#!/bin/bash # # .---. . . # | | | # |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. # | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' # ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --' # # Freedom in the Cloud # # Alters the security settings # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Bob Mottram # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . PROJECT_NAME='freedombone' export TEXTDOMAIN=${PROJECT_NAME}-sec export TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/locale" CONFIGURATION_FILE=$HOME/${PROJECT_NAME}.cfg COMPLETION_FILE=$HOME/${PROJECT_NAME}-completed.txt UTILS_FILES="/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/utils/${PROJECT_NAME}-utils-*" for f in $UTILS_FILES do source "$f" done SSL_PROTOCOLS= SSL_CIPHERS= SSH_CIPHERS= SSH_MACS= SSH_KEX= SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS= SSH_PASSWORDS= XMPP_CIPHERS= XMPP_ECC_CURVE= WEBSITES_DIRECTORY='/etc/nginx/sites-available' DOVECOT_CIPHERS='/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf' SSH_CONFIG='/etc/ssh/sshd_config' XMPP_CONFIG='/etc/prosody/conf.avail/xmpp.cfg.lua' MINIMUM_LENGTH=6 IMPORT_FILE= EXPORT_FILE= CURRENT_DIR=$(pwd) DH_KEYLENGTH=2048 LETSENCRYPT_SERVER='https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' MY_USERNAME= function ping_enable_disable { ping_str=$"\\nDo you want to enable other systems to ping this machine?\\n\\nPing may be useful for diagnostic purposes, but for added security you may not want to enable it." enable_ping="no" dialog --title $"Enable Ping / ICMP" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --defaultno \ --yesno "$ping_str" 10 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) enable_ping="yes";; 255) return;; esac if [[ $enable_ping == "yes" ]]; then iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all else iptables -D INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT iptables -D OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all fi } function any_key_verify { echo '' read -n1 -rsp $"Press any key to continue or C to check a hash..." key if [[ "$key" != 'c' && "$key" != 'C' ]]; then return fi data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Check tripwire hash" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --inputbox $"Paste your tripwire hash below and it will be checked against the current database" 12 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) GIVEN_HASH=$(<"$data") if [ ${#GIVEN_HASH} -gt 8 ]; then if [[ "$GIVEN_HASH" == *' '* ]]; then dialog --title $"Check tripwire" \ --msgbox $"\\nThe hash should not contain any spaces" 10 40 else DBHASH=$(sha512sum "/var/lib/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}.twd" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [[ "$DBHASH" == "$GIVEN_HASH" ]]; then dialog --title $"Check tripwire" \ --msgbox $"\\nSuccess\\n\\nThe hash you gave matches the current tripwire database" 10 40 else dialog --title $"Check tripwire" \ --msgbox $"\\nFailed\\n\\nThe hash you gave does not match the current tripwire database. This might be because you reset the tripwire, or there could have been an unauthorised modification of the system" 12 50 fi fi fi ;; esac rm -f "$data" } function show_tripwire_verification_code { if [ ! -f "/var/lib/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}.twd" ]; then return fi clear echo '' echo $'Tripwire Verification Code' echo '' DBHASH=$(sha512sum "/var/lib/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}.twd") echo -n "$DBHASH" | qrencode -t UTF8 echo '' echo "$DBHASH" echo '' } function reset_tripwire { if [ ! -f /usr/bin/reset-tripwire ]; then echo $'Missing /usr/bin/reset-tripwire' any_key return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}-local.key" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/tripwire/${PROJECT_NAME}-local.key" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 mv /etc/tripwire/${PROJECT_NAME}-local.key /etc/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}-local.key # shellcheck disable=SC2086 mv /etc/tripwire/${PROJECT_NAME}-site.key /etc/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}-site.key else echo $'Error: missing local key' any_key return fi fi clear echo $'Turing off logging...' "${PROJECT_NAME}-logging" off echo $'Locking down permissions...' lockdown_permissions echo $'Creating configuration...' echo ' ' | twadmin --create-cfgfile -S "/etc/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}-site.key" /etc/tripwire/twcfg.txt echo $'Resetting policy...' echo ' ' | twadmin --create-polfile -S "/etc/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}-site.key" /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt echo $'Creating tripwire database' echo ' ' | tripwire --init --cfgfile /etc/tripwire/tw.cfg --polfile /etc/tripwire/tw.pol --dbfile "/var/lib/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}.twd" echo $'Resetting the Tripwire...' echo '' echo ' ' | reset-tripwire echo '' # Sometimes nginx fails to restart if matrix is installed # Restart matrix first if [ -d /etc/matrix ]; then systemctl restart matrix systemctl restart nginx fi if [ -f "/var/lib/tripwire/${HOSTNAME}.twd" ]; then show_tripwire_verification_code echo $'Tripwire is now reset. Take a note of the above hash, or record' echo $'the QR code using a mobile device. This will enable you to independently' echo $'verify the integrity of the tripwire.' else echo $'ERROR: tripwire database was not created' fi any_key } function passwords_show_apps { SELECTED_APP= i=0 W=() name=() # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for a in ${APPS_AVAILABLE[@]} do if grep -q "change_password_" "/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-${a}"; then i=$((i+1)) W+=("$i" "$a") name+=("$a") fi done i=$((i+1)) W+=("$i" "mariadb") name+=("mariadb") # shellcheck disable=SC2068 selected_app_index=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" --title $"User $SELECTED_USERNAME: Select App" --menu $"Select one of the following:" 24 40 17 ${W[@]} 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then SELECTED_APP="${name[$((selected_app_index-1))]}" fi } function view_or_change_passwords { passwords_select_user if [ ! "$SELECTED_USERNAME" ]; then return fi detect_installed_apps passwords_show_apps if [ ! "$SELECTED_APP" ]; then return fi CURR_PASSWORD=$("${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "${SELECTED_USERNAME}" -a "${SELECTED_APP}") icann_address=$(get_app_icann_address "${SELECTED_APP}") onion_address=$(get_app_onion_address "${SELECTED_APP}") titlestr=$"View or Change Password" if [ ${#onion_address} -gt 0 ]; then viewstr=$"${SELECTED_APP} password for ${SELECTED_USERNAME} on $icann_address or $onion_address\\n\\nCopy or change it if you wish." else viewstr=$"${SELECTED_APP} password for ${SELECTED_USERNAME} on $icann_address\\n\\nCopy or change it if you wish." fi if [ -f /root/.nostore ]; then titlestr=$"Change Password" if [ ${#onion_address} -gt 0 ]; then viewstr=$"Change the ${SELECTED_APP} password for ${SELECTED_USERNAME} on $icann_address or $onion_address." else viewstr=$"Change the ${SELECTED_APP} password for ${SELECTED_USERNAME} on $icann_address." fi fi if [[ "${SELECTED_APP}" == 'mariadb' ]]; then CURR_PASSWORD=$("${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u root -a mariadb) dialog --title $"MariaDB database password" \ --msgbox "\\n ${CURR_PASSWORD}" 7 40 return fi data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title "$titlestr" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --inputbox "$viewstr" 12 75 "$CURR_PASSWORD" 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) CURR_PASSWORD=$(<"$data") if [ ${#CURR_PASSWORD} -gt 8 ]; then "${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "${SELECTED_USERNAME}" -a "${SELECTED_APP}" -p "${CURR_PASSWORD}" "change_password_${SELECTED_APP}" "${SELECTED_USERNAME}" "${CURR_PASSWORD}" dialog --title $"Change password" \ --msgbox $"The password was changed" 6 40 else dialog --title $"Change password" \ --msgbox $"The password given must be at least 8 characters" 6 40 fi ;; esac rm -f "$data" } function show_firewall { W=() while read -r line; do firewall_name=$(echo "$line" | awk -F '=' '{print $1}') firewall_port=$(echo "$line" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') W+=("${firewall_name}" "${firewall_port}") done < "$FIREWALL_CONFIG" # shellcheck disable=SC2068 dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"Firewall" --menu $"Press ESC to return to main menu" 28 50 28 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3 } function export_passwords { detect_usb_drive dialog --title $"Export passwords to USB drive $USB_DRIVE" \ --backtitle $"Security Settings" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\\nPlease confirm that you wish to export passwords to a LUKS formatted USB drive. The drive should be plugged in." 10 60 sel=$? case $sel in 1) return;; 255) return;; esac dialog --title $"Export passwords to USB drive $USB_DRIVE" \ --backtitle $"Security Settings" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\\nDo you need to format the drive as LUKS encrypted?" 12 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) ${PROJECT_NAME}-format "$USB_DRIVE";; esac clear backup_mount_drive "${USB_DRIVE}" ${PROJECT_NAME}-pass --export "${USB_MOUNT}/${PROJECT_NAME}-passwords.xml" backup_unmount_drive "${USB_DRIVE}" } function get_protocols_from_website { if [ ! -f "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$1" ]; then return fi SSL_PROTOCOLS=$(grep 'ssl_protocols ' "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$1" | awk -F "ssl_protocols " '{print $2}' | awk -F ';' '{print $1}') } function get_ciphers_from_website { if [ ! -f "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$1" ]; then return fi SSL_CIPHERS=$(grep 'ssl_ciphers ' "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$1" | awk -F "ssl_ciphers " '{print $2}' | awk -F "'" '{print $2}') } function get_imap_settings { if [ ! -f $DOVECOT_CIPHERS ]; then return fi # clear commented out cipher list sed -i "s|#ssl_cipher_list.*||g" $DOVECOT_CIPHERS if [ "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then return fi if [ ${#SSL_CIPHERS} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then return fi SSL_CIPHERS=$(grep 'ssl_cipher_list' "$DOVECOT_CIPHERS" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F "'" '{print $2}') } function get_xmpp_settings { if [ ! -f $XMPP_CONFIG ]; then return fi XMPP_CIPHERS=$(grep 'ciphers ' "$XMPP_CONFIG" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$(grep 'curve ' "$XMPP_CONFIG" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') } function get_ssh_settings { if [ -f $SSH_CONFIG ]; then SSH_PASSWORDS=$(grep 'PasswordAuthentication ' "$SSH_CONFIG" | awk -F 'PasswordAuthentication ' '{print $2}') fi if [ -f /etc/ssh/ssh_config ]; then SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$(grep 'HostKeyAlgorithms ' "/etc/ssh/ssh_config" | awk -F 'HostKeyAlgorithms ' '{print $2}') fi } function change_website_settings { if [ ! "$SSL_PROTOCOLS" ]; then return fi if [ ! "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then return fi if [ ${#SSL_PROTOCOLS} -lt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then return fi if [ ${#SSL_CIPHERS} -lt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then return fi if [ ! -d $WEBSITES_DIRECTORY ]; then return fi cd $WEBSITES_DIRECTORY || exit 2468724628 for file in $(dir -d "*") ; do sed -i "s|ssl_protocols .*|ssl_protocols $SSL_PROTOCOLS;|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" if ! grep -q "Mobile compatible ciphers" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file"; then sed -i "s|ssl_ciphers .*|ssl_ciphers '$SSL_CIPHERS';|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" else sed -i "s|ssl_ciphers .*|ssl_ciphers '$SSL_CIPHERS_MOBILE';|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" fi done systemctl restart nginx echo $'Web security settings changed' } function change_imap_settings { if [ ! -f $DOVECOT_CIPHERS ]; then return fi if [ ! "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then return fi if [ ${#SSL_CIPHERS} -lt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then return fi sed -i "s|ssl_cipher_list.*|ssl_cipher_list = '$SSL_CIPHERS'|g" $DOVECOT_CIPHERS sed -i "s|ssl_protocols.*|ssl_protocols = '$SSL_PROTOCOLS'|g" $DOVECOT_CIPHERS systemctl restart dovecot echo $'imap security settings changed' } function change_ssh_settings { if [ -f /etc/ssh/ssh_config ]; then if [ "$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" ]; then sed -i "s|HostKeyAlgorithms .*|HostKeyAlgorithms $SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS|g" /etc/ssh/ssh_config echo $'ssh client security settings changed' fi fi if [ -f $SSH_CONFIG ]; then if [ ! $SSH_CIPHERS ]; then return fi if [ ! $SSH_MACS ]; then return fi if [ ! $SSH_KEX ]; then return fi if [ ! "$SSH_PASSWORDS" ]; then SSH_PASSWORDS='yes' fi sed -i "s|Ciphers .*|Ciphers $SSH_CIPHERS|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|MACs .*|MACs $SSH_MACS|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|KexAlgorithms .*|KexAlgorithms $SSH_KEX|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|#PasswordAuthentication .*|PasswordAuthentication $SSH_PASSWORDS|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|PasswordAuthentication .*|PasswordAuthentication $SSH_PASSWORDS|g" $SSH_CONFIG systemctl restart ssh echo $'ssh server security settings changed' fi } function change_xmpp_settings { if [ ! -f $XMPP_CONFIG ]; then return fi if [ ! "$XMPP_CIPHERS" ]; then return fi if [ ! "$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" ]; then return fi sed -i "s|ciphers =.*|ciphers = \"$XMPP_CIPHERS\";|g" $XMPP_CONFIG sed -i "s|curve =.*|curve = \"$XMPP_ECC_CURVE\";|g" $XMPP_CONFIG systemctl restart prosody echo $'xmpp security settings changed' } function allow_ssh_passwords { dialog --title $"SSH Passwords" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --yesno $"\\nAllow SSH login using passwords?" 7 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) SSH_PASSWORDS="yes";; 1) SSH_PASSWORDS="no";; 255) exit 0;; esac } function interactive_setup { if [ "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --form $"\\nWeb/IMAP Ciphers:" 10 95 2 \ $"Protocols:" 1 1 "$SSL_PROTOCOLS" 1 15 90 90 \ $"Ciphers:" 2 1 "$SSL_CIPHERS" 2 15 90 512 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) SSL_PROTOCOLS=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") SSL_CIPHERS=$(sed -n 2p < "$data") ;; 255) rm -f "$data" exit 0;; esac rm -f "$data" fi data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) if [ "$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" ]; then dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --form $"\\nSecure Shell Ciphers:" 13 95 4 \ $"Ciphers:" 1 1 "$SSH_CIPHERS" 1 15 90 512 \ $"MACs:" 2 1 "$SSH_MACS" 2 15 90 512 \ $"KEX:" 3 1 "$SSH_KEX" 3 15 90 512 \ $"Host key algorithms:" 4 1 "$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" 4 15 90 512 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) SSH_CIPHERS=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") SSH_MACS=$(sed -n 2p < "$data") SSH_KEX=$(sed -n 3p < "$data") SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$(sed -n 4p < "$data") ;; 255) rm -f "$data" exit 0;; esac else dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --form $"\\nSecure Shell Ciphers:" 11 95 3 \ $"Ciphers:" 1 1 "$SSH_CIPHERS" 1 15 90 512 \ $"MACs:" 2 1 "$SSH_MACS" 2 15 90 512 \ $"KEX:" 3 1 "$SSH_KEX" 3 15 90 512 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) SSH_CIPHERS=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") SSH_MACS=$(sed -n 2p < "$data") SSH_KEX=$(sed -n 3p < "$data") ;; 255) rm -f "$data" exit 0;; esac fi rm -f "$data" if [ "$XMPP_CIPHERS" ]; then data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --form $"\\nXMPP Ciphers:" 10 95 2 \ $"Ciphers:" 1 1 "$XMPP_CIPHERS" 1 15 90 512 \ $"ECC Curve:" 2 1 "$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" 2 15 50 50 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) XMPP_CIPHERS=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$(sed -n 2p < "$data") ;; 255) rm -f "$data" exit 0;; esac rm -f "$data" fi dialog --title $"Final Confirmation" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\\nPlease confirm that you wish your security settings to be changed?\\n\\nWARNING: any mistakes made in the security settings could compromise your system, so be extra careful when answering 'yes'." 12 60 sel=$? case $sel in 1) clear echo $'Exiting without changing security settings' exit 0;; 255) clear echo $'Exiting without changing security settings' exit 0;; esac clear } function send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users { monkeysphere_server_keys=$(monkeysphere-host show-key | grep $"OpenPGP fingerprint" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}') for d in /home/*/ ; do USERNAME=$(echo "$d" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') if [[ $(is_valid_user "$USERNAME") == "1" ]]; then if [ ! -d "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere" ]; then mkdir "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere" fi echo "$monkeysphere_server_keys" > "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere/server_keys" chown -R "$USERNAME":"$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere" fi done } function regenerate_ssh_host_keys { rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server echo $'ssh host keys regenerated' # remove small moduli awk '$5 > 2000' /etc/ssh/moduli > ~/moduli mv ~/moduli /etc/ssh/moduli echo $'ssh small moduli removed' # update monkeysphere DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME= read_config_param "DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" monkeysphere-host import-key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key "ssh://$DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME" SSH_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(grep 'ssh onion domain' "${COMPLETION_FILE}" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}') monkeysphere-host import-key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key "ssh://$SSH_ONION_HOSTNAME" monkeysphere-host publish-key send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users echo $'updated monkeysphere ssh host key' systemctl restart ssh } function regenerate_dh_keys { if [ ! -d /etc/ssl/mycerts ]; then echo $'No dhparam certificates were found' return fi data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --backtitle "Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --title "Diffie-Hellman key length" \ --radiolist "The smaller length is better suited to low power embedded systems:" 12 40 3 \ 1 "2048 bits" off \ 2 "3072 bits" on \ 3 "4096 bits" off 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) rm -f "$data" exit 1;; 255) rm -f "$data" exit 1;; esac case $(cat "$data") in 1) DH_KEYLENGTH=2048;; 2) DH_KEYLENGTH=3072;; 3) DH_KEYLENGTH=4096;; esac rm -f "$data" ${PROJECT_NAME}-dhparam --recalc yes -l ${DH_KEYLENGTH} } function renew_startssl { renew_domain= data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Renew a StartSSL certificate" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the domain name" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) renew_domain=$(<"$data") ;; esac rm -f "$data" if [ ! "$renew_domain" ]; then return fi if [[ $renew_domain == "http"* ]]; then dialog --title $"Renew a StartSSL certificate" \ --msgbox $"Don't include the https://" 6 40 return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/ssl/certs/${renew_domain}.dhparam" ]; then dialog --title $"Renew a StartSSL certificate" \ --msgbox $"An existing certificate for $renew_domain was not found" 6 40 return fi if [[ $renew_domain != *"."* ]]; then dialog --title $"Renew a StartSSL certificate" \ --msgbox $"Invalid domain name: $renew_domain" 6 40 return fi ${PROJECT_NAME}-renew-cert -h "$renew_domain" -p startssl exit 0 } function renew_letsencrypt { renew_domain= data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Renew a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the domain name" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) renew_domain=$(<"$data") ;; esac rm -f "$data" if [ ! "$renew_domain" ]; then return fi if [[ $renew_domain == "http"* ]]; then dialog --title $"Renew a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Don't include the https://" 6 40 return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/ssl/certs/${renew_domain}.dhparam" ]; then dialog --title $"Renew a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"An existing certificate for $renew_domain was not found" 6 40 return fi if [[ $renew_domain != *"."* ]]; then dialog --title $"Renew a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Invalid domain name: $renew_domain" 6 40 return fi ${PROJECT_NAME}-renew-cert -h "$renew_domain" -p 'letsencrypt' exit 0 } function delete_letsencrypt { delete_domain= data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the domain name" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) delete_domain=$(<"$data") ;; esac rm -f "$data" if [ ! "$delete_domain" ]; then return fi if [[ $delete_domain == "http"* ]]; then dialog --title $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Don't include the https://" 6 40 return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/ssl/certs/${delete_domain}.dhparam" ]; then dialog --title $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"An existing certificate for $renew_domain was not found" 6 40 return fi if [[ $delete_domain != *"."* ]]; then dialog --title $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Invalid domain name: $delete_domain" 6 40 return fi dialog --title $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\\nConfirm deletion of the TLS certificate for $delete_domain ?" 7 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) ${PROJECT_NAME}-addcert -r "$delete_domain";; 255) exit 0;; esac exit 0 } function create_letsencrypt { new_domain= data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Create a new Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the domain name" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) new_domain=$(<"$data") ;; esac rm -f "$data" if [ ! "$new_domain" ]; then return fi if [[ $new_domain == "http"* ]]; then dialog --title $"Create a new Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Don't include the https://" 6 40 return fi if [[ $new_domain != *"."* ]]; then dialog --title $"Create a new Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $"Invalid domain name: $new_domain" 6 40 return fi if [ ! -d "/var/www/${new_domain}" ]; then domain_found= if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/radicale ]; then if grep -q "${new_domain}" /etc/nginx/sites-available/radicale; then domain_found=1 fi fi if [ -f "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${new_domain}" ]; then domain_found=1 fi if [[ "${new_domain}" == "jitsi"* || "${new_domain}" == "meet"* ]]; then domain_found=1 fi if [ ! $domain_found ]; then dialog --title $"Create a new Let's Encrypt certificate" \ --msgbox $'Domain not found within /var/www' 6 40 return fi fi ${PROJECT_NAME}-addcert -e "$new_domain" -s "$LETSENCRYPT_SERVER" --dhkey "$DH_KEYLENGTH" exit 0 } function update_ciphersuite { RECOMMENDED_SSL_CIPHERS="$SSL_CIPHERS" if [ ${#RECOMMENDED_SSL_CIPHERS} -lt 5 ]; then return fi RECOMMENDED_SSL_PROTOCOLS="$SSL_PROTOCOLS" if [ ${#RECOMMENDED_SSL_PROTOCOLS} -lt 5 ]; then return fi RECOMMENDED_SSH_CIPHERS="$SSH_CIPHERS" if [ ${#RECOMMENDED_SSH_CIPHERS} -lt 5 ]; then return fi RECOMMENDED_SSH_MACS="$SSH_MACS" if [ ${#RECOMMENDED_SSH_MACS} -lt 5 ]; then return fi RECOMMENDED_SSH_KEX="$SSH_KEX" if [ ${#RECOMMENDED_SSH_KEX} -lt 5 ]; then return fi cd $WEBSITES_DIRECTORY || exit 728425476 for file in $(dir -d "*") ; do sed -i "s|ssl_protocols .*|ssl_protocols $RECOMMENDED_SSL_PROTOCOLS;|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" if ! grep -q "Mobile compatible ciphers" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file"; then sed -i "s|ssl_ciphers .*|ssl_ciphers '$RECOMMENDED_SSL_CIPHERS';|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" else sed -i "s|ssl_ciphers .*|ssl_ciphers '$SSL_CIPHERS_MOBILE';|g" "$WEBSITES_DIRECTORY/$file" fi done systemctl restart nginx write_config_param "SSL_PROTOCOLS" "$RECOMMENDED_SSL_PROTOCOLS" write_config_param "SSL_CIPHERS" "$RECOMMENDED_SSL_CIPHERS" sed -i "s|Ciphers .*|Ciphers $RECOMMENDED_SSH_CIPHERS|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|MACs .*|MACs $RECOMMENDED_SSH_MACS|g" $SSH_CONFIG sed -i "s|KexAlgorithms .*|KexAlgorithms $RECOMMENDED_SSH_KEX|g" $SSH_CONFIG systemctl restart ssh write_config_param "SSH_CIPHERS" "$RECOMMENDED_SSH_CIPHERS" write_config_param "SSH_MACS" "$RECOMMENDED_SSH_MACS" write_config_param "SSH_KEX" "$RECOMMENDED_SSH_KEX" dialog --title $"Update ciphersuite" \ --msgbox $"The ciphersuite has been updated to recommended versions" 6 40 exit 0 } function enable_monkeysphere { monkey= dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\\nEnable GPG based authentication with monkeysphere ?" 7 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) monkey='yes';; 255) exit 0;; esac if [ $monkey ]; then read_config_param "MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids ]; then dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \ --msgbox $"$MY_USERNAME does not currently have any ids within ~/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids" 6 40 exit 0 fi MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID=$(gpg_pubkey_from_email "$MY_USERNAME" "$MY_USERNAME@$HOSTNAME") if [ ${#MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID} -lt 4 ]; then echo $"monkeysphere unable to get GPG key ID for user $MY_USERNAME@$HOSTNAME" exit 52825 fi sed -i 's|#AuthorizedKeysFile|AuthorizedKeysFile|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's|AuthorizedKeysFile.*|AuthorizedKeysFile /var/lib/monkeysphere/authorized_keys/%u|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config monkeysphere-authentication update-users # The admin user is the identity certifier fpr=$(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint "$MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID" | grep fpr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $10}') monkeysphere-authentication add-identity-certifier "$fpr" monkeysphere-host publish-key send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users else sed -i 's|#AuthorizedKeysFile|AuthorizedKeysFile|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i 's|AuthorizedKeysFile.*|AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config fi systemctl restart ssh if [ $monkey ]; then dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \ --msgbox $"GPG based authentication was enabled" 6 40 else dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \ --msgbox $"GPG based authentication was disabled" 6 40 fi exit 0 } function register_website { domain="$1" if [[ ${domain} == *".local" ]]; then echo $"Can't register local domains" return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/ssl/private/${domain}.key" ]; then echo $"No SSL/TLS private key found for ${domain}" return fi if [ ! -f "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain}" ]; then echo $"No virtual host found for ${domain}" return fi monkeysphere-host import-key "/etc/ssl/private/${domain}.key" "https://${domain}" monkeysphere-host publish-key echo "0" } function register_website_interactive { data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the website domain name (without https://)" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) domain=$(<"$data") if ! register_website "$domain"; then dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \ --msgbox "$?" 6 40 else dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \ --msgbox $"$domain has been registered" 6 40 fi ;; esac rm -f "$data" } function pin_all_tls_certs { ${PROJECT_NAME}-pin-cert all } function remove_pinning { data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Remove pinning for a domain" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \ --inputbox $"Enter the website domain name (without https://)" 8 60 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) domain=$(<"$data") if ! ${PROJECT_NAME}-pin-cert "$domain" remove; then dialog --title $"Removed pinning from $domain" \ --msgbox "$?" 6 40 fi ;; esac rm -f "$data" } function store_passwords { dialog --title $"Store Passwords" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \ --yesno $"\\nDo you wish to store passwords on the system? Stored passwords are convenient but carry some additional security risk." 10 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) if [ -f /root/.nostore ]; then read_config_param "MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; then dialog --title $"Store Passwords" \ --msgbox $"\\nYou should first enable key based ssh login to improve security" 8 60 return fi if [[ $SSH_PASSWORDS == 'yes' ]]; then dialog --title $"Store Passwords" \ --msgbox $"\\nYou should disable ssh passwords to improve security" 8 60 return fi ${PROJECT_NAME}-pass --enable yes dialog --title $"Store Passwords" \ --msgbox $"\\nUser passwords will now be stored on the system" 8 60 fi return ;; 1) ${PROJECT_NAME}-pass --clear yes dialog --title $"Passwords were removed and will not be stored" \ --msgbox $"\\nFor the best security you should now manually change passwords via web interfaces so that there is no possibility of them being recovered from the disk" 9 60 return ;; 255) return;; esac } function show_tor_bridges { clear bridges_list=$(grep "Bridge " /etc/tor/torrc | grep -v '##') if [ ${#bridges_list} -eq 0 ]; then echo $'No Tor bridges have been added' return fi echo "${bridges_list}" } function add_tor_bridge { data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --title $"Add obfs4 Tor bridge" \ --form "\\n" 9 60 4 \ $"IP address: " 1 1 " . . . " 1 17 16 16 \ $"Port: " 2 1 "" 2 17 8 8 \ $"Key/Nickname: " 3 1 "" 3 17 250 250 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) rm -f "$data" return;; 255) rm -f "$data" return;; esac bridge_ip_address=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") bridge_port=$(sed -n 2p < "$data") bridge_key=$(sed -n 3p < "$data") rm -f "$data" if [[ "${bridge_ip_address}" == *" "* ]]; then return fi if [[ "${bridge_ip_address}" != *"."* ]]; then return fi if [ ${#bridge_port} -eq 0 ]; then return fi if [ ${#bridge_key} -eq 0 ]; then return fi tor_add_bridge "${bridge_ip_address}" "${bridge_port}" "${bridge_key}" dialog --title $"Add obfs4 Tor bridge" \ --msgbox $"Bridge added" 6 40 } function remove_tor_bridge { bridge_removed= data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --title $"Remove obfs4 Tor bridge" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --inputbox $"Enter the IP address, key or Nickname of the bridge" 8 65 2>"$data" sel=$? case $sel in 0) response=$(<"$data") if [ ${#response} -gt 2 ]; then if [[ "${response}" != *" "* ]]; then if [[ "${response}" == *"."* ]]; then if grep -q "Bridge ${response}" /etc/tor/torrc; then tor_remove_bridge "${response}" bridge_removed=1 fi else if grep -q " $response" /etc/tor/torrc; then tor_remove_bridge "${response}" bridge_removed=1 fi fi fi fi ;; esac rm -f "$data" if [ $bridge_removed ]; then dialog --title $"Remove obfs4 Tor bridge" \ --msgbox $"Bridge removed" 6 40 fi } function add_tor_bridge_relay { read_config_param 'TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME' read_config_param 'TOR_BRIDGE_PORT' # remove any previous bridge port from the firewall if [ ${#TOR_BRIDGE_PORT} -gt 0 ]; then firewall_remove "$TOR_BRIDGE_PORT" tcp fi data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null) dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --title $"Become an obfs4 Tor bridge relay" \ --form "\\n" 8 60 2 \ $"Bridge Nickname: " 1 1 "$TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME" 1 20 250 250 \ 2> "$data" sel=$? case $sel in 1) rm -f "$data" return;; 255) rm -f "$data" return;; esac bridge_nickname=$(sed -n 1p < "$data") rm -f "$data" if [[ "${bridge_nickname}" == *" "* ]]; then return fi if [ ${#bridge_nickname} -eq 0 ]; then return fi TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME="$bridge_nickname" TOR_BRIDGE_PORT=$((20000 + RANDOM % 40000)) write_config_param 'TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME' "$TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME" write_config_param 'TOR_BRIDGE_PORT' "$TOR_BRIDGE_PORT" tor_create_bridge_relay dialog --title $"You are now an obfs4 Tor bridge relay" \ --msgbox $"\\nIP address: $(get_ipv4_address)\\n\\nPort: ${TOR_BRIDGE_PORT}\\n\\nNickname: ${TOR_BRIDGE_NICKNAME}" 10 65 } function remove_tor_bridge_relay { tor_remove_bridge_relay dialog --title $"Remove Tor bridge relay" \ --msgbox $"Bridge relay removed" 10 60 } function menu_tor_bridges { W=(1 $"Show bridges" 2 $"Add a bridge" 3 $"Remove a bridge" 4 $"Make this system into a bridge" 5 $"Stop being a bridge") # shellcheck disable=SC2068 selection=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"Security Settings" --menu $"Choose an operation, or ESC to go back:" 14 50 6 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) if [ ! "$selection" ]; then exit 0 fi case $selection in 1) show_tor_bridges exit 0 ;; 2) add_tor_bridge exit 0 ;; 3) remove_tor_bridge exit 0 ;; 4) add_tor_bridge_relay exit 0 ;; 5) remove_tor_bridge_relay exit 0 ;; esac } function menu_security_settings { W=(1 $"Passwords" 2 $"Run STIG tests" 3 $"Fix STIG test failures" 4 $"Show tripwire verification code" 5 $"Reset tripwire" 6 $"Enable or disable ping" 7 $"Show ssh host public key" 8 $"Tor bridges" 9 $"Password storage" 10 $"Export passwords" 11 $"Regenerate ssh host keys" 12 $"Regenerate Diffie-Hellman keys" 13 $"Update cipersuite" 14 $"Create a new Let's Encrypt certificate" 15 $"Renew Let's Encrypt certificate" 16 $"Delete a Let's Encrypt certificate" 17 $"Enable GPG based authentication (monkeysphere)" 18 $"Register a website with monkeysphere" 19 $"Allow ssh login with passwords" 20 $"Show firewall") # shellcheck disable=SC2068 selection=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"Security Settings" --menu $"Choose an operation, or ESC to exit:" 24 76 24 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) if [ ! "$selection" ]; then exit 0 fi clear read_config_param SSL_CIPHERS read_config_param SSL_PROTOCOLS read_config_param SSH_CIPHERS read_config_param SSH_MACS read_config_param SSH_KEX get_imap_settings get_ssh_settings get_xmpp_settings import_settings export_settings case $selection in 1) view_or_change_passwords exit 0; ;; 2) clear echo $'Running STIG tests...' echo '' ${PROJECT_NAME}-tests --stig showall exit 0 ;; 3) clear echo $'Fixing any STIG failures...' echo '' ${PROJECT_NAME}-tests --stig fix echo $'Fixes applied. You will need to run the STIG tests again to be sure that they were all fixed.' exit 0 ;; 4) show_tripwire_verification_code any_key_verify exit 0 ;; 5) reset_tripwire exit 0 ;; 6) ping_enable_disable exit 0 ;; 7) dialog --title $"SSH host public keys" \ --msgbox "\\n$(get_ssh_server_key)" 12 60 exit 0 ;; 8) menu_tor_bridges exit 0 ;; 9) store_passwords exit 0 ;; 10) export_passwords exit 0 ;; 11) regenerate_ssh_host_keys ;; 12) regenerate_dh_keys ;; 13) interactive_setup update_ciphersuite ;; 14) create_letsencrypt ;; 15) renew_letsencrypt ;; 16) delete_letsencrypt ;; 17) enable_monkeysphere ;; 18) register_website ;; 19) allow_ssh_passwords change_ssh_settings exit 0 ;; 20) show_firewall exit 0 ;; esac change_website_settings change_imap_settings change_ssh_settings change_xmpp_settings } function import_settings { cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 2468724684 if [ ! $IMPORT_FILE ]; then return fi if [ ! -f $IMPORT_FILE ]; then echo $"Import file $IMPORT_FILE not found" exit 6393 fi if grep -q "SSL_PROTOCOLS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSL_PROTOCOLS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSL_PROTOCOLS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSL_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSL_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSL_CIPHERS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSH_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSH_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSH_CIPHERS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSH_MACS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSH_MACS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSH_MACS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSH_KEX" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSH_KEX" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSH_KEX=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "SSH_PASSWORDS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "SSH_PASSWORDS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [[ $TEMP_VALUE == "yes" || $TEMP_VALUE == "no" ]]; then SSH_PASSWORDS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "XMPP_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "XMPP_CIPHERS" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt $MINIMUM_LENGTH ]; then XMPP_CIPHERS=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi if grep -q "XMPP_ECC_CURVE" $IMPORT_FILE; then TEMP_VALUE=$(grep "XMPP_ECC_CURVE" $IMPORT_FILE | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [ ${#TEMP_VALUE} -gt 3 ]; then XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$TEMP_VALUE fi fi } function export_settings { if [ ! $EXPORT_FILE ]; then return fi cd "$CURRENT_DIR" || exit 92465274527 if [ ! -f $EXPORT_FILE ]; then if [ "$SSL_PROTOCOLS" ]; then echo "SSL_PROTOCOLS=$SSL_PROTOCOLS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then echo "SSL_CIPHERS=$SSL_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSH_CIPHERS" ]; then echo "SSH_CIPHERS=$SSH_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSH_MACS" ]; then echo "SSH_MACS=$SSH_MACS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSH_KEX" ]; then echo "SSH_KEX=$SSH_KEX" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" ]; then echo "SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$SSH_PASSWORDS" ]; then echo "SSH_PASSWORDS=$SSH_PASSWORDS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$XMPP_CIPHERS" ]; then echo "XMPP_CIPHERS=$XMPP_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi if [ "$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" ]; then echo "XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi echo "Security settings exported to $EXPORT_FILE" exit 0 fi if [ "$SSL_PROTOCOLS" ]; then if grep -q "SSL_PROTOCOLS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSL_PROTOCOLS=.*|SSL_PROTOCOLS=$SSL_PROTOCOLS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSL_PROTOCOLS=$SSL_PROTOCOLS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSL_CIPHERS" ]; then if grep -q "SSL_CIPHERS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSL_CIPHERS=.*|SSL_CIPHERS=$SSL_CIPHERS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSL_CIPHERS=$SSL_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSH_CIPHERS" ]; then if grep -q "SSH_CIPHERS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSH_CIPHERS=.*|SSH_CIPHERS=$SSH_CIPHERS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSH_CIPHERS=$SSH_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSH_MACS" ]; then if grep -q "SSH_MACS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSH_MACS=.*|SSH_MACS=$SSH_MACS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSH_MACS=$SSH_MACS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSH_KEX" ]; then if grep -q "SSH_KEX" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSH_KEX=.*|SSH_KEX=$SSH_KEX|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSH_KEX=$SSH_KEX" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" ]; then if grep -q "SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=.*|SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS=$SSH_HOST_KEY_ALGORITHMS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$SSH_PASSWORDS" ]; then if grep -q "SSH_PASSWORDS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|SSH_PASSWORDS=.*|SSH_PASSWORDS=$SSH_PASSWORDS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "SSH_PASSWORDS=$SSH_PASSWORDS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$XMPP_CIPHERS" ]; then if grep -q "XMPP_CIPHERS" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|XMPP_CIPHERS=.*|XMPP_CIPHERS=$XMPP_CIPHERS|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "XMPP_CIPHERS=$XMPP_CIPHERS" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi if [ "$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" ]; then if grep -q "XMPP_ECC_CURVE" $EXPORT_FILE; then sed -i "s|XMPP_ECC_CURVE=.*|XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$XMPP_ECC_CURVE|g" $EXPORT_FILE else echo "XMPP_ECC_CURVE=$XMPP_ECC_CURVE" >> $EXPORT_FILE fi fi echo $"Security settings exported to $EXPORT_FILE" exit 0 } function refresh_gpg_keys { for d in /home/*/ ; do USERNAME=$(echo "$d" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') if [[ $(is_valid_user "$USERNAME") == "1" ]]; then su -c 'gpg --refresh-keys' - "$USERNAME" fi done exit 0 } function monkeysphere_sign_server_keys { server_keys_file=/home/$USER/.monkeysphere/server_keys if [ ! -f "$server_keys_file" ]; then exit 0 fi keys_signed= while read -r line; do echo "$line" if [ ${#line} -gt 2 ]; then fpr=$(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint "$line" | grep fpr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $10}') if [ ${#fpr} -gt 2 ]; then if gpg --sign-key "$fpr"; then gpg --update-trustdb keys_signed=1 fi fi fi done <"$server_keys_file" if [ $keys_signed ]; then rm "$server_keys_file" fi exit 0 } function htmly_hash { # produces a hash corresponding to a htmly password pass="$1" HTMLYHASH_FILENAME=/usr/bin/htmlyhash { echo ''; } > "$HTMLYHASH_FILENAME" php $HTMLYHASH_FILENAME password="$pass" } function show_help { echo '' echo "${PROJECT_NAME}-sec" echo '' echo $'Alters the security settings' echo '' echo '' echo $' -h --help Show help' echo $' -e --export Export security settings to a file' echo $' -i --import Import security settings from a file' echo $' -r --refresh Refresh GPG keys for all users' echo $' -s --sign Sign monkeysphere server keys' echo $' --register [domain] Register a https domain with monkeysphere' echo $' -b --htmlyhash [password] Returns the hash of a password for a htmly blog' echo '' exit 0 } # Get the commandline options while [ $# -gt 1 ] do key="$1" case $key in -h|--help) show_help ;; # Export settings -e|--export) shift EXPORT_FILE="$1" ;; # Export settings -i|--import) shift IMPORT_FILE="$1" ;; # Refresh GPG keys -r|--refresh) shift refresh_gpg_keys ;; # register a website --register|--reg|--site) shift register_website "$1" ;; # user signs monkeysphere server keys -s|--sign) shift monkeysphere_sign_server_keys ;; # get a hash of the given htmly password -b|--htmlyhash) shift htmly_hash "$1" exit 0 ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac shift done menu_security_settings exit 0