/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen * der GNU General Public License (GPL), wie von der Free Software Foundation * herausgegeben, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder unter Version 2 * der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie es wuenschen) jeder spaeteren Version. * Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste * der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS. * * $Id: conf.c,v 1.18 2002/03/12 14:37:52 alex Exp $ * * conf.h: Konfiguration des ngircd */ #include "portab.h" #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" #include "defines.h" #include "log.h" #include "tool.h" #include "exp.h" #include "conf.h" LOCAL VOID Read_Config( VOID ); GLOBAL VOID Handle_GLOBAL( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ); GLOBAL VOID Handle_OPERATOR( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ); GLOBAL VOID Handle_SERVER( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ); LOCAL VOID Validate_Config( VOID ); GLOBAL VOID Conf_Init( VOID ) { /* Konfigurationsvariablen initialisieren: zunaechst Default- * Werte setzen, dann Konfigurationsdtaei einlesen. */ strcpy( Conf_File, CONFIG_FILE ); strcpy( Conf_ServerName, "" ); strcpy( Conf_ServerInfo, PACKAGE" "VERSION ); strcpy( Conf_ServerPwd, "" ); strcpy( Conf_MotdFile, MOTD_FILE ); Conf_ListenPorts_Count = 0; Conf_PingTimeout = 120; Conf_PongTimeout = 10; Conf_ConnectRetry = 60; Conf_Oper_Count = 0; Conf_Server_Count = 0; /* Konfigurationsdatei einlesen und validieren */ Read_Config( ); Validate_Config( ); } /* Config_Init */ GLOBAL VOID Conf_Exit( VOID ) { /* ... */ } /* Config_Exit */ LOCAL VOID Read_Config( VOID ) { /* Konfigurationsdatei einlesen. */ CHAR section[LINE_LEN], str[LINE_LEN], *var, *arg, *ptr; INT line; FILE *fd; fd = fopen( Conf_File, "r" ); if( ! fd ) { /* Keine Konfigurationsdatei gefunden */ Log( LOG_ALERT, "Can't read configuration \"%s\": %s", Conf_File, strerror( errno )); Log( LOG_ALERT, PACKAGE" exiting due to fatal errors!" ); exit( 1 ); } line = 0; strcpy( section, "" ); while( TRUE ) { if( ! fgets( str, LINE_LEN, fd )) break; ngt_TrimStr( str ); line++; /* Kommentarzeilen und leere Zeilen ueberspringen */ if( str[0] == ';' || str[0] == '#' || str[0] == '\0' ) continue; /* Anfang eines Abschnittes? */ if(( str[0] == '[' ) && ( str[strlen( str ) - 1] == ']' )) { strcpy( section, str ); if( strcasecmp( section, "[GLOBAL]" ) == 0 ) continue; if( strcasecmp( section, "[OPERATOR]" ) == 0 ) { if( Conf_Oper_Count + 1 > MAX_OPERATORS ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Too many operators configured." ); else { /* neuen Operator initialisieren */ strcpy( Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count].name, "" ); strcpy( Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count].pwd, "" ); Conf_Oper_Count++; } continue; } if( strcasecmp( section, "[SERVER]" ) == 0 ) { if( Conf_Server_Count + 1 > MAX_SERVERS ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Too many servers configured." ); else { /* neuen Server ("Peer") initialisieren */ strcpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].host, "" ); strcpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].ip, "" ); strcpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].name, "" ); strcpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].pwd, "" ); Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].port = 0; Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].group = -1; Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].lasttry = time( NULL ) - Conf_ConnectRetry + STARTUP_DELAY; Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count].res_stat = NULL; Conf_Server_Count++; } continue; } Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: Unknown section \"%s\"!", Conf_File, line, section ); section[0] = 0x1; } if( section[0] == 0x1 ) continue; /* In Variable und Argument zerlegen */ ptr = strchr( str, '=' ); if( ! ptr ) { Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: Syntax error!", Conf_File, line ); continue; } *ptr = '\0'; var = str; ngt_TrimStr( var ); arg = ptr + 1; ngt_TrimStr( arg ); if( strcasecmp( section, "[GLOBAL]" ) == 0 ) Handle_GLOBAL( line, var, arg ); else if( strcasecmp( section, "[OPERATOR]" ) == 0 ) Handle_OPERATOR( line, var, arg ); else if( strcasecmp( section, "[SERVER]" ) == 0 ) Handle_SERVER( line, var, arg ); else Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: Variable \"%s\" outside section!", Conf_File, line, var ); } fclose( fd ); } /* Read_Config */ GLOBAL VOID Handle_GLOBAL( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ) { CHAR *ptr; INT port; assert( Line > 0 ); assert( Var != NULL ); assert( Arg != NULL ); if( strcasecmp( Var, "Name" ) == 0 ) { /* Der Server-Name */ strncpy( Conf_ServerName, Arg, CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1 ); Conf_ServerName[CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Info" ) == 0 ) { /* Server-Info-Text */ strncpy( Conf_ServerInfo, Arg, CLIENT_INFO_LEN - 1 ); Conf_ServerInfo[CLIENT_INFO_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Password" ) == 0 ) { /* Server-Passwort */ strncpy( Conf_ServerPwd, Arg, CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1 ); Conf_ServerPwd[CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Ports" ) == 0 ) { /* Ports, durch "," getrennt, auf denen der Server * Verbindungen annehmen soll */ ptr = strtok( Arg, "," ); while( ptr ) { ngt_TrimStr( ptr ); port = atol( ptr ); if( Conf_ListenPorts_Count + 1 > MAX_LISTEN_PORTS ) Log( LOG_ERR, "Too many listen ports configured. Port %ld ignored.", port ); else { if( port > 0 && port < 0xFFFF ) Conf_ListenPorts[Conf_ListenPorts_Count++] = port; else Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d (section \"Global\"): Illegal port number %ld!", Conf_File, Line, port ); } ptr = strtok( NULL, "," ); } return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "MotdFile" ) == 0 ) { /* Datei mit der "message of the day" (MOTD) */ strncpy( Conf_MotdFile, Arg, FNAME_LEN - 1 ); Conf_MotdFile[FNAME_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "PingTimeout" ) == 0 ) { /* PING-Timeout */ Conf_PingTimeout = atoi( Arg ); if(( Conf_PingTimeout ) < 5 ) Conf_PingTimeout = 5; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "PongTimeout" ) == 0 ) { /* PONG-Timeout */ Conf_PongTimeout = atoi( Arg ); if(( Conf_PongTimeout ) < 5 ) Conf_PongTimeout = 5; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "ConnectRetry" ) == 0 ) { /* Sekunden zwischen Verbindungsversuchen zu anderen Servern */ Conf_ConnectRetry = atoi( Arg ); if(( Conf_ConnectRetry ) < 5 ) Conf_ConnectRetry = 5; return; } Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d (section \"Global\"): Unknown variable \"%s\"!", Conf_File, Line, Var ); } /* Handle_GLOBAL */ GLOBAL VOID Handle_OPERATOR( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ) { assert( Line > 0 ); assert( Var != NULL ); assert( Arg != NULL ); assert( Conf_Oper_Count > 0 ); if( strcasecmp( Var, "Name" ) == 0 ) { /* Name des IRC Operator */ strncpy( Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count - 1].name, Arg, CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1 ); Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count - 1].name[CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Password" ) == 0 ) { /* Passwort des IRC Operator */ strncpy( Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count - 1].pwd, Arg, CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1 ); Conf_Oper[Conf_Oper_Count - 1].pwd[CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d (section \"Operator\"): Unknown variable \"%s\"!", Conf_File, Line, Var ); } /* Handle_OPERATOR */ GLOBAL VOID Handle_SERVER( INT Line, CHAR *Var, CHAR *Arg ) { INT32 port; assert( Line > 0 ); assert( Var != NULL ); assert( Arg != NULL ); if( strcasecmp( Var, "Host" ) == 0 ) { /* Hostname des Servers */ strncpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].host, Arg, HOST_LEN - 1 ); Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].host[HOST_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Name" ) == 0 ) { /* Name des Servers ("Nick") */ strncpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].name, Arg, CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1 ); Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].name[CLIENT_ID_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Password" ) == 0 ) { /* Passwort des Servers */ strncpy( Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].pwd, Arg, CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1 ); Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].pwd[CLIENT_PASS_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Port" ) == 0 ) { /* Port, zu dem Verbunden werden soll */ port = atol( Arg ); if( port > 0 && port < 0xFFFF ) Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].port = (INT)port; else Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d (section \"Server\"): Illegal port number %ld!", Conf_File, Line, port ); return; } if( strcasecmp( Var, "Group" ) == 0 ) { /* Server-Gruppe */ Conf_Server[Conf_Server_Count - 1].group = atoi( Arg ); return; } Log( LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d (section \"Server\"): Unknown variable \"%s\"!", Conf_File, Line, Var ); } /* Handle_SERVER */ LOCAL VOID Validate_Config( VOID ) { /* Konfiguration ueberpruefen */ if( ! Conf_ServerName[0] ) { /* Kein Servername konfiguriert */ Log( LOG_ALERT, "No server name configured in \"%s\"!", Conf_File ); Log( LOG_ALERT, PACKAGE" exiting due to fatal errors!" ); exit( 1 ); } } /* Validate_Config */ /* -eof- */