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2017-06-29 09:47:09 +02:00
'use strict'
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const _ = require('lodash')
const esprima = require('esprima')
const escodegen = require('escodegen')
const reactDOMSupport = require('./reactDOMSupport')
const reactNativeSupport = require('./reactNativeSupport')
const reactPropTemplates = require('./reactPropTemplates')
const rtError = require('./RTCodeError')
const reactSupport = require('./reactSupport')
const templates = reactSupport.templates
const utils = require('./utils')
const validateJS = utils.validateJS
const RTCodeError = rtError.RTCodeError
const repeatTemplate = _.template('<%= collection %>,<%= repeatFunction %>.bind(<%= repeatBinds %>))')
const ifTemplate = _.template('((<%= condition %>)?(<%= body %>):null)')
const propsTemplateSimple = _.template('_.assign({}, <%= generatedProps %>, <%= rtProps %>)')
const propsTemplate = _.template('mergeProps( <%= generatedProps %>, <%= rtProps %>)')
const propsMergeFunction = `function mergeProps(inline,external) {
var res = _.assign({},inline,external)
if (inline.hasOwnProperty('style')) { = _.defaults(,;
if (inline.hasOwnProperty('className') && external.hasOwnProperty('className')) {
res.className = external.className + ' ' + inline.className;
return res;
const classSetTemplate = _.template('_.transform(<%= classSet %>, function(res, value, key){ if(value){ res.push(key); } }, []).join(" ")')
function getTagTemplateString(simpleTagTemplate, shouldCreateElement) {
if (simpleTagTemplate) {
return shouldCreateElement ? 'React.createElement(<%= name %>,<%= props %><%= children %>)' : '<%= name %>(<%= props %><%= children %>)'
return shouldCreateElement ? 'React.createElement.apply(this, [<%= name %>,<%= props %><%= children %>])' : '<%= name %>.apply(this, [<%= props %><%= children %>])'
const commentTemplate = _.template(' /* <%= data %> */ ')
const repeatAttr = 'rt-repeat'
const ifAttr = 'rt-if'
const classSetAttr = 'rt-class'
const classAttr = 'class'
const scopeAttr = 'rt-scope'
const propsAttr = 'rt-props'
const templateNode = 'rt-template'
const virtualNode = 'rt-virtual'
const includeNode = 'rt-include'
const includeSrcAttr = 'src'
const requireAttr = 'rt-require'
const importAttr = 'rt-import'
const statelessAttr = 'rt-stateless'
const preAttr = 'rt-pre'
const reactTemplatesSelfClosingTags = [includeNode]
* @param {Options} options
* @return {Options}
function getOptions(options) {
options = options || {}
const defaultOptions = {
version: false,
force: false,
format: 'stylish',
targetVersion: reactDOMSupport.default,
lodashImportPath: 'lodash',
native: false,
nativeTargetVersion: reactNativeSupport.default
const finalOptions = _.defaults({}, options, defaultOptions)
finalOptions.reactImportPath = reactImport(finalOptions)
finalOptions.modules = finalOptions.modules || (finalOptions.native ? 'commonjs' : 'none')
const defaultPropTemplates = finalOptions.native ?
reactPropTemplates.native[finalOptions.nativeTargetVersion] :
finalOptions.propTemplates = _.defaults({}, options.propTemplates, defaultPropTemplates)
return finalOptions
function reactImport(options) {
if (options.native) {
return reactNativeSupport[options.nativeTargetVersion].react.module
if (!options.reactImportPath) {
const isNewReact = _.includes(['0.14.0', '0.15.0', '15.0.0', '15.0.1'], options.targetVersion)
return isNewReact ? 'react' : 'react/addons'
return options.reactImportPath
* @param {Context} context
* @param {string} namePrefix
* @param {string} body
* @param {*?} params
* @return {string}
function generateInjectedFunc(context, namePrefix, body, params) {
params = params || context.boundParams
const funcName = namePrefix.replace(',', '') + (context.injectedFunctions.length + 1)
const funcText = `function ${funcName}(${params.join(',')}) {
return funcName
function generateTemplateProps(node, context) {
let templatePropCount = 0
const propTemplateDefinition = context.options.propTemplates[]
const propertiesTemplates = _(node.children)
.map((child, index) => {
let templateProp = null
if ( === templateNode) { // Generic explicit template tag
if (!_.has(child.attribs, 'prop')) {
throw, child, 'rt-template must have a prop attribute')
if (_.filter(child.children, {type: 'tag'}).length !== 1) {
throw, child, "'rt-template' should have a single non-text element as direct child")
const childTemplate = _.find(context.options.propTemplates, {prop: child.attribs.prop}) || {arguments: []}
templateProp = {
prop: child.attribs.prop,
arguments: (child.attribs.arguments ? child.attribs.arguments.split(',') : childTemplate.arguments) || []
} else if (propTemplateDefinition && propTemplateDefinition[]) { // Implicit child template from configuration
templateProp = {
prop: propTemplateDefinition[].prop,
arguments: child.attribs.arguments ? child.attribs.arguments.split(',') : propTemplateDefinition[].arguments
if (templateProp) {
_.assign(templateProp, {childIndex: index - templatePropCount++, content: _.find(child.children, {type: 'tag'})})
return templateProp
return _.transform(propertiesTemplates, (props, templateProp) => {
const functionParams = _.values(context.boundParams).concat(templateProp.arguments)
const oldBoundParams = context.boundParams
context.boundParams = context.boundParams.concat(templateProp.arguments)
const functionBody = 'return ' + convertHtmlToReact(templateProp.content, context)
context.boundParams = oldBoundParams
const generatedFuncName = generateInjectedFunc(context, templateProp.prop, functionBody, functionParams)
props[templateProp.prop] = genBind(generatedFuncName, _.values(context.boundParams))
// Remove the template child from the children definition.
node.children.splice(templateProp.childIndex, 1)
}, {})
* @param node
* @param {Context} context
* @return {string}
function generateProps(node, context) {
const props = {}
_.forOwn(node.attribs, (val, key) => {
const propKey = reactSupport.attributesMapping[key.toLowerCase()] || key
if (props.hasOwnProperty(propKey) && propKey !== reactSupport.classNameProp) {
throw, node, `duplicate definition of ${propKey} ${JSON.stringify(node.attribs)}`)
if (_.startsWith(key, 'on') && !utils.isStringOnlyCode(val)) {
props[propKey] = handleEventHandler(val, context, node, key)
} else if (key === 'style' && !utils.isStringOnlyCode(val)) {
props[propKey] = handleStyleProp(val, node, context)
} else if (propKey === reactSupport.classNameProp) {
// Processing for both class and rt-class conveniently return strings that
// represent JS expressions, each evaluating to a space-separated set of class names.
// We can just join them with another space here.
const existing = props[propKey] ? `${props[propKey]} + " " + ` : ''
if (key === classSetAttr) {
props[propKey] = existing + classSetTemplate({classSet: val})
} else if (key === classAttr || key === reactSupport.classNameProp) {
props[propKey] = existing + utils.convertText(node, context, val.trim())
} else if (!_.startsWith(key, 'rt-')) {
props[propKey] = utils.convertText(node, context, val.trim())
_.assign(props, generateTemplateProps(node, context))
// map 'className' back into 'class' for custom elements
if (props[reactSupport.classNameProp] && isCustomElement( {
props[classAttr] = props[reactSupport.classNameProp]
delete props[reactSupport.classNameProp]
const propStr =, (v, k) => `${JSON.stringify(k)} : ${v}`).join(',')
return `{${propStr}}`
function handleEventHandler(val, context, node, key) {
let handlerString
if (_.startsWith(val, 'this.')) {
if (context.options.autobind) {
handlerString = `${val}.bind(this)`
} else {
throw, node, "'this.handler' syntax allowed only when the --autobind is on, use {} to return a callback function.")
} else {
const funcParts = val.split('=>')
if (funcParts.length !== 2) {
throw, node, `when using 'on' events, use lambda '(p1,p2)=>body' notation or 'this.handler'; otherwise use {} to return a callback function. error: [${key}='${val}']`)
const evtParams = funcParts[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim()
const funcBody = funcParts[1].trim()
let params = context.boundParams
if (evtParams.trim() !== '') {
params = params.concat([evtParams.trim()])
const generatedFuncName = generateInjectedFunc(context, key, funcBody, params)
handlerString = genBind(generatedFuncName, context.boundParams)
return handlerString
function genBind(func, args) {
const bindArgs = ['this'].concat(args)
return `${func}.bind(${bindArgs.join(',')})`
function handleStyleProp(val, node, context) {
const styleStr = _(val)
.filter(i => _.includes(i, ':'))
.map(i => {
const pair = i.split(':')
const key = pair[0].trim()
if (/\{|}/g.test(key)) {
throw, node, 'style attribute keys cannot contain { } expressions')
const value = pair.slice(1).join(':').trim()
const parsedKey = /(^-moz-)|(^-o-)|(^-webkit-)/ig.test(key) ? _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(key)) : _.camelCase(key)
return parsedKey + ' : ' + utils.convertText(node, context, value.trim())
return `{${styleStr}}`
* @param {string} tagName
* @param context
* @return {string}
function convertTagNameToConstructor(tagName, context) {
if (context.options.native) {
const targetSupport = reactNativeSupport[context.options.nativeTargetVersion]
return _.includes(targetSupport.components, tagName) ? `${}.${tagName}` : tagName
let isHtmlTag = _.includes(reactDOMSupport[context.options.targetVersion], tagName) || isCustomElement(tagName)
if (reactSupport.shouldUseCreateElement(context)) {
isHtmlTag = isHtmlTag || tagName.match(/^\w+(-\w+)+$/)
return isHtmlTag ? `'${tagName}'` : tagName
return isHtmlTag ? `React.DOM.${tagName}` : tagName
function isCustomElement(tagName) {
return tagName.match(/^\w+(-\w+)+$/)
* @param {string} html
* @param options
* @param reportContext
* @return {Context}
function defaultContext(html, options, reportContext) {
const defaultDefines = [
{moduleName: options.reactImportPath, alias: 'React', member: '*'},
{moduleName: options.lodashImportPath, alias: '_', member: '*'}
if (options.native) {
const targetSupport = reactNativeSupport[options.nativeTargetVersion]
if (targetSupport.reactNative.module !== targetSupport.react.module) {
defaultDefines.splice(0, 0, {moduleName: targetSupport.reactNative.module, alias:, member: '*'})
return {
boundParams: [],
injectedFunctions: [],
defines: options.defines ? _.clone(options.defines) : defaultDefines,
* @param node
* @return {boolean}
function hasNonSimpleChildren(node) {
return _.some(node.children, child => child.type === 'tag' && child.attribs[repeatAttr])
* Trims a string the same way as String.prototype.trim(), but preserving all non breaking spaces ('\xA0')
* @param {string} text
* @return {string}
function trimHtmlText(text) {
return text.replace(/^[ \f\n\r\t\v\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+|[ \f\n\r\t\v\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+$/g, '')
* @param node
* @param {Context} context
* @return {string}
function convertHtmlToReact(node, context) {
if (node.type === 'tag' || node.type === 'style') {
context = _.defaults({
boundParams: _.clone(context.boundParams)
}, context)
if (node.type === 'tag' && === importAttr) {
throw, node, "'rt-import' must be a toplevel node")
if (node.type === 'tag' && === includeNode) {
const srcFile = node.attribs[includeSrcAttr]
if (!srcFile) {
throw, node, 'rt-include must supply a source attribute')
if (!context.options.readFileSync) {
throw, node, 'rt-include needs a readFileSync polyfill on options')
try {
context.html = context.options.readFileSync(srcFile)
} catch (e) {
throw, node, `rt-include failed to read file '${srcFile}'`)
return parseAndConvertHtmlToReact(context.html, context)
const data = {name: convertTagNameToConstructor(, context)}
// Order matters. We need to add the item and itemIndex to context.boundParams before
// the rt-scope directive is processed, lest they are not passed to the child scopes
if (node.attribs[repeatAttr]) {
const arr = node.attribs[repeatAttr].split(' in ')
if (arr.length !== 2) {
throw, node, `rt-repeat invalid 'in' expression '${node.attribs[repeatAttr]}'`)
const repeaterParams = arr[0].split(',').map(s => s.trim())
data.item = repeaterParams[0]
data.index = repeaterParams[1] || `${data.item}Index`
data.collection = arr[1].trim()
const bindParams = [data.item, data.index]
_.forEach(bindParams, param => {
validateJS(param, node, context)
validateJS(`(${data.collection})`, node, context)
_.forEach(bindParams, param => {
if (!_.includes(context.boundParams, param)) {
if (node.attribs[scopeAttr]) {
handleScopeAttribute(node, context, data)
if (node.attribs[ifAttr]) {
validateIfAttribute(node, context, data)
data.condition = node.attribs[ifAttr].trim()
if (!node.attribs.key && !== virtualNode) {
_.set(node, ['attribs', 'key'], `${node.startIndex}`)
data.props = generateProps(node, context)
if (node.attribs[propsAttr]) {
if (data.props === '{}') {
data.props = node.attribs[propsAttr]
} else if (! && !node.attribs.class) {
data.props = propsTemplateSimple({generatedProps: data.props, rtProps: node.attribs[propsAttr]})
} else {
data.props = propsTemplate({generatedProps: data.props, rtProps: node.attribs[propsAttr]})
if (!_.includes(context.injectedFunctions, propsMergeFunction)) {
if ( === virtualNode) {
const invalidAttributes = _.without(_.keys(node.attribs), scopeAttr, ifAttr, repeatAttr)
if (invalidAttributes.length > 0) {
throw, node, "<rt-virtual> may not contain attributes other than 'rt-scope', 'rt-if' and 'rt-repeat'")
// provide a key to virtual node children if missing
if (node.children.length > 1) {
.forEach((child, i) => {
if (child.type === 'tag' && !== virtualNode) {
_.set(child, ['attribs', 'key'], `${node.startIndex}${i}`)
const children =, child => {
const code = convertHtmlToReact(child, context)
validateJS(code, child, context)
return code
data.children = utils.concatChildren(children)
if ( === virtualNode) { //eslint-disable-line wix-editor/prefer-ternary
data.body = `[${_.compact(children).join(',')}]`
} else {
data.body = _.template(getTagTemplateString(!hasNonSimpleChildren(node), reactSupport.shouldUseCreateElement(context)))(data)
if (node.attribs[scopeAttr]) {
const functionBody = _.values(data.innerScope.innerMapping).join('\n') + `return ${data.body}`
const generatedFuncName = generateInjectedFunc(context, 'scope' + data.innerScope.scopeName, functionBody, _.keys(data.innerScope.outerMapping))
data.body = `${generatedFuncName}.apply(this, [${_.values(data.innerScope.outerMapping).join(',')}])`
// Order matters here. Each rt-repeat iteration wraps over the rt-scope, so
// the scope variables are evaluated in context of the current iteration.
if (node.attribs[repeatAttr]) {
data.repeatFunction = generateInjectedFunc(context, 'repeat' + _.upperFirst(data.item), 'return ' + data.body)
data.repeatBinds = ['this'].concat(_.reject(context.boundParams, p => p === data.item || p === data.index || data.innerScope && p in data.innerScope.innerMapping))
data.body = repeatTemplate(data)
if (node.attribs[ifAttr]) {
data.body = ifTemplate(data)
return data.body
} else if (node.type === 'comment') {
const sanitizedComment ='*/').join('* /')
return commentTemplate({data: sanitizedComment})
} else if (node.type === 'text') {
const parentNode = node.parent
const overrideNormalize = parentNode !== undefined && ( === 'pre' || === 'textarea' || _.has(parentNode.attribs, preAttr))
const normalizeWhitespaces = context.options.normalizeHtmlWhitespace && !overrideNormalize
const text =
return trimHtmlText(text) ? utils.convertText(node, context, text, normalizeWhitespaces) : ''
* Parses the rt-scope attribute returning an array of parsed sections
* @param {String} scope The scope attribute to parse
* @returns {Array} an array of {expression,identifier}
* @throws {String} the part of the string that failed to parse
function parseScopeSyntax(text) {
// the regex below was built using the following pseudo-code:
// double_quoted_string = `"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"`
// single_quoted_string = `'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'`
// text_out_of_quotes = `[^"']*?`
// expr_parts = double_quoted_string + "|" + single_quoted_string + "|" + text_out_of_quotes
// expression = zeroOrMore(nonCapture(expr_parts)) + "?"
// id = "[$_a-zA-Z]+[$_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
// as = " as" + OneOrMore(" ")
// optional_spaces = zeroOrMore(" ")
// semicolon = nonCapture(or(text(";"), "$"))
// regex = capture(expression) + as + capture(id) + optional_spaces + semicolon + optional_spaces
const regex = RegExp("((?:(?:\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\"|'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'|[^\"']*?))*?) as(?: )+([$_a-zA-Z]+[$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?: )*(?:;|$)(?: )*", 'g')
const res = []
do {
const idx = regex.lastIndex
const match = regex.exec(text)
if (regex.lastIndex === idx || match === null) {
throw text.substr(idx)
if (match.index === regex.lastIndex) {
res.push({expression: match[1].trim(), identifier: match[2]})
} while (regex.lastIndex < text.length)
return res
function handleScopeAttribute(node, context, data) {
data.innerScope = {
scopeName: '',
innerMapping: {},
outerMapping: {}
data.innerScope.outerMapping = _.zipObject(context.boundParams, context.boundParams)
let scopes
try {
scopes = parseScopeSyntax(node.attribs[scopeAttr])
} catch (scopePart) {
throw, node, `invalid scope part '${scopePart}'`)
scopes.forEach(({expression, identifier}) => {
validateJS(identifier, node, context)
// this adds both parameters to the list of parameters passed further down
// the scope chain, as well as variables that are locally bound before any
// function call, as with the ones we generate for rt-scope.
if (!_.includes(context.boundParams, identifier)) {
data.innerScope.scopeName += _.upperFirst(identifier)
data.innerScope.innerMapping[identifier] = `var ${identifier} = ${expression};`
validateJS(data.innerScope.innerMapping[identifier], node, context)
function validateIfAttribute(node, context, data) {
const innerMappingKeys = _.keys(data.innerScope && data.innerScope.innerMapping || {})
let ifAttributeTree = null
try {
ifAttributeTree = esprima.parse(node.attribs[ifAttr])
} catch (e) {
throw new RTCodeError(e.message, e.index, -1)
if (ifAttributeTree && ifAttributeTree.body && ifAttributeTree.body.length === 1 && ifAttributeTree.body[0].type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
// make sure that rt-if does not use an inner mapping
if (ifAttributeTree.body[0].expression && utils.usesScopeName(innerMappingKeys, ifAttributeTree.body[0].expression)) {
throw RTCodeError.buildFormat(context, node, "invalid scope mapping used in if part '%s'", node.attribs[ifAttr])
} else {
throw RTCodeError.buildFormat(context, node, "invalid if part '%s'", node.attribs[ifAttr])
function handleSelfClosingHtmlTags(nodes) {
return _.flatMap(nodes, node => {
let externalNodes = []
node.children = handleSelfClosingHtmlTags(node.children)
if (node.type === 'tag' && (_.includes(reactSupport.htmlSelfClosingTags, ||
_.includes(reactTemplatesSelfClosingTags, {
externalNodes = _.filter(node.children, {type: 'tag'})
_.forEach(externalNodes, i => {i.parent = node})
node.children = _.reject(node.children, {type: 'tag'})
return [node].concat(externalNodes)
function handleRequire(tag, context) {
let moduleName
let alias
let member
if (tag.children.length) {
throw, tag, `'${requireAttr}' may have no children`)
} else if (tag.attribs.dependency && {
moduleName = tag.attribs.dependency
member = '*'
alias =
if (!moduleName) {
throw, tag, `'${requireAttr}' needs 'dependency' and 'as' attributes`)
context.defines.push({moduleName, member, alias})
function handleImport(tag, context) {
let moduleName
let alias
let member
if (tag.children.length) {
throw, tag, `'${importAttr}' may have no children`)
} else if ( && tag.attribs.from) {
moduleName = tag.attribs.from
member =
alias =
if (!alias) {
if (member === '*') {
throw, tag, "'*' imports must have an 'as' attribute")
} else if (member === 'default') {
throw, tag, "default imports must have an 'as' attribute")
alias = member
if (!moduleName) {
throw, tag, `'${importAttr}' needs 'name' and 'from' attributes`)
context.defines.push({moduleName, member, alias})
function convertTemplateToReact(html, options) {
const context = require('./context')
return convertRT(html, context, options)
function parseAndConvertHtmlToReact(html, context) {
const rootNode = cheerio.load(html, {
lowerCaseTags: false,
lowerCaseAttributeNames: false,
xmlMode: true,
withStartIndices: true
utils.validate(context.options, context, context.reportContext, rootNode.root()[0])
let rootTags = _.filter(rootNode.root()[0].children, {type: 'tag'})
rootTags = handleSelfClosingHtmlTags(rootTags)
if (!rootTags || rootTags.length === 0) {
throw new RTCodeError('Document should have a root element')
let firstTag = null
_.forEach(rootTags, tag => {
if ( === requireAttr) {
handleRequire(tag, context)
} else if ( === importAttr) {
handleImport(tag, context)
} else if (firstTag === null) {
firstTag = tag
if (_.hasIn(tag, ['attribs', statelessAttr])) {
context.stateless = true
} else {
throw, tag, 'Document should have no more than a single root element')
if (firstTag === null) {
throw, rootNode.root()[0], 'Document should have a single root element')
} else if ( === virtualNode) {
throw, firstTag, `Document should not have <${virtualNode}> as root element`)
} else if (_.includes(_.keys(firstTag.attribs), repeatAttr)) {
throw, firstTag, "root element may not have a 'rt-repeat' attribute")
return convertHtmlToReact(firstTag, context)
* @param {string} html
* @param {CONTEXT} reportContext
* @param {Options?} options
* @return {string}
function convertRT(html, reportContext, options) {
options = getOptions(options)
const context = defaultContext(html, options, reportContext)
const body = parseAndConvertHtmlToReact(html, context)
const injectedFunctions = context.injectedFunctions.join('\n')
const statelessParams = context.stateless ? 'props, context' : ''
const renderFunction = `function(${statelessParams}) { ${injectedFunctions}return ${body} }`
const requirePaths =, d => `"${d.moduleName}"`).join(',')
const requireNames =, d => `${d.alias}`).join(',')
2017-06-29 10:01:38 +02:00
const AMDArguments =, (d, i) => d.member === '*' ? `${d.alias}` : `$${i}`).join(',') //eslint-disable-line no-confusing-arrow
const AMDSubstitutions =, (d, i) => d.member === '*' ? null : `var ${d.alias} = $${i}.${d.member};`).join('\n') //eslint-disable-line no-confusing-arrow
2017-06-29 09:47:09 +02:00
const buildImport = reactSupport.buildImport[options.modules] || reactSupport.buildImport.commonjs
const requires =, buildImport).join('\n')
const header = options.flow ? '/* @flow */\n' : ''
const vars = header + requires
const data = {
let code = templates[options.modules](data)
if (options.modules !== 'typescript' && options.modules !== 'jsrt') {
code = parseJS(code, options)
return code
function parseJS(code, options) {
try {
let tree = esprima.parse(code, {range: true, tokens: true, comment: true, sourceType: 'module'})
// fix for
// do not include comments for es6 modules due to bug in dependency "escodegen"
// to be removed when will be fixed
// remove also its test case "test/data/comment.rt.es6.js"
if (options.modules !== 'es6') {
tree = escodegen.attachComments(tree, tree.comments, tree.tokens)
return escodegen.generate(tree, {comment: true})
} catch (e) {
throw new RTCodeError(e.message, e.index, -1)
function convertJSRTToJS(text, reportContext, options) {
options = getOptions(options)
options.modules = 'jsrt'
const templateMatcherJSRT = /<template>([^]*?)<\/template>/gm
const code = text.replace(templateMatcherJSRT, (template, html) => convertRT(html, reportContext, options).replace(/;$/, ''))
return parseJS(code, options)
module.exports = {
normalizeName: utils.normalizeName