diff --git a/beaglebone.txt b/beaglebone.txt
index 8d1efde3..345dded0 100644
--- a/beaglebone.txt
+++ b/beaglebone.txt
@@ -509,6 +509,48 @@ Via your router's firewall settings you should now open port 22 (secure shell).
 The freeDNS subdomain which you just created will hereafter just be refered to as "/your domain name/".
+If you have multiple freedns subdomains then you may want to rationalise that a little within */etc/crontab*.  Rather than listing them all individually create a script:
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+emacs /usr/bin/dynamicdns
+Add however many freedns subdomains you have.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+# subdomain name 1
+wget -O - http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?<subdomain code 1>== >> /dev/null 2>&1
+# subdomain name 2
+wget -O - http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?<subdomain code 2>== >> /dev/null 2>&1
+Save and exit, then make the script runnable and only readable by the root user.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+chmod 400 /usr/bin/dynamicdns
+chmod +x /usr/bin/dynamicdns
+Then within */etc/crontab*
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+emacs /etc/crontab
+You can replace the multiple freedns entries with a single line:
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+*/10 * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 60 /usr/bin/dynamicdns
+Then save and exit and restart the cron daemon.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+service cron restart
 ** Set the host name
 #+BEGIN_SRC: bash