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<meta name="description" content="How to use DLNA"
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An easy way to play music on any mobile device in your home is to use the DLNA service. Copy your music into a directory called "<i>Music</i>" on an unencrypted USB thumb drive and then insert it into a USB socket on the Freedombone system.

ssh into the system with:

<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-bash">ssh myusername@mydomain.com -p 2222

Select <b>Administrator controls</b> then <b>App Settings</b> then <b>dlna</b>. From there you can choose to attach the drive.

The system will scan the <i>Music</i> directory, which could take a while if there are thousands of files, but you don't need to do anything further other than perhaps to log out by selecting <b>Exit</b> a couple of times.

If you have an Android device then go to F-Droid (if you don't already have it installed then it can be <a href="https://f-droid.org/">downloaded here</a>) and search for <b>ControlDLNA</b>. On running the app you should see a red Debian icon which you can press on, then you may need to select "local". After a few seconds the list of albums or tracks should then appear and you can browse and play them.

The DLNA service will only work within your local home network, and isn't remotely accessible from other locations via the internet. That can be both a good and a bad thing. Another consideration is that there are <i>no access controls</i> on DLNA services, so any music or videos on the USB drive will be playable by anyone within your home network.
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