#!/usr/bin/perl -I /var/www/perl5/lib/perl5 use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON::Tiny qw(decode_json); use YAML::Tiny; use DBI; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); use Email::Simple; use Email::Simple::Creator; use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS; my $onionoo = "https://onionoo.torproject.org"; my $config = YAML::Tiny->read("/var/www/tormon.yml")->[0] or die $!; # get data from onionoo my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent ( timeout => 20, max_size => 16 * 1024**2, ); $ua->agent("tormon ($ua->_agent) | for info/contact please write to albino AT autistici DOT org"); my $resp = $ua->get("$onionoo/details?fields=running,fingerprint,hashed_fingerprint"); die unless $resp->is_success; my $onions = decode_json($resp->decoded_content); # TODO: check the last updated date and only proceed if it is a newer list # init db my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=/var/www/tormon.db", "", "") or die $!; # get rows my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from users"); $sth->execute; SUB: while (my $sub = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { next SUB unless $sub->{"confirmed"}; my $status; RELAY: for my $relay (@{ $onions->{"relays"} }, @{ $onions->{"bridges"} }) { # check whether it's a relay or a bridge # for bridges, we need to read the hashed_fingerprint my $fp; if (defined $relay->{"fingerprint"}) { $fp = "fingerprint"; } elsif (defined $relay->{"hashed_fingerprint"}) { $fp = "hashed_fingerprint"; } else { warn "Relay has neither a `fingerprint` nor a `hashed_fingerprint` attribute!"; next RELAY; } if ($sub->{"fp"} eq $relay->{$fp}) { # we have a match # is it up? if ($relay->{"running"}) { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } last RELAY; } } $status = 2 if !defined $status; if ($status > $sub->{"status"}) { # send email # TODO: async magic my $email = Email::Simple->create( header => [ To => $sub->{"email"}, From => '"Tor Relay Monitor" <' . $config->{"mail"}->{"from"} . '>', Subject => "Your Tor node is down!" ], body => "Hi,\n\nThe Tor node with the fingerprint '" . $sub->{"fp"} . "' " . ($status == 1 ? "is down." : "has disappeared from the Tor network!"), ); my $trans = new Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS ( host => $config->{mail}->{host}, port => $config->{mail}->{port}, ssl => "starttls", sasl_username => $config->{mail}->{user}, sasl_password => $config->{mail}->{password}, debug => 0, ); sendmail($email, { transport => $trans, }); } if ($status != $sub->{"status"}) { # update status my $q = $dbh->prepare("update users set status=? where id=?"); $q->bind_param(1, $status); $q->bind_param(2, $sub->{"id"}); $q->execute; $q->finish; } } $sth->finish;