/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. * * Client management. */ #define __client_c__ #include "portab.h" static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: client.c,v 1.76 2004/03/11 22:16:31 alex Exp $"; #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conn.h" #include "exp.h" #include "client.h" #include #include "ngircd.h" #include "channel.h" #include "resolve.h" #include "conf.h" #include "hash.h" #include "irc-write.h" #include "log.h" #include "messages.h" #include #define GETID_LEN (CLIENT_NICK_LEN-1) + 1 + (CLIENT_USER_LEN-1) + 1 + (CLIENT_HOST_LEN-1) + 1 LOCAL CLIENT *This_Server, *My_Clients; LOCAL CHAR GetID_Buffer[GETID_LEN]; LOCAL LONG Count PARAMS(( CLIENT_TYPE Type )); LOCAL LONG MyCount PARAMS(( CLIENT_TYPE Type )); LOCAL CLIENT *New_Client_Struct PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID Generate_MyToken PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client )); LOCAL VOID Adjust_Counters PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client )); #ifndef Client_DestroyNow GLOBAL VOID Client_DestroyNow PARAMS((CLIENT *Client )); #endif LONG Max_Users = 0, My_Max_Users = 0; GLOBAL VOID Client_Init( VOID ) { struct hostent *h; This_Server = New_Client_Struct( ); if( ! This_Server ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate client structure for server! Going down." ); Log( LOG_ALERT, "%s exiting due to fatal errors!", PACKAGE_NAME ); exit( 1 ); } /* Client-Struktur dieses Servers */ This_Server->next = NULL; This_Server->type = CLIENT_SERVER; This_Server->conn_id = NONE; This_Server->introducer = This_Server; This_Server->mytoken = 1; This_Server->hops = 0; gethostname( This_Server->host, CLIENT_HOST_LEN ); h = gethostbyname( This_Server->host ); if( h ) strlcpy( This_Server->host, h->h_name, sizeof( This_Server->host )); Client_SetID( This_Server, Conf_ServerName ); Client_SetInfo( This_Server, Conf_ServerInfo ); My_Clients = This_Server; } /* Client_Init */ GLOBAL VOID Client_Exit( VOID ) { CLIENT *c, *next; INT cnt; if( NGIRCd_SignalRestart ) Client_Destroy( This_Server, "Server going down (restarting).", NULL, FALSE ); else Client_Destroy( This_Server, "Server going down.", NULL, FALSE ); cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { cnt++; next = (CLIENT *)c->next; free( c ); c = next; } if( cnt ) Log( LOG_INFO, "Freed %d client structure%s.", cnt, cnt == 1 ? "" : "s" ); } /* Client_Exit */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_ThisServer( VOID ) { return This_Server; } /* Client_ThisServer */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewLocal( CONN_ID Idx, CHAR *Hostname, INT Type, BOOLEAN Idented ) { /* Neuen lokalen Client erzeugen: Wrapper-Funktion fuer Client_New(). */ return Client_New( Idx, This_Server, NULL, Type, NULL, NULL, Hostname, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, Idented ); } /* Client_NewLocal */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewRemoteServer( CLIENT *Introducer, CHAR *Hostname, CLIENT *TopServer, INT Hops, INT Token, CHAR *Info, BOOLEAN Idented ) { /* Neuen Remote-Client erzeugen: Wrapper-Funktion fuer Client_New (). */ return Client_New( NONE, Introducer, TopServer, CLIENT_SERVER, Hostname, NULL, Hostname, Info, Hops, Token, NULL, Idented ); } /* Client_NewRemoteServer */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewRemoteUser( CLIENT *Introducer, CHAR *Nick, INT Hops, CHAR *User, CHAR *Hostname, INT Token, CHAR *Modes, CHAR *Info, BOOLEAN Idented ) { /* Neuen Remote-Client erzeugen: Wrapper-Funktion fuer Client_New (). */ return Client_New( NONE, Introducer, NULL, CLIENT_USER, Nick, User, Hostname, Info, Hops, Token, Modes, Idented ); } /* Client_NewRemoteUser */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_New( CONN_ID Idx, CLIENT *Introducer, CLIENT *TopServer, INT Type, CHAR *ID, CHAR *User, CHAR *Hostname, CHAR *Info, INT Hops, INT Token, CHAR *Modes, BOOLEAN Idented ) { CLIENT *client; assert( Idx >= NONE ); assert( Introducer != NULL ); assert( Hostname != NULL ); client = New_Client_Struct( ); if( ! client ) return NULL; /* Initialisieren */ client->conn_id = Idx; client->introducer = Introducer; client->topserver = TopServer; client->type = Type; if( ID ) Client_SetID( client, ID ); if( User ) Client_SetUser( client, User, Idented ); if( Hostname ) Client_SetHostname( client, Hostname ); if( Info ) Client_SetInfo( client, Info ); client->hops = Hops; client->token = Token; if( Modes ) Client_SetModes( client, Modes ); if( Type == CLIENT_SERVER ) Generate_MyToken( client ); /* ist der User away? */ if( strchr( client->modes, 'a' )) strlcpy( client->away, DEFAULT_AWAY_MSG, sizeof( client->away )); /* Verketten */ client->next = (POINTER *)My_Clients; My_Clients = client; /* Adjust counters */ Adjust_Counters( client ); return client; } /* Client_New */ GLOBAL VOID Client_Destroy( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *LogMsg, CHAR *FwdMsg, BOOLEAN SendQuit ) { /* Client entfernen. */ CLIENT *last, *c; CHAR msg[LINE_LEN], *txt; assert( Client != NULL ); if( LogMsg ) txt = LogMsg; else txt = FwdMsg; if( ! txt ) txt = "Reason unknown."; /* Netz-Split-Nachricht vorbereiten (noch nicht optimal) */ if( Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "%s: lost server %s", This_Server->id, Client->id ); last = NULL; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c->introducer == Client ) && ( c != Client )) { /* der Client, der geloescht wird ist ein Server. Der Client, den wir gerade * pruefen, ist ein Child von diesem und muss daher auch entfernt werden */ Client_Destroy( c, NULL, msg, FALSE ); last = NULL; c = My_Clients; continue; } if( c == Client ) { /* Wir haben den Client gefunden: entfernen */ if( last ) last->next = c->next; else My_Clients = (CLIENT *)c->next; if( c->type == CLIENT_USER ) { if( c->conn_id != NONE ) { /* Ein lokaler User */ Log( LOG_NOTICE, "User \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s", Client_Mask( c ), c->conn_id, txt ); if( SendQuit ) { /* Alle andere Server informieren! */ if( FwdMsg ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( NULL, c, "QUIT :%s", FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( NULL, c, "QUIT :" ); } } else { /* Remote User */ Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" unregistered: %s", Client_Mask( c ), txt ); if( SendQuit ) { /* Andere Server informieren, ausser denen, die "in * Richtung dem liegen", auf dem der User registriert * ist. Von denen haben wir das QUIT ja wohl bekommen. */ if( FwdMsg ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "QUIT :%s", FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "QUIT :" ); } } Channel_Quit( c, FwdMsg ? FwdMsg : c->id ); } else if( c->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) { if( c != This_Server ) { if( c->conn_id != NONE ) Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s", c->id, c->conn_id, txt ); else Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" unregistered: %s", c->id, txt ); } /* andere Server informieren */ if( ! NGIRCd_SignalQuit ) { if( FwdMsg ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "SQUIT %s :%s", c->id, FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "SQUIT %s :", c->id ); } } else { if( c->conn_id != NONE ) { if( c->id[0] ) Log( LOG_NOTICE, "Client \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s", c->id, c->conn_id, txt ); else Log( LOG_NOTICE, "Client unregistered (connection %d): %s", c->conn_id, txt ); } else { if( c->id[0] ) Log( LOG_WARNING, "Unregistered unknown client \"%s\": %s", c->id, txt ); else Log( LOG_WARNING, "Unregistered unknown client: %s", c->id, txt ); } } free( c ); break; } last = c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } } /* Client_Destroy */ GLOBAL VOID Client_DestroyNow( CLIENT *Client ) { /* Destroy client structure immediately. This function is only * intended for the connection layer to remove client structures * of connections that can't be established! */ CLIENT *last, *c; assert( Client != NULL ); last = NULL; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c == Client ) { /* Wir haben den Client gefunden: entfernen */ if( last ) last->next = c->next; else My_Clients = (CLIENT *)c->next; free( c ); break; } last = c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } } /* Client_DestroyNow */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetHostname( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Hostname ) { /* Hostname eines Clients setzen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Hostname != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->host, Hostname, sizeof( Client->host )); } /* Client_SetHostname */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetID( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *ID ) { /* Hostname eines Clients setzen, Hash-Wert berechnen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( ID != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->id, ID, sizeof( Client->id )); /* Hash */ Client->hash = Hash( Client->id ); } /* Client_SetID */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetUser( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *User, BOOLEAN Idented ) { /* Username eines Clients setzen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( User != NULL ); if( Idented ) strlcpy( Client->user, User, sizeof( Client->user )); else { Client->user[0] = '~'; strlcpy( Client->user + 1, User, sizeof( Client->user ) - 1 ); } } /* Client_SetUser */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetInfo( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Info ) { /* Hostname eines Clients setzen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Info != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->info, Info, sizeof( Client->info )); } /* Client_SetInfo */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetModes( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Modes ) { /* Modes eines Clients setzen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Modes != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->modes, Modes, sizeof( Client->modes )); } /* Client_SetModes */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetFlags( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Flags ) { /* Flags eines Clients setzen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Flags != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->flags, Flags, sizeof( Client->flags )); } /* Client_SetFlags */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetPassword( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Pwd ) { /* Von einem Client geliefertes Passwort */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Pwd != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->pwd, Pwd, sizeof( Client->pwd )); } /* Client_SetPassword */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetAway( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Txt ) { /* Set AWAY reason of client */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Txt != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->away, Txt, sizeof( Client->away )); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" is away: %s", Client_Mask( Client ), Txt ); } /* Client_SetAway */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetType( CLIENT *Client, INT Type ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->type = Type; if( Type == CLIENT_SERVER ) Generate_MyToken( Client ); Adjust_Counters( Client ); } /* Client_SetType */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetHops( CLIENT *Client, INT Hops ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->hops = Hops; } /* Client_SetHops */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetToken( CLIENT *Client, INT Token ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->token = Token; } /* Client_SetToken */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetIntroducer( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Introducer ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Introducer != NULL ); Client->introducer = Introducer; } /* Client_SetIntroducer */ GLOBAL VOID Client_SetOperByMe( CLIENT *Client, BOOLEAN OperByMe ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->oper_by_me = OperByMe; } /* Client_SetOperByMe */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_ModeAdd( CLIENT *Client, CHAR Mode ) { /* Mode soll gesetzt werden. TRUE wird geliefert, wenn der * Mode neu gesetzt wurde, FALSE, wenn der Client den Mode * bereits hatte. */ CHAR x[2]; assert( Client != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; if( ! strchr( Client->modes, x[0] )) { /* Client hat den Mode noch nicht -> setzen */ strlcat( Client->modes, x, sizeof( Client->modes )); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* Client_ModeAdd */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_ModeDel( CLIENT *Client, CHAR Mode ) { /* Mode soll geloescht werden. TRUE wird geliefert, wenn der * Mode entfernt wurde, FALSE, wenn der Client den Mode * ueberhaupt nicht hatte. */ CHAR x[2], *p; assert( Client != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; p = strchr( Client->modes, x[0] ); if( ! p ) return FALSE; /* Client hat den Mode -> loeschen */ while( *p ) { *p = *(p + 1); p++; } return TRUE; } /* Client_ModeDel */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_GetFromConn( CONN_ID Idx ) { /* Client-Struktur, die zur lokalen Verbindung Idx gehoert, * liefern. Wird keine gefunden, so wird NULL geliefert. */ CLIENT *c; assert( Idx >= 0 ); c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c->conn_id == Idx ) return c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /* Client_GetFromConn */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Search( CHAR *Nick ) { /* Client-Struktur, die den entsprechenden Nick hat, liefern. * Wird keine gefunden, so wird NULL geliefert. */ CHAR search_id[CLIENT_ID_LEN], *ptr; CLIENT *c = NULL; UINT32 search_hash; assert( Nick != NULL ); /* Nick kopieren und ggf. Host-Mask abschneiden */ strlcpy( search_id, Nick, sizeof( search_id )); ptr = strchr( search_id, '!' ); if( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; search_hash = Hash( search_id ); c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c->hash == search_hash ) { /* lt. Hash-Wert: Treffer! */ if( strcasecmp( c->id, search_id ) == 0 ) return c; } c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /* Client_Search */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_GetFromToken( CLIENT *Client, INT Token ) { /* Client-Struktur, die den entsprechenden Introducer (=Client) * und das gegebene Token hat, liefern. Wird keine gefunden, * so wird NULL geliefert. */ CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Token > 0 ); c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( c->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c->introducer == Client ) && ( c->token == Token )) return c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /* Client_GetFromToken */ GLOBAL INT Client_Type( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->type; } /* Client_Type */ GLOBAL CONN_ID Client_Conn( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->conn_id; } /* Client_Conn */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_ID( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); #ifdef DEBUG if( Client->type == CLIENT_USER ) assert( strlen( Client->id ) < CLIENT_NICK_LEN ); #endif if( Client->id[0] ) return Client->id; else return "*"; } /* Client_ID */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Info( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->info; } /* Client_Info */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_User( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); if( Client->user[0] ) return Client->user; else return "~"; } /* Client_User */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Hostname( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->host; } /* Client_Hostname */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Password( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->pwd; } /* Client_Password */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Modes( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->modes; } /* Client_Modes */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Flags( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->flags; } /* Client_Flags */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_OperByMe( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->oper_by_me; } /* Client_OperByMe */ GLOBAL INT Client_Hops( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->hops; } /* Client_Hops */ GLOBAL INT Client_Token( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->token; } /* Client_Token */ GLOBAL INT Client_MyToken( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->mytoken; } /* Client_MyToken */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NextHop( CLIENT *Client ) { CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); c = Client; while( c->introducer && ( c->introducer != c ) && ( c->introducer != This_Server )) c = c->introducer; return c; } /* Client_NextHop */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Mask( CLIENT *Client ) { /* Client-"ID" liefern, wie sie z.B. fuer * Prefixe benoetigt wird. */ assert( Client != NULL ); if( Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) return Client->id; snprintf( GetID_Buffer, GETID_LEN, "%s!%s@%s", Client->id, Client->user, Client->host ); return GetID_Buffer; } /* Client_Mask */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Introducer( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->introducer; } /* Client_Introducer */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_TopServer( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->topserver; } /* Client_TopServer */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_HasMode( CLIENT *Client, CHAR Mode ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return strchr( Client->modes, Mode ) != NULL; } /* Client_HasMode */ GLOBAL CHAR * Client_Away( CLIENT *Client ) { /* AWAY-Text liefern */ assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->away; } /* Client_Away */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_CheckNick( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Nick ) { /* Nick ueberpruefen */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Nick != NULL ); /* Nick ungueltig? */ if( ! Client_IsValidNick( Nick )) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Nick ); return FALSE; } /* Nick bereits vergeben? */ if( Client_Search( Nick )) { /* den Nick gibt es bereits */ IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Nick ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Client_CheckNick */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_CheckID( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *ID ) { /* Nick ueberpruefen */ CHAR str[COMMAND_LEN]; CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Client->conn_id > NONE ); assert( ID != NULL ); /* Nick zu lang? */ if( strlen( ID ) > CLIENT_ID_LEN ) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), ID ); return FALSE; } /* ID bereits vergeben? */ c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( strcasecmp( c->id, ID ) == 0 ) { /* die Server-ID gibt es bereits */ snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "ID \"%s\" already registered", ID ); if( Client->conn_id != c->conn_id ) Log( LOG_ERR, "%s (on connection %d)!", str, c->conn_id ); else Log( LOG_ERR, "%s (via network)!", str ); Conn_Close( Client->conn_id, str, str, TRUE ); return FALSE; } c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return TRUE; } /* Client_CheckID */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_First( VOID ) { /* Ersten Client liefern. */ return My_Clients; } /* Client_First */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Next( CLIENT *c ) { /* Naechsten Client liefern. Existiert keiner, * so wird NULL geliefert. */ assert( c != NULL ); return (CLIENT *)c->next; } /* Client_Next */ GLOBAL LONG Client_UserCount( VOID ) { return Count( CLIENT_USER ); } /* Client_UserCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_ServiceCount( VOID ) { return Count( CLIENT_SERVICE );; } /* Client_ServiceCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_ServerCount( VOID ) { return Count( CLIENT_SERVER ); } /* Client_ServerCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_MyUserCount( VOID ) { return MyCount( CLIENT_USER ); } /* Client_MyUserCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_MyServiceCount( VOID ) { return MyCount( CLIENT_SERVICE ); } /* Client_MyServiceCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_MyServerCount( VOID ) { CLIENT *c; LONG cnt; cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( c->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c->hops == 1 )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_MyServerCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_OperCount( VOID ) { CLIENT *c; LONG cnt; cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c && ( c->type == CLIENT_USER ) && ( strchr( c->modes, 'o' ))) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_OperCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_UnknownCount( VOID ) { CLIENT *c; LONG cnt; cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c && ( c->type != CLIENT_USER ) && ( c->type != CLIENT_SERVICE ) && ( c->type != CLIENT_SERVER )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_UnknownCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_MaxUserCount( VOID ) { return Max_Users; } /* Client_MaxUserCount */ GLOBAL LONG Client_MyMaxUserCount( VOID ) { return My_Max_Users; } /* Client_MyMaxUserCount */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN Client_IsValidNick( CHAR *Nick ) { /* Ist der Nick gueltig? */ CHAR *ptr, goodchars[20]; assert( Nick != NULL ); strcpy( goodchars, ";0123456789-" ); if( Nick[0] == '#' ) return FALSE; if( strchr( goodchars, Nick[0] )) return FALSE; if( strlen( Nick ) >= CLIENT_NICK_LEN ) return FALSE; ptr = Nick; while( *ptr ) { if(( *ptr < 'A' ) && ( ! strchr( goodchars, *ptr ))) return FALSE; if(( *ptr > '}' ) && ( ! strchr( goodchars, *ptr ))) return FALSE; ptr++; } return TRUE; } /* Client_IsValidNick */ LOCAL LONG Count( CLIENT_TYPE Type ) { CLIENT *c; LONG cnt; cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c->type == Type ) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Count */ LOCAL LONG MyCount( CLIENT_TYPE Type ) { CLIENT *c; LONG cnt; cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( c->introducer == This_Server ) && ( c->type == Type )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* MyCount */ LOCAL CLIENT * New_Client_Struct( VOID ) { /* Neue CLIENT-Struktur pre-initialisieren */ CLIENT *c; c = (CLIENT *)malloc( sizeof( CLIENT )); if( ! c ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate memory! [New_Client_Struct]" ); return NULL; } c->next = NULL; c->hash = 0; c->type = CLIENT_UNKNOWN; c->conn_id = NONE; c->introducer = NULL; c->topserver = NULL; strcpy( c->id, "" ); strcpy( c->pwd, "" ); strcpy( c->host, "" ); strcpy( c->user, "" ); strcpy( c->info, "" ); strcpy( c->modes, "" ); c->oper_by_me = FALSE; c->hops = -1; c->token = -1; c->mytoken = -1; strcpy( c->away, "" ); strcpy( c->flags, "" ); return c; } /* New_Client */ LOCAL VOID Generate_MyToken( CLIENT *Client ) { CLIENT *c; INT token; c = My_Clients; token = 2; while( c ) { if( c->mytoken == token ) { /* Das Token wurde bereits vergeben */ token++; c = My_Clients; continue; } else c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } Client->mytoken = token; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Assigned token %d to server \"%s\".", token, Client->id ); } /* Generate_MyToken */ LOCAL VOID Adjust_Counters( CLIENT *Client ) { LONG count; assert( Client != NULL ); if( Client->type != CLIENT_USER ) return; if( Client->conn_id != NONE ) { /* Local connection */ count = Client_MyUserCount( ); if( count > My_Max_Users ) My_Max_Users = count; } count = Client_UserCount( ); if( count > Max_Users ) Max_Users = count; } /* Adjust_Counters */ /* -eof- */