#!/usr/bin/env bash # Based on https://github.com/undu/bash-powerline __powerline() { # User config variables, # it's recommended to override those variables through .bashrc or similar # # Use powerline mode # readonly POWERLINE_FONT='' # # Always show user in the prompt # readonly SHOW_USER='' # # Never show a default user # readonly DEFAULT_USER='user' # Default background and foreground ANSI colours readonly DEFAULT_BG=0 readonly DEFAULT_FG=7 # Max length of full path readonly MAX_PATH_LENGTH=30 # Unicode symbols if [ -z "${POWERLINE_FONT+x}" ]; then readonly GIT_BRANCH_SYMBOL='⑂' else readonly GIT_BRANCH_SYMBOL='' fi readonly GIT_BRANCH_CHANGED_SYMBOL='Δ' readonly GIT_NEED_PUSH_SYMBOL='↑' readonly GIT_NEED_PULL_SYMBOL='↓' # Powerline symbols readonly BLOCK_START='' # ANSI Colours readonly BLACK=0 readonly RED=1 readonly GREEN=2 readonly YELLOW=3 readonly BLUE=4 readonly MAGENTA=5 readonly CYAN=6 readonly WHITE=7 readonly BLACK_BRIGHT=8 readonly RED_BRIGHT=9 readonly GREEN_BRIGHT=10 readonly YELLOW_BRIGHT=11 readonly BLUE_BRIGHT=12 readonly MAGENTA_BRIGHT=13 readonly CYAN_BRIGHT=14 readonly WHITE_BRIGHT=15 # Font effects readonly DIM="\[$(tput dim)\]" readonly REVERSE="\[$(tput rev)\]" readonly RESET="\[$(tput sgr0)\]" readonly BOLD="\[$(tput bold)\]" # Generate terminal colour codes # $1 is an int (a colour) and $2 must be 'fg' or 'bg' __colour() { case "$2" in 'fg'*) echo "\[$(tput setaf "$1")\]" ;; 'bg'*) echo "\[$(tput setab "$1")\]" ;; *) echo "\[$(tput setab "$1")\]" ;; esac } # Generate a single-coloured block for the prompt __prompt_block() { local bg; local fg if [ ! -z "${1+x}" ]; then bg=$1 else if [ ! -z "$last_bg" ]; then bg=$last_bg else bg=$DEFAULT_BG fi fi if [ ! -z "${2+x}" ]; then fg=$2 else fg=$DEFAULT_FG fi local block # Need to generate a separator if the background changes if [[ ! -z "$last_bg" && "$bg" != "$last_bg" && ! -z "${POWERLINE_FONT+x}" ]]; then block+="$(__colour "$bg" 'bg')" block+="$(__colour "$last_bg" 'fg')" block+="$BLOCK_START $RESET" block+="$(__colour "$bg" 'bg')" block+="$(__colour "$fg" 'fg')" else block+="$(__colour "$bg" 'bg')" block+="$(__colour "$fg" 'fg')" block+=" " fi if [ ! -z "${3+x}" ]; then block+="$3 $RESET" fi last_bg=$bg __block_text="$block" } function __end_block() { __block_text='' if [ ! -z "$last_bg" ]; then if [ ! -z "${POWERLINE_FONT+x}" ]; then __block_text+="$(__colour $DEFAULT_BG 'bg')" __block_text+="$(__colour "$last_bg" 'fg')" __block_text+="$BLOCK_START$RESET" __block_text+="$(__colour $DEFAULT_BG 'bg')" __block_text+="$(__colour "$DEFAULT_FG" 'fg')" else __block_text+="$(__colour $DEFAULT_BG 'bg')" __block_text+="$(__colour "$DEFAULT_FG" 'fg')" fi fi __block_text+=' ' } ### Prompt components __git_block() { if ! command -V git > /dev/null; then # git not found __block_text='' return fi # force git output in English to make our work easier local git_eng="env LANG=C git" # check if pwd is under git if ! git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then # not in a git repo, bail out __block_text='' return fi # get current branch name or short SHA1 hash for detached head local branch; local ref_symbol branch="$($git_eng symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)" # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ $? != 0 ]; then branch="$($git_eng describe --tags --always 2>/dev/null)" ref_symbol='➦' else ref_symbol=$GIT_BRANCH_SYMBOL fi # In pcmode (and only pcmode) the contents of # $gitstring are subject to expansion by the shell. # Avoid putting the raw ref name in the prompt to # protect the user from arbitrary code execution via # specially crafted ref names (e.g., a ref named # '$(IFS=_;cmd=sudo_rm_-rf_/;$cmd)' would execute # 'sudo rm -rf /' when the prompt is drawn). Instead, # put the ref name in a new global variable (in the # __git_ps1_* namespace to avoid colliding with the # user's environment) and reference that variable from # PS1. # note that the $ is escaped -- the variable will be # expanded later (when it's time to draw the prompt) if shopt -q promptvars; then export __git_ps1_block="$branch" ref="$ref_symbol \${__git_ps1_block}" else ref="$ref_symbol $branch" fi local marks # check if HEAD is dirty if [ -n "$($git_eng status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)" ]; then dirty='y' marks+=" $GIT_BRANCH_CHANGED_SYMBOL" fi # how many commits local branch is ahead/behind of remote? local stat; local aheadN; local behindN stat="$($git_eng status --porcelain --branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^##' | grep -o '\[.\+\]$')" aheadN="$(echo "$stat" | grep -o 'ahead [[:digit:]]\+' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+')" behindN="$(echo "$stat" | grep -o 'behind [[:digit:]]\+' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+')" [ -n "$aheadN" ] && marks+=" $GIT_NEED_PUSH_SYMBOL$aheadN" [ -n "$behindN" ] && marks+=" $GIT_NEED_PULL_SYMBOL$behindN" local bg; local fg fg=$BLACK if [ -z "$dirty" ]; then bg=$GREEN else bg=$YELLOW fi __prompt_block $bg $fg "$ref$marks" } __virtualenv_block() { # Copied from Python virtualenv's activate.sh script. # https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/blob/a9b4e673559a5beb24bac1a8fb81446dd84ec6ed/virtualenv_embedded/activate.sh#L62 # License: MIT if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then local venv # In pcmode (and only pcmode) the contents of # $gitstring are subject to expansion by the shell. # Avoid putting the raw ref name in the prompt to # protect the user from arbitrary code execution via # specially crafted ref names (e.g., a ref named # '$(IFS=_;cmd=sudo_rm_-rf_/;$cmd)' would execute # 'sudo rm -rf /' when the prompt is drawn). Instead, # put the ref name in a new global variable (in the # __git_ps1_* namespace to avoid colliding with the # user's environment) and reference that variable from # PS1. # note that the $ is escaped -- the variable will be # expanded later (when it's time to draw the prompt) if shopt -q promptvars; then export __venv_ps1_block __venv_ps1_block=$(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") venv="$ref_symbol \${__venv_ps1_block}" else venv="$(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")" fi __prompt_block $WHITE $BLACK "$venv" else __block_text='' fi } __pwd_block() { # Use ~ to represent $HOME prefix local pwd; pwd=$(pwd | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|") # shellcheck disable=SC1001,SC2088 if [[ ( $pwd = ~\/*\/* || $pwd = \/*\/*/* ) && ${#pwd} -gt $MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]]; then local IFS='/' read -ra split <<< "$pwd" if [[ $pwd = ~* ]]; then pwd="~/${split[1]}/.../${split[*]:(-2):1}/${split[*]:(-1)}" else pwd="/${split[1]}/.../${split[*]:(-2):1}/${split[*]:(-1)}" fi fi __prompt_block $BLACK_BRIGHT $WHITE_BRIGHT "$pwd" } # superuser or not, here I go! __user_block() { # Colours to use local fg=$WHITE_BRIGHT local bg=$BLUE if [[ ! -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then local show_host="y" bg=$CYAN fi if [ -z "$(id -u "$USER")" ]; then bg=$RED fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [[ ! -z "${SHOW_USER+x}" || ( ! -z "${DEFAULT_USER+x}" && "$DEFAULT_USER" != "$(whoami)" ) ]]; then local show_user="y" fi local text if [ ! -z ${show_user+x} ]; then text+="$BOLD$(whoami)" fi if [ ! -z ${show_host+x} ]; then if [ ! -z "${text+x}" ]; then text+="@" fi text+="\h" fi if [ ! -z ${text+x} ]; then __prompt_block $bg $fg $text fi } __status_block() { local text if [ "$exit_code" != 0 ]; then __prompt_block $BLACK $RED '✘' text+=$__block_text fi if [ "$(id -u "$USER")" == 0 ]; then __prompt_block $BLACK $YELLOW '⚡' text+=$__block_text fi if [ "$(jobs -l | wc -l)" != 0 ]; then __prompt_block $BLACK $CYAN '⚙' text+=$__block_text fi if [ ! -z "$text" ]; then __block_text=$text else __block_text='' fi } # Build the prompt prompt() { # I don't like bash; execute first to capture correct status code local exit_code=$? # shellcheck disable=SC2091 $(history -a ; history -n) last_bg='' PS1='' __status_block PS1+=$__block_text __virtualenv_block PS1+=$__block_text __user_block PS1+=$__block_text __pwd_block PS1+=$__block_text __git_block PS1+=$__block_text __end_block PS1+=$__block_text } PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt } __powerline unset __powerline