout $TIMEOUT tlsdate -l -t -H $TIMESOURCE -p 443 >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'DATE_AFTER=$(date)' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'AFTER=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" '+%s')' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# After setting the date did it go backwards?' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'if (( AFTER < BEFORE )); then' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo "Incorrect date: $DATE_BEFORE -> $DATE_AFTER" >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # Send a warning email' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo $(tail $LOGFILE -n 2) | mail -s "tlsdate anomaly" $EMAIL' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' # Try resetting the date from another time source' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' /usr/bin/timeout $TIMEOUT tlsdate -l -t -H $TIMESOURCE2 -p 443 >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' DATE_AFTER=$(date)' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' AFTER=$(date -d "$Y-$M-$D" "+%s")' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'else' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n $TIMESOURCE >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' if [[ -f "$BEFORE_DATE_FILE" ]]; then' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n $BEFORE_FILE >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' fi' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n $BEFORE >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n $AFTER >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo -n " " >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo $DATE_AFTER >> $LOGFILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo '# Log the last date' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'if [ BACKWARDS_BETWEEN == 0 ]; then' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo "$AFTER" > $BEFORE_DATE_FILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' echo "$DATE_AFTER" > $BEFORE_FULLDATE_FILE' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' exit 0' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'else' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo ' exit 1' >> /usr/bin/updatedate echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/updatedate chmod +x /usr/bin/updatedate echo '*/15 * * * * root /usr/bin/updatedate' >> /etc/crontab service cron restart echo '#!/bin/bash' > /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# /etc/init.d/tlsdate' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '### BEGIN INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Provides: tlsdate' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Default-Stop: 0 1 6' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Short-Description: Initially calls tlsdate with the timewarp option' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Description: Initially calls tlsdate with the timewarp option' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '### END INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '# Author: Bob Mottram <bob@robotics.uk.to>' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'LOGFILE="/var/log/tlsdate.log"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'TLSDATECOMMAND="tlsdate --timewarp -l -H www.ptb.de -p 443 >> $LOGFILE"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo '#Start-Stop here' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'case "$1" in' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' start)' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' echo "tlsdate started"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' $TLSDATECOMMAND' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' stop)' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' echo "tlsdate stopped"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' restart)' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' echo "tlsdate restarted"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' $TLSDATECOMMAND' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' *)' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' exit 1' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'esac' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate echo 'exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/tlsdate chmod +x /etc/init.d/tlsdate update-rc.d tlsdate defaults echo 'time_synchronisation' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -F ip6tables -F iptables -X ip6tables -X iptables -P INPUT DROP ip6tables -P INPUT DROP iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT echo 'configure_firewall' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function save_firewall_settings { iptables-save > /etc/firewall.conf ip6tables-save > /etc/firewall6.conf printf '#!/bin/sh\n' > /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables printf 'iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf\n' >> /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables printf 'ip6tables-restore < /etc/firewall6.conf\n' >> /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables } function configure_firewall_for_dns { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_dns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 1024:65535 --sport 53 -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_dns' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall_for_ftp { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_ftp" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 1024:65535 --sport 20:21 -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_ftp' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall_for_web { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_web" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 32768:61000 --sport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 32768:61000 --sport 443 -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_web' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall_for_ssh { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_ssh" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport $SSH_PORT -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_ssh' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall_for_git { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_git" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 9418 -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_git' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_firewall_for_email { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_email" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 587 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 465 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 993 -j ACCEPT save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_email' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_internet_protocol { if grep -Fxq "configure_internet_protocol" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1/net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0/net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0/net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0/net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0/net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0/net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=1/net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=1/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1/net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/net.ipv4.ip_forward=0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i "s/#net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1/net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0/g" /etc/sysctl.conf echo '# ignore pings' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv6.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo '# disable ipv6' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo '# keepalive' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200' >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 'configure_internet_protocol' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function script_to_make_self_signed_certificates { if grep -Fxq "script_to_make_self_signed_certificates" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/makecert echo 'HOSTNAME=$1' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'COUNTRY_CODE="US"' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'AREA="Free Speech Zone"' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'LOCATION="Freedomville"' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'ORGANISATION="Freedombone"' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'UNIT="Freedombone Unit"' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'if ! which openssl > /dev/null ;then' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo ' echo "$0: openssl is not installed, exiting" 1>&2' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo ' exit 1' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -sha256 -subj "/O=$ORGANISATION/OU=$UNIT/C=$COUNTRY_CODE/ST=$AREA/L=$LOCATION/CN=$HOSTNAME" -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'openssl dhparam -check -text -5 1024 -out /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.dhparam' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'chmod 400 /etc/ssl/private/$HOSTNAME.key' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.dhparam' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'if [ -f /etc/init.d/nginx ]; then' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo ' /etc/init.d/nginx reload' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo '# add the public certificate to a separate directory' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo '# so that we can redistribute it easily' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'if [ ! -d /etc/ssl/mycerts ]; then' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo ' mkdir /etc/ssl/mycerts' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'cp /etc/ssl/certs/$HOSTNAME.crt /etc/ssl/mycerts' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo '# Create a bundle of your certificates' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'cat /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt > /etc/ssl/freedombone-bundle.crt' >> /usr/bin/makecert echo 'tar -czvf /etc/ssl/freedombone-certs.tar.gz /etc/ssl/mycerts/*.crt' >> /usr/bin/makecert chmod +x /usr/bin/makecert echo 'script_to_make_self_signed_certificates' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_email { if grep -Fxq "configure_email" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y remove postfix apt-get -y --force-yes install exim4 sasl2-bin swaks libnet-ssleay-perl procmail echo 'dc_eximconfig_configtype="internet"' > /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_other_hostnames='$DOMAIN_NAME'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_local_interfaces=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_readhost=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_relay_domains=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_minimaldns='false'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_relay_nets=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_smarthost=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "CFILEMODE='644'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_use_split_config='false'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_hide_mailname=''" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_mailname_in_oh='true'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf echo "dc_localdelivery='maildir_home'" >> /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf update-exim4.conf sed -i "s/START=no/START=yes/g" /etc/default/saslauthd /etc/init.d/saslauthd start # make a tls certificate for email makecert exim mv /etc/ssl/private/exim.key /etc/exim4 mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.crt /etc/exim4 mv /etc/ssl/certs/exim.dhparam /etc/exim4 chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam chmod 640 /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam sed -i '/login_saslauthd_server/,/.endif/ s/# *//' /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template sed -i "/.ifdef MAIN_HARDCODE_PRIMARY_HOSTNAME/i\MAIN_HARDCODE_PRIMARY_HOSTNAME = $DOMAIN_NAME\nMAIN_TLS_ENABLE = true" /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template sed -i "s|SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS=''|SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS='-oX 465:25:587 -oP /var/run/exim4/exim.pid'|g" /etc/default/exim4 if ! grep -q "tls_on_connect_ports=465" /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template; then sed -i '/SSL configuration for exim/i\tls_on_connect_ports=465' /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template fi adduser $MY_USERNAME sasl addgroup Debian-exim sasl /etc/init.d/exim4 restart if [ ! -d /etc/skel/Maildir ]; then mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/tmp mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/cur mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/Sent/new mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/cur mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/new mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam/tmp mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/cur mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/new mkdir -m 700 /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham/tmp ln -s /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-spam /etc/skel/Maildir/spam ln -s /etc/skel/Maildir/.learn-ham /etc/skel/Maildir/ham fi if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir ]; then mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/cur mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/tmp mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/new mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/Sent mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/Sent/cur mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/Sent/tmp mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/Sent/new mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/cur mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/new mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam/tmp mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/cur mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/new mkdir -m 700 /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham/tmp ln -s /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/spam ln -s /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir/ham chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/Maildir fi echo 'configure_email' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function spam_filtering { # NOTE: spamassassin installation currently doesn't work, sa-compile fails with a make error 23/09/2014 if grep -Fxq "spam_filtering" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y --force-yes install exim4-daemon-heavy apt-get -y --force-yes install spamassassin sa-update -v sed -i 's/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/g' /etc/default/spamassassin sed -i 's/# spamd_address = 783/spamd_address = 783/g' /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template # This configuration is based on https://wiki.debian.org/DebianSpamAssassin sed -i 's/local_parts = postmaster/local_parts = postmaster:abuse/g' /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/30_exim4-config_check_rcpt sed -i '/domains = +local_domains : +relay_to_domains/a\ set acl_m0 = rfcnames' /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/30_exim4-config_check_rcpt sed -i 's/accept/accept condition = ${if eq{$acl_m0}{rfcnames} {1}{0}}/g' /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo 'warn message = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo ' spam = nobody:true' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo 'warn message = X-Spam-Flag: YES' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo ' spam = nobody' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo 'warn message = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo ' spam = nobody' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo '# reject spam at high scores (> 12)' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo 'deny message = This message scored $spam_score spam points.' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo ' spam = nobody:true' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data echo ' condition = ${if >{$spam_score_int}{120}{1}{0}}' >> /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_exim4-config_check_data # procmail configuration echo 'MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir' > /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo 'DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo 'LOGFILE=$HOME/log/procmail.log' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo 'LOGABSTRACT=all' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '# get spamassassin to check emails' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ':0fw: .spamassassin.lock' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ' * < 256000' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '| spamc' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '# strong spam are discarded' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ':0' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ' * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '/dev/null' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '# weak spam are kept just in case - clear this out every now and then' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ':0' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ' * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '.0-spam/' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '# otherwise, marginal spam goes here for revision' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ':0' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo ' * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc echo '.spam/' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc # filtering scripts echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'USERNAME=$1' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'MAILDIR=/home/$USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-spam' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'if [ ! -d "$MAILDIR" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo ' exit' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'for f in `ls $MAILDIR/cur`' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'do' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo ' spamc -L spam < "$MAILDIR/cur/$f" > /dev/null' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo ' rm "$MAILDIR/cur/$f"' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'done' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'for f in `ls $MAILDIR/new`' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'do' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo ' spamc -L spam < "$MAILDIR/new/$f" > /dev/null' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo ' rm "$MAILDIR/new/$f"' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo 'done' >> /usr/bin/filterspam echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/filterham echo 'USERNAME=$1' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'MAILDIR=/home/$USERNAME/Maildir/.learn-ham' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'if [ ! -d "$MAILDIR" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo ' exit' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'for f in `ls $MAILDIR/cur`' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'do' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo ' spamc -L ham < "$MAILDIR/cur/$f" > /dev/null' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo ' rm "$MAILDIR/cur/$f"' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'done' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'for f in `ls $MAILDIR/new`' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'do' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo ' spamc -L ham < "$MAILDIR/new/$f" > /dev/null' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo ' rm "$MAILDIR/new/$f"' >> /usr/bin/filterham echo 'done' >> /usr/bin/filterham if ! grep -q "filterspam" /etc/crontab; then echo "*/3 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/filterspam $MY_USERNAME" >> /etc/crontab fi if ! grep -q "filterham" /etc/crontab; then echo "*/3 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 120 /usr/bin/filterham $MY_USERNAME" >> /etc/crontab fi chmod 655 /usr/bin/filterspam /usr/bin/filterham sed -i 's/# use_bayes 1/use_bayes 1/g' /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf sed -i 's/# bayes_auto_learn 1/bayes_auto_learn 1/g' /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf service spamassassin restart service exim4 restart service cron restart echo 'spam_filtering' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_imap { if grep -Fxq "configure_imap" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y --force-yes install dovecot-common dovecot-imapd makecert dovecot chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.crt chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.dhparams sed -i 's|#ssl = yes|ssl = yes|g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf sed -i 's|ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/dovecot.pem|ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.crt|g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf sed -i 's|ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem|/etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key|g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf sed -i 's|#ssl_dh_parameters_length = 1024|ssl_dh_parameters_length = 1024|g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf sed -i 's/#ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = no/ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf echo "ssl_cipher_list = 'EDH+CAMELLIA:EDH+aRSA:EECDH+aRSA+AESGCM:EECDH+aRSA+SHA384:EECDH+aRSA+SHA256:EECDH:+CAMELLIA256:+AES256:+CAMELLIA128:+AES128:+SSLv3:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!3DES:!MD5:!EXP:!PSK:!DSS:!RC4:!SEED:!ECDSA:CAMELLIA256-SHA:AES256-SHA:CAMELLIA128-SHA:AES128-SHA'" >> /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf sed -i 's/#listen = *, ::/listen = */g' /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf sed -i 's/#disable_plaintext_auth = yes/disable_plaintext_auth = no/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf sed -i 's/auth_mechanisms = plain/auth_mechanisms = plain login/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf sed -i 's|# mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir| mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs|g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf echo 'configure_imap' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function configure_gpg { if grep -Fxq "configure_gpg" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y install gnupg echo 'configure_gpg' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function email_client { if grep -Fxq "email_client" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y --force-yes install mutt-patched lynx abook if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt ]; then mkdir /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt fi echo "text/html; lynx -dump -width=78 -nolist %s | sed ‘s/^ //’; copiousoutput; needsterminal; nametemplate=%s.html" > /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt/mailcap chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt echo 'set mbox_type=Maildir' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set folder="~/Maildir"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set mask="!^\\.[^.]"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set mbox="~/Maildir"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set record="+Sent"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set postponed="+Drafts"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set trash="+Trash"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set spoolfile="~/Maildir"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'auto_view text/x-vcard text/html text/enriched' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set editor="emacs"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set header_cache="+.cache"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index S "<tag-prefix><save-message>=.learn-spam<enter>" "move to learn-spam"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro pager S "<save-message>=.learn-spam<enter>" "move to learn-spam"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index H "<tag-prefix><copy-message>=.learn-ham<enter>" "copy to learn-ham"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro pager H "<copy-message>=.learn-ham<enter>" "copy to learn-ham"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# set up the sidebar' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set sidebar_width=12' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set sidebar_visible=yes' >> /etc/Muttrc echo "set sidebar_delim='|'" >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set sidebar_sort=yes' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set rfc2047_parameters' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# Show inbox and sent items' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'mailboxes = =Sent' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# Alter these colours as needed for maximum bling' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color sidebar_new yellow default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color normal white default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color hdrdefault brightcyan default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color signature green default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color attachment brightyellow default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color quoted green default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color quoted1 white default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color tilde blue default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# ctrl-n, ctrl-p to select next, prev folder' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# ctrl-o to open selected folder' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind index \Cp sidebar-prev' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind index \Cn sidebar-next' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind index \Co sidebar-open' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind pager \Cp sidebar-prev' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind pager \Cn sidebar-next' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'bind pager \Co sidebar-open' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# ctrl-b toggles sidebar visibility' >> /etc/Muttrc echo "macro index,pager \Cb '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><redraw-screen>' 'toggle sidebar'" >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# esc-m Mark new messages as read' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index <esc>m "T~N<enter>;WNT~O<enter>;WO\CT~T<enter>" "mark all messages read"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# Collapsing threads' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index [ "<collapse-thread>" "collapse/uncollapse thread"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index ] "<collapse-all>" "collapse/uncollapse all threads"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# threads containing new messages' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'uncolor index "~(~N)"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color index brightblue default "~(~N)"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# new messages themselves' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'uncolor index "~N"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'color index brightyellow default "~N"' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# GPG/PGP integration' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# this set the number of seconds to keep in memory the passphrase used to encrypt/sign' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set pgp_timeout=60' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '# automatically sign and encrypt with PGP/MIME' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set pgp_autosign # autosign all outgoing mails' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set pgp_replyencrypt # autocrypt replies to crypted' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set pgp_replysign # autosign replies to signed' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set pgp_auto_decode=yes # decode attachments' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'unset smime_is_default' >> /etc/Muttrc echo '' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set alias_file=~/.mutt-alias' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'source ~/.mutt-alias' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'set query_command= "abook --mutt-query \"%s\""' >> /etc/Muttrc echo 'macro index,pager A "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "add the sender address to abook"' >> /etc/Muttrc cp -f /etc/Muttrc /home/$MY_USERNAME/.muttrc touch /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt-alias chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.muttrc chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.mutt-alias echo 'email_client' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function folders_for_mailing_lists { if grep -Fxq "folders_for_mailing_lists" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'MYUSERNAME=$1' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'MAILINGLIST=$2' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'SUBJECTTAG=$3' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'MUTTRC=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.muttrc' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'PM=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.procmailrc' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'LISTDIR=/home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/$MAILINGLIST' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'if [ ! -d "$LISTDIR" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/tmp' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/new' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/cur' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'chown -R $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $LISTDIR' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'echo "" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'echo ":0" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'echo " * ^Subject:.*()\[$SUBJECTTAG\]" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'echo "$LISTDIR/new" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'chown $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $PM' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'if [ ! -f "$MUTTRC" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' cp /etc/Muttrc $MUTTRC' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' chown $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $MUTTRC' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'PROCMAILLOG=/home/$MYUSERNAME/log' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'if [ ! -d $PROCMAILLOG ]; then' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' mkdir $PROCMAILLOG' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo ' chown -R $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $PROCMAILLOG' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/mailinglistrule chmod +x /usr/bin/mailinglistrule echo 'folders_for_mailing_lists' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function folders_for_email_addresses { if grep -Fxq "folders_for_email_addresses" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'MYUSERNAME=$1' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'EMAILADDRESS=$2' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'MAILINGLIST=$3' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'MUTTRC=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.muttrc' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'PM=/home/$MYUSERNAME/.procmailrc' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'LISTDIR=/home/$MYUSERNAME/Maildir/$MAILINGLIST' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'if [ ! -d "$LISTDIR" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/tmp' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/new' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/cur' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'chown -R $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $LISTDIR' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'echo "" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'echo ":0" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'echo " * ^From: $EMAILADDRESS" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'echo "$LISTDIR/new" >> $PM' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'chown $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $PM' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'if [ ! -f "$MUTTRC" ]; then' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' cp /etc/Muttrc $MUTTRC' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' chown $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $MUTTRC' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'PROCMAILLOG=/home/$MYUSERNAME/log' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'if [ ! -d $PROCMAILLOG ]; then' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' mkdir $PROCMAILLOG' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo ' chown -R $MYUSERNAME:$MYUSERNAME $PROCMAILLOG' >> /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'fi' >> /usr/bin/emailrule chmod +x /usr/bin/emailrule echo 'folders_for_email_addresses' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function dynamic_dns_freedns { if grep -Fxq "dynamic_dns_freedns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/dynamicdns echo '# subdomain name 1' >> /usr/bin/dynamicdns echo "wget -O - https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?$FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE== >> /dev/null 2>&1" >> /usr/bin/dynamicdns echo '# add any other subdomains below' >> /usr/bin/dynamicdns chmod 600 /usr/bin/dynamicdns chmod +x /usr/bin/dynamicdns if ! grep -q "dynamicdns" /etc/crontab; then sed -i '/# m h dom mon dow user command/a\*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 240 /usr/bin/dynamicdns' /etc/crontab fi echo 'dynamic_dns_freedns' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function install_final { if grep -Fxq "install_final" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi echo 'install_final' >> $COMPLETION_FILE echo '' echo ' *** Freedombone installation is complete. Rebooting... ***' echo '' reboot } argument_checks configure_firewall configure_firewall_for_ssh configure_firewall_for_dns configure_firewall_for_ftp configure_firewall_for_web remove_proprietary_repos change_debian_repos enable_backports configure_dns initial_setup install_editor change_login_message update_the_kernel enable_zram random_number_generator set_your_domain_name time_synchronisation configure_internet_protocol configure_ssh regenerate_ssh_keys script_to_make_self_signed_certificates configure_email spam_filtering configure_imap configure_gpg email_client configure_firewall_for_email folders_for_mailing_lists folders_for_email_addresses dynamic_dns_freedns install_final echo 'Freedombone installation is complete'