/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001-2005 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. * * Main program -- main() */ #include "portab.h" static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: ngircd.c,v 1.91 2005/02/10 12:49:04 alex Exp $"; #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defines.h" #include "resolve.h" #include "conn.h" #include "client.h" #include "channel.h" #include "conf.h" #include "cvs-version.h" #include "lists.h" #include "log.h" #include "parse.h" #include "irc.h" #ifdef RENDEZVOUS #include "rendezvous.h" #endif #include "exp.h" #include "ngircd.h" LOCAL VOID Initialize_Signal_Handler PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID Signal_Handler PARAMS(( INT Signal )); LOCAL VOID Show_Version PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID Show_Help PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID Pidfile_Create PARAMS(( LONG )); LOCAL VOID Pidfile_Delete PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID NGIRCd_FillVersion PARAMS(( VOID )); LOCAL VOID Setup_FDStreams PARAMS(( VOID )); GLOBAL int main( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { struct passwd *pwd; struct group *grp; BOOLEAN ok, configtest = FALSE; LONG pid, n; INT i; umask( 0077 ); NGIRCd_SignalQuit = NGIRCd_SignalRestart = NGIRCd_SignalRehash = FALSE; NGIRCd_NoDaemon = NGIRCd_Passive = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG NGIRCd_Debug = FALSE; #endif #ifdef SNIFFER NGIRCd_Sniffer = FALSE; #endif strlcpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, SYSCONFDIR, sizeof( NGIRCd_ConfFile )); strlcat( NGIRCd_ConfFile, CONFIG_FILE, sizeof( NGIRCd_ConfFile )); NGIRCd_FillVersion( ); /* Kommandozeile parsen */ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { ok = FALSE; if(( argv[i][0] == '-' ) && ( argv[i][1] == '-' )) { /* Lange Option */ if( strcmp( argv[i], "--config" ) == 0 ) { if( i + 1 < argc ) { /* Ok, there's an parameter left */ strlcpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, argv[i + 1], sizeof( NGIRCd_ConfFile )); /* next parameter */ i++; ok = TRUE; } } if( strcmp( argv[i], "--configtest" ) == 0 ) { configtest = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #ifdef DEBUG if( strcmp( argv[i], "--debug" ) == 0 ) { NGIRCd_Debug = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #endif if( strcmp( argv[i], "--help" ) == 0 ) { Show_Version( ); puts( "" ); Show_Help( ); puts( "" ); exit( 1 ); } if( strcmp( argv[i], "--nodaemon" ) == 0 ) { NGIRCd_NoDaemon = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } if( strcmp( argv[i], "--passive" ) == 0 ) { NGIRCd_Passive = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #ifdef SNIFFER if( strcmp( argv[i], "--sniffer" ) == 0 ) { NGIRCd_Sniffer = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #endif if( strcmp( argv[i], "--version" ) == 0 ) { Show_Version( ); exit( 1 ); } } else if(( argv[i][0] == '-' ) && ( argv[i][1] != '-' )) { /* Kurze Option */ for( n = 1; n < (LONG)strlen( argv[i] ); n++ ) { ok = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG if( argv[i][n] == 'd' ) { NGIRCd_Debug = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #endif if( argv[i][n] == 'f' ) { if(( ! argv[i][n + 1] ) && ( i + 1 < argc )) { /* Ok, next character is a blank */ strlcpy( NGIRCd_ConfFile, argv[i + 1], sizeof( NGIRCd_ConfFile )); /* go to the following parameter */ i++; n = (LONG)strlen( argv[i] ); ok = TRUE; } } if( argv[i][n] == 'n' ) { NGIRCd_NoDaemon = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } if( argv[i][n] == 'p' ) { NGIRCd_Passive = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #ifdef SNIFFER if( argv[i][n] == 's' ) { NGIRCd_Sniffer = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } #endif if( argv[i][n] == 't' ) { configtest = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } if( ! ok ) { printf( "%s: invalid option \"-%c\"!\n", PACKAGE_NAME, argv[i][n] ); printf( "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n", PACKAGE_NAME ); exit( 1 ); } } } if( ! ok ) { printf( "%s: invalid option \"%s\"!\n", PACKAGE_NAME, argv[i] ); printf( "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n", PACKAGE_NAME ); exit( 1 ); } } /* Debug-Level (fuer IRC-Befehl "VERSION") ermitteln */ NGIRCd_DebugLevel[0] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG if( NGIRCd_Debug ) strcpy( NGIRCd_DebugLevel, "1" ); #endif #ifdef SNIFFER if( NGIRCd_Sniffer ) { NGIRCd_Debug = TRUE; strcpy( NGIRCd_DebugLevel, "2" ); } #endif /* Soll nur die Konfigurations ueberprueft und ausgegeben werden? */ if( configtest ) { Show_Version( ); puts( "" ); exit( Conf_Test( )); } while( ! NGIRCd_SignalQuit ) { /* Initialize global variables */ NGIRCd_Start = time( NULL ); (VOID)strftime( NGIRCd_StartStr, 64, "%a %b %d %Y at %H:%M:%S (%Z)", localtime( &NGIRCd_Start )); NGIRCd_SignalRehash = FALSE; NGIRCd_SignalRestart = FALSE; NGIRCd_SignalQuit = FALSE; /* Initialize modules, part I */ Log_Init( ); Conf_Init( ); if( Conf_Chroot[0] ) { /* Chroot */ if( chdir( Conf_Chroot ) != 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't chdir() in ChrootDir (%s): %s", Conf_Chroot, strerror( errno )); if( chroot( Conf_Chroot ) != 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't change root directory to \"%s\": %s", Conf_Chroot, strerror( errno )); else Log( LOG_INFO, "Changed root and working directory to \"%s\".", Conf_Chroot ); } if( Conf_GID != 0 ) { /* Set new group ID */ if( setgid( Conf_GID ) != 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't change group ID to %u: %s", Conf_GID, strerror( errno )); } if( Conf_UID != 0 ) { /* Set new user ID */ if( setuid( Conf_UID ) != 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't change user ID to %u: %s", Conf_UID, strerror( errno )); } /* Normally a child process is forked which isn't any longer * connected to ther controlling terminal. Use "--nodaemon" * to disable this "daemon mode" (useful for debugging). */ if( ! NGIRCd_NoDaemon ) { /* fork child process */ pid = (LONG)fork( ); if( pid > 0 ) { /* "Old" process: exit. */ exit( 0 ); } if( pid < 0 ) { /* Error!? */ fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't fork: %s!\nFatal error, exiting now ...\n", PACKAGE_NAME, strerror( errno )); exit( 1 ); } /* New child process */ (VOID)setsid( ); chdir( "/" ); /* Detach stdin, stdout and stderr */ (VOID)Setup_FDStreams( ); } /* Create PID file */ pid = (LONG) getpid( ); Pidfile_Create( pid ); /* Show user, group, and PID of the running daemon */ pwd = getpwuid( getuid( )); grp = getgrgid( getgid( )); Log( LOG_INFO, "Running as user %s(%ld), group %s(%ld), with PID %ld.", pwd ? pwd->pw_name : "unknown", (LONG)getuid( ), grp ? grp->gr_name : "unknown", (LONG)getgid( ), pid); /* Change working directory to home directory of the user * we are running as (when not running chroot()'ed!) */ if( Conf_UID != 0 && ! Conf_Chroot[0] ) { struct passwd *pwd; pwd = getpwuid( Conf_UID ); if( pwd != NULL ) { if( chdir( pwd->pw_dir ) == 0 ) Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Changed working directory to \"%s\" ...", pwd->pw_dir ); else Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't change working directory to \"%s\": %s", pwd->pw_dir, strerror( errno )); } else Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't get user informaton for UID %d!?", Conf_UID ); } /* Initialize modules, part II: these functions are eventually * called with already dropped privileges ... */ Resolve_Init( ); Lists_Init( ); Channel_Init( ); Client_Init( ); #ifdef RENDEZVOUS Rendezvous_Init( ); #endif Conn_Init( ); #ifdef DEBUG /* Redirect stderr handle to "error file" for debugging * when not running in "no daemon" mode: */ if( ! NGIRCd_NoDaemon ) Log_InitErrorfile( ); #endif /* Signal-Handler initialisieren */ Initialize_Signal_Handler( ); /* Protokoll- und Server-Identifikation erzeugen. Die vom ngIRCd * beim PASS-Befehl verwendete Syntax sowie die erweiterten Flags * sind in doc/Protocol.txt beschrieben. */ #ifdef IRCPLUS sprintf( NGIRCd_ProtoID, "%s%s %s|%s:%s", PROTOVER, PROTOIRCPLUS, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, IRCPLUSFLAGS ); #ifdef ZLIB strcat( NGIRCd_ProtoID, "Z" ); #endif if( Conf_OperCanMode ) strcat( NGIRCd_ProtoID, "o" ); #else sprintf( NGIRCd_ProtoID, "%s%s %s|%s", PROTOVER, PROTOIRC, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION ); #endif strcat( NGIRCd_ProtoID, " P" ); #ifdef ZLIB strcat( NGIRCd_ProtoID, "Z" ); #endif Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Protocol and server ID is \"%s\".", NGIRCd_ProtoID ); /* Vordefinierte Channels anlegen */ Channel_InitPredefined( ); /* Listen-Ports initialisieren */ if( Conn_InitListeners( ) < 1 ) { Log( LOG_ALERT, "Server isn't listening on a single port!" ); Log( LOG_ALERT, "%s exiting due to fatal errors!", PACKAGE_NAME ); Pidfile_Delete( ); exit( 1 ); } /* Hauptschleife */ Conn_Handler( ); /* Alles abmelden */ Conn_Exit( ); #ifdef RENDEZVOUS Rendezvous_Exit( ); #endif Client_Exit( ); Channel_Exit( ); Lists_Exit( ); Log_Exit( ); Pidfile_Delete( ); } return 0; } /* main */ LOCAL VOID NGIRCd_FillVersion( VOID ) { NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] = '\0'; #ifdef SYSLOG strcpy( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "SYSLOG" ); #endif #ifdef ZLIB if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "ZLIB" ); #endif #ifdef TCPWRAP if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "TCPWRAP" ); #endif #ifdef RENDEZVOUS if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "RENDEZVOUS" ); #endif #ifdef IDENTAUTH if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "IDENT" ); #endif #ifdef DEBUG if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "DEBUG" ); #endif #ifdef SNIFFER if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "SNIFFER" ); #endif #ifdef STRICT_RFC if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "RFC" ); #endif #ifdef IRCPLUS if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "+" ); strcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "IRCPLUS" ); #endif if( NGIRCd_VersionAddition[0] ) strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "-", sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, TARGET_CPU, sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "/", sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, TARGET_VENDOR, sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, "/", sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); strlcat( NGIRCd_VersionAddition, TARGET_OS, sizeof( NGIRCd_VersionAddition )); #ifdef CVSDATE snprintf( NGIRCd_Version, sizeof NGIRCd_Version,"%s %s(%s)-%s", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, CVSDATE, NGIRCd_VersionAddition); #else snprintf( NGIRCd_Version, sizeof NGIRCd_Version, "%s %s-%s", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, NGIRCd_VersionAddition); #endif } /* NGIRCd_FillVersion */ GLOBAL VOID NGIRCd_Rehash( VOID ) { CHAR old_name[CLIENT_ID_LEN]; Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Re-reading configuration NOW!" ); NGIRCd_SignalRehash = FALSE; /* Close down all listening sockets */ Conn_ExitListeners( ); /* Remember old server name */ strcpy( old_name, Conf_ServerName ); /* Re-read configuration ... */ Conf_Rehash( ); /* Recover old server name: it can't be changed during run-time */ if( strcmp( old_name, Conf_ServerName ) != 0 ) { strcpy( Conf_ServerName, old_name ); Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't change \"ServerName\" on runtime! Ignored new name." ); } /* Create new pre-defined channels */ Channel_InitPredefined( ); /* Start listening on sockets */ Conn_InitListeners( ); /* Sync configuration with established connections */ Conn_SyncServerStruct( ); Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Re-reading of configuration done." ); } /* NGIRCd_Rehash */ LOCAL VOID Initialize_Signal_Handler( VOID ) { /* Signal-Handler initialisieren: einige Signale * werden ignoriert, andere speziell behandelt. */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION /* sigaction() ist vorhanden */ struct sigaction saction; /* Signal-Struktur initialisieren */ memset( &saction, 0, sizeof( saction )); saction.sa_handler = Signal_Handler; #ifdef SA_RESTART saction.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART; #endif #ifdef SA_NOCLDWAIT saction.sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDWAIT; #endif /* Signal-Handler einhaengen */ sigaction( SIGINT, &saction, NULL ); sigaction( SIGQUIT, &saction, NULL ); sigaction( SIGTERM, &saction, NULL); sigaction( SIGHUP, &saction, NULL); sigaction( SIGCHLD, &saction, NULL); /* einige Signale ignorieren */ saction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction( SIGPIPE, &saction, NULL ); #else /* kein sigaction() vorhanden */ /* Signal-Handler einhaengen */ signal( SIGINT, Signal_Handler ); signal( SIGQUIT, Signal_Handler ); signal( SIGTERM, Signal_Handler ); signal( SIGHUP, Signal_Handler ); signal( SIGCHLD, Signal_Handler ); /* einige Signale ignorieren */ signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); #endif } /* Initialize_Signal_Handler */ LOCAL VOID Signal_Handler( INT Signal ) { /* Signal-Handler. Dieser wird aufgerufen, wenn eines der Signale eintrifft, * fuer das wir uns registriert haben (vgl. Initialize_Signal_Handler). Die * Nummer des eingetroffenen Signals wird der Funktion uebergeben. */ switch( Signal ) { case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: case SIGQUIT: /* wir soll(t)en uns wohl beenden ... */ NGIRCd_SignalQuit = TRUE; break; case SIGHUP: /* Konfiguration neu einlesen: */ NGIRCd_SignalRehash = TRUE; break; case SIGCHLD: /* Child-Prozess wurde beendet. Zombies vermeiden: */ while( waitpid( -1, NULL, WNOHANG ) > 0); break; #ifdef DEBUG default: /* unbekanntes bzw. unbehandeltes Signal */ Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Got signal %d! Ignored.", Signal ); #endif } } /* Signal_Handler */ LOCAL VOID Show_Version( VOID ) { puts( NGIRCd_Version ); puts( "Copyright (c)2001-2005 by Alexander Barton ()." ); puts( "Homepage: \n" ); puts( "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO" ); puts( "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." ); } /* Show_Version */ LOCAL VOID Show_Help( VOID ) { #ifdef DEBUG puts( " -d, --debug log extra debug messages" ); #endif puts( " -f, --config use file as configuration file" ); puts( " -n, --nodaemon don't fork and don't detach from controlling terminal" ); puts( " -p, --passive disable automatic connections to other servers" ); #ifdef SNIFFER puts( " -s, --sniffer enable network sniffer and display all IRC traffic" ); #endif puts( " -t, --configtest read, validate and display configuration; then exit" ); puts( " --version output version information and exit" ); puts( " --help display this help and exit" ); } /* Show_Help */ LOCAL VOID Pidfile_Delete( VOID ) { /* Pidfile configured? */ if( ! Conf_PidFile[0] ) return; #ifdef DEBUG Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Removing PID file (%s) ...", Conf_PidFile ); #endif if( unlink( Conf_PidFile )) Log( LOG_ERR, "Error unlinking PID file (%s): %s", Conf_PidFile, strerror( errno )); } /* Pidfile_Delete */ LOCAL VOID Pidfile_Create( LONG pid ) { FILE *pidf; /* Pidfile configured? */ if( ! Conf_PidFile[0] ) return; #ifdef DEBUG Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Creating PID file (%s) ...", Conf_PidFile ); #endif pidf = fopen( Conf_PidFile, "w" ); if( ! pidf ) { Log( LOG_ERR, "Error writing PID file (%s): %s", Conf_PidFile, strerror( errno )); return; } if( fprintf( pidf, "%ld\n", pid ) < 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't write PID file (%s): %s", Conf_PidFile, strerror( errno )); if( fclose(pidf) != 0 ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Error closing PID file (%s): %s", Conf_PidFile, strerror( errno )); } /* Pidfile_Create */ LOCAL VOID Setup_FDStreams( VOID ) { int fd; /* Test if we can open /dev/null for reading and writing. If not * we are most probably chrooted already and the server has been * restarted. So we simply don't try to redirect stdXXX ... */ fd = open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR ); if ( fd < 0 ) return; /* Close "old" stdin/out/err descriptors */ fclose( stdin ); fclose( stdout ); fclose( stderr ); /* Create new stdin(0), stdout(1) and stderr(2) descriptors */ dup2( fd, 0 ); dup2( fd, 1 ); dup2( fd, 2 ); /* Close newly opened file descriptor if not stdin/out/err */ if( fd > 2 ) close( fd ); /* Assign FILE handles for stdin/out/err */ stdin = fdopen( 0, "r" ); stdout = fdopen( 1, "w" ); stderr = fdopen( 2, "w" ); } /* Setup_FDStreams */ /* -eof- */