diff --git a/resource guide.html b/resource guide.html index 2810377..de78466 100644 --- a/resource guide.html +++ b/resource guide.html @@ -112,12 +112,7 @@
  • You may wish to use this customised layout which adds a mincho/serif font to the cards so you can see how the radicals look in that typeface.
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    All in One Kanji Deck - Probably the best rote kanji deck on AnkiWeb's shared decks page. Contains 3278 kanji with recall-type cards and 3730 kanji with recognition-type cards. Additional information in the deck includes kunyomi and onyomi readings, example words using the kanji (may help you get a better feel for its meaning), which radicals and/or other kanji appear any given kanji, JLPT grade, Jouyou grade, stroke count, mnemonics, and more. You should read the deck page which has additional important information.

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    For rote kanji study: Just pick whichever mnemonic deck (RTK/KKLC/KD) takes your fancy and edit the card layout to remove the mnemonics if necessary. The reason for this is that the mnemonic decks give much more concise meanings for the kanji, whereas rote decks often have far too many meanings to be realistically remembered for each kanji. It's worth doing a radical deck first so that if you encounter any kanji which you're really struggling to remember through rote, you can make up a mnemonic using the radicals.