
443 lines
10 KiB

* ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
* Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (
* Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License (GPL), wie von der Free Software Foundation
* herausgegeben, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder unter Version 2
* der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie es wuenschen) jeder spaeteren Version.
* Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
* der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
* $Id: ngircd.c,v 1.38 2002/03/29 20:59:22 alex Exp $
* ngircd.c: Hier beginnt alles ;-)
#include "portab.h"
#include "imp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "channel.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "conn.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "irc.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "ngircd.h"
LOCAL VOID Initialize_Signal_Handler( VOID );
LOCAL VOID Signal_Handler( INT Signal );
LOCAL VOID Initialize_Listen_Ports( VOID );
LOCAL VOID Show_Version( VOID );
GLOBAL int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
BOOLEAN ok, configtest = FALSE;
INT32 pid, n;
INT i;
NGIRCd_Restart = FALSE;
NGIRCd_NoDaemon = FALSE;
NGIRCd_Passive = FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef SNIFFER
NGIRCd_Sniffer = FALSE;
strcpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, CONFIG_FILE );
/* Kommandozeile parsen */
for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
ok = FALSE;
if(( argv[i][0] == '-' ) && ( argv[i][1] == '-' ))
/* Lange Option */
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--config" ) == 0 )
if( i + 1 < argc )
/* Ok, danach kommt noch ein Parameter */
strncpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, argv[i + 1], FNAME_LEN - 1 );
NGIRCd_ConfFile[FNAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
/* zum uebernaechsten Parameter */
i++; ok = TRUE;
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--configtest" ) == 0 )
configtest = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--debug" ) == 0 )
NGIRCd_Debug = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--help" ) == 0 )
Show_Version( );
puts( "" ); Show_Help( ); puts( "" );
exit( 1 );
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--nodaemon" ) == 0 )
NGIRCd_NoDaemon = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--passive" ) == 0 )
NGIRCd_Passive = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
#ifdef SNIFFER
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--sniffer" ) == 0 )
NGIRCd_Sniffer = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( strcmp( argv[i], "--version" ) == 0 )
Show_Version( );
exit( 1 );
else if(( argv[i][0] == '-' ) && ( argv[i][1] != '-' ))
/* Kurze Option */
for( n = 1; n < (INT32)strlen( argv[i] ); n++ )
ok = FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( argv[i][n] == 'd' )
NGIRCd_Debug = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( argv[i][n] == 'f' )
if(( ! argv[i][n+i] ) && ( i + 1 < argc ))
/* Ok, danach kommt ein Leerzeichen */
strncpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, argv[i + 1], FNAME_LEN - 1 );
NGIRCd_ConfFile[FNAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
/* zum uebernaechsten Parameter */
i++; n = strlen( argv[i] );
ok = TRUE;
if( argv[i][n] == 'n' )
NGIRCd_NoDaemon = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( argv[i][n] == 'p' )
NGIRCd_Passive = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
#ifdef SNIFFER
if( argv[i][n] == 's' )
NGIRCd_Sniffer = TRUE;
ok = TRUE;
if( ! ok )
printf( PACKAGE": invalid option \"-%c\"!\n", argv[i][n] );
puts( "Try \""PACKAGE" --help\" for more information." );
exit( 1 );
if( ! ok )
printf( PACKAGE": invalid option \"%s\"!\n", argv[i] );
puts( "Try \""PACKAGE" --help\" for more information." );
exit( 1 );
/* Debug-Level (fuer IRC-Befehl "VERSION") ermitteln */
strcpy( NGIRCd_DebugLevel, "" );
#ifdef DEBUG
if( NGIRCd_Debug ) strcpy( NGIRCd_DebugLevel, "1" );
#ifdef SNIFFER
if( NGIRCd_Sniffer ) strcpy( NGIRCd_DebugLevel, "2" );
/* Soll nur die Konfigurations ueberprueft und ausgegeben werden? */
if( configtest )
Show_Version( ); puts( "" );
exit( Conf_Test( ));
while( ! NGIRCd_Quit )
/* In der Regel wird ein Sub-Prozess ge-fork()'t, der
* nicht mehr mit dem Terminal verbunden ist. Mit der
* Option "--nodaemon" kann dies (z.B. zum Debuggen)
* verhindert werden. */
if( ! NGIRCd_NoDaemon )
/* Daemon im Hintergrund erzeugen */
pid = (INT32)fork( );
if( pid > 0 )
/* "alter" Prozess */
exit( 0 );
if( pid < 0 )
/* Fehler */
printf( PACKAGE": Can't fork: %s!\nFatal error, exiting now ...", strerror( errno ));
exit( 1 );
/* Child-Prozess initialisieren */
(VOID)setsid( );
chdir( "/" );
/* Globale Variablen initialisieren */
NGIRCd_Start = time( NULL );
(VOID)strftime( NGIRCd_StartStr, 64, "%a %b %d %Y at %H:%M:%S (%Z)", localtime( &NGIRCd_Start ));
NGIRCd_Restart = FALSE;
/* Module initialisieren */
Log_Init( );
Conf_Init( );
Channel_Init( );
Client_Init( );
Conn_Init( );
/* Signal-Handler initialisieren */
Initialize_Signal_Handler( );
/* Listen-Ports initialisieren */
Initialize_Listen_Ports( );
/* Hauptschleife */
while( TRUE )
if( NGIRCd_Quit || NGIRCd_Restart ) break;
Conn_Handler( 5 );
/* Alles abmelden */
Conn_Exit( );
Client_Exit( );
Channel_Exit( );
Conf_Exit( );
Log_Exit( );
return 0;
} /* main */
STATIC CHAR version[126];
sprintf( version, PACKAGE" version "VERSION"-%s", NGIRCd_VersionAddition( ));
return version;
} /* NGIRCd_Version */
GLOBAL CHAR *NGIRCd_VersionAddition( VOID )
STATIC CHAR txt[64];
strcpy( txt, "" );
if( txt[0] ) strcat( txt, "+" );
strcat( txt, "SYSLOG" );
if( txt[0] ) strcat( txt, "+" );
strcat( txt, "RFC" );
#ifdef DEBUG
if( txt[0] ) strcat( txt, "+" );
strcat( txt, "DEBUG" );
#ifdef SNIFFER
if( txt[0] ) strcat( txt, "+" );
strcat( txt, "SNIFFER" );
if( txt[0] ) strcat( txt, "-" );
return txt;
} /* NGIRCd_VersionAddition */
LOCAL VOID Initialize_Signal_Handler( VOID )
/* Signal-Handler initialisieren: einige Signale
* werden ignoriert, andere speziell behandelt. */
/* sigaction() ist vorhanden */
struct sigaction saction;
/* Signal-Struktur initialisieren */
memset( &saction, 0, sizeof( saction ));
saction.sa_handler = Signal_Handler;
saction.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
saction.sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDWAIT;
/* Signal-Handler einhaengen */
sigaction( SIGINT, &saction, NULL );
sigaction( SIGQUIT, &saction, NULL );
sigaction( SIGTERM, &saction, NULL);
sigaction( SIGHUP, &saction, NULL);
sigaction( SIGCHLD, &saction, NULL);
/* einige Signale ignorieren */
saction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction( SIGPIPE, &saction, NULL );
/* kein sigaction() vorhanden */
/* Signal-Handler einhaengen */
signal( SIGINT, Signal_Handler );
signal( SIGQUIT, Signal_Handler );
signal( SIGTERM, Signal_Handler );
signal( SIGHUP, Signal_Handler );
signal( SIGCHLD, Signal_Handler );
/* einige Signale ignorieren */
signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
} /* Initialize_Signal_Handler */
LOCAL VOID Signal_Handler( INT Signal )
/* Signal-Handler. Dieser wird aufgerufen, wenn eines der Signale eintrifft,
* fuer das wir uns registriert haben (vgl. Initialize_Signal_Handler). Die
* Nummer des eingetroffenen Signals wird der Funktion uebergeben. */
switch( Signal )
case SIGINT:
/* wir soll(t)en uns wohl beenden ... */
if( Signal == SIGTERM ) Log( LOG_WARNING, "Got TERM signal, terminating now ..." );
else if( Signal == SIGINT ) Log( LOG_WARNING, "Got INT signal, terminating now ..." );
else if( Signal == SIGQUIT ) Log( LOG_WARNING, "Got QUIT signal, terminating now ..." );
case SIGHUP:
/* neu starten */
Log( LOG_WARNING, "Got HUP signal, restarting now ..." );
NGIRCd_Restart = TRUE;
/* Child-Prozess wurde beendet. Zombies vermeiden: */
while( waitpid( -1, NULL, WNOHANG ) > 0);
/* unbekanntes bzw. unbehandeltes Signal */
Log( LOG_NOTICE, "Got signal %d! Ignored.", Signal );
} /* Signal_Handler */
LOCAL VOID Initialize_Listen_Ports( VOID )
/* Ports, auf denen der Server Verbindungen entgegennehmen
* soll, initialisieren */
INT created, i;
created = 0;
for( i = 0; i < Conf_ListenPorts_Count; i++ )
if( Conn_NewListener( Conf_ListenPorts[i] )) created++;
else Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't listen on port %d!", Conf_ListenPorts[i] );
if( created < 1 )
Log( LOG_ALERT, "Server isn't listening on a single port!" );
Log( LOG_ALERT, PACKAGE" exiting due to fatal errors!" );
exit( 1 );
} /* Initialize_Listen_Ports */
LOCAL VOID Show_Version( VOID )
puts( NGIRCd_Version( ));
puts( "Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (\n" );
puts( "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO" );
puts( "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." );
} /* Show_Version */
#ifdef DEBUG
puts( " -d, --debug log extra debug messages" );
puts( " -f, --config <f> use file <f> as configuration file" );
puts( " -n, --nodaemon don't fork and don't detatch from controlling terminal" );
puts( " -p, --passive disable automatic connections to other servers" );
#ifdef SNIFFER
puts( " -s, --sniffer enable network sniffer and display all IRC traffic" );
puts( " --configtest read, validate and display configuration; then exit" );
puts( " --version output version information and exit" );
puts( " --help display this help and exit" );
} /* Show_Help */
/* -eof- */