diff --git a/beaglebone.txt b/beaglebone.txt
index 54c766de..38da1e66 100644
--- a/beaglebone.txt
+++ b/beaglebone.txt
@@ -1111,6 +1111,68 @@ Save and exit, then start the dovecot service.
 service dovecot restart
+** Create Email folders and rules
+A common situation with email is that you may be subscribed to various mailing lists and want incoming email from those to be automatically grouped into a separate folder for each list.
+We can make a script to make adding mailing list rules easy:
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+emacs /usr/bin/mailinglistrule
+Add the following:
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+if [ ! -d "$LISTDIR" ]; then
+  mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR
+  mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/tmp
+  mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/new
+  mkdir -m 700 $LISTDIR/cur
+echo ":0" >> $PM
+echo "* ^Subject:.*[$SUBJECTTAG].*" >> $PM
+echo "$LISTDIR/cur" >> $PM
+if [ ! -f "$MUTTRC" ]; then
+  cp /etc/Muttrc $MUTTRC
+Save and exit, then make the script executable.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+chmod +x /usr/bin/mailinglistrule
+Now we can add a new mailing list rule with the following, where /myusername/ is your username, /mailinglistname/ is the name of the mailing list (with no spaces) and /subjecttag/ is the tag which usually appears within square brackets in the subject line of emails from the list.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+mailinglistrule myusername mailinglistname subjecttag
+Repeat this command for as many mailing lists as you need.  Then edit your local Mutt configuration.
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+emacs /home/myusername/.muttrc
+Search for the *mailboxes* variable and add entries for the mailing lists you just created.  For example:
+#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
+mailboxes = =sent =mailinglistname
+Then save and exit.
 ** Setting up a web site