#+TITLE: #+AUTHOR: Bob Mottram #+EMAIL: bob@freedombone.net #+KEYWORDS: freedombone, Tahoe-LAFS #+DESCRIPTION: How to use Tahoe-LAFS #+OPTIONS: ^:nil toc:nil #+HTML_HEAD: #+BEGIN_CENTER [[file:images/logo.png]] #+END_CENTER #+BEGIN_EXPORT html


#+END_EXPORT This is a robust system for encrypted file storage on one or more server. Files are accessed via a URL which contains the public key with which it was encrypted. * Installation Log into your system with: #+begin_src bash ssh myusername@mydomain -p 2222 #+end_src Using cursor keys, space bar and Enter key select *Administrator controls* and type in your password. Select *Add/Remove Apps* then *tahoelafs*. This system is entirely based upon use of onion addresses and so no other demaon names are needed. * Initial setup Go to the *About* screen on the *Administrator control panel* and look for the onion address for *tahoelafs* within the list of domains. Enter that into a Tor compatible browser. You can then use the interface to upload files and obtain URLs for them. The URL contains the public key needed to decrypt the file. Make a copy of it and then store it somewhere safe, because it won't be stored anywhere else by default and having the URL is the only way to retrieve your file. * Adding more servers You can add more servers to the system to increase its storage capacity. In a typical Tahoe-LAFS new data storage servers are automatically discovered via an introducer node, but that creates a single centralised point of failure. The installation on Freedombone has no introducer node and so details for the servers of your friends need to be entered manually. #+BEGIN_CENTER [[file:images/controlpanel/control_panel_tahoelafs.jpg]] #+END_CENTER Other servers will typically be Freedombone systems with Tahoe-LAFS installed. Your Tahoe-LAFS server settings can be found on the *About* screen of the *Administrator control panel*. Use an end-to-end encrypted chat app to copy and paste those details and send them to other friends. To add the server details go to *App settings* on the *Administrator control panel* then select *tahoelafs* and *Add server*.