async v3-beta

This commit is contained in:
rabite 2019-02-16 15:01:46 +01:00
parent f77178938c
commit 6802a76479
7 changed files with 262 additions and 213 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ dirs-2 = "1.1.0"
users = "0.8"
chrono = "0.4"
libc = "*"
failure = "0.1.5"
failure_derive = "0.1.1"
#debug = true

View File

@ -69,9 +69,6 @@ impl FileBrowser {
Err(ref err) if err.description() == "placeholder".to_string() =>
self.show_status("No! Can't open this!"),
_ => {
let status = std::process::Command::new("rifle")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use std::cmp::{Ord, Ordering};
use std::error::Error;
use std::ops::Index;
use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
@ -8,6 +7,9 @@ use lscolors::LsColors;
use mime_detective;
use users;
use chrono::TimeZone;
use failure::Error;
use crate::fail::HError;
lazy_static! {
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ fn get_color(path: &Path, meta: &std::fs::Metadata) -> Option<lscolors::Color> {
impl Files {
pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<Files, Box<dyn Error>> {
pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<Files, Error> {
let direntries: Result<Vec<_>, _> = std::fs::read_dir(&path)?.collect();
let files: Vec<_> = direntries?
@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ impl File {
pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<File, Box<Error>> {
pub fn new_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<File, Error> {
let pathbuf = path.to_path_buf();
let name = path
@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ impl File {
pub fn new_placeholder(path: &Path) -> Result<File, Box<Error>> {
pub fn new_placeholder(path: &Path) -> Result<File, Error> {
let mut file = File::new_from_path(path)?; = "<empty>".to_string();
file.kind = Kind::Placeholder;
@ -314,16 +316,8 @@ impl File {
self.kind == Kind::Directory
pub fn read_dir(&self) -> Result<Files, Box<Error>> {
match self.kind {
Kind::Placeholder => {
let e: Box<Error>
= From::from("placeholder".to_string());
_ => Files::new_from_path(&self.path)
pub fn read_dir(&self) -> Result<Files, Error> {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ extern crate termion;
extern crate unicode_width;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate failure;
extern crate failure_derive;
extern crate alphanumeric_sort;
extern crate dirs_2;
extern crate lscolors;
@ -35,6 +39,7 @@ mod window;
mod hbox;
mod tabview;
mod async_widget;
mod fail;
use window::Window;
///use async_widget::AsyncPlug;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use termion::event::Key;
use crate::coordinates::{Coordinates, Position, Size};
use crate::preview::AsyncPreviewer;
use crate::preview::Previewer;
use crate::widget::Widget;
use crate::hbox::HBox;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ pub struct MillerColumns<T> where T: Widget {
// pub left: Option<T>,
// pub main: Option<T>,
//pub preview: AsyncPreviewer,
pub preview: crate::preview::LOLPreviewer,
pub preview: Previewer,
pub ratio: (u16, u16, u16),
pub coordinates: Coordinates,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ where
widgets: HBox::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
ratio: (20, 30, 50),
preview: crate::preview::LOLPreviewer::new()
preview: Previewer::new()

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
use failure::Error;
use failure::Fail;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -7,8 +10,10 @@ use crate::files::{File, Files, Kind};
use crate::listview::ListView;
use crate::textview::TextView;
use crate::widget::Widget;
//use crate::async_widget::AsyncPlug;
use crate::async_widget::AsyncPlug2;
use crate::fail::HError;
lazy_static! {
static ref PIDS: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u32>>> = { Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])) };
@ -57,11 +62,11 @@ impl<T: Send + 'static> WillBe<T> where {
fn run(&mut self, closure: Box<Fn() -> T + Send>, tx: std::sync::mpsc::Sender<T>) {
std::thread::spawn(move|| {
let thing = closure();
pub fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
pub fn check(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.state {
State::Is(_) => Ok(()),
_ => {
@ -99,6 +104,15 @@ struct WillBeWidget<T: Widget + Send> {
coordinates: Coordinates
impl<T: Widget + Send + 'static> WillBeWidget<T> {
fn new(closure: Box<Fn() -> T + Send>) -> WillBeWidget<T> {
WillBeWidget {
willbe: WillBe::new_become(Box::new(move || closure())),
coordinates: Coordinates::new()
// impl<T: Widget + Send> WillBeWidget<T> {
// fn is_widget(&self) -> bool {
// self.willbe.check().is_ok()
@ -148,79 +162,134 @@ impl<T: Widget + Send> Widget for WillBeWidget<T> {
type WidgetO = Box<dyn Widget + Send>;
pub struct LOLPreviewer {
pub struct Previewer {
widget: WillBeWidget<Box<dyn Widget + Send>>,
impl LOLPreviewer {
pub fn new() -> LOLPreviewer {
let willbe = WillBeWidget::<Box<dyn Widget + Send>> {
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
willbe: WillBe::new_become(Box::new(move || {
impl Previewer {
pub fn new() -> Previewer {
let willbe = WillBeWidget::new(Box::new(move || {
Box::new(crate::textview::TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: String::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new()
}) as Box<dyn Widget + Send>
LOLPreviewer { widget: willbe }
Previewer { widget: willbe }
fn become_preview(&mut self, widget: WillBeWidget<Box<dyn Widget + Send>>) {
let coordinates = self.get_coordinates().clone();
self.widget = widget;
pub fn set_file(&mut self, file: &File) {
let coordinates = self.get_coordinates().clone();
let redraw = crate::term::reset() + &self.get_redraw_empty_list(0);
//let pids = PIDS.clone();
let file = file.clone();
self.become_preview(WillBeWidget::<Box<dyn Widget + Send>> {
coordinates: coordinates.clone(),
willbe: WillBe::new_become(Box::new(move || {
let file = file.clone();
let mut bufout = std::io::BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout());
match &file.kind {
Kind::Directory => match Files::new_from_path(&file.path) {
Ok(files) => {
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
let len = files.len();
//if len == 0 { return };
let mut file_list = ListView::new(files);
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
return Box::new(file_list) as Box<dyn Widget + Send>
self.become_preview(WillBeWidget::new(Box::new(move || {
let file = file.clone();
Err(err) => {},
_ => {}
let textview = crate::textview::TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: "".to_string(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
return Box::new(textview) as Box<dyn Widget + Send>
if file.kind == Kind::Directory {
let preview = Previewer::preview_dir(&file, &coordinates);
let mut preview = preview.unwrap();
return preview
if file.get_mime() == Some("text".to_string()) {
return Previewer::preview_text(&file, &coordinates)
} else {
let mut textview = crate::textview::TextView::new_blank();
return Box::new(textview) as Box<dyn Widget + Send>
fn preview_dir(file: &File, coordinates: &Coordinates)
-> Result<WidgetO, Error> {
let files = Files::new_from_path(&file.path)?;
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
let len = files.len();
//if len == 0 { return };
let mut file_list = ListView::new(files);
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
Ok(Box::new(file_list) as Box<dyn Widget + Send>)
fn preview_text(file: &File, coordinates: &Coordinates) -> Box<dyn Widget + Send> {
let lines = coordinates.ysize() as usize;
let mut textview
= TextView::new_from_file_limit_lines(&file,
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
fn preview_external(file: &File, coordinates: &Coordinates)
-> Result<Box<dyn Widget + Send>, HError> {
let process =
let pid =;
let mut pids = PIDS.lock()?;
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
let output = process.wait_with_output()?;
let status = output.status.code()
if status == 0 || status == 5 && is_current(&file) {
let output = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)
let mut textview = TextView {
lines: output.lines().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
buffer: String::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new() };
return Ok(Box::new(textview))
impl Widget for LOLPreviewer {
impl Widget for Previewer {
fn get_coordinates(&self) -> &Coordinates {
@ -264,161 +333,136 @@ impl Widget for LOLPreviewer {
pub struct AsyncPreviewer {
pub file: Option<File>,
pub buffer: String,
pub coordinates: Coordinates,
pub async_plug: AsyncPlug2<Box<dyn Widget + Send + 'static>>
// #[derive(PartialEq)]
// pub struct AsyncPreviewer {
// pub file: Option<File>,
// pub buffer: String,
// pub coordinates: Coordinates,
// pub async_plug: AsyncPlug2<Box<dyn Widget + Send + 'static>>
// }
impl AsyncPreviewer {
pub fn new() -> AsyncPreviewer {
let closure = Box::new(|| {
Box::new(crate::textview::TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: "".to_string(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new()
}) as Box<dyn Widget + Send + 'static>
AsyncPreviewer {
file: None,
buffer: String::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
async_plug: AsyncPlug2::new_from_closure(closure),
pub fn set_file(&mut self, file: &File) {
let coordinates = self.coordinates.clone();
let file = file.clone();
let redraw = crate::term::reset() + &self.get_redraw_empty_list(0);
//let pids = PIDS.clone();
// impl AsyncPreviewer {
// pub fn new() -> AsyncPreviewer {
// let closure = Box::new(|| {
// Box::new(crate::textview::TextView {
// lines: vec![],
// buffer: "".to_string(),
// coordinates: Coordinates::new()
// }) as Box<dyn Widget + Send + 'static>
// });
self.async_plug.replace_widget(Box::new(move || {
let mut bufout = std::io::BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout());
match &file.kind {
Kind::Directory => match Files::new_from_path(&file.path) {
Ok(files) => {
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
let len = files.len();
//if len == 0 { return };
let mut file_list = ListView::new(files);
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
return Box::new(file_list)
// AsyncPreviewer {
// file: None,
// buffer: String::new(),
// coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
// async_plug: AsyncPlug2::new_from_closure(closure),
// }
// }
// pub fn set_file(&mut self, file: &File) {
// let coordinates = self.coordinates.clone();
// let file = file.clone();
// let redraw = crate::term::reset() + &self.get_redraw_empty_list(0);
// //let pids = PIDS.clone();
// //kill_procs();
Err(err) => {
write!(bufout, "{}", redraw).unwrap();
let textview = crate::textview::TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: "".to_string(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
return Box::new(textview)
_ => {
if file.get_mime() == Some("text".to_string()) {
let lines = coordinates.ysize() as usize;
let mut textview
= TextView::new_from_file_limit_lines(&file,
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
return Box::new(textview)
} else {
let process =
// self.async_plug.replace_widget(Box::new(move || {
// kill_procs();
// let mut bufout = std::io::BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout());
// match &file.kind {
// Kind::Directory => match Files::new_from_path(&file.path) {
// Ok(files) => {
// //if !is_current(&file) { return }
// let len = files.len();
// //if len == 0 { return };
// let mut file_list = ListView::new(files);
// file_list.set_coordinates(&coordinates);
// file_list.refresh();
// //if !is_current(&file) { return }
// file_list.animate_slide_up();
// return Box::new(file_list)
let pid =;
// }
// Err(err) => {
// write!(bufout, "{}", redraw).unwrap();
// let textview = crate::textview::TextView {
// lines: vec![],
// buffer: "".to_string(),
// coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
// };
// return Box::new(textview)
// },
// }
// _ => {
// if file.get_mime() == Some("text".to_string()) {
// let lines = coordinates.ysize() as usize;
// let mut textview
// = TextView::new_from_file_limit_lines(&file,
// lines);
// //if !is_current(&file) { return }
// textview.set_coordinates(&coordinates);
// textview.refresh();
// //if !is_current(&file) { return }
// textview.animate_slide_up();
// return Box::new(textview)
// } else {
// let process =
// std::process::Command::new("")
// .arg(&
// .arg("10".to_string())
// .arg("10".to_string())
// .arg("".to_string())
// .arg("false".to_string())
// .stdin(std::process::Stdio::null())
// .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
// .stderr(std::process::Stdio::null())
// .spawn().unwrap();
//if !is_current(&file) { return }
// let pid =;
// PIDS.lock().unwrap().push(pid);
let output = process.wait_with_output();
match output {
Ok(output) => {
let status = output.status.code();
match status {
Some(status) => {
if status == 0 || status == 5 && is_current(&file) {
let output = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)
let mut textview = TextView {
lines: output.lines().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
buffer: String::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new() };
return Box::new(textview)
}, None => {}
}, Err(_) => {}
// //if !is_current(&file) { return }
// let output = process.wait_with_output();
// match output {
// Ok(output) => {
// let status = output.status.code();
// match status {
// Some(status) => {
// if status == 0 || status == 5 && is_current(&file) {
// let output = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)
// .unwrap()
// .to_string();
// let mut textview = TextView {
// lines: output.lines().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
// buffer: String::new(),
// coordinates: Coordinates::new() };
// textview.set_coordinates(&coordinates);
// textview.refresh();
// textview.animate_slide_up();
// return Box::new(textview)
// }
// }, None => {}
// }
// }, Err(_) => {}
// }
// write!(bufout, "{}", redraw).unwrap();
// //std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
// let textview = crate::textview::TextView {
// lines: vec![],
// buffer: "".to_string(),
// coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
// };
// return Box::new(textview)
// }
// }
// }}))
// }
// }
write!(bufout, "{}", redraw).unwrap();
let textview = crate::textview::TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: "".to_string(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new(),
return Box::new(textview)
impl Widget for AsyncPreviewer {
fn get_coordinates(&self) -> &Coordinates {
fn set_coordinates(&mut self, coordinates: &Coordinates) {
if self.coordinates == *coordinates {
self.coordinates = coordinates.clone();
fn render_header(&self) -> String {
fn refresh(&mut self) {
let file = self.file.clone();
if let Some(file) = file {
fn get_drawlist(&self) -> String {
impl<T> Widget for Box<T> where T: Widget + ?Sized {
fn get_coordinates(&self) -> &Coordinates {

View File

@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ pub struct TextView {
impl TextView {
pub fn new_blank() -> TextView {
TextView {
lines: vec![],
buffer: String::new(),
coordinates: Coordinates::new()
pub fn new_from_file(file: &File) -> TextView {
let file = std::fs::File::open(&file.path).unwrap();
let file = std::io::BufReader::new(file);