/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen * der GNU General Public License (GPL), wie von der Free Software Foundation * herausgegeben, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder unter Version 2 * der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie es wuenschen) jeder spaeteren Version. * Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste * der an comBase beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS. * * $Id: irc.c,v 1.14 2001/12/30 11:42:00 alex Exp $ * * irc.c: IRC-Befehle * * $Log: irc.c,v $ * Revision 1.14 2001/12/30 11:42:00 alex * - der Server meldet nun eine ordentliche "Start-Zeit". * * Revision 1.13 2001/12/29 03:10:06 alex * - Neue Funktion IRC_MODE() implementiert, div. Aenderungen. * - neue configure-Optione "--enable-strict-rfc". * * Revision 1.12 2001/12/27 19:17:26 alex * - neue Befehle PRIVMSG, NOTICE, PING. * * Revision 1.11 2001/12/27 16:55:41 alex * - neu: IRC_WriteStrRelated(), Aenderungen auch in IRC_WriteStrClient(). * * Revision 1.10 2001/12/26 22:48:53 alex * - MOTD-Datei ist nun konfigurierbar und wird gelesen. * * Revision 1.9 2001/12/26 14:45:37 alex * - "Code Cleanups". * * Revision 1.8 2001/12/26 03:21:46 alex * - PING/PONG-Befehle implementiert, * - Meldungen ueberarbeitet: enthalten nun (fast) immer den Nick. * * Revision 1.7 2001/12/25 23:25:18 alex * - und nochmal Aenderungen am Logging ;-) * * Revision 1.6 2001/12/25 23:13:33 alex * - Debug-Meldungen angepasst. * * Revision 1.5 2001/12/25 22:02:42 alex * - neuer IRC-Befehl "/QUIT". Verbessertes Logging & Debug-Ausgaben. * * Revision 1.4 2001/12/25 19:19:30 alex * - bessere Fehler-Abfragen, diverse Bugfixes. * - Nicks werden nur einmal vergeben :-) * - /MOTD wird unterstuetzt. * * Revision 1.3 2001/12/24 01:34:06 alex * - USER und NICK wird nun in beliebiger Reihenfolge akzeptiert (wg. BitchX) * - MOTD-Ausgabe begonnen zu implementieren. * * Revision 1.2 2001/12/23 21:57:16 alex * - erste IRC-Befehle zu implementieren begonnen. * * Revision 1.1 2001/12/14 08:13:43 alex * - neues Modul begonnen :-) */ #include #include "global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ngircd.h" #include "client.h" #include "conf.h" #include "log.h" #include "messages.h" #include "parse.h" #include #include "irc.h" #define CONNECTED TRUE #define DISCONNECTED FALSE LOCAL BOOLEAN Check_Valid_User( CLIENT *Client ); LOCAL BOOLEAN Hello_User( CLIENT *Client ); LOCAL BOOLEAN Show_MOTD( CLIENT *Client ); GLOBAL VOID IRC_Init( VOID ) { } /* IRC_Init */ GLOBAL VOID IRC_Exit( VOID ) { } /* IRC_Exit */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_WriteStrClient( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Prefix, CHAR *Format, ... ) { /* Text an Clients, lokal bzw. remote, senden. */ CHAR buffer[1000]; BOOLEAN ok = CONNECTED; CONN_ID send_to; va_list ap; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Format != NULL ); va_start( ap, Format ); vsnprintf( buffer, 1000, Format, ap ); va_end( ap ); if( Client->conn_id != NONE ) send_to = Client->conn_id; else send_to = Client->introducer->conn_id; if( Prefix ) ok = Conn_WriteStr( Client->conn_id, ":%s %s", Client_GetID( Prefix ), buffer ); else ok = Conn_WriteStr( Client->conn_id, buffer ); return ok; } /* IRC_WriteStrClient */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_WriteStrRelated( CLIENT *Client, CHAR *Format, ... ) { CHAR buffer[1000]; BOOLEAN ok = CONNECTED; va_list ap; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Format != NULL ); va_start( ap, Format ); vsnprintf( buffer, 1000, Format, ap ); va_end( ap ); /* an den Client selber */ ok = IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, Client, buffer ); return ok; } /* IRC_WriteStrRelated */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_PASS( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( Client->type == CLIENT_UNKNOWN ) { Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Connection %d: got PASS command ...", Client->conn_id ); return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); } else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); } /* IRC_PASS */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_NICK( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); /* Zumindest BitchX sendet NICK-USER in der falschen Reihenfolge. */ #ifndef STRICT_RFC if( Client->type == CLIENT_UNKNOWN || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTPASS || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTNICK || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTUSER || Client->type == CLIENT_USER ) #else if( Client->type == CLIENT_UNKNOWN || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTPASS || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTNICK || Client->type == CLIENT_USER ) #endif { /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); /* Ist der Client "restricted"? */ if( strchr( Client->modes, 'r' )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_RESTRICTED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); /* Wenn der Client zu seinem eigenen Nick wechseln will, so machen * wir nichts. So macht es das Original und mind. Snak hat probleme, * wenn wir es nicht so machen. Ob es so okay ist? Hm ... */ #ifndef STRICT_RFC if( strcasecmp( Client->nick, Req->argv[0] ) == 0 ) return CONNECTED; #endif /* pruefen, ob Nick bereits vergeben */ if( ! Client_CheckNick( Client, Req->argv[0] )) return CONNECTED; if( Client->type == CLIENT_USER ) { /* Nick-Aenderung: allen mitteilen! */ Log( LOG_INFO, "User \"%s!%s@%s\" changed nick: \"%s\" -> \"%s\".", Client->nick, Client->user, Client->host, Client->nick, Req->argv[0] ); IRC_WriteStrRelated( Client, "NICK :%s", Req->argv[0] ); } /* Client-Nick registrieren */ strcpy( Client->nick, Req->argv[0] ); if( Client->type != CLIENT_USER ) { /* Neuer Client */ Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Connection %d: got NICK command ...", Client->conn_id ); if( Client->type == CLIENT_GOTUSER ) return Hello_User( Client ); else Client->type = CLIENT_GOTNICK; } return CONNECTED; } else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); } /* IRC_NICK */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_USER( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); #ifndef STRICT_RFC if( Client->type == CLIENT_GOTNICK || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTPASS || Client->type == CLIENT_UNKNOWN ) #else if( Client->type == CLIENT_GOTNICK || Client->type == CLIENT_GOTPASS ) #endif { /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 4 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); strncpy( Client->user, Req->argv[0], CLIENT_USER_LEN ); Client->user[CLIENT_USER_LEN] = '\0'; strncpy( Client->name, Req->argv[3], CLIENT_NAME_LEN ); Client->name[CLIENT_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Connection %d: got USER command ...", Client->conn_id ); if( Client->type == CLIENT_GOTNICK ) return Hello_User( Client ); else Client->type = CLIENT_GOTUSER; return CONNECTED; } else if( Client->type == CLIENT_USER || Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER || Client->type == CLIENT_SERVICE ) { return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); } else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOTREGISTERED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); } /* IRC_USER */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_QUIT( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( Client->type != CLIENT_SERVER && Client->type != CLIENT_SERVICE ) { /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc > 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); Conn_Close( Client->conn_id, "Client wants to quit." ); return DISCONNECTED; } else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOTREGISTERED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); } /* IRC_QUIT */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_PING( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CLIENT *to; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc < 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOORIGIN_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); if( Req->argc > 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); to = Client_Search( Req->argv[0] ); if( to ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, "PONG :%s", Client_Name( Client )); else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->argv[0] ); } /* IRC_PING */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_PONG( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc < 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOORIGIN_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); if( Req->argc > 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); /* Der Connection-Timestamp wurde schon beim Lesen aus dem Socket * aktualisiert, daher muss das hier nicht mehr gemacht werden. */ Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Connection %d: received PONG.", Client->conn_id ); return CONNECTED; } /* IRC_PONG */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_MOTD( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 0 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); return Show_MOTD( Client ); } /* IRC_MOTD */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_PRIVMSG( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CLIENT *to; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc == 0 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NORECIPIENT_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); if( Req->argc == 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); if( Req->argc > 2 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); to = Client_Search( Req->argv[0] ); if( to ) { /* Okay, Ziel ist ein User */ return IRC_WriteStrClient( to, Client, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", to->nick, Req->argv[1] ); } return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->argv[0] ); } /* IRC_PRIVMSG */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_NOTICE( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CLIENT *to; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 2 ) return CONNECTED; to = Client_Search( Req->argv[0] ); if( to ) { /* Okay, Ziel ist ein User */ return IRC_WriteStrClient( to, Client, "NOTICE %s :%s", to->nick, Req->argv[1] ); } return CONNECTED; } /* IRC_NOTICE */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_MODE( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CHAR x[2], new_modes[CLIENT_MODE_LEN], *ptr, *p; BOOLEAN set, ok; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); if( ! Check_Valid_User( Client )) return CONNECTED; /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if(( Req->argc > 2 ) || ( Req->argc < 1 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Req->command ); /* MODE ist nur fuer sich selber zulaessig */ if( Client_Search( Req->argv[0] ) != Client ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_USERSDONTMATCH_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); /* Werden die Modes erfragt? */ if( Req->argc == 1 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_UMODEIS_MSG, Client_Name( Client ), Client->modes ); ptr = Req->argv[1]; /* Sollen Modes gesetzt oder geloescht werden? */ if( *ptr == '+' ) set = TRUE; else if( *ptr == '-' ) set = FALSE; else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); /* Reply-String mit Aenderungen vorbereiten */ if( set ) strcpy( new_modes, "+" ); else strcpy( new_modes, "-" ); ptr++; ok = TRUE; x[1] = '\0'; while( *ptr ) { x[0] = '\0'; switch( *ptr ) { case 'i': /* invisible */ x[0] = 'i'; break; case 'r': /* restricted (kann nur gesetzt werden) */ if( set ) x[0] = 'r'; else ok = IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_RESTRICTED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); break; default: ok = IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); x[0] = '\0'; } if( ! ok ) break; ptr++; if( ! x[0] ) continue; /* Okay, gueltigen Mode gefunden */ if( set ) { /* Modes sollen gesetzt werden */ if( ! strchr( Client->modes, x[0] )) { /* Client hat den Mode noch nicht -> setzen */ strcat( Client->modes, x ); strcat( new_modes, x ); } } else { /* Modes sollen geloescht werden */ p = strchr( Client->modes, x[0] ); if( p ) { /* Client hat den Mode -> loeschen */ while( *p ) { *p = *(p + 1); p++; } strcat( new_modes, x ); } } } /* Geanderte Modes? */ if( new_modes[1] && ok ) { ok = IRC_WriteStrRelated( Client, "MODE %s :%s", Client->nick, new_modes ); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s!%s@%s\": Mode change, now \"%s\".", Client->nick, Client->user, Client->host, Client->modes ); } return ok; } /* IRC_MODE */ LOCAL BOOLEAN Check_Valid_User( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); if( Client->type != CLIENT_USER ) { IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOTREGISTERED_MSG, Client_Name( Client )); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } /* Check_Valid_User */ LOCAL BOOLEAN Hello_User( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Client->nick[0] ); Log( LOG_NOTICE, "User \"%s!%s@%s\" (%s) registered (connection %d).", Client->nick, Client->user, Client->host, Client->name, Client->conn_id ); IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_WELCOME_MSG, Client->nick, Client_GetID( Client )); IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_YOURHOST_MSG, Client->nick, This_Server->host ); IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_CREATED_MSG, Client->nick, NGIRCd_StartStr ); IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_MYINFO_MSG, Client->nick, This_Server->host ); Client->type = CLIENT_USER; return Show_MOTD( Client ); } /* Hello_User */ LOCAL BOOLEAN Show_MOTD( CLIENT *Client ) { BOOLEAN ok; CHAR line[127]; FILE *fd; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Client->nick[0] ); fd = fopen( Conf_MotdFile, "r" ); if( ! fd ) { Log( LOG_WARNING, "Can't read MOTD file \"%s\": %s", Conf_MotdFile, strerror( errno )); return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, ERR_NOMOTD_MSG, Client->nick ); } IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_MOTDSTART_MSG, Client->nick, This_Server->host ); while( TRUE ) { if( ! fgets( line, 126, fd )) break; if( line[strlen( line ) - 1] == '\n' ) line[strlen( line ) - 1] = '\0'; IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_MOTD_MSG, Client->nick, line ); } ok = IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, This_Server, RPL_ENDOFMOTD_MSG, Client->nick ); fclose( fd ); return ok; } /* Show_MOTD */ /* -eof- */