diff --git a/instructions.md b/instructions.md index d231627..7d74a90 100644 --- a/instructions.md +++ b/instructions.md @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ IMPORTANT: Please add only "Base Domain" | list_other.txt | Any other form of tor-hostility or mistreatment. This includes sites somewhat functional for Tor users to some extent but sneaky and unexpected adverse retalitory actions are taken against Tor visitors. | | list_formerly_tor-hostile.txt | _was_ previously on one of the above tor-hostile lists | -- Add-on "[Which website rejected me?](addon/about.urjm.md)" will help your domain collection. +- Add-on "[Kiu retejo malakceptis min?](addon/about.urjm.md)" will help your domain collection. ![](image/siteground.jpg) -Above is how Siteground-hosted(INAP) sites often appear to Tor visitors when timeouts/tarpitting doesn't occur. +Above is how Siteground-hosted([INAP](https://www.inap.com/press-release/inap-completes-acquisition-singlehop/);[Singlehop](https://www.siteground.com/blog/siteground-partners-singlehop/)) sites often appear to Tor visitors when timeouts/tarpitting doesn't occur. If you see this please update `list_othercdn_domain.txt`. (CDN ID: Z7) ```