module ircd.server; import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.range; import std.conv; import std.socket; import core.time; import vibe.core.core; import ircd.packageVersion; import ircd.message; import ircd.connection; import; import ircd.helpers; class Server { Connection[] connections; enum creationDate = packageTimestampISO.until('T').text; //TODO: Also show time when RFC-strictness is off enum versionString = "salty-ircd-" ~ packageVersion; string name; Channel[] channels; this() { name = Socket.hostName; runTask(&pingLoop); } private void pingLoop() { while(true) { foreach(connection; connections) { connection.send(Message(null, "PING", [name], true)); } sleep(30.seconds); } } private void acceptConnection(TCPConnection tcpConnection) { auto connection = new Connection(tcpConnection, this); connections ~= connection; connection.handle(); connections = connections.filter!(c => c != connection).array; } static bool isValidChannelName(string name) { return (name.startsWith('#') || name.startsWith('&')) && name.length <= 200; } static bool isValidNick(string name) { //TODO: Use the real rules return !name.startsWith('#') && !name.startsWith('&') && name.length <= 9; } bool isNickAvailable(string nick) { return !connections.canFind!(c => c.nick == nick); } void join(Connection connection, string channelName) { auto channelRange = channels.find!(c => == channelName); Channel channel; if(channelRange.empty) { channel = new Channel(channelName, connection, this); channels ~= channel; } else { channel = channelRange[0]; channel.members ~= connection; } foreach(member; channel.members) { member.send(Message(connection.mask, "JOIN", [channelName])); } channel.sendNames(connection); if(!channel.topic.empty) { channel.sendTopic(connection); } } void part(Connection connection, string channelName, string partMessage) { auto channel = connection.channels.array.find!(c => == channelName)[0]; foreach(member; channel.members) { if(partMessage !is null) { member.send(Message(connection.mask, "PART", [channelName, partMessage], true)); } else { member.send(Message(connection.mask, "PART", [channelName])); } } channel.members = channel.members.remove!(m => m == connection); if(channel.members.length == 0) { channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel); } } void quit(Connection connection, string quitMessage) { Connection[] peers; foreach(channel; connection.channels) { peers ~= channel.members; channel.members = channel.members.remove!(m => m == connection); if(channel.members.length == 0) { channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel); } } peers = peers.sort().uniq.filter!(c => c != connection).array; foreach(peer; peers) { if(quitMessage !is null) { peer.send(Message(connection.mask, "QUIT", [quitMessage], true)); } else { peer.send(Message(connection.mask, "QUIT", [connection.nick], true)); } } } void whoChannel(Connection origin, string channelName, bool operatorsOnly) { //TODO: Check what RFCs say about secret/private channels auto channel = channels.find!(c => == channelName)[0]; foreach(c; channel.members.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator) .filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin))) { //TODO: Support hop count origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, 0); } } void whoGlobal(Connection origin, string mask, bool operatorsOnly) { foreach(c; connections.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin)) .filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator) .filter!(c => [c.hostname, c.servername, c.realname, c.nick].any!(n => wildcardMatch(n, mask)))) { //TODO: Don't leak secret/private channels if RFC-strictness is off (the RFCs don't seem to say anything about it?) auto channelName = c.channels.empty ? "*" : c.channels.array[0].name; //TODO: Support hop count origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, 0); } } void privmsgToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text) { auto channel = channels.find!(c => == target)[0]; channel.sendPrivMsg(sender, text); } void privmsgToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text) { auto user = connections.find!(c => c.nick == target)[0]; user.send(Message(sender.mask, "PRIVMSG", [target, text], true)); } void noticeToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text) { auto channel = channels.find!(c => == target)[0]; channel.sendNotice(sender, text); } void noticeToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text) { auto user = connections.find!(c => c.nick == target)[0]; user.send(Message(sender.mask, "NOTICE", [target, text], true)); } void sendChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName) { auto channel = channels.find!(c => == channelName)[0]; channel.sendTopic(origin); } void setChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName, string newTopic) { auto channel = channels.find!(c => == channelName)[0]; channel.setTopic(origin, newTopic); } void sendChannelNames(Connection connection, string channelName) { auto channel = channels.find!(c => == channelName)[0]; channel.sendNames(connection); } void sendGlobalNames(Connection connection) { foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection))) { channel.sendNames(connection, false); } auto otherUsers = connections.filter!(c => !c.modes.canFind('i') && c.channels.filter!(ch => !ch.modes.canFind('s') && !ch.modes.canFind('p')).empty); if(!otherUsers.empty) { connection.send(Message(name, "353", [connection.nick, "=", "*",!(m => m.nick).join(' ')], true)); } connection.sendRplEndOfNames("*"); } void sendFullList(Connection connection) { foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection))) { connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic); } connection.sendRplListEnd(); } void sendPartialList(Connection connection, string[] channelNames) { foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => channelNames.canFind( && c.visibleTo(connection))) { connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic); } connection.sendRplListEnd(); } void invite(Connection inviter, string target, string channelName) { auto user = connections.find!(c => c.nick = target)[0]; user.send(Message(inviter.mask, "INVITE", [user.nick, channelName])); } void listen(ushort port = 6667) { listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection); } void listen(ushort port, string address) { listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection, address); } }