#!/bin/bash # # .---. . . # | | | # |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. # | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' # ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --' # # Freedom in the Cloud # # cjdns functions # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Bob Mottram # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # cjdns settings ENABLE_CJDNS="no" CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY= CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY= CJDNS_IPV6= CJDNS_PASSWORD= CJDNS_PORT= CJDNS_REPO="https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns.git" CJDNS_COMMIT='13189fde111d0500427a7a0ce06a970753527bca' CJDCMD_REPO="https://github.com/inhies/cjdcmd" CJDCMD_COMMIT='973cca6ed0eecf9041c3403a40193c0b1291b808' function upgrade_cjdns { if ! grep -Fxq "install_cjdns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi function_check set_repo_commit set_repo_commit /etc/cjdns "cjdns commit" "$CJDNS_COMMIT" $CJDNS_REPO } function configure_firewall_for_cjdns { if grep -Fxq "configure_firewall_for_cjdns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi if [[ $ENABLE_CJDNS != "yes" ]]; then return fi ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE ip6tables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT ip6tables -A INPUT -p udp --dport $CJDNS_PORT -j ACCEPT ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $CJDNS_PORT -j ACCEPT function_check save_firewall_settings save_firewall_settings echo 'configure_firewall_for_cjdns' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function get_cjdns_public_key { if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/README ]; then if grep -q "cjdns public key" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then if [ ! $CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY ]; then CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat /home/$MY_USERNAME/README | grep "cjdns public key" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//') fi fi fi } function get_cjdns_private_key { if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/README ]; then if grep -q "cjdns private key" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then if [ ! $CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY ]; then CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat /home/$MY_USERNAME/README | grep "cjdns private key" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//') fi fi fi } function get_cjdns_ipv6_address { if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/README ]; then if grep -q "cjdns IPv6 address" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then if [ ! $CJDNS_IPV6 ]; then CJDNS_IPV6=$(cat /home/$MY_USERNAME/README | grep "cjdns IPv6 address" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//') fi fi fi } function get_cjdns_port { if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/README ]; then if grep -q "cjdns port" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then if [ ! $CJDNS_PORT ]; then CJDNS_PORT=$(cat /home/$MY_USERNAME/README | grep "cjdns port" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//') fi fi fi } function get_cjdns_password { if [ -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/README ]; then if grep -q "cjdns password" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then if [ ! $CJDNS_PASSWORD ]; then CJDNS_PASSWORD=$(cat /home/$MY_USERNAME/README | grep "cjdns password" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^ *//') fi fi fi } function backup_local_cjdns { echo '' } function backup_remote_cjdns { echo '' } function remove_cjdns { if ! grep -Fxq "install_cjdns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi service cjdns stop ip6tables -D nat -D POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE ip6tables -D FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT ip6tables -D INPUT -p udp --dport $CJDNS_PORT -j ACCEPT ip6tables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $CJDNS_PORT -j ACCEPT function_check save_firewall_settings save_firewall_settings rm -rf /etc/cjdns sed -i '/install_cjdns/d' $COMPLETION_FILE sed -i '/cjdns /d' $COMPLETION_FILE sed -i '/configure_firewall_for_cjdns/d' $COMPLETION_FILE } function install_cjdns_main { if [[ $ENABLE_CJDNS != "yes" ]]; then return fi if grep -Fxq "install_cjdns_main" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi apt-get -y install nodejs git build-essential nmap # if a README exists then obtain the cjdns parameters function_check get_cjdns_ipv6_address get_cjdns_ipv6_address function_check get_cjdns_public_key get_cjdns_public_key function_check get_cjdns_private_key get_cjdns_private_key function_check get_cjdns_port get_cjdns_port function_check get_cjdns_password get_cjdns_password # special compile settings for running ./do on the Beaglebone Black if [[ $INSTALLING_ON_BBB == "yes" ]]; then CFLAGS="-O2 -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -ftree-vectorize -ffast-math -mfloat-abi=hard -marm -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized" export LDFLAGS="$CFLAGS" fi if [ ! -d /etc/cjdns ]; then function_check git_pull git_clone $CJDNS_REPO /etc/cjdns cd /etc/cjdns git checkout $CJDNS_COMMIT -b $CJDNS_COMMIT if ! grep -q "cjdns commit" $COMPLETION_FILE; then echo "cjdns commit:$CJDNS_COMMIT" >> $COMPLETION_FILE else sed -i "s/cjdns commit.*/cjdns commit:$CJDNS_COMMIT/g" $COMPLETION_FILE fi ./do if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 7439 fi # create a configuration if [ ! -f /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf ]; then ./cjdroute --genconf > /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 5922 fi fi # create a user to run as useradd cjdns else cd /etc/cjdns function_check git_pull git_pull $CJDNS_REPO ./do if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 9926 fi fi # set permissions chown -R cjdns:cjdns /etc/cjdns chmod 600 /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf /sbin/ip tuntap add mode tun user cjdns dev cjdroute0 # insert values into the configuration file if [ $CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY ]; then sed -i "s/\"privateKey\":.*/\"privateKey\": \"$CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY\",/g" /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf else CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf | grep '"privateKey"' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | sed -n 1p) fi if [ $CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY ]; then sed -i "s/\"publicKey\":.*/\"publicKey\": \"$CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY\",/g" /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf else CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf | grep '"publicKey"' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | sed -n 1p) fi if [ $CJDNS_IPV6 ]; then sed -i "s/\"ipv6\":.*/\"ipv6\": \"$CJDNS_IPV6\",/g" /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf else CJDNS_IPV6=$(cat /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf | grep '"ipv6"' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | sed -n 1p) fi if [ $CJDNS_PASSWORD ]; then sed -i "0,/{\"password\":.*/s//{\"password\": \"$CJDNS_PASSWORD\"}/g" /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf else CJDNS_PASSWORD=$(cat /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf | grep '"password"' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | sed -n 1p) fi if [ $CJDNS_PORT ]; then sed -i "s/\"bind\": \"*/\"bind\": \"$CJDNS_PORT\",/g" /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf else CJDNS_PORT=$(cat /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf | grep '"bind": "' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed -n 1p) fi function_check enable_ipv6 enable_ipv6 echo '#!/bin/sh -e' > /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '### BEGIN INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# hyperboria.sh - An init script (/etc/init.d/) for cjdns' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Provides: cjdroute' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Required-Start: $remote_fs $network' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $network' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Default-Stop: 0 1 6' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Short-Description: Cjdns router' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# Description: A routing engine designed for security, scalability, speed and ease of use.' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '# cjdns git repo: https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '### END INIT INFO' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'PROG="cjdroute"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'GIT_PATH="/etc/cjdns"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'PROG_PATH="/etc/cjdns"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'CJDNS_CONFIG="cjdroute.conf"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'CJDNS_USER="cjdns"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo "CJDNS_IP='$CJDNS_IPV6'" >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'start() {' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' # Start it up with the user cjdns' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' if [ $(pgrep cjdroute | wc -l) != 0 ];' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' then' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "cjdroute is already running. Doing nothing..."' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' else' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo " * Starting cjdroute"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' su -c "$PROG_PATH/$PROG < $PROG_PATH/$CJDNS_CONFIG" - $CJDNS_USER' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' /sbin/ip addr add $CJDNS_IP/8 dev tun0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' /sbin/ip link set mtu 1312 dev tun0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' /sbin/ip link set tun0 up' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' /sbin/ip tuntap add mode tun user cjdns dev tun0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' fi' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'stop() {' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' if [ $(pgrep cjdroute | wc -l) != 2 ];' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' then' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "cjdns isnt running."' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' else' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "Killing cjdroute"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' killall cjdroute' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' fi' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'status() {' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' if [ $(pgrep cjdroute | wc -l) != 0 ];' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' then' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "Cjdns is running"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' else' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "Cjdns is not running"' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' fi' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' update() {' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' cd $GIT_PATH' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "Updating..."' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' git pull' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ./do' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '}' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '## Check to see if we are running as root first.' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 1' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'fi' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo '' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'case $1 in' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' start)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' start' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' stop)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' stop' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' reload|restart|force-reload)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' stop' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' sleep 1' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' start' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' status)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' status' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' update|upgrade)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' update' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' stop' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' sleep 2' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' start' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 0' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' **)' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' echo "Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart|status|update)" 1>&2' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' exit 1' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo ' ;;' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns echo 'esac' >> /etc/init.d/cjdns chmod +x /etc/init.d/cjdns update-rc.d cjdns defaults service cjdns start if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then systemctl status cjdns.service exit 8260 fi apt-get -y install radvd echo 'interface eth0' > /etc/radvd.conf echo '{' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo ' AdvSendAdvert on;' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo ' prefix fdfc::1/64' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo ' {' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo ' AdvRouterAddr on;' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo ' };' >> /etc/radvd.conf echo '};' >> /etc/radvd.conf systemctl restart radvd if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then systemctl status radvd.service exit 4395 fi if ! grep -q "# Mesh Networking (cjdns)" /etc/network/interfaces; then echo '' >> /etc/network/interfaces echo '# Mesh Networking (cjdns)' >> /etc/network/interfaces echo 'iface eth0 inet6 static' >> /etc/network/interfaces echo ' pre-up modprobe ipv6' >> /etc/network/interfaces echo ' address fdfc:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001' >> /etc/network/interfaces echo ' netmask 64' >> /etc/network/interfaces service network-manager restart if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then systemctl status networking.service exit 6949 fi fi if ! grep -q $"Mesh Networking (cjdns)" /home/$MY_USERNAME/README; then CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS=$(ip addr show | grep "inet " | sed -n 2p | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}') echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Mesh Networking (cjdns)' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '=======================' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"cjdns IPv6 address: $CJDNS_IPV6" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"cjdns public key: $CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"cjdns private key: $CJDNS_PRIVATE_KEY" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"cjdns password: $CJDNS_PASSWORD" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"cjdns port: $CJDNS_PORT" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $"Forward port $CJDNS_PORT from your internet router to the ${PROJECT_NAME}" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Below is an example of your connection credentials' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'that you can give to other people so they can connect' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'to you using your default password' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Adding a unique password for each user is advisable' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'so that leaks can be isolated.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo "\"$CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS:$CJDNS_PORT\":{\"password\":\"$CJDNS_PASSWORD\",\"publicKey\":\"$CJDNS_PUBLIC_KEY\"}" >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'More is not better. 3-5 cjdns peers is good. 30 peers is bad.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'NEVER USE A PUBLIC PEER. These degrade the network and make it centralized.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Each node can handle many peers, but no node can handle the entire internet.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'As this network grows any public peer will simply become saturated and' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'useless causing issues for the entire network.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Please report anyone offering you a public peer as they are promoting shared' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'passwords which could lead to people pretending to be you. A peering pass' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'should not contain someone elses nickname or info but should contain yours' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'to ensure it is not shared. It also helps when editing the conf to know who' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'each password is for.' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo '' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo $'Possible cjdns destinations of interest:' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo ' http://transitiontech.ca/faq' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README echo ' http://cjdns.ca/hypeirc.txt' >> /home/$MY_USERNAME/README chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/README chmod 600 /home/$MY_USERNAME/README fi function_check configure_firewall_for_cjdns configure_firewall_for_cjdns echo 'install_cjdns_main' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function install_cjdns_tools { if grep -Fxq "install_cjdns_tools" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi if [[ $ENABLE_CJDNS != "yes" ]]; then return fi if [ ! -d /etc/cjdns ]; then install_cjdns fi function_check select_go_version select_go_version apt-get -y install golang mercurial if [ ! -f ~/.bashrc ]; then touch ~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -d /home/git ]; then # add a gogs user account adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Gogs' git # install Go if ! grep -q "export GOPATH=" ~/.bashrc; then echo "export GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc fi systemctl set-environment GOPATH=$GOPATH if ! grep -q "systemctl set-environment GOPATH=" ~/.bashrc; then echo "systemctl set-environment GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -d $GOPATH ]; then mkdir -p $GOPATH fi fi if ! grep -q "export GOPATH=" ~/.bashrc; then echo "export GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc fi expected_go_path='export PATH=$PATH:'${GOPATH}'/bin' export PATH=$PATH:${GOPATH}/bin if ! grep -q "$expected_go_path" ~/.bashrc; then echo "$expected_go_path" >> ~/.bashrc fi export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin CJDCMD_REPO2=$(echo "$CJDCMD_REPO" | sed 's|https://||g') go get $CJDCMD_REPO2 if [ ! -f $GOPATH/bin/cjdcmd ]; then echo $'cjdcmd was not compiled. Check your golang installation' exit 7439 fi cp $GOPATH/bin/cjdcmd /usr/bin # initialise from the cjdns config /usr/bin/cjdcmd cjdnsadmin -file /etc/cjdns/cjdroute.conf echo 'install_cjdns_tools' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } function install_cjdns { if grep -Fxq "install_cjdns" $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi install_cjdns_main install_cjdns_tools echo 'install_cjdns' >> $COMPLETION_FILE } # NOTE: deliberately no exit 0