#!/bin/bash # _____ _ _ # | __|___ ___ ___ _| |___ _____| |_ ___ ___ ___ # | __| _| -_| -_| . | . | | . | . | | -_| # |__| |_| |___|___|___|___|_|_|_|___|___|_|_|___| # # Freedom in the Cloud # # This command is run on initial install in order to set up a mesh router # # License # ======= # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . PROJECT_NAME='freedombone' export TEXTDOMAIN=${PROJECT_NAME}-image-mesh export TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/locale" # The browser application to use BROWSER=firefox BROWSER_OPTIONS='-private -url' MY_USERNAME='fbone' PEER_ID= INSTALL_DIR=/root/build INSTALL_LOG=/var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log DEFAULT_USERNAME=fbone TOX_NODES= #TOX_NODES=( # ',2607:5600:284::2,33445,951C88B7E75C867418ACDB5D273821372BB5BD652740BCDF623A4FA293E75D2F,Tox RELENG,US' # ',2a01:4f8:191:64d6::1,33445,04119E835DF3E78BACF0F84235B300546AF8B936F035185E2A8E9E0A67C8924F,sonOfRa,DE' #) MESH_INSTALL_DIR=/var/lib MESH_INSTALL_COMPLETED=/root/.mesh_setup_completed MESH_INSTALL_SETUP=/root/.initial_mesh_setup MESH_AMNESIC=/root/.amnesic FIRST_BOOT=/home/$MY_USERNAME/.first_boot # Tomb containing logs TOMB_LOG_SIZE_MB=10 # tmp directory TOMB_TMP_SIZE_MB=10 # size of the tomb used to store qtox settings TOMB_TOX_SIZE_MB=10 # Tomb containing tox bootstrap TOMB_TOX_BOOTSTRAP_SIZE_MB=10 MESH_INSTALL_DIR=/var/lib IPFS_PORT=4001 CURRENT_BLOG_INDEX=/home/$MY_USERNAME/.blog-index OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME="server" OPENVPN_KEY_FILENAME='client.ovpn' VPN_COUNTRY_CODE="US" VPN_AREA="Apparent Free Speech Zone" VPN_LOCATION="Freedomville" VPN_ORGANISATION="Freedombone" VPN_UNIT="Freedombone Unit" STUNNEL_PORT=3439 VPN_TLS_PORT=553 VPN_MESH_TLS_PORT=653 SCUTTLEBOT_PORT=8010 CRYPTPAD_PORT=9003 CRYPTPAD_DIR=/etc/cryptpad PEERTUBE_DIR=/etc/peertube function run_system_query_postgresql { query=$1 cd /etc/postgresql || exit 2648246824 sudo -u postgres psql -c "$query" } function create_password { openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c "${1}" ; echo -n '' } function enable_peertube { if [ ! -d $PEERTUBE_DIR ]; then return fi PEERTUBE_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(create_password 10)" if [ -d $PEERTUBE_DIR/videos ]; then rm -rf $PEERTUBE_DIR/videos/* fi if [ -d $PEERTUBE_DIR/thumbnails ]; then rm -rf $PEERTUBE_DIR/thumbnails/* fi systemctl restart postgresql run_system_query_postgresql "DROP DATABASE peertube;" run_system_query_postgresql "CREATE USER peertube WITH PASSWORD '$PEERTUBE_ADMIN_PASSWORD';" run_system_query_postgresql "CREATE DATABASE peertube OWNER peertube;" run_system_query_postgresql "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE peertube to peertube;" run_system_query_postgresql "set statement_timeout to 40000;" peertube_config_file=$PEERTUBE_DIR/config/production.yaml sed -i "s|hostname:.*|hostname: 'P$PEER_ID.local'|g" $peertube_config_file sed -i "s|password:.*|password: '$PEERTUBE_ADMIN_PASSWORD'|g" $peertube_config_file peertube_nginx_file=/etc/nginx/sites-available/peertube sed -i "s|server_name.*|server_name P$PEER_ID.local;|g" $peertube_nginx_file chown -R peertube:peertube $PEERTUBE_DIR # Set up the web server ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/peertube /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/peertube if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ]; then rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default fi systemctl enable peertube systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start peertube } function enable_cryptpad { if [ ! -d $CRYPTPAD_DIR ]; then return fi # Set up the web server ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/cryptpad /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cryptpad if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ]; then rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default fi if [ ! -d $CRYPTPAD_DIR/customize/api ]; then mkdir -p $CRYPTPAD_DIR/customize/api fi if [ -f $CRYPTPAD_DIR/config.js ]; then sed -i "s|myDomain:.*|myDomain: 'http://P${PEER_ID}.local',|g" $CRYPTPAD_DIR/config.js fi wget$CRYPTPAD_PORT/api/config -O $CRYPTPAD_DIR/customize/api/config if [ ! -f $CRYPTPAD_DIR/customize/api/config ]; then echo $'Unable to wget api/config' exit 89252 fi chown -R cryptpad:cryptpad $CRYPTPAD_DIR } # Debian stretch has a problem where the formerly predictable wlan0 and eth0 # device names get assigned random names. This is a hacky workaround. # Also adding net.ifnames=0 to kernel options on bootloader may work. function enable_predictable_device_names { ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules update-initramfs -u } function create_avahi_mesh_service { service_name=$1 service_type=$2 service_protocol=$3 service_port=$4 service_description="$5" if [ ! -d /etc/avahi ]; then echo $'create_avahi_mesh_service: avahi was not installed' exit 52925 fi { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo " %h ${service_type}"; echo ' '; echo " _${service_type}._${service_protocol}"; echo " ${service_port}"; echo " $service_description"; echo ' '; echo ''; } > "/etc/avahi/services/${service_name}.service" } function create_ram_disk { ramdisk_size_mb=$1 if [ ! -d /mnt/ramdisk ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/ramdisk fi if ! grep -q "ramdisk" /etc/fstab; then mount -t tmpfs -o size="${ramdisk_size_mb}m" tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk echo "tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=${ramdisk_size_mb}M 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo $"${ramdisk_size_mb}M ramdisk created for /tmp" >> $INSTALL_LOG fi } function make_root_read_only { if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop ]; then if ! grep -q 'ro,subvol=@' /etc/fstab; then sed -i 's|subvol=@|ro,subvol=@|g' /etc/fstab echo $'Root filesystem set to read only' >> $INSTALL_LOG fi fi } function tmp_ram_disk { ramdisk_size_mb=$1 if [ ! -d /tmp ]; then mkdir -p /tmp fi if ! grep -q '/tmp' /etc/fstab; then mount -t tmpfs -o size="${ramdisk_size_mb}m" tmpfs /tmp echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=${ramdisk_size_mb}M 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi } function set_hostname { DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME="$1" echo "$DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" > /etc/hostname echo "$DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" > /etc/mailname hostname "$DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" if grep -q "" /etc/hosts; then sed -i "s/*/ $DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME/g" /etc/hosts else echo " $DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" >> /etc/hosts fi } function change_avahi_name { decarray=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ) PEER_ID=${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]}${decarray[$RANDOM%10]} sed -i "s|#host-name=.*|host-name=P$PEER_ID|g" /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf sed -i "s|host-name=.*|host-name=P$PEER_ID|g" /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf set_hostname "P$PEER_ID" systemctl restart avahi-daemon echo "New avahi name for this peer is P$PEER_ID" echo $"avahi name changed to P${PEER_ID}.local" >> $INSTALL_LOG } function configure_toxcore { echo $'Configuring toxcore' >> $INSTALL_LOG TOXIC_FILE=$(grep "TOXIC_FILE=" "/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-tox" | head -n 1 | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then # change to the amnesic mount sed -i 's|/var/lib/tox-bootstrapd|/media/tox-bootstrapd|g' /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf systemctl stop tox-bootstrapd.service sed -i 's|WorkingDirectory=.*|WorkingDirectory=/media/tox-bootstrapd|g' /etc/systemd/system/tox-bootstrapd.service systemctl daemon-reload userdel -r tox-bootstrapd useradd --home-dir /media/tox-bootstrapd --create-home --system --shell /sbin/nologin --comment "Account to run Tox's DHT bootstrap daemon" --user-group tox-bootstrapd chmod 700 /media/tox-bootstrapd fi echo $'Enabling toxcore daemon' >> $INSTALL_LOG chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/tox-bootstrapd.service systemctl enable tox-bootstrapd.service echo $'Regenerating Tox bootstrap node keys' >> $INSTALL_LOG systemctl stop tox-bootstrapd.service if [ -f /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/keys ]; then rm /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/keys fi systemctl start tox-bootstrapd.service # sleep for a while so that the tox keys can be generated sleep 30 TOX_BOOTSTRAP_ID_FILE=/var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/pubkey.txt if [ -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then TOX_BOOTSTRAP_ID_FILE=/media/tox-bootstrapd/pubkey.txt fi TOX_PUBLIC_KEY=$(grep tox /var/log/syslog | grep "Public Key" | awk -F ' ' '{print $8}' | tail -1) if [ ${#TOX_PUBLIC_KEY} -lt 30 ]; then echo $'WARNING: Could not obtain the tox node public key' >> $INSTALL_LOG exit 46362 fi # save the public key for later reference echo "$TOX_PUBLIC_KEY" > $TOX_BOOTSTRAP_ID_FILE echo $'Configured toxcore' >> $INSTALL_LOG } function create_tox_user { # remove any existing user if [ -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/tox/data.tox ]; then rm -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/tox/data* fi if [ -d /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/tox/avatars ]; then rm -rf /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/tox/avatars fi if [ ! -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.first_boot ]; then touch /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.first_boot fi if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop ]; then return fi toxid -u $MY_USERNAME -n data chown -R ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/tox chmod +x /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/*.desktop chown ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/* echo $'Created Tox user' >> $INSTALL_LOG } function show_desktop_icons { if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop ]; then return fi echo '#!/bin/bash' > /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp echo "pkill $BROWSER" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp echo "$BROWSER $BROWSER_OPTIONS /home/$MY_USERNAME/help/mesh.html" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp chmod +x /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Version=1.0'; echo 'Name=Help'; echo "Name[el]="; echo "Name[ar]="; echo "Name[ca]=Ajuda"; echo "Name[hi]="; echo "Name[fr]=Aidez-moi"; echo "Name[de]=Hilfe"; echo "Name[es]=Ayuda"; echo "Name[it]=Aiuto"; echo "Name[ru]="; echo "Name[zh]="; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Comment=Show help'; echo "Comment[el]= "; echo "Comment[ar]= "; echo "Comment[ca]=Mostra ajuda"; echo "Comment[hi]= "; echo "Comment[fr]=Afficher l'aide"; echo "Comment[de]=Zeig Hilfe"; echo "Comment[es]=Mostrar ayuda"; echo "Comment[it]=Mostra aiuto"; echo "Comment[ru]= "; echo "Comment[zh]="; echo "Exec=bash -c /home/$MY_USERNAME/.showhelp"; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_help.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/help.desktop" { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Version=1.0'; echo 'Name=Wifi'; echo "Name[el]=Wifi"; echo "Name[ar]= "; echo "Name[ca]=Wifi"; echo "Name[hi]= - "; echo "Name[fr]=Wifi"; echo "Name[de]=W-lan"; echo "Name[es]=Wifi"; echo "Name[it]=Wi-Fi"; echo "Name[ru]=-"; echo "Name[zh]="; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Comment=Check wifi status'; echo "Comment[el]= wifi"; echo "Comment[ar]= "; echo "Comment[ca]=Comprova l'estat de wifi"; echo "Comment[hi]= "; echo "Comment[fr]=Vrifier l'tat du wifi"; echo "Comment[de]=WLAN-Status berprfen"; echo "Comment[es]=Verificar el estado del wifi"; echo "Comment[it]=Controllare lo stato wifi"; echo "Comment[ru]= wifi"; echo "Comment[zh]=wifi"; echo 'Exec=mate-terminal --full-screen -e "sudo batman monitor"'; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_wifi.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/wifi.desktop" { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Version=1.0'; echo 'Name=Network Restart'; echo "Name[el]= "; echo "Name[ar]= "; echo "Name[ca]=Reinicia la xarxa"; echo "Name[hi]= "; echo "Name[fr]=Redmarrage du rseau"; echo "Name[de]=Netzwerk Neustart"; echo "Name[es]=Reinicio de red"; echo "Name[it]=Riavvia rete"; echo "Name[ru]= "; echo "Name[zh]="; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Comment=Restart the mesh network daemon'; echo "Comment[el]= "; echo "Comment[ar]= "; echo "Comment[ca]=Reinicia el dimoni de la xarxa de malla"; echo "Comment[hi]= "; echo "Comment[fr]=Redmarrez le dmon rseau maill"; echo "Comment[de]=Starten Sie den Mesh-Netzwerk-Daemon neu."; echo "Comment[es]=Reinicie el daemon de red de malla"; echo "Comment[it]=Riavviare il daemon della rete mesh"; echo "Comment[ru]= "; echo "Comment[zh]="; echo 'Exec=mate-terminal -e "sudo batman restart 2> /dev/null"'; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_restart_network.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/restart.desktop" { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Version=1.0'; echo 'Name=New Identity'; echo "Name[el]= "; echo "Name[ar]= "; echo "Name[ca]=Nova identitat"; echo "Name[hi]= "; echo "Name[fr]=Nouvelle identit"; echo "Name[de]=Neue Identitt"; echo "Name[es]=Nueva identidad"; echo "Name[it]=Nuova Identit"; echo "Name[ru]= "; echo "Name[zh]="; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Comment=Create a new identity'; echo "Comment[el]= "; echo "Comment[ar]= "; echo "Comment[ca]=Crea una nova identitat"; echo "Comment[hi]= "; echo "Comment[fr]=Crer une nouvelle identit"; echo "Comment[de]=Erstellen Sie eine neue Identitt"; echo "Comment[es]=Crea una nueva identidad"; echo "Comment[it]=Crea una nuova identit"; echo "Comment[ru]= "; echo "Comment[zh]="; echo "Exec=${PROJECT_NAME}-mesh-reset"; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_new_identity.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/new_identity.desktop" { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Name=Social'; echo 'Name[el]='; echo 'Name[ar]='; echo 'Name[ca]=Social'; echo 'Name[hi]='; echo 'Name[fr]=Social'; echo 'Name[de]=Soziale'; echo 'Name[es]=Social'; echo 'Name[it]=Sociale'; echo 'Name[ru]='; echo 'Name[zh]='; echo 'Type=Application'; echo "Comment=A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[el]= Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[ar]= ()"; echo "Comment[ca]=Una aplicaci de missatgeria i distribuci descentralitzada integrada a Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[hi]= () "; echo "Comment[fr]=Une application de messagerie et de partage dcentralise base sur Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[de]=Eine dezentralisierte Messaging- und Sharing-App, die auf Secure Scuttlebutt basiert"; echo "Comment[es]=Una aplicacin de mensajera y uso compartido descentralizada construida sobre Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[it]=Un'applicazione decentralizzata di messaggistica e condivisione costruita sulla base di Secure Shuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[ru]= , Secure Scuttlebutt"; echo "Comment[zh]=Scuttlebutt"; echo 'Exec=bash /usr/bin/start_patchwork'; echo "Icon=/usr/share/$PROJECT_NAME/avatars/icon_social.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/social.desktop" cp "/root/${PROJECT_NAME}/img/icon_kdenlive.png" "/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_kdenlive.png" { echo '#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open'; echo '# KDE Config File'; echo ''; echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Name=Video Editor'; echo 'Name[ast]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[bs]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ca]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ca@valencia]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[cs]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[da]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[de]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[el]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[en_GB]=Video Editor'; echo 'Name[es]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[et]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[fi]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[fr]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ga]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[gl]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[hu]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[it]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ja]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[km]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[lt]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[lv]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[mr]=--'; echo 'Name[nb]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[nds]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[nl]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[nn]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[pl]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[pt]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[pt_BR]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ro]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ru]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[sk]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[sl]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[sv]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[tr]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[ug]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[uk]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[x-test]=xxKdenlivexx'; echo 'Name[zh_CN]=Kdenlive'; echo 'Name[zh_TW]=Kdenlive'; echo 'GenericName=Video Editor'; echo 'GenericName[ar]= '; echo 'GenericName[ast]=Editor de videu'; echo 'GenericName[bs]=Video ureiva'; echo 'GenericName[ca]=Editor de vdeo'; echo 'GenericName[ca@valencia]=Editor de vdeo'; echo 'GenericName[cs]=Editor vide'; echo 'GenericName[da]=Videoredigering'; echo 'GenericName[de]=Video-Editor'; echo 'GenericName[el]= '; echo 'GenericName[en_GB]=Video Editor'; echo 'GenericName[es]=Editor de video'; echo 'GenericName[et]=Videoredaktor'; echo 'GenericName[fi]=Videomuokkain'; echo 'GenericName[fr]=diteur vido'; echo 'GenericName[ga]=Eagarthir Fse'; echo 'GenericName[gl]=Editor de vdeo'; echo 'GenericName[hu]=Videoszerkeszt'; echo 'GenericName[it]=Editor video'; echo 'GenericName[ja]='; echo 'GenericName[km]='; echo 'GenericName[lt]=Video redaktorius'; echo 'GenericName[lv]=Video redaktors'; echo 'GenericName[mr]= '; echo 'GenericName[nb]=Videoredigeringsprogram'; echo 'GenericName[nl]=Video-bewerker'; echo 'GenericName[nn]=Videoredigering'; echo 'GenericName[pl]=Edytor wideo'; echo 'GenericName[pt]=Editor de Vde'; echo 'GenericName[pt_BR]=Editor de Vdeo'; echo 'GenericName[ro]=Redactor de imagini'; echo 'GenericName[ru]='; echo 'GenericName[sk]=Editor videa'; echo 'GenericName[sl]=Urejevalnik videa'; echo 'GenericName[sv]=Videoeditor'; echo 'GenericName[tr]=Video Dzenleyici'; echo 'GenericName[uk]='; echo 'GenericName[x-test]=xxVideo Editorxx'; echo 'GenericName[zh_CN]='; echo 'GenericName[zh_TW]='; echo 'Comment=Nonlinear video editor for KDE'; echo 'Comment[ar]= '; echo 'Comment[ast]=Editor de videu non llinial pa KDE'; echo 'Comment[bs]=Nelinearni video ureiva za KDE'; echo 'Comment[ca]=Editor de vdeo no lineal per al KDE'; echo 'Comment[ca@valencia]=Editor de vdeo no lineal per al KDE'; echo 'Comment[cs]=Nelinern editor vide pro KDE'; echo 'Comment[da]=Ikke-liner videoredigering til KDE'; echo 'Comment[de]=Nichtlinearer Video-Editor fr KDE'; echo 'Comment[el]= KDE'; echo 'Comment[en_GB]=Nonlinear video editor for KDE'; echo 'Comment[es]=Editor no lineal de video para KDE'; echo 'Comment[et]=KDE mittelineaarne videoredaktor'; echo 'Comment[fi]=Eplineaarinen videomuokkain KDE:lle'; echo 'Comment[fr]=diteur vido non linaire pour KDE'; echo 'Comment[gl]=Editor de vdeo non linear para KDE'; echo 'Comment[hu]=Nemlineris videoszerkeszt a KDE-hez'; echo 'Comment[it]=Editor di video non lineare per KDE'; echo 'Comment[ja]=KDE '; echo 'Comment[km]= KDE'; echo 'Comment[lt]=Nelinijinis veido redaktorius skirtas KDE'; echo 'Comment[lv]=Nelinerais video redaktors KDE videi'; echo 'Comment[mr]= '; echo 'Comment[nb]=Videoredigeringsprogram for KDE med dataklipping'; echo 'Comment[nl]=Niet-lineaire video-bewerker voor KDE'; echo 'Comment[nn]=Program for ikkje-liner videoredigering'; echo 'Comment[pl]=Nieliniowy edytor wideo dla KDE'; echo 'Comment[pt]=Editor de vdeo no-linear para o KDE'; echo 'Comment[pt_BR]=Editor de vdeo no-linear para o KDE'; echo 'Comment[ro]=Redactor de imagini neliniar pentru KDE'; echo 'Comment[ru]= KDE'; echo 'Comment[sk]=Nelinerny editor videa pre KDE'; echo 'Comment[sl]=Ne-linearni urejevalnik videa za KDE'; echo 'Comment[sv]=Icke-linjr videoeditor fr KDE'; echo 'Comment[tr]=KDE iin dorusal olmayan video dzenleyici'; echo 'Comment[ug]=KDE '; echo 'Comment[uk]= KDE'; echo 'Comment[x-test]=xxNonlinear video editor for KDExx'; echo 'Comment[zh_CN]=KDE '; echo 'Comment[zh_TW]=KDE '; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Exec=kdenlive %U'; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_kdenlive.png"; echo 'X-DocPath=kdenlive/index.html'; echo 'X-DocPath[cs]=http://cs.wikibooks.org/wiki/Kdenlive'; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'MimeType=application/x-kdenlive;'; echo 'Categories=Qt;KDE;AudioVideo;AudioVideoEditing;'; echo 'Keywords=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[ca]=edici;vdeo;udio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[ca@valencia]=edici;vdeo;udio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[da]=redigering;video;lyd;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[de]=Editing;Bearbeitung;Schnitt;Videoschnitt;Video;Audio;MLT;'; echo 'Keywords[en_GB]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[es]=edicin;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[et]=redigeerimine;muutmine;video;audio;heli;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[fi]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;editointi;ni;'; echo 'Keywords[fr]=montage;vido;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[gl]=editing;edicin;video;vdeo;audio;son;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[it]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[nl]=bewerken;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[nn]=redigering;video;lyd;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[pl]=edytowanie;video;wideo;filmy;audio;dwik;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[pt]=edio;vdeo;udio;MLT;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[pt_BR]=edio;vdeo;udio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[sk]=editovanie;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[sl]=urejanje;video;zvok;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[sv]=redigering;video;ljud;mlt;kde;'; echo 'Keywords[uk]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;;;;;;;'; echo 'Keywords[x-test]=xxeditingxx;xxvideoxx;xxaudioxx;xxmltxx;xxkdexx;'; echo 'Keywords[zh_CN]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;;;;'; echo 'Keywords[zh_TW]=editing;video;audio;mlt;kde;'; echo 'X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.kdenlive'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/kdenlive.desktop" cp "/root/${PROJECT_NAME}/img/icon_photos.png" "/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_photos.png" { echo '#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open'; echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Version=1.0'; echo 'Name[ar]='; echo 'Name[as]=Photos'; echo 'Name[bn_IN]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[bs]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ca]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[cs]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[da]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[de]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[el]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[en_GB]=Photos'; echo 'Name[es]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[et]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[eu]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[fi]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[fr]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[gd]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[gl]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[gu]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[he]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[hi]='; echo 'Name[hr]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[hu]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[id]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[it]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ja]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[kk]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[kn]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ko]='; echo 'Name[lt]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[lv]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ml]='; echo 'Name[mr]='; echo 'Name[nb]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[nl]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[oc]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[or]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[pa]='; echo 'Name[pl]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[pt]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[pt_BR]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ro]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ru]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[sk]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[sl]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[sr]=-'; echo 'Name[sr@latin]=Foto-bunar'; echo 'Name[sv]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[ta]='; echo 'Name[te]='; echo 'Name[tr]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[uk]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[vi]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[zh_CN]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[zh_HK]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name[zh_TW]=Shotwell'; echo 'Name=Photos'; echo 'GenericName[af]=Foto Organiseerder'; echo 'GenericName[ar]= '; echo "GenericName[as]=' "; echo 'GenericName[ast]=Xestor de semeyes'; echo 'GenericName[bg]= '; echo 'GenericName[bn]= '; echo 'GenericName[bn_IN]= '; echo 'GenericName[bs]=Organizator Slika'; echo 'GenericName[ca]=Gestor fotogrfic'; echo 'GenericName[cs]=Sprvce fotografi'; echo 'GenericName[da]=Billedhndtering'; echo 'GenericName[de]=Fotoverwaltung'; echo 'GenericName[el]= '; echo 'GenericName[en_GB]=Photo Manager'; echo 'GenericName[es]=Gestor de fotos'; echo 'GenericName[et]=Fotohaldur'; echo 'GenericName[eu]=Argazki-kudeatzailea'; echo 'GenericName[fi]=Valokuvien hallinta'; echo 'GenericName[fr]=Gestionnaire de photos'; echo 'GenericName[gd]=Manaidsear dhealbhan'; echo 'GenericName[gl]=Xestor de fotos'; echo 'GenericName[gu]= '; echo 'GenericName[he]= '; echo 'GenericName[hi]= '; echo 'GenericName[hr]=Upravitelj fotografija'; echo 'GenericName[hu]=Fnykpkezel'; echo 'GenericName[ia]=Administrator de photos'; echo 'GenericName[id]=Manajer Foto'; echo 'GenericName[it]=Gestore di fotografie'; echo 'GenericName[ja]=Shotwell '; echo 'GenericName[kk]= '; echo 'GenericName[km]='; echo 'GenericName[kn]= '; echo 'GenericName[ko]= '; echo 'GenericName[ky]= '; echo 'GenericName[lt]=Nuotrauk tvarkytuv'; echo 'GenericName[lv]=Fotogrfiju prvaldnieks'; echo 'GenericName[mk]= '; echo 'GenericName[ml]= '; echo 'GenericName[mr]= '; echo 'GenericName[nb]=Fotobehandler'; echo 'GenericName[nl]=Fotobeheerder'; echo 'GenericName[oc]=Gestionari de ftos'; echo 'GenericName[or]= '; echo 'GenericName[pa]= '; echo 'GenericName[pl]=Meneder zdj'; echo 'GenericName[pt]=Gestor de fotografias'; echo 'GenericName[pt_BR]=Organizador de fotos'; echo 'GenericName[ro]=Administrator de fotografii'; echo 'GenericName[ru]= '; echo 'GenericName[sk]=Sprvca fotografi'; echo 'GenericName[sl]=Upravljalnik fotografij'; echo 'GenericName[sr]= '; echo 'GenericName[sr@latin]=Upravnik fotografija'; echo 'GenericName[sv]=Bildhanterare'; echo 'GenericName[ta]= '; echo 'GenericName[te]= '; echo 'GenericName[th]='; echo 'GenericName[tr]=Fotoraf Yneticisi'; echo 'GenericName[uk]= '; echo 'GenericName[vi]=Trnh qun l nh'; echo 'GenericName[zh_CN]='; echo 'GenericName[zh_HK]='; echo 'GenericName[zh_TW]='; echo 'GenericName=Photo Manager'; echo 'Comment[cs]=Roztite si sv fotografie'; echo 'Comment[da]=Organisr dine billeder'; echo 'Comment[de]=Ihre Fotos organisieren'; echo 'Comment[es]=Organice sus fotos'; echo 'Comment[fi]=Hallitse kuviasi'; echo 'Comment[gd]=Cuir rian air na dealbhan agad'; echo 'Comment[he]= '; echo 'Comment[hr]=Organizirajte svoje fotografije'; echo 'Comment[hu]=Rendszerezze a fnykpeit'; echo 'Comment[id]=Organisasikan foto Anda'; echo 'Comment[kk]= '; echo 'Comment[kn]= '; echo 'Comment[ko]= .'; echo 'Comment[lv]=Organiz savas fotogrfijas'; echo 'Comment[pl]=Organizowanie zdj'; echo 'Comment[pt]=Organize as suas fotografias'; echo 'Comment[pt_BR]=Organize suas fotos'; echo 'Comment[sk]=Organizuje vae fotografie'; echo 'Comment[sr]= '; echo 'Comment[sr@latin]=Organizujte vae fotografije'; echo 'Comment[sv]=Organisera dina bilder'; echo 'Comment[uk]= '; echo 'Comment=Organize your photos'; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_photos.png"; echo 'Exec=shotwell %U'; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'MimeType=x-content/image-dcf;'; echo 'Categories=Graphics;Photography;GNOME;GTK;'; echo 'X-GIO-NoFuse=true'; echo 'X-GNOME-Gettext-Domain=shotwell'; echo 'X-GNOME-FullName=Shotwell Photo Manager'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/photos.desktop" #{ echo '[Desktop Entry]'; #echo 'Name=Audio/Music'; #echo 'Type=Application'; #echo 'Comment=Audio publishing and streaming'; #echo 'Exec=bash /usr/bin/start_ferment'; #echo "Icon=/etc/patchwork/icon_ferment.png"; #echo 'Terminal=false'; #echo 'Categories=Application;'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/audio.desktop" { echo '[Desktop Entry]'; echo 'Type=Application'; echo 'Name=Routing Protocol'; echo 'Name[el]= '; echo 'Name[ar]= '; echo "Name[ca]=Protocol d'enrutament"; echo 'Name[hi]= '; echo 'Name[fr]=Protocole de routage'; echo 'Name[de]=Routingprotokoll'; echo 'Name[es]=Protocolo de enrutamiento'; echo 'Name[it]=Protocollo di routing'; echo 'Name[ru]= '; echo 'Name[zh]='; echo 'Comment=Select the mesh routing protocol'; echo 'Comment[el]= '; echo 'Comment[ar]= '; echo "Comment[ca]=Seleccioneu el protocol d'enrutament de malles"; echo 'Comment[hi]= '; echo 'Comment[fr]=Slectionnez le protocole de routage de maillage'; echo 'Comment[de]=Whlen Sie das Mesh-Routing-Protokoll'; echo 'Comment[es]=Seleccione el protocolo de enrutamiento de malla'; echo "Comment[it]=Seleziona il protocollo di instradamento della mesh"; echo 'Comment[ru]= '; echo 'Comment[zh]='; echo "Exec=mate-terminal -e \"/usr/local/bin/${PROJECT_NAME}-mesh-routing\""; echo "Icon=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/avatars/icon_routing.png"; echo 'Terminal=false'; echo 'Categories=Application'; } > "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/routing.desktop" # set permissions chmod +x /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/*.desktop chown "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/"* chown "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.config" chown -R "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.config/tox" chown -R "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.config/autostart" chown "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" /home/$MY_USERNAME/*.sh # link to Tahoe-LAFS Magic folder #ln -s /home/${MY_USERNAME}/Desktop/${TAHOELAFS_SHARED_DIR} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/${TAHOELAFS_SHARED_DIR} # restart caja killall caja killall mate-panel } function enable_batman_daemon { systemctl enable batman systemctl daemon-reload } function mesh_amnesic { if [ ! -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then return fi { echo '#!/bin/bash'; echo ''; echo "MY_USERNAME=\$1"; echo 'tomb slam all'; echo "if [ -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.bash_history ]; then"; echo " shred -zu /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.bash_history"; echo 'fi'; echo "if [ -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.xsession-errors ]; then"; echo " shred -zu /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.xsession-errors"; echo 'fi'; echo ''; echo 'exit 0'; } > /usr/bin/amnesic chmod +x /usr/bin/amnesic if [ ! -f /etc/systemd/system/amnesic.service ]; then { echo '[Unit]'; echo 'Description=Amnesic Mesh'; echo ''; echo '[Service]'; echo 'User=root'; echo 'Group=root'; echo 'Type=oneshot'; echo 'RemainAfterExit=true'; echo 'ExecStart=/bin/true'; echo "ExecStop=/usr/bin/amnesic $MY_USERNAME"; echo ''; echo '[Install]'; echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } > /etc/systemd/system/amnesic.service chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/amnesic.service systemctl daemon-reload fi systemctl enable amnesic systemctl start amnesic } function mesh_restart_daemons { systemctl restart avahi-daemon systemctl restart tox-bootstrapd systemctl restart nginx echo $'Daemons restarted' >> $INSTALL_LOG } function create_tomb { tomb_name=$1 tomb_size=$2 if [ -f "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" ]; then tomb slam "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" fi # make a temporary password tomb dig -s "${tomb_size}" "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" if [ ! -f "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" ]; then echo "WARNING: ${tomb_name} tomb did not install properly" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log tomb >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log fi TOMB_TEMP_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 64 | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 30) tomb forge "/mnt/ramdisk/${tomb_name}.tomb.key" --tomb-pwd "${TOMB_TEMP_PASSWORD}" --unsafe tomb lock "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" -k "/mnt/ramdisk/${tomb_name}.tomb.key" --tomb-pwd "${TOMB_TEMP_PASSWORD}" --unsafe tomb open "/tmp/${tomb_name}.tomb" -k "/mnt/ramdisk/${tomb_name}.tomb.key" --tomb-pwd "${TOMB_TEMP_PASSWORD}" --unsafe # stop stuff from popping up pkill caja # clear the temporary password TOMB_TEMP_PASSWORD= } function setup_amnesic_data { if [ ! -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then return fi if [ ! -d /mnt/ramdisk ]; then return fi # clear crypttab if [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then shred -zu /etc/crypttab touch /etc/crypttab fi tomb_name=log create_tomb ${tomb_name} $TOMB_LOG_SIZE_MB if [ -d /media/${tomb_name} ]; then if [ -d /var/log ]; then if [ ! -d /var/log_base ]; then mv /var/log /var/log_base fi fi ln -s /media/${tomb_name} /var/log if [ -d /var/log_base ]; then cp -rp /var/log_base/* /media/${tomb_name} fi echo "${tomb_name} tomb created" >> $INSTALL_LOG else echo "WARNING: ${tomb_name} tomb not found" >> $INSTALL_LOG fi tomb_name=tox-bootstrapd if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/${tomb_name}.service ]; then systemctl stop ${tomb_name} fi create_tomb ${tomb_name} $TOMB_TOX_BOOTSTRAP_SIZE_MB if [ -d /media/${tomb_name} ]; then if [ -d /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd ]; then if [ ! -d /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd_base ]; then mv /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd_base fi fi if [ -d /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd ]; then shred -zu /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd/* rm -rf /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd fi ln -s /media/${tomb_name} /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd if [ -d /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd_base ]; then cp -rp /var/lib/tox-bootstrapd_base/* /media/${tomb_name} fi echo "${tomb_name} tomb created" >> $INSTALL_LOG else echo "WARNING: ${tomb_name} tomb not found" >> $INSTALL_LOG fi tomb_name=tox create_tomb ${tomb_name} $TOMB_TOX_SIZE_MB if [ -d /media/${tomb_name} ]; then if [ ! -d /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config ]; then mkdir -p /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config chown ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config fi if [ -d /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/${tomb_name} ]; then rm -rf /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/${tomb_name} fi ln -s /media/${tomb_name} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/${tomb_name} chown -R ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/${tomb_name} chown -R ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /media/${tomb_name} echo "${tomb_name} tomb created" >> $INSTALL_LOG else echo "WARNING: ${tomb_name} tomb not found" >> $INSTALL_LOG fi } function setup_ipfs { IPFS_PATH=/usr/bin IPFS_KEY_LENGTH=2048 IPFS_COMMAND=$IPFS_PATH/ipfs IPFS_PUBLIC=/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-public chmod 755 $IPFS_COMMAND su -c "systemctl --user enable ipfs" - $MY_USERNAME if [ -f $CURRENT_BLOG_INDEX ]; then shred -zu $CURRENT_BLOG_INDEX fi if [ -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public ]; then rm /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/Public rm -rf /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public fi if [ -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/content/images ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/content/images/* fi if [ -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/content ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/content/* if grep -q "THEME=" /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/pelicanconf.py; then sed -i "s|THEME=.*|THEME='themes/nice-blog'|g" /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/pelicanconf.py else echo "THEME='themes/nice-blog'" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/CreateBlog/pelicanconf.py fi fi if [ -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs/config rm -rf /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs su -c "systemctl --user restart ipfs" - $MY_USERNAME else su -c "systemctl --user start ipfs" - $MY_USERNAME fi if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.blog-index ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/.blog-index fi if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.blog-theme-index ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/.blog-theme-index fi if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-id ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-id fi if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-public ]; then shred -zu /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-public fi chmod 755 $IPFS_COMMAND su -c "$IPFS_COMMAND init -b $IPFS_KEY_LENGTH" - $MY_USERNAME if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs ]; then echo "IPFS could not be initialised for user $MY_USERNAME" >> $INSTALL_LOG return fi MY_IPFS_ID=/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs-id su -c "echo \$($IPFS_COMMAND id | grep '\"ID\":' | awk -F '\"' '{print \$4}') > $MY_IPFS_ID" - $MY_USERNAME if [ ! -f $MY_IPFS_ID ]; then echo 'No IPFS identity was created' >> $INSTALL_LOG return fi IPFS_PEER_ID=$(cat $MY_IPFS_ID) if [ ${#IPFS_PEER_ID} -lt 10 ]; then echo 'Invalid IPFS peer ID' >> $INSTALL_LOG echo "$IPFS_PEER_ID" >> $INSTALL_LOG return fi # make a public directory TOX_ID='none' if [ -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop ]; then if [ ! -d /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public ]; then mkdir -p /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/Videos mkdir -p /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/Music mkdir -p /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/Podcasts mkdir -p /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/Documents mkdir -p /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/Pictures echo $'Files within this directory will be publicly visible on the network' > /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public/README.txt chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public ln -s /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public /home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop/Public su -c "echo \$($IPFS_COMMAND add -rq /home/$MY_USERNAME/Public | tail -n 1) > $IPFS_PUBLIC" - $MY_USERNAME if [ ! -f $IPFS_PUBLIC ]; then echo $'Unable to create public IPFS directory' >> $INSTALL_LOG exit 368225 fi fi TOX_ID=$(su -c 'toxid' - $MY_USERNAME) fi create_avahi_mesh_service "ipfs_id" "ipfs_id" "udp" "$IPFS_PORT" "${IPFS_PEER_ID}:${TOX_ID}" echo "IPFS installed with ID ${IPFS_PEER_ID}" >> $INSTALL_LOG } function setup_tahoelafs { reconfigure_tahoelafs TAHOELAFS_CONFIG=/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.tahoe/tahoe.cfg if [ ! -f ${TAHOELAFS_CONFIG} ]; then exit 673923 fi echo $'Configured Tahoe-LAFS' >> $INSTALL_LOG } function create_user_vpn_key { username=$1 if [ ! -d "/home/$username" ]; then return fi echo $"Creating VPN key for $username" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa || exit 824527645247 if [ -f "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt" ]; then rm "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt" fi if [ -f "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key" ]; then rm "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key" fi if [ -f "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.csr" ]; then rm "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.csr" fi sed -i 's| --interact||g' build-key ./build-key "$username" if [ ! -f "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt" ]; then echo $'VPN user cert not generated' >> "/var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log" exit 783528 fi user_cert=$(cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt") if [ ${#user_cert} -lt 10 ]; then cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt" echo $'User cert generation failed' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 634659 fi if [ ! -f "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key" ]; then echo $'VPN user key not generated' exit 682523 fi user_key=$(cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key") if [ ${#user_key} -lt 10 ]; then cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key" echo $'User key generation failed' exit 285838 fi user_vpn_cert_file=/home/$username/$OPENVPN_KEY_FILENAME { echo 'client'; echo 'dev tun'; echo 'proto tcp'; echo "remote localhost $STUNNEL_PORT"; echo "route $DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME net_gateway"; echo 'resolv-retry infinite'; echo 'nobind'; echo 'tun-mtu 1500'; echo 'tun-mtu-extra 32'; echo 'mssfix 1450'; echo 'persist-key'; echo 'persist-tun'; echo 'auth-nocache'; echo 'remote-cert-tls server'; echo 'comp-lzo'; echo 'verb 3'; echo ''; echo ''; cat "/etc/openvpn/ca.crt"; echo ''; echo ''; cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt"; echo ''; echo ''; cat "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key"; echo ''; } > "$user_vpn_cert_file" chown "$username":"$username" "$user_vpn_cert_file" # keep a backup cp "$user_vpn_cert_file" "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.ovpn" #rm /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.crt #rm /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.csr shred -zu "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/$username.key" echo $"VPN key created at $user_vpn_cert_file" >> "/var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log" } function vpn_generate_keys { # generate host keys if [ ! -f /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem ]; then ${PROJECT_NAME}-dhparam -o /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem fi if [ ! -f /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem ]; then echo $'vpn dhparams were not generated' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 73724523 fi cp /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/dh2048.pem cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa || exit 2452486824 # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . ./vars ./clean-all vpn_openssl_version='1.0.0' if [ ! -f openssl-${vpn_openssl_version}.cnf ]; then echo $"openssl-${vpn_openssl_version}.cnf was not found" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 7392353 fi cp openssl-${vpn_openssl_version}.cnf openssl.cnf if [ -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.crt ]; then rm /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.crt fi if [ -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.key ]; then rm /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.key fi if [ -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.csr ]; then rm /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.csr fi sed -i 's| --interact||g' build-key-server sed -i 's| --interact||g' build-ca ./build-ca ./build-key-server ${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME} if [ ! -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.crt ]; then echo $'OpenVPN crt not found' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 7823352 fi server_cert=$(cat /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.crt) if [ ${#server_cert} -lt 10 ]; then cat /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.crt echo $'Server cert generation failed' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 3284682 fi if [ ! -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/${OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME}.key ]; then echo $'OpenVPN key not found' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 6839436 fi if [ ! -f /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.key ]; then echo $'OpenVPN ca not found' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 7935203 fi cp /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/{$OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME.crt,$OPENVPN_SERVER_NAME.key,ca.crt} /etc/openvpn create_user_vpn_key ${MY_USERNAME} } function generate_stunnel_keys { echo "Creating stunnel keys" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -sha256 \ -subj "/O=$VPN_ORGANISATION/OU=$VPN_UNIT/C=$VPN_COUNTRY_CODE/ST=$VPN_AREA/L=$VPN_LOCATION/CN=$HOSTNAME" \ -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/stunnel/key.pem \ -out /etc/stunnel/cert.pem if [ ! -f /etc/stunnel/key.pem ]; then echo $'stunnel key not created' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 793530 fi if [ ! -f /etc/stunnel/cert.pem ]; then echo $'stunnel cert not created' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 204587 fi chmod 400 /etc/stunnel/key.pem chmod 640 /etc/stunnel/cert.pem cat /etc/stunnel/key.pem /etc/stunnel/cert.pem >> /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem chmod 640 /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem openssl pkcs12 -export -out /etc/stunnel/stunnel.p12 -inkey /etc/stunnel/key.pem -in /etc/stunnel/cert.pem -passout pass: if [ ! -f /etc/stunnel/stunnel.p12 ]; then echo $'stunnel pkcs12 not created' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 639353 fi chmod 640 /etc/stunnel/stunnel.p12 cp /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.pem cp /etc/stunnel/stunnel.p12 /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.p12 chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel* echo "stunnel keys created" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log } function mesh_setup_vpn { vpn_generate_keys cp /etc/stunnel/stunnel-client.conf /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel-client.conf chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel* generate_stunnel_keys sed -i 's|tun-mtu .*|tun-mtu 1532|g' /home/$MY_USERNAME/client.ovpn chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/client.ovpn chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel* # create an archive of the vpn client files cd /home/$MY_USERNAME || exit 24682468242 tar -czvf vpn.tar.gz stunnel* client.ovpn chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/vpn.tar.gz systemctl restart openvpn } function initialise_scuttlebot_pub { chown -R scuttlebot:scuttlebot /etc/scuttlebot systemctl enable git_ssb.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start scuttlebot.service sleep 10 if [ ! -d /etc/scuttlebot/.ssb ]; then echo $'Scuttlebot config not generated' >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log systemctl status scuttlebot -l >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log exit 73528 fi { echo '{'; echo " \"host\": \"$P{PEER_ID}.local\","; echo " \"port\": ${SCUTTLEBOT_PORT},"; echo ' "allowPrivate": true,'; echo ' "timeout": 30000,'; echo ' "pub": true,'; echo ' "local": true,'; echo ' "friends": {'; echo ' "dunbar": 150,'; echo ' "hops": 3'; echo ' },'; echo ' "gossip": {'; echo ' "connections": 2'; echo ' },'; echo ' "master": [],'; echo ' "logging": {'; echo ' "level": "error"'; echo ' }'; echo '}'; } > /etc/scuttlebot/.ssb/config chown scuttlebot:scuttlebot /etc/scuttlebot/.ssb/config systemctl restart scuttlebot.service echo "scuttlebot pub started" >> /var/log/${PROJECT_NAME}.log # git ssb site if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/git_ssb ]; then sed -i "s|server_name .*|server_name ${HOSTNAME}.local;|g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/git_ssb ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/git_ssb /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/git_ssb systemctl enable git_ssb.service systemctl start git_ssb.service fi } # whether to reset the identity set_new_identity= if [ "$2" ]; then if [[ "$2" == $"new"* ]]; then if [ ! -f $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP ]; then touch $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP fi set_new_identity=1 fi if [[ "$2" == $"amnesic"* ]]; then if [ ! -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then touch $MESH_AMNESIC fi if [ ! -f $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP ]; then touch $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP fi set_new_identity=1 fi fi if [ -f $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP ]; then if [ "$1" ]; then MY_USERNAME=$1 fi if [ ! $set_new_identity ]; then # sleep in order to allow other daemons to start up sleep 5 fi # clear the install log if [ -f $INSTALL_LOG ]; then rm $INSTALL_LOG fi # Remove SSB/Patchwork files if [ -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssb" ]; then rm -rf "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssb" fi # Remove vpn host keys if [ -d /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys ]; then rm -rf /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/* fi # Remove hidden service if [ -d /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_mesh ]; then rm -rf /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_mesh fi # Remove any existing vpn client keys if [ -f "/home/$MY_USERNAME/vpn.tar.gz" ]; then rm "/home/$MY_USERNAME/vpn.tar.gz" fi if [ -f "/home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.pem" ]; then rm "/home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.pem" fi if [ -f "/home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.p12" ]; then rm "/home/$MY_USERNAME/stunnel.p12" fi # Remove cryptpad datastore if [ -d $CRYPTPAD_DIR/datastore ]; then rm -rf $CRYPTPAD_DIR/datastore fi echo $'Beginning mesh node setup' >> $INSTALL_LOG if [ -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.config" ]; then chown "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.config" fi systemctl stop tor systemctl disable tor echo $'TOR disabled' >> $INSTALL_LOG systemctl stop bmx6 systemctl disable bmx6 echo $'BMX6 disabled' >> $INSTALL_LOG systemctl stop bmx7 systemctl disable bmx7 echo $'BMX7 disabled' >> $INSTALL_LOG systemctl stop olsr2 systemctl disable olsr2 echo $'OLSR2 disabled' >> $INSTALL_LOG systemctl stop babel systemctl disable babel echo $'Babel disabled' >> $INSTALL_LOG #tomb slam all tmp_ram_disk 100 enable_predictable_device_names enable_batman_daemon #create_ram_disk 1 #setup_amnesic_data change_avahi_name if [ -d $CRYPTPAD_DIR ]; then systemctl start cryptpad fi configure_toxcore create_tox_user #setup_tahoelafs mesh_setup_vpn initialise_scuttlebot_pub setup_ipfs enable_cryptpad enable_peertube mesh_amnesic make_root_read_only if [ ! -f $MESH_AMNESIC ]; then rm $MESH_INSTALL_SETUP systemctl disable mesh-setup.service fi show_desktop_icons mesh_restart_daemons if [ ! -f $MESH_INSTALL_COMPLETED ]; then echo $'Mesh node setup complete' >> $INSTALL_LOG touch $MESH_INSTALL_COMPLETED if [ -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop" ]; then touch $FIRST_BOOT chown "${MY_USERNAME}":"${MY_USERNAME}" "$FIRST_BOOT" fi # set the desktop background if [ -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/Desktop" ]; then MESH_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE=/usr/local/share/${PROJECT_NAME}_mesh_background.png cp $MESH_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE /usr/share/images/desktop-base/${PROJECT_NAME}_mesh_background.png rm /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-background ln -s /usr/share/images/desktop-base/${PROJECT_NAME}_mesh_background.png /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-background fi if [ -f /etc/default/grub ]; then update-grub fi systemctl reboot -i fi fi exit 0