From e7ef23971d67178d236b3e716f7c42baaaeecf11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: avim Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:55:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Initial version --- .gitignore | 18 ++++ package.json | 24 +++++ reactTemplates.js | 239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 281 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 package.json create mode 100644 reactTemplates.js diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b6b887 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +### Operating systems ### +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride +._* +.Spotlight-V100 +.Trashes + +### Regular dev ### +node_modules +npm-debug.log +.idea +*.iml + +### bower ### +/bower_components/* + diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce09c3b --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "name": "react-templates", + "version": "0.0.0", + "description": "Light weight templates for react -> write html get valid react code", + "main": "reactTemplates.js", + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + }, + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git://" + }, + "author": "Avi Marcus", + "license": "MIT", + "bugs": { + "url": "" + }, + "homepage": "", + "dependencies": { + "cheerio": "^0.18.0", + "escodegen": "^1.4.1", + "esprima": "^1.2.2" + } +} diff --git a/reactTemplates.js b/reactTemplates.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d70036 --- /dev/null +++ b/reactTemplates.js @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +/** + * Created by avim on 11/9/2014. + */ +var cheerio = require('cheerio'); +var fs = require('fs'); +var _ = require('lodash'); +var esprima = require('esprima'); +var escodegen = require('escodegen'); +var path = require('path'); +var React = require('react'); + + +var repeatTemplate = _.template("<%= collection %>,function (<%= item %>,<%= item %>Index) {\n return <%= body %>}, this)"); +var ifTemplate = _.template("((<%= condition %>)?(<%= body %>):null)"); +var classSetTemplate = _.template("React.addons.classSet(<%= classSet %>)"); +var tagTemplate = _.template("<%= name %>.apply(this,_.flatten([<%= props %>].concat([<%= children %>])))"); +var commentTemplate = _.template(" /* <%= data %> */ "); +var templateTemplate = _.template("define([<%= requirePaths %>], function (<%= requireNames %>) {\n <%= injectedFunctions %>\nreturn <%= body %>\n});") + +var templateProp = "rt-repeat"; +var ifProp = "rt-if"; +var classSetProp = "rt-class"; + +var reactSupportedAttributes = ['accept', 'acceptCharset', 'accessKey', 'action', 'allowFullScreen', 'allowTransparency', 'alt', 'async', 'autoComplete', 'autoPlay', 'cellPadding', 'cellSpacing', 'charSet', 'checked', 'classID', 'className', 'cols', 'colSpan', 'content', 'contentEditable', 'contextMenu', 'controls', 'coords', 'crossOrigin', 'data', 'dateTime', 'defer', 'dir', 'disabled', 'download', 'draggable', 'encType', 'form', 'formNoValidate', 'frameBorder', 'height', 'hidden', 'href', 'hrefLang', 'htmlFor', 'httpEquiv', 'icon', 'id', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loop', 'manifest', 'max', 'maxLength', 'media', 'mediaGroup', 'method', 'min', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'noValidate', 'open', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'poster', 'preload', 'radioGroup', 'readOnly', 'rel', 'required', 'role', 'rows', 'rowSpan', 'sandbox', 'scope', 'scrolling', 'seamless', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'spellCheck', 'src', 'srcDoc', 'srcSet', 'start', 'step', 'style', 'tabIndex', 'target', 'title', 'type', 'useMap', 'value', 'width', 'wmode']; +var attributesMapping = {'class':'className','rt-class':'className'}; +_.forEach(reactSupportedAttributes,function (attributeReactName) { + if (attributeReactName !== attributeReactName.toLowerCase()) { + attributesMapping[attributeReactName.toLowerCase()] = attributeReactName; + } +}); + + +function concatChildren(children) { + var res = ""; + var first = true; + _.forEach(children, function (child) { + if (child.indexOf(" /*") !== 0 && child) { + res += (first?"":",") + child; + first = false; + } else { + res += child; + } + }, this); + return res; +} + +var curlyMap = {'{':1, '}': -1}; + +function convertText(txt) { + txt = txt.trim(); + var res = ""; + var first = true; + while (txt.indexOf('{') !== -1) { + var start = txt.indexOf('{'); + var pre = txt.substr(0,start); + if (pre) { + res += (first?"":"+") + JSON.stringify(pre); + first = false; + } + var curlyCounter = 1; + for (var end = start + 1;end < txt.length && curlyCounter > 0;end++) { + curlyCounter += curlyMap[txt.charAt(end)] || 0; + } + if (curlyCounter !== 0) { + throw "Failed to parse text"; + } else { + res += (first?"":"+") + txt.substr(start+1,end-start-2); + first = false; + txt = txt.substr(end); + } + } + if (txt) { + res += (first?"":"+") + JSON.stringify(txt); + } + + return res; +} + +function isStringOnlyCode(txt) { + txt = txt.trim(); + return txt.length && txt.charAt(0) === '{' && txt.charAt(txt.length - 1) === '}'; +} + +function generateProps(node,context) { + var props = {}; + _.forOwn(node.attribs, function (val,key) { + var propKey = attributesMapping[key.toLowerCase()] || key; + if (props.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) { + throw "duplicate definition of "+propKey+" "+JSON.stringify(node.attribs); + } + if (key.indexOf("on") === 0 && !isStringOnlyCode(val)) { + var funcParts = val.split("=>"); + var evtParams = funcParts[0].replace("(","").replace(")","").trim(); + var funcBody = funcParts[1].trim(); + var generatedFuncName = "generated"+(context.injectedFunctions.length + 1); + var params = context.boundParams; + if (evtParams.trim().length > 0) { + params = params.concat(evtParams.trim()); + } + + var funcText = "function "+generatedFuncName+"("+ params.join(","); + funcText += ") {\n"+funcBody+"\n}\n"; + context.injectedFunctions.push(funcText); + props[propKey] = generatedFuncName+".bind("+(["this"].concat(context.boundParams)).join(",")+")"; + } else if (key === "style" && !isStringOnlyCode(val)) { + var styleParts = val.trim().split(";"); + styleParts = _.compact(, function (str) { + str = str.trim(); + if (!str || str.indexOf(':') === -1) { + return null; + + } + var res = str.split(":"); + res[0] = res[0].trim(); + res[1] = res[1].trim(); + return res; + })); + var styleArray = []; + _.forEach(styleParts, function (stylePart) { + styleArray.push(stylePart[0] + " : " + convertText(stylePart[1])) + }); + props[propKey] = "{" + styleArray.join(",") + "}"; + } else if (key === classSetProp) { + props[propKey] = classSetTemplate({classSet:val}); + } else if (key.indexOf("rt-") !== 0) { + props[propKey] = convertText(val); + } + + }); + + return "{"+, function (val,key) { + return JSON.stringify(key) + " : "+val; + }).join(",")+"}"; +} + +function convertTagNameToConsstructor(tagName) { + return React.DOM.hasOwnProperty(tagName)?"React.DOM."+tagName:tagName; +} + +function defaultContext() { + return { + boundParams: [], + injectedFunctions: [] + } +} + + +function convertHtmlToReact(node,context) { + if (node.type === "tag") { + context.boundParams = _.clone(context.boundParams); + + var data = {name: convertTagNameToConsstructor(}; + if (node.attribs[templateProp]) { + data.item = node.attribs[templateProp].split(" in ")[0].trim(); + data.collection = node.attribs[templateProp].split(" in ")[1].trim(); + context.boundParams.push(data.item); + } + data.props = generateProps(node,context); + if (node.attribs[ifProp]) { + data.condition = node.attribs[ifProp].trim(); + } + data.children = concatChildren(,function (child) { + return convertHtmlToReact(child,context); + })); + + data.body = tagTemplate(data); + + if (node.attribs[templateProp]) { + data.body = repeatTemplate(data); + } + if (node.attribs[ifProp]) { + data.body = ifTemplate(data); + } + return data.body; + } else if (node.type === "comment") { + return (commentTemplate(node)); + } else if (node.type === "text") { + if ( { + return convertText(; + } else { + return ""; + } + } +} + +function extractDefinesFromJSXTag(html,defines) { + html = html.replace(/\<\!doctype jsx\s*(.*?)\s*\>/, function(full, reqStr) { + var match = true; + while (match) { + match = false; + reqStr = reqStr.replace(/\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*/, function(full, varName, reqPath) { + defines[reqPath] = varName; + match = true; + return ""; + }); + } + return ""; + }); + return html; +} + +function convertTemplateToReact(html) { + var defines = {"react":"React","lodash":"_"}; + html = extractDefinesFromJSXTag(html,defines); + var rootNode = cheerio.load(html.trim(),{lowerCaseTags:false,lowerCaseAttributeNames:false,xmlMode:true}); + var context = defaultContext(); + var body = convertHtmlToReact(rootNode.root()[0].children[0],context); + var requirePaths = _(defines).keys().map(function (reqName) {return '"'+reqName+'"'}).value().join(","); + var requireVars = _(defines).values().value().join(","); + var data = {"body":body,injectedFunctions:"",requireNames:requireVars,requirePaths:requirePaths}; + data.injectedFunctions = context.injectedFunctions.join("\n"); + var code = templateTemplate(data); + try { + var tree = esprima.parse(code, {range: true, tokens: true, comment: true}); + tree = escodegen.attachComments(tree, tree.comments, tree.tokens); + code = escodegen.generate(tree,{comment:true}); + } catch (e) { + + } + return code; +} + +function handleSingleFile(filename) { + if (path.extname(filename) !== ".html") { + return;// only handle html files + } + var html = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString(); + if (!html.match(/\<\!doctype jsx/)) { + return; + } + var js = convertTemplateToReact(html); + fs.writeFileSync(filename.replace(".html",".js"),js); +} + +if (process.argv.length > 2) { + _.forEach(process.argv.slice(2),handleSingleFile); +} else { + console.log("Usage:node reactTemplates.js "); +}