
73 lines
2.1 KiB

util = require 'util'
{ spawn } = require 'child_process'
dayjs = require 'dayjs'
delay = require './delay'
dayjs.extend require './dayjs_format_ms'
platform = require('os').platform()
adjust_time = (delta) ->
console.log 'Adjust time...'
shell = spawn spawn_args...
shell.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> console.error "> " + "#{data}".trim()
shell.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> console.debug "> " + "#{data}".trim()
shell.on 'close', (code) ->
console.log 'Done'
process.exit 0
wait_data = util.promisify (cb) ->
shell.stdout.once 'data', (chunk) ->
setTimeout ->
cb null, chunk
, 1
input_line = util.promisify (cmd, cb) ->
console.debug "$ #{cmd}"
shell.stdin.write "#{cmd}\n", (p...) ->
await wait_data() if platform in ['win32']
cb p...
if platform in ['win32']
await wait_data()
new_time = dayjs().add(delta, 'ms')
cmd = new_time.format adjust_time.command
adjust_time.command = adjust_time.command.replace /ss\.S+/, 'ss'
new_time = dayjs().add(delta, 'ms')
ms = new_time.get('millisecond')
if ms > 0
wait_time = 1000 - ms
new_time = new_time.add(wait_time, 'ms')
delay wait_time
cmd = new_time.format adjust_time.command
await input_line cmd
await input_line 'exit'
# FIXME get the perfect win32 command with right format
# yes I got it, weird but effective
# reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" /v sShortDate
# various formats need to be recognized...
win32: '[time ]HH:mm:ss.SS[ && date ]MM-DD-YY'
linux: '[date -s ]"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"'
adjust_time.command = COMMANDS[platform] or COMMANDS.linux
win32: [
['/q', '/k', 'prompt $H && chcp 65001 > nul']
windowsHide: true
linux: [
spawn_args = SHELL_ARGS[platform] or SHELL_ARGS.linux
if not /UTF\-8/i.test (process.env.LANGUAGE or '')
process.env.LANGUAGE = 'C.UTF-8'
module.exports = adjust_time