/*eslint object-shorthand:0*/ 'use strict' // const path = require('path') module.exports = function (/*wallaby*/) { return { files: [ 'src/**/*.js', 'test/src/utils/**/*.js', {pattern: 'test/data/**/*', instrument: false}, {pattern: 'package.json', instrument: false} ], tests: [ 'test/**/*.unit.js' ], testFramework: 'mocha', // debug: true, // reportConsoleErrorAsError: true, // maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 10000, env: { // use 'node' type to use node.js or io.js type: 'node', // if runner property is not set, then wallaby.js embedded node/io.js version is used // you can specifically set the node version by specifying 'node' (or any other command) // that resolves your default node version or just specify the path // your node installation, like runner: process.env.NODE_HOME // runner: '/Users/idok/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.4/bin/node' //runner: '/usr/local/bin/jasmine-node' // or // runner: 'path to the desired node version' // params: { // runner: '--harmony --harmony_arrow_functions', // env: 'PARAM1=true;PARAM2=false' // } }, setup: function (w) { // require(path.resolve(__dirname, './spec/support/unit-init.js')) // require('jasmine-expect') // w.testFramework.addMatchers(require('./test/src/utils/customMatchers')) w.testFramework.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 2500 } } }