/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. * * Channel management */ #define __channel_c__ #include "portab.h" static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: channel.c,v 1.46 2005/03/19 18:43:48 fw Exp $"; #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include "conn-func.h" #include "client.h" #include "exp.h" #include "channel.h" #include "imp.h" #include "irc-write.h" #include "resolve.h" #include "conf.h" #include "hash.h" #include "lists.h" #include "log.h" #include "messages.h" #include "exp.h" #define REMOVE_PART 0 #define REMOVE_QUIT 1 #define REMOVE_KICK 2 LOCAL CHANNEL *My_Channels; LOCAL CL2CHAN *My_Cl2Chan; LOCAL CL2CHAN *Get_Cl2Chan PARAMS(( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client )); LOCAL CL2CHAN *Add_Client PARAMS(( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client )); LOCAL bool Remove_Client PARAMS(( int Type, CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Origin, char *Reason, bool InformServer )); LOCAL CL2CHAN *Get_First_Cl2Chan PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan )); LOCAL CL2CHAN *Get_Next_Cl2Chan PARAMS(( CL2CHAN *Start, CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan )); LOCAL bool Delete_Channel PARAMS(( CHANNEL *Chan )); GLOBAL void Channel_Init( void ) { My_Channels = NULL; My_Cl2Chan = NULL; } /* Channel_Init */ GLOBAL void Channel_InitPredefined( void ) { /* Vordefinierte persistente Channels erzeugen */ CHANNEL *chan; char *c; int i; for( i = 0; i < Conf_Channel_Count; i++ ) { /* Ist ein Name konfiguriert? */ if( ! Conf_Channel[i].name[0] ) continue; /* Gueltiger Channel-Name? */ if( ! Channel_IsValidName( Conf_Channel[i].name )) { Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't create pre-defined channel: invalid name: \"%s\"!", Conf_Channel[i].name ); continue; } /* Gibt es den Channel bereits? */ chan = Channel_Search( Conf_Channel[i].name ); if( chan ) { Log( LOG_INFO, "Can't create pre-defined channel \"%s\": name already in use.", Conf_Channel[i].name ); continue; } /* Channel anlegen */ chan = Channel_Create( Conf_Channel[i].name ); if( chan ) { Channel_ModeAdd( chan, 'P' ); Channel_SetTopic( chan, Conf_Channel[i].topic ); c = Conf_Channel[i].modes; while( *c ) Channel_ModeAdd( chan, *c++ ); Log( LOG_INFO, "Created pre-defined channel \"%s\".", Conf_Channel[i].name ); } else Log( LOG_ERR, "Can't create pre-defined channel \"%s\"!", Conf_Channel[i].name ); } } /* Channel_InitPredefined */ GLOBAL void Channel_Exit( void ) { CHANNEL *c, *c_next; CL2CHAN *cl2chan, *cl2chan_next; /* Channel-Strukturen freigeben */ c = My_Channels; while( c ) { c_next = c->next; free( c ); c = c_next; } /* Channel-Zuordnungstabelle freigeben */ cl2chan = My_Cl2Chan; while( c ) { cl2chan_next = cl2chan->next; free( cl2chan ); cl2chan = cl2chan_next; } } /* Channel_Exit */ GLOBAL bool Channel_Join( CLIENT *Client, char *Name ) { CHANNEL *chan; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Name != NULL ); /* Valider Channel-Name? */ if( ! Channel_IsValidName( Name )) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Name ); return false; } /* Channel suchen */ chan = Channel_Search( Name ); if( chan ) { /* Ist der Client bereits Mitglied? */ if( Get_Cl2Chan( chan, Client )) return false; } else { /* Gibt es noch nicht? Dann neu anlegen: */ chan = Channel_Create( Name ); if( ! chan ) return false; } /* User dem Channel hinzufuegen */ if( ! Add_Client( chan, Client )) return false; else return true; } /* Channel_Join */ GLOBAL bool Channel_Part( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Origin, char *Name, char *Reason ) { CHANNEL *chan; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Name != NULL ); assert( Reason != NULL ); /* Channel suchen */ chan = Channel_Search( Name ); if(( ! chan ) || ( ! Get_Cl2Chan( chan, Client ))) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Name ); return false; } /* User aus Channel entfernen */ if( ! Remove_Client( REMOVE_PART, chan, Client, Origin, Reason, true)) return false; else return true; } /* Channel_Part */ GLOBAL void Channel_Kick( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Origin, char *Name, char *Reason ) { CHANNEL *chan; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Origin != NULL ); assert( Name != NULL ); assert( Reason != NULL ); /* Channel suchen */ chan = Channel_Search( Name ); if( ! chan ) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Origin, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( Origin ), Name ); return; } /* Ist der User Mitglied in dem Channel? */ if( ! Channel_IsMemberOf( chan, Origin )) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Origin, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( Origin ), Name ); return; } /* Ist der User Channel-Operator? */ if( ! strchr( Channel_UserModes( chan, Origin ), 'o' )) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Origin, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED_MSG, Client_ID( Origin ), Name); return; } /* Ist der Ziel-User Mitglied im Channel? */ if( ! Channel_IsMemberOf( chan, Client )) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Origin, ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( Origin ), Client_ID( Client ), Name ); return; } Remove_Client( REMOVE_KICK, chan, Client, Origin, Reason, true); } /* Channel_Kick */ GLOBAL void Channel_Quit( CLIENT *Client, char *Reason ) { CHANNEL *c, *next_c; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Reason != NULL ); c = My_Channels; while( c ) { next_c = c->next; Remove_Client( REMOVE_QUIT, c, Client, Client, Reason, false ); c = next_c; } } /* Channel_Quit */ GLOBAL long Channel_Count( void ) { CHANNEL *c; long count = 0; c = My_Channels; while( c ) { count++; c = c->next; } return count; } /* Channel_Count */ GLOBAL long Channel_MemberCount( CHANNEL *Chan ) { CL2CHAN *cl2chan; long count = 0; assert( Chan != NULL ); cl2chan = My_Cl2Chan; while( cl2chan ) { if( cl2chan->channel == Chan ) count++; cl2chan = cl2chan->next; } return count; } /* Channel_MemberCount */ GLOBAL int Channel_CountForUser( CLIENT *Client ) { /* Count number of channels a user is member of. */ CL2CHAN *cl2chan; int count = 0; assert( Client != NULL ); cl2chan = My_Cl2Chan; while( cl2chan ) { if( cl2chan->client == Client ) count++; cl2chan = cl2chan->next; } return count; } /* Channel_CountForUser */ GLOBAL int Channel_PCount( void ) { /* Count the number of persistent (mode 'P') channels */ CHANNEL *chan; int count = 0; chan = My_Channels; while( chan ) { if( strchr( chan->modes, 'P' )) count++; chan = chan->next; } return count; } /* Channel_PCount */ GLOBAL char * Channel_Name( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->name; } /* Channel_Name */ GLOBAL char * Channel_Modes( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->modes; } /* Channel_Modes */ GLOBAL char * Channel_Key( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->key; } /* Channel_Key */ GLOBAL long Channel_MaxUsers( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->maxusers; } /* Channel_MaxUsers */ GLOBAL CHANNEL * Channel_First( void ) { return My_Channels; } /* Channel_First */ GLOBAL CHANNEL * Channel_Next( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->next; } /* Channel_Next */ GLOBAL CHANNEL * Channel_Search( char *Name ) { /* Channel-Struktur suchen */ CHANNEL *c; UINT32 search_hash; assert( Name != NULL ); search_hash = Hash( Name ); c = My_Channels; while( c ) { if( search_hash == c->hash ) { /* lt. Hash-Wert: Treffer! */ if( strcasecmp( Name, c->name ) == 0 ) return c; } c = c->next; } return NULL; } /* Channel_Search */ GLOBAL CL2CHAN * Channel_FirstMember( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Get_First_Cl2Chan( NULL, Chan ); } /* Channel_FirstMember */ GLOBAL CL2CHAN * Channel_NextMember( CHANNEL *Chan, CL2CHAN *Cl2Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Cl2Chan != NULL ); return Get_Next_Cl2Chan( Cl2Chan->next, NULL, Chan ); } /* Channel_NextMember */ GLOBAL CL2CHAN * Channel_FirstChannelOf( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Get_First_Cl2Chan( Client, NULL ); } /* Channel_FirstChannelOf */ GLOBAL CL2CHAN * Channel_NextChannelOf( CLIENT *Client, CL2CHAN *Cl2Chan ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Cl2Chan != NULL ); return Get_Next_Cl2Chan( Cl2Chan->next, Client, NULL ); } /* Channel_NextChannelOf */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Channel_GetClient( CL2CHAN *Cl2Chan ) { assert( Cl2Chan != NULL ); return Cl2Chan->client; } /* Channel_GetClient */ GLOBAL CHANNEL * Channel_GetChannel( CL2CHAN *Cl2Chan ) { assert( Cl2Chan != NULL ); return Cl2Chan->channel; } /* Channel_GetChannel */ GLOBAL bool Channel_IsValidName( char *Name ) { /* Pruefen, ob Name als Channelname gueltig */ char *ptr, badchars[10]; assert( Name != NULL ); if(( Name[0] != '#' ) || ( strlen( Name ) >= CHANNEL_NAME_LEN )) return false; ptr = Name; strcpy( badchars, " ,:\007" ); while( *ptr ) { if( strchr( badchars, *ptr )) return false; ptr++; } return true; } /* Channel_IsValidName */ GLOBAL bool Channel_ModeAdd( CHANNEL *Chan, char Mode ) { /* set Mode. * If the channel already had this mode, return false. * If the channel mode was newly set return true. */ char x[2]; assert( Chan != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; if( ! strchr( Chan->modes, x[0] )) { /* Channel does not have this mode yet, set it */ strlcat( Chan->modes, x, sizeof( Chan->modes )); return true; } else return false; } /* Channel_ModeAdd */ GLOBAL bool Channel_ModeDel( CHANNEL *Chan, char Mode ) { /* Delete mode. * if the mode was removed return true. * if the channel did not have the mode, return false. */ char x[2], *p; assert( Chan != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; p = strchr( Chan->modes, x[0] ); if( ! p ) return false; /* Channel has mode -> delete */ while( *p ) { *p = *(p + 1); p++; } return true; } /* Channel_ModeDel */ GLOBAL bool Channel_UserModeAdd( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client, char Mode ) { /* Set Channel-User-Mode. * if mode was newly set, return true. * if the User already had this channel-mode, return false. */ CL2CHAN *cl2chan; char x[2]; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); cl2chan = Get_Cl2Chan( Chan, Client ); assert( cl2chan != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; if( ! strchr( cl2chan->modes, x[0] )) { /* mode not set, -> set it */ strlcat( cl2chan->modes, x, sizeof( cl2chan->modes )); return true; } else return false; } /* Channel_UserModeAdd */ GLOBAL bool Channel_UserModeDel( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client, char Mode ) { /* Delete Channel-User-Mode. * If Mode was removed, return true. * If User did not have the Channel-Mode, return false. */ CL2CHAN *cl2chan; char x[2], *p; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); cl2chan = Get_Cl2Chan( Chan, Client ); assert( cl2chan != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; p = strchr( cl2chan->modes, x[0] ); if( ! p ) return false; /* Client has Mode -> delete */ while( *p ) { *p = *(p + 1); p++; } return true; } /* Channel_UserModeDel */ GLOBAL char * Channel_UserModes( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client ) { /* return Users' Channel-Modes */ CL2CHAN *cl2chan; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); cl2chan = Get_Cl2Chan( Chan, Client ); assert( cl2chan != NULL ); return cl2chan->modes; } /* Channel_UserModes */ GLOBAL bool Channel_IsMemberOf( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client ) { /* Test if Client is on Channel Chan */ assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); if( Get_Cl2Chan( Chan, Client )) return true; else return false; } /* Channel_IsMemberOf */ GLOBAL char * Channel_Topic( CHANNEL *Chan ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); return Chan->topic; } /* Channel_Topic */ GLOBAL void Channel_SetTopic( CHANNEL *Chan, char *Topic ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Topic != NULL ); strlcpy( Chan->topic, Topic, sizeof( Chan->topic )); } /* Channel_SetTopic */ GLOBAL void Channel_SetModes( CHANNEL *Chan, char *Modes ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Modes != NULL ); strlcpy( Chan->modes, Modes, sizeof( Chan->modes )); } /* Channel_SetModes */ GLOBAL void Channel_SetKey( CHANNEL *Chan, char *Key ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Key != NULL ); strlcpy( Chan->key, Key, sizeof( Chan->key )); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Channel %s: Key is now \"%s\".", Chan->name, Chan->key ); } /* Channel_SetKey */ GLOBAL void Channel_SetMaxUsers( CHANNEL *Chan, long Count ) { assert( Chan != NULL ); Chan->maxusers = Count; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Channel %s: Member limit is now %ld.", Chan->name, Chan->maxusers ); } /* Channel_SetMaxUsers */ GLOBAL bool Channel_Write( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *From, CLIENT *Client, char *Text ) { bool is_member, has_voice, is_op, ok; /* Okay, target is a channel */ is_member = has_voice = is_op = false; if( Channel_IsMemberOf( Chan, From )) { is_member = true; if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( Chan, From ), 'v' )) has_voice = true; if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( Chan, From ), 'o' )) is_op = true; } /* Is the client allowed to write to channel? */ ok = true; if( strchr( Channel_Modes( Chan ), 'n' ) && ( ! is_member )) ok = false; if( strchr( Channel_Modes( Chan ), 'm' ) && ( ! is_op ) && ( ! has_voice )) ok = false; /* Is the client banned? */ if( Lists_CheckBanned( From, Chan )) { /* Client is banned, bus is he channel operator or has voice? */ if(( ! has_voice ) && ( ! is_op )) ok = false; } if( ! ok ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( From, ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN_MSG, Client_ID( From ), Channel_Name( Chan )); /* Send text */ if( Client_Conn( From ) > NONE ) Conn_UpdateIdle( Client_Conn( From )); return IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, Chan, From, true, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", Channel_Name( Chan ), Text ); } /* Channel_Write */ GLOBAL CHANNEL * Channel_Create( char *Name ) { /* Create new CHANNEL structure and add it to linked list */ CHANNEL *c; assert( Name != NULL ); c = (CHANNEL *)malloc( sizeof( CHANNEL )); if( ! c ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate memory! [New_Chan]" ); return NULL; } memset( c, 0, sizeof( CHANNEL )); strlcpy( c->name, Name, sizeof( c->name )); c->hash = Hash( c->name ); c->next = My_Channels; My_Channels = c; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Created new channel structure for \"%s\".", Name ); return c; } /* Channel_Create */ LOCAL CL2CHAN * Get_Cl2Chan( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client ) { CL2CHAN *cl2chan; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); cl2chan = My_Cl2Chan; while( cl2chan ) { if(( cl2chan->channel == Chan ) && ( cl2chan->client == Client )) return cl2chan; cl2chan = cl2chan->next; } return NULL; } /* Get_Cl2Chan */ LOCAL CL2CHAN * Add_Client( CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client ) { CL2CHAN *cl2chan; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); /* neue CL2CHAN-Struktur anlegen */ cl2chan = (CL2CHAN *)malloc( sizeof( CL2CHAN )); if( ! cl2chan ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate memory! [Add_Client]" ); return NULL; } cl2chan->channel = Chan; cl2chan->client = Client; strcpy( cl2chan->modes, "" ); /* Verketten */ cl2chan->next = My_Cl2Chan; My_Cl2Chan = cl2chan; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" joined channel \"%s\".", Client_Mask( Client ), Chan->name ); return cl2chan; } /* Add_Client */ LOCAL bool Remove_Client( int Type, CHANNEL *Chan, CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Origin, char *Reason, bool InformServer ) { CL2CHAN *cl2chan, *last_cl2chan; CHANNEL *c; assert( Chan != NULL ); assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Origin != NULL ); assert( Reason != NULL ); last_cl2chan = NULL; cl2chan = My_Cl2Chan; while( cl2chan ) { if(( cl2chan->channel == Chan ) && ( cl2chan->client == Client )) break; last_cl2chan = cl2chan; cl2chan = cl2chan->next; } if( ! cl2chan ) return false; c = cl2chan->channel; assert( c != NULL ); /* Aus Verkettung loesen und freigeben */ if( last_cl2chan ) last_cl2chan->next = cl2chan->next; else My_Cl2Chan = cl2chan->next; free( cl2chan ); switch( Type ) { case REMOVE_QUIT: /* QUIT: andere Server wurden bereits informiert, vgl. Client_Destroy(); * hier also "nur" noch alle User in betroffenen Channeln infomieren */ assert( InformServer == false ); IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Origin, c, Origin, false, "QUIT :%s", Reason ); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" left channel \"%s\" (%s).", Client_Mask( Client ), c->name, Reason ); break; case REMOVE_KICK: /* User wurde geKICKed: ggf. andere Server sowie alle betroffenen User * im entsprechenden Channel informieren */ if( InformServer ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( Origin ), Origin, "KICK %s %s :%s", c->name, Client_ID( Client ), Reason ); IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, c, Origin, false, "KICK %s %s :%s", c->name, Client_ID( Client ), Reason ); if(( Client_Conn( Client ) > NONE ) && ( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_USER )) IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( Client, Origin, "KICK %s %s :%s", c->name, Client_ID( Client ), Reason ); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" has been kicked of \"%s\" by \"%s\": %s.", Client_Mask( Client ), c->name, Client_ID( Origin ), Reason ); break; default: /* PART */ if( InformServer ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Origin, Client, "PART %s :%s", c->name, Reason ); IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Origin, c, Client, false, "PART %s :%s", c->name, Reason ); if(( Client_Conn( Origin ) > NONE ) && ( Client_Type( Origin ) == CLIENT_USER )) IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( Origin, Client, "PART %s :%s", c->name, Reason ); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" left channel \"%s\" (%s).", Client_Mask( Client ), c->name, Reason ); } /* Wenn Channel nun leer und nicht pre-defined: loeschen */ if( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( Chan ), 'P' )) { if( ! Get_First_Cl2Chan( NULL, Chan )) Delete_Channel( Chan ); } return true; } /* Remove_Client */ LOCAL CL2CHAN * Get_First_Cl2Chan( CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan ) { return Get_Next_Cl2Chan( My_Cl2Chan, Client, Chan ); } /* Get_First_Cl2Chan */ LOCAL CL2CHAN * Get_Next_Cl2Chan( CL2CHAN *Start, CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Channel ) { CL2CHAN *cl2chan; assert( Client != NULL || Channel != NULL ); cl2chan = Start; while( cl2chan ) { if(( Client ) && ( cl2chan->client == Client )) return cl2chan; if(( Channel ) && ( cl2chan->channel == Channel )) return cl2chan; cl2chan = cl2chan->next; } return NULL; } /* Get_Next_Cl2Chan */ LOCAL bool Delete_Channel( CHANNEL *Chan ) { /* Channel-Struktur loeschen */ CHANNEL *chan, *last_chan; last_chan = NULL; chan = My_Channels; while( chan ) { if( chan == Chan ) break; last_chan = chan; chan = chan->next; } if( ! chan ) return false; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Freed channel structure for \"%s\".", Chan->name ); /* Invite- und Ban-Lists aufraeumen */ Lists_DeleteChannel( chan ); /* Neu verketten und freigeben */ if( last_chan ) last_chan->next = chan->next; else My_Channels = chan->next; free( chan ); return true; } /* Delete_Channel */ /* -eof- */