'use strict' /** * @type {Chalk.ChalkModule} */ const chalk = require('chalk') const _ = require('lodash') const table = require('text-table') /** * Given a word and a count, append an s if count is not one. * @param {string} word A word in its singular form. * @param {int} count A number controlling whether word should be pluralized. * @returns {string} The original word with an s on the end if count is not one. */ function pluralize(word, count) { return count === 1 ? word : `${word}s` } /** * @param {number} line * @return {string} */ function lineText(line) { return line < 1 ? '' : line } module.exports = function (results) { results = _.groupBy(results, 'file') let output = '\n' let total = 0 let errors = 0 let warnings = 0 let infos = 0 let summaryColor = 'cyan' _.forEach(results, (result, k) => { const messages = result if (messages.length === 0) { return } total += messages.length output += chalk.underline(k) + '\n' output += table( messages.map(message => { let messageType if (message.level === 'ERROR') { messageType = chalk.red('error') summaryColor = 'red' errors++ } else if (message.level === 'WARN') { messageType = chalk.yellow('warning') summaryColor = 'yellow' warnings++ } else { messageType = chalk.cyan('info') infos++ } return [ '', lineText(message.line), lineText(message.column), messageType, message.msg.replace(/\.$/, ''), chalk.gray(message.ruleId || '') ] }), { align: ['', 'r', 'l'], stringLength: str => chalk.stripColor(str).length } ).split('\n').map(el => el.replace(/(\d+)\s+(\d+)/, (m, p1, p2) => chalk.gray(`${p1}:${p2}`))).join('\n') + '\n\n' }) if (total > 0) { output += chalk[summaryColor].bold([ '\u2716 ', total, pluralize(' message', total), ' (', errors, pluralize(' error', errors), ', ', warnings, pluralize(' warning', warnings), ', ', infos, pluralize(' info', infos), ')\n' ].join('')) } return total > 0 ? output : '' }