#+TITLE: #+AUTHOR: Bob Mottram #+EMAIL: bob@robotics.uk.to #+KEYWORDS: freedombox, debian, beaglebone, red matrix, email, web server, home server, internet, censorship, surveillance, social network, irc, jabber #+DESCRIPTION: Turn the Beaglebone Black into a personal communications server #+OPTIONS: ^:nil #+BEGIN_CENTER [[./images/logo.png]] #+END_CENTER * On a Beaglebone Black To get started you will need: - A Beaglebone Black - A MicroSD card - Ethernet cable - Optionally a 5V 2A power supply for the Beaglebone Black - Access to the internet via a router with ethernet sockets - USB thumb drive (for backups or storing media) - One or more subdomains created on https://freedns.afraid.org - A purchased domain name and SSL certificate (only needed for Red Matrix) - A laptop or desktop machine with the ability to write to a microSD card (might need an adaptor) You will also need to know, or find out, the IP address of your internet router and have a suitable static IP address for the Beaglebone on your local network. The router should allow you to forward ports to the Beaglebone (often this is under firewall or "advanced" settings). Check that within *initial_setup.sh* the router IP address and static IP for the Beaglebone are set correctly. Plug the microSD card into your laptop/desktop and then run the *initial_setup.sh* script. For example: #+BEGIN_SRC bash ./initial_setup.sh /dev/sdX #+END_SRC where */dev/sdX* is the device name for the microSD card. Often it's */dev/sdb* or */dev/sdc*, depending upon how many drives there are on your system. The script will download the Debian installer and update the microSD card. It can take a while, so be patient. When the initial setup is done follow the instructions on screen to run the main Freedombone script. You can either edit the variables within the *install-freedombone.sh* script directly, or create a separate configuration file called *freedombone.cfg* which contains those variables. Variables which you might want to put into a *freedombone.cfg* file are: #+BEGIN_SRC bash MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS= MY_NAME= MY_BLOG_TITLE= MY_BLOG_SUBTITLE= SSH_PORT= FULLBLOG_DOMAIN_NAME= FULLBLOG_FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE= MICROBLOG_DOMAIN_NAME= MICROBLOG_FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE= REDMATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME= OWNCLOUD_DOMAIN_NAME= OWNCLOUD_FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE= WIKI_TITLE= WIKI_DOMAIN_NAME= WIKI_FREEDNS_SUBDOMAIN_CODE= MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY= MY_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY= PUBLIC_MAILING_LIST= ROUTE_THROUGH_TOR=no LOCAL_NETWORK_STATIC_IP_ADDRESS= #+END_SRC The GPG public/private key variables are for the filenames of exported GPG keys, and if a private key filename is given then it will be automatically shredded after import. The FreeDNS subdomain codes can be found under "Dynamic DNS" and "quick cron example". On the last line it will be the string located between the '?' and the '==' characters. The syntax of the *install-freedombone.sh* script is: #+BEGIN_SRC bash ./install-freedombone.sh [domain name] [username] [FreeDNS subdomain code] [optional variant type] #+END_SRC If you don't specify a variant type with the final option then everything will be installed. If you have a *freedombone.cfg* file then it should be in the same directory as *install-freedombone.sh*. Installation is not quick, and depends upon which variant you choose and your internet bandwidth. Allow about three hours for a full installation on the Beaglebone Black. On the Beaglebone installation is in two parts, since a reboot is needed to enable the hardware random number generator and zram. When done you can ssh into the Freedombone with: #+BEGIN_SRC bash ssh username@domain -p 2222 #+END_SRC Any manual post-installation setup instructions or passwords can be found in */home/username/README*. You should remove any passwords from that file and store them within a password manager such as KeepassX. * On other hardware It's also possible to install Freedombone onto other hardware, such as an old laptop or other type of single board computer. Any system with a fresh installation of Debian Jessie will do. Just make sure that you change the variable INSTALLING_ON_BBB to "no" within *freedombone.cfg* or the *install-freedombone.sh* script. Obviously, you don't need to run the *initial_setup.sh* script on non-Beaglebone systems.