/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. * * Copyright (c) 2005 Florian Westphal (westphal@foo.fh-furtwangen.de) */ #include "portab.h" /** * @file * I/O abstraction interface. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "array.h" #include "io.h" #include "log.h" /* Enables extra debug messages in event add/delete/callback code. */ /* #define DEBUG_IO */ typedef struct { #ifdef PROTOTYPES void (*callback)(int, short); #else void (*callback)(); #endif short what; } io_event; #define INIT_IOEVENT { NULL, -1, 0, NULL } #define IO_ERROR 4 #ifdef HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE # define IO_USE_EPOLL 1 # ifdef HAVE_SELECT # define IO_USE_SELECT 1 # endif #else # ifdef HAVE_KQUEUE # define IO_USE_KQUEUE 1 # else # ifdef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H # define IO_USE_DEVPOLL 1 # else # if defined(HAVE_POLL) && defined(HAVE_POLL_H) # define IO_USE_POLL 1 # else # ifdef HAVE_SELECT # define IO_USE_SELECT 1 # else # error "no IO API available!?" # endif /* HAVE_SELECT */ # endif /* HAVE_POLL */ # endif /* HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ # endif /* HAVE_KQUEUE */ #endif /* HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE */ static bool library_initialized = false; #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL #include static int io_masterfd = -1; static bool io_event_change_epoll(int fd, short what, const int action); static int io_dispatch_epoll(struct timeval *tv); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE #include #include static array io_evcache; static int io_masterfd; static int io_dispatch_kqueue(struct timeval *tv); static bool io_event_change_kqueue(int, short, const int action); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL #include static array pollfds; static int poll_maxfd; static bool io_event_change_poll PARAMS((int fd, short what)); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL #include static int io_masterfd; static bool io_event_change_devpoll(int fd, short what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT #include "defines.h" /* for conn.h */ #include "proc.h" /* for PROC_STAT (needed by conf.h) */ #include "conn.h" /* for CONN_ID (needed by conf.h) */ #include "conf.h" /* for Conf_MaxConnections */ static fd_set readers; static fd_set writers; /* * this is the first argument for select(), i.e. * the largest fd registered, plus one. */ static int select_maxfd; static int io_dispatch_select PARAMS((struct timeval *tv)); #ifndef IO_USE_EPOLL #define io_masterfd -1 #endif #endif /* IO_USE_SELECT */ static array io_events; static void io_docallback PARAMS((int fd, short what)); #ifdef DEBUG_IO static void io_debug(const char *s, int fd, int what) { Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %d, %d\n", s, fd, what); } #else static inline void io_debug(const char UNUSED *s,int UNUSED a, int UNUSED b) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif static io_event * io_event_get(int fd) { io_event *i; assert(fd >= 0); i = (io_event *) array_get(&io_events, sizeof(io_event), (size_t) fd); assert(i != NULL); return i; } #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL static int io_dispatch_devpoll(struct timeval *tv) { struct dvpoll dvp; time_t sec = tv->tv_sec * 1000; int i, ret, timeout = tv->tv_usec + sec; short what; struct pollfd p[100]; if (timeout < 0) timeout = 1000; dvp.dp_timeout = timeout; dvp.dp_nfds = 100; dvp.dp_fds = p; ret = ioctl(io_masterfd, DP_POLL, &dvp); for (i=0; i < ret ; i++) { what = 0; if (p[i].revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI)) what = IO_WANTREAD; if (p[i].revents & POLLOUT) what |= IO_WANTWRITE; if (p[i].revents && !what) { /* other flag is set, probably POLLERR */ what = IO_ERROR; } io_docallback(p[i].fd, what); } return ret; } static bool io_event_change_devpoll(int fd, short what) { struct pollfd p; p.events = 0; if (what & IO_WANTREAD) p.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; if (what & IO_WANTWRITE) p.events |= POLLOUT; p.fd = fd; return write(io_masterfd, &p, sizeof p) == (ssize_t)sizeof p; } static void io_close_devpoll(int fd) { struct pollfd p; p.events = POLLREMOVE; p.fd = fd; write(io_masterfd, &p, sizeof p); } static void io_library_init_devpoll(unsigned int eventsize) { io_masterfd = open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR); if (io_masterfd >= 0) library_initialized = true; Log(LOG_INFO, "IO subsystem: /dev/poll (initial maxfd %u, masterfd %d).", eventsize, io_masterfd); } #else static inline void io_close_devpoll(int UNUSED x) { /* NOTHING */ } static inline void io_library_init_devpoll(unsigned int UNUSED ev) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL static int io_dispatch_poll(struct timeval *tv) { time_t sec = tv->tv_sec * 1000; int i, ret, timeout = tv->tv_usec + sec; int fds_ready; short what; struct pollfd *p = array_start(&pollfds); if (timeout < 0) timeout = 1000; ret = poll(p, poll_maxfd + 1, timeout); if (ret <= 0) return ret; fds_ready = ret; for (i=0; i <= poll_maxfd; i++) { what = 0; if (p[i].revents & (POLLIN|POLLPRI)) what = IO_WANTREAD; if (p[i].revents & POLLOUT) what |= IO_WANTWRITE; if (p[i].revents && !what) { /* other flag is set, probably POLLERR */ what = IO_ERROR; } if (what) { fds_ready--; io_docallback(i, what); } if (fds_ready <= 0) break; } return ret; } static bool io_event_change_poll(int fd, short what) { struct pollfd *p; short events = 0; if (what & IO_WANTREAD) events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; if (what & IO_WANTWRITE) events |= POLLOUT; p = array_alloc(&pollfds, sizeof *p, fd); if (p) { p->events = events; p->fd = fd; if (fd > poll_maxfd) poll_maxfd = fd; } return p != NULL; } static void io_close_poll(int fd) { struct pollfd *p; p = array_get(&pollfds, sizeof *p, fd); if (!p) return; p->fd = -1; if (fd == poll_maxfd) { while (poll_maxfd > 0) { --poll_maxfd; p = array_get(&pollfds, sizeof *p, poll_maxfd); if (p && p->fd >= 0) break; } } } static void io_library_init_poll(unsigned int eventsize) { struct pollfd *p; array_init(&pollfds); poll_maxfd = 0; Log(LOG_INFO, "IO subsystem: poll (initial maxfd %u).", eventsize); p = array_alloc(&pollfds, sizeof(struct pollfd), eventsize); if (p) { unsigned i; p = array_start(&pollfds); for (i = 0; i < eventsize; i++) p[i].fd = -1; library_initialized = true; } } #else static inline void io_close_poll(int UNUSED x) { /* NOTHING */ } static inline void io_library_init_poll(unsigned int UNUSED ev) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT static int io_dispatch_select(struct timeval *tv) { fd_set readers_tmp; fd_set writers_tmp; short what; int ret, i; int fds_ready; readers_tmp = readers; writers_tmp = writers; ret = select(select_maxfd + 1, &readers_tmp, &writers_tmp, NULL, tv); if (ret <= 0) return ret; fds_ready = ret; for (i = 0; i <= select_maxfd; i++) { what = 0; if (FD_ISSET(i, &readers_tmp)) { what = IO_WANTREAD; fds_ready--; } if (FD_ISSET(i, &writers_tmp)) { what |= IO_WANTWRITE; fds_ready--; } if (what) io_docallback(i, what); if (fds_ready <= 0) break; } return ret; } static void io_library_init_select(unsigned int eventsize) { if (library_initialized) return; Log(LOG_INFO, "IO subsystem: select (initial maxfd %u).", eventsize); FD_ZERO(&readers); FD_ZERO(&writers); #ifdef FD_SETSIZE if (Conf_MaxConnections >= (int)FD_SETSIZE) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "MaxConnections (%d) exceeds limit (%u), changed MaxConnections to %u.", Conf_MaxConnections, FD_SETSIZE, FD_SETSIZE - 1); Conf_MaxConnections = FD_SETSIZE - 1; } #else Log(LOG_WARNING, "FD_SETSIZE undefined, don't know how many descriptors select() can handle on your platform ..."); #endif /* FD_SETSIZE */ library_initialized = true; } static void io_close_select(int fd) { io_event *i; if (io_masterfd >= 0) /* Are we using epoll()? */ return; FD_CLR(fd, &writers); FD_CLR(fd, &readers); i = io_event_get(fd); if (!i) return; if (fd == select_maxfd) { while (select_maxfd>0) { --select_maxfd; /* find largest fd */ i = io_event_get(select_maxfd); if (i && i->callback) break; } } } #else static inline void io_library_init_select(int UNUSED x) { /* NOTHING */ } static inline void io_close_select(int UNUSED x) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif /* SELECT */ #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL static bool io_event_change_epoll(int fd, short what, const int action) { struct epoll_event ev = { 0, {0} }; ev.data.fd = fd; if (what & IO_WANTREAD) ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI; if (what & IO_WANTWRITE) ev.events |= EPOLLOUT; return epoll_ctl(io_masterfd, action, fd, &ev) == 0; } static int io_dispatch_epoll(struct timeval *tv) { time_t sec = tv->tv_sec * 1000; int i, ret, timeout = tv->tv_usec + sec; struct epoll_event epoll_ev[100]; short type; if (timeout < 0) timeout = 1000; ret = epoll_wait(io_masterfd, epoll_ev, 100, timeout); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { type = 0; if (epoll_ev[i].events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) type = IO_ERROR; if (epoll_ev[i].events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI)) type |= IO_WANTREAD; if (epoll_ev[i].events & EPOLLOUT) type |= IO_WANTWRITE; io_docallback(epoll_ev[i].data.fd, type); } return ret; } static void io_library_init_epoll(unsigned int eventsize) { int ecreate_hint = (int)eventsize; if (ecreate_hint <= 0) ecreate_hint = 128; io_masterfd = epoll_create(ecreate_hint); if (io_masterfd >= 0) { library_initialized = true; Log(LOG_INFO, "IO subsystem: epoll (hint size %d, initial maxfd %u, masterfd %d).", ecreate_hint, eventsize, io_masterfd); return; } #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT Log(LOG_INFO, "Can't initialize epoll() IO interface, falling back to select() ..."); #endif } #else static inline void io_library_init_epoll(unsigned int UNUSED ev) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif /* IO_USE_EPOLL */ #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE static bool io_event_kqueue_commit_cache(void) { struct kevent *events; bool ret; int len = (int) array_length(&io_evcache, sizeof (struct kevent)); if (!len) /* nothing to do */ return true; assert(len>0); if (len < 0) { array_free(&io_evcache); return false; } events = array_start(&io_evcache); assert(events != NULL); ret = kevent(io_masterfd, events, len, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0; if (ret) array_trunc(&io_evcache); return ret; } static bool io_event_change_kqueue(int fd, short what, const int action) { struct kevent kev; bool ret = true; if (what & IO_WANTREAD) { EV_SET(&kev, fd, EVFILT_READ, action, 0, 0, 0); ret = array_catb(&io_evcache, (char*) &kev, sizeof (kev)); if (!ret) ret = kevent(io_masterfd, &kev,1, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0; } if (ret && (what & IO_WANTWRITE)) { EV_SET(&kev, fd, EVFILT_WRITE, action, 0, 0, 0); ret = array_catb(&io_evcache, (char*) &kev, sizeof (kev)); if (!ret) ret = kevent(io_masterfd, &kev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0; } if (array_length(&io_evcache, sizeof kev) >= 100) io_event_kqueue_commit_cache(); return ret; } static int io_dispatch_kqueue(struct timeval *tv) { int i, ret; struct kevent kev[100]; struct kevent *newevents; struct timespec ts; int newevents_len; ts.tv_sec = tv->tv_sec; ts.tv_nsec = tv->tv_usec * 1000; newevents_len = (int) array_length(&io_evcache, sizeof (struct kevent)); newevents = (newevents_len > 0) ? array_start(&io_evcache) : NULL; assert(newevents_len >= 0); ret = kevent(io_masterfd, newevents, newevents_len, kev, 100, &ts); if (newevents && ret != -1) array_trunc(&io_evcache); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { io_debug("dispatch_kqueue: fd, kev.flags", (int)kev[i].ident, kev[i].flags); if (kev[i].flags & (EV_EOF|EV_ERROR)) { if (kev[i].flags & EV_ERROR) Log(LOG_ERR, "kevent fd %d: EV_ERROR (%s)", (int)kev[i].ident, strerror((int)kev[i].data)); io_docallback((int)kev[i].ident, IO_ERROR); continue; } switch (kev[i].filter) { case EVFILT_READ: io_docallback((int)kev[i].ident, IO_WANTREAD); break; case EVFILT_WRITE: io_docallback((int)kev[i].ident, IO_WANTWRITE); break; default: LogDebug("Unknown kev.filter number %d for fd %d", kev[i].filter, kev[i].ident); /* Fall through */ case EV_ERROR: io_docallback((int)kev[i].ident, IO_ERROR); break; } } return ret; } static void io_library_init_kqueue(unsigned int eventsize) { io_masterfd = kqueue(); Log(LOG_INFO, "IO subsystem: kqueue (initial maxfd %u, masterfd %d)", eventsize, io_masterfd); if (io_masterfd >= 0) library_initialized = true; } #else static inline void io_library_init_kqueue(unsigned int UNUSED ev) { /* NOTHING */ } #endif bool io_library_init(unsigned int eventsize) { if (library_initialized) return true; if ((eventsize > 0) && !array_alloc(&io_events, sizeof(io_event), (size_t)eventsize)) eventsize = 0; io_library_init_epoll(eventsize); io_library_init_kqueue(eventsize); io_library_init_devpoll(eventsize); io_library_init_poll(eventsize); io_library_init_select(eventsize); return library_initialized; } void io_library_shutdown(void) { #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT FD_ZERO(&readers); FD_ZERO(&writers); #endif #if defined(IO_USE_EPOLL) || defined(IO_USE_KQUEUE) || defined(IO_USE_DEVPOLL) if (io_masterfd >= 0) close(io_masterfd); io_masterfd = -1; #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE array_free(&io_evcache); #endif library_initialized = false; } bool io_event_setcb(int fd, void (*cbfunc) (int, short)) { io_event *i = io_event_get(fd); if (!i) return false; i->callback = cbfunc; return true; } static bool backend_create_ev(int fd, short what) { bool ret; #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL ret = io_event_change_devpoll(fd, what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL ret = io_event_change_poll(fd, what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL ret = io_event_change_epoll(fd, what, EPOLL_CTL_ADD); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE ret = io_event_change_kqueue(fd, what, EV_ADD|EV_ENABLE); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT if (io_masterfd < 0) ret = io_event_add(fd, what); #endif return ret; } bool io_event_create(int fd, short what, void (*cbfunc) (int, short)) { bool ret; io_event *i; assert(fd >= 0); #if defined(IO_USE_SELECT) && defined(FD_SETSIZE) if (io_masterfd < 0 && fd >= FD_SETSIZE) { Log(LOG_ERR, "fd %d exceeds FD_SETSIZE (%u) (select can't handle more file descriptors)", fd, FD_SETSIZE); return false; } #endif i = (io_event *) array_alloc(&io_events, sizeof(io_event), (size_t) fd); if (!i) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "array_alloc failed: could not allocate space for %d io_event structures", fd); return false; } i->callback = cbfunc; i->what = 0; ret = backend_create_ev(fd, what); if (ret) i->what = what; return ret; } bool io_event_add(int fd, short what) { io_event *i = io_event_get(fd); if (!i) return false; if ((i->what & what) == what) /* event type is already registered */ return true; io_debug("io_event_add: fd, what", fd, what); i->what |= what; #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL if (io_masterfd >= 0) return io_event_change_epoll(fd, i->what, EPOLL_CTL_MOD); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE return io_event_change_kqueue(fd, what, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL return io_event_change_devpoll(fd, i->what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL return io_event_change_poll(fd, i->what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT if (fd > select_maxfd) select_maxfd = fd; if (what & IO_WANTREAD) FD_SET(fd, &readers); if (what & IO_WANTWRITE) FD_SET(fd, &writers); return true; #endif return false; } bool io_setnonblock(int fd) { int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (flags == -1) return false; #ifndef O_NONBLOCK #define O_NONBLOCK O_NDELAY #endif flags |= O_NONBLOCK; return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == 0; } bool io_setcloexec(int fd) { int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); if (flags == -1) return false; #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; #endif return fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags) == 0; } bool io_close(int fd) { io_event *i; i = io_event_get(fd); #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE if (array_length(&io_evcache, sizeof (struct kevent))) /* pending data in cache? */ io_event_kqueue_commit_cache(); /* both kqueue and epoll remove fd from all sets automatically on the last close * of the descriptor. since we don't know if this is the last close we'll have * to remove the set explicitly. */ if (i) { io_event_change_kqueue(fd, i->what, EV_DELETE); io_event_kqueue_commit_cache(); } #endif io_close_devpoll(fd); io_close_poll(fd); io_close_select(fd); #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL io_event_change_epoll(fd, 0, EPOLL_CTL_DEL); #endif if (i) { i->callback = NULL; i->what = 0; } return close(fd) == 0; } bool io_event_del(int fd, short what) { io_event *i = io_event_get(fd); io_debug("io_event_del: trying to delete eventtype; fd, what", fd, what); if (!i) return false; if (!(i->what & what)) /* event is already disabled */ return true; i->what &= ~what; #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL return io_event_change_devpoll(fd, i->what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL return io_event_change_poll(fd, i->what); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL if (io_masterfd >= 0) return io_event_change_epoll(fd, i->what, EPOLL_CTL_MOD); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE return io_event_change_kqueue(fd, what, EV_DISABLE); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT if (what & IO_WANTWRITE) FD_CLR(fd, &writers); if (what & IO_WANTREAD) FD_CLR(fd, &readers); return true; #endif return false; } int io_dispatch(struct timeval *tv) { #ifdef IO_USE_EPOLL if (io_masterfd >= 0) return io_dispatch_epoll(tv); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_SELECT return io_dispatch_select(tv); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_KQUEUE return io_dispatch_kqueue(tv); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_DEVPOLL return io_dispatch_devpoll(tv); #endif #ifdef IO_USE_POLL return io_dispatch_poll(tv); #endif return -1; } /* call the callback function inside the struct matching fd */ static void io_docallback(int fd, short what) { io_event *i = io_event_get(fd); io_debug("io_docallback; fd, what", fd, what); if (i->callback) { /* callback might be NULL if a previous callback function called io_close on this fd */ i->callback(fd, (what & IO_ERROR) ? i->what : what); } /* if error indicator is set, we return the event(s) that were registered */ }