#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; package MarkovBot; use base qw/Bot::BasicBot/; use MarkovBot::Config; use MarkovBot::Learning; use MarkovBot::Ignore; use MarkovBot::Commands; use MarkovBot::MarkovChain; use MarkovBot::Redis; use Encode qw(encode decode); use if (config("rng") eq "mt"), "Math::Random::MT::Perl" => qw(rand); sub wordsin { my $str = shift; return scalar(split(" ", $str)); } sub said { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; my $command_char = quotemeta config "command_character"; my $redis = redis(); my $redis_prefix = config("redis_prefix"); # Ignore PMs and ignored users return if $msg->{channel} eq 'msg'; return if isIgnored($msg->{who}); # Intercept commands if ($msg->{body} =~ m/^$command_char.+/) { my $command = encode("UTF-8", $msg->{body}); my @command = split(" ", $command); my $bare = $command[0]; $bare =~ s/^$command_char//; my %subs = %{getCommandSubs()}; if (defined $subs{$bare}) { my $ret = $subs{$bare}->(\@command); $self->say( channel => config("irc_channel"), body => decode("UTF-8", $ret) ) unless $ret eq "___null___"; } return; } # Cheap autocomplete system if ($msg->{body} =~ m/^(wew|lad)$/i) { my $ret; my @o = split("", $msg->{"body"}); my @r = split("", ($msg->{body} =~ m/wew/i) ? "lad" : "wew"); for my $i (0..2) { if ($o[$i] eq uc $o[$i]) { $ret .= uc $r[$i]; } else { $ret .= lc $r[$i]; } } $self->say( channel => config("irc_channel"), body => $ret, ); } if ($msg->{body} =~ m/^ayy+$/) { $self->say( channel => config("irc_channel"), body => "lmao", ); } my $chattiness = $redis->get("$redis_prefix:chattiness"); my $rand = rand 100; if ($rand < $chattiness) { # generate a shitpost my @line = split " ", $msg->{body}; return unless scalar(@line) >= 2; # Generate the best shitpost we can my $resp; for (1..20) { my $start = int rand $#line; my $post = markov( [$line[$start], $line[$start+1]] ); $post = "" if !$post; $resp = $post if !$resp; last if wordsin($post) >= config("target_words"); $resp = $post if wordsin($post) > wordsin($resp); } if (rand() * 100 < config("insult_chance") && !$resp) { $resp = config("insult"); } $self->say( channel => config("irc_channel"), body => $resp, ) if $resp; } # Learn learn $msg->{body}; } # Set base chattiness value on first run my $redis = redis(); my $p = config("redis_prefix"); if (!$redis->get("$p:chattiness")) { $redis->set("$p:chattiness", 10); } MarkovBot->new( server => config("irc_server"), port => config("irc_port"), channels => [config("irc_channel")], nick => config("irc_nickname"), alt_nicks => [config("irc_nickname2")], username => config("irc_nickname"), name => config("irc_nickname"), ssl => config("irc_ssl") eq "true" ? 1 : 0, )->run();