/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. * * IRC commands for server links */ #include "portab.h" static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: irc-server.c,v 1.35 2004/01/17 03:17:49 alex Exp $"; #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "resolve.h" #include "conn.h" #include "conn-zip.h" #include "conf.h" #include "client.h" #include "channel.h" #include "irc-write.h" #include "log.h" #include "messages.h" #include "parse.h" #include "ngircd.h" #include "exp.h" #include "irc-server.h" GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_SERVER( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CHAR str[LINE_LEN], *ptr, *modes, *topic; CLIENT *from, *c, *cl; CL2CHAN *cl2chan; INT max_hops, i; CHANNEL *chan; BOOLEAN ok; CONN_ID con; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); /* Fehler liefern, wenn kein lokaler Client */ if( Client_Conn( Client ) <= NONE ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_GOTPASSSERVER ) { /* Verbindung soll als Server-Server-Verbindung registriert werden */ Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Connection %d: got SERVER command (new server link) ...", Client_Conn( Client )); /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if(( Req->argc != 2 ) && ( Req->argc != 3 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); /* Ist dieser Server bei uns konfiguriert? */ for( i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++ ) if( strcasecmp( Req->argv[0], Conf_Server[i].name ) == 0 ) break; if( i >= MAX_SERVERS ) { /* Server ist nicht konfiguriert! */ Log( LOG_ERR, "Connection %d: Server \"%s\" not configured here!", Client_Conn( Client ), Req->argv[0] ); Conn_Close( Client_Conn( Client ), NULL, "Server not configured here", TRUE ); return DISCONNECTED; } if( strcmp( Client_Password( Client ), Conf_Server[i].pwd_in ) != 0 ) { /* Falsches Passwort */ Log( LOG_ERR, "Connection %d: Got bad password from server \"%s\"!", Client_Conn( Client ), Req->argv[0] ); Conn_Close( Client_Conn( Client ), NULL, "Bad password", TRUE ); return DISCONNECTED; } /* Ist ein Server mit dieser ID bereits registriert? */ if( ! Client_CheckID( Client, Req->argv[0] )) return DISCONNECTED; /* Server-Strukturen fuellen ;-) */ Client_SetID( Client, Req->argv[0] ); Client_SetHops( Client, 1 ); Client_SetInfo( Client, Req->argv[Req->argc - 1] ); /* Meldet sich der Server bei uns an (d.h., bauen nicht wir * selber die Verbindung zu einem anderen Server auf)? */ con = Client_Conn( Client ); if( Client_Token( Client ) != TOKEN_OUTBOUND ) { /* Eingehende Verbindung: Unseren SERVER- und PASS-Befehl senden */ ok = TRUE; if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "PASS %s %s", Conf_Server[i].pwd_out, NGIRCd_ProtoID )) ok = FALSE; else ok = IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "SERVER %s 1 :%s", Conf_ServerName, Conf_ServerInfo ); if( ! ok ) { Conn_Close( con, "Unexpected server behavior!", NULL, FALSE ); return DISCONNECTED; } Client_SetIntroducer( Client, Client ); Client_SetToken( Client, 1 ); } else { /* Ausgehende verbindung, SERVER und PASS wurden von uns bereits * an die Gegenseite uerbermittelt */ Client_SetToken( Client, atoi( Req->argv[1] )); } Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" registered (connection %d, 1 hop - direct link).", Client_ID( Client ), con ); Client_SetType( Client, CLIENT_SERVER ); Conf_SetServer( i, con ); #ifdef ZLIB /* Kompression initialisieren, wenn erforderlich */ if( strchr( Client_Flags( Client ), 'Z' )) { if( ! Zip_InitConn( con )) { /* Fehler! */ Conn_Close( con, "Can't inizialize compression (zlib)!", NULL, FALSE ); return DISCONNECTED; } } #endif /* maximalen Hop Count ermitteln */ max_hops = 0; c = Client_First( ); while( c ) { if( Client_Hops( c ) > max_hops ) max_hops = Client_Hops( c ); c = Client_Next( c ); } /* Alle bisherigen Server dem neuen Server bekannt machen, * die bisherigen Server ueber den neuen informierenn */ for( i = 0; i < ( max_hops + 1 ); i++ ) { c = Client_First( ); while( c ) { if(( Client_Type( c ) == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c != Client ) && ( c != Client_ThisServer( )) && ( Client_Hops( c ) == i )) { if( Client_Conn( c ) > NONE ) { /* Dem gefundenen Server gleich den neuen * Server bekannt machen */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( c, "SERVER %s %d %d :%s", Client_ID( Client ), Client_Hops( Client ) + 1, Client_MyToken( Client ), Client_Info( Client ))) return DISCONNECTED; } /* Den neuen Server ueber den alten informieren */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( Client, Client_Hops( c ) == 1 ? Client_ThisServer( ) : Client_Introducer( c ), "SERVER %s %d %d :%s", Client_ID( c ), Client_Hops( c ) + 1, Client_MyToken( c ), Client_Info( c ))) return DISCONNECTED; } c = Client_Next( c ); } } /* alle User dem neuen Server bekannt machen */ c = Client_First( ); while( c ) { if( Client_Type( c ) == CLIENT_USER ) { /* User an neuen Server melden */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "NICK %s %d %s %s %d +%s :%s", Client_ID( c ), Client_Hops( c ) + 1, Client_User( c ), Client_Hostname( c ), Client_MyToken( Client_Introducer( c )), Client_Modes( c ), Client_Info( c ))) return DISCONNECTED; } c = Client_Next( c ); } /* Channels dem neuen Server bekannt machen */ chan = Channel_First( ); while( chan ) { #ifdef IRCPLUS /* Send CHANINFO if the peer supports it */ if( strchr( Client_Flags( Client ), 'C' )) { modes = Channel_Modes( chan ); topic = Channel_Topic( chan ); if( *modes || *topic ) { /* send CHANINFO */ if(( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'k' )) && ( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'l' )) && ( ! *topic )) { /* "CHANINFO +" */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "CHANINFO %s +%s", Channel_Name( chan ), modes )) return DISCONNECTED; } else if(( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'k' )) && ( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'l' ))) { /* "CHANINFO + :" */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "CHANINFO %s +%s :%s", Channel_Name( chan ), modes, topic )) return DISCONNECTED; } else { /* "CHANINFO + :" */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "CHANINFO %s +%s %s %ld :%s", Channel_Name( chan ), modes, strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'k' ) ? Channel_Key( chan ) : "*", strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'l' ) ? Channel_MaxUsers( chan ) : 0L, topic )) return DISCONNECTED; } } } #endif /* alle Member suchen */ cl2chan = Channel_FirstMember( chan ); snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "NJOIN %s :", Channel_Name( chan )); while( cl2chan ) { cl = Channel_GetClient( cl2chan ); assert( cl != NULL ); /* Nick, ggf. mit Modes, anhaengen */ if( str[strlen( str ) - 1] != ':' ) strlcat( str, ",", sizeof( str )); if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( chan, cl ), 'v' )) strlcat( str, "+", sizeof( str )); if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( chan, cl ), 'o' )) strlcat( str, "@", sizeof( str )); strlcat( str, Client_ID( cl ), sizeof( str )); if( strlen( str ) > ( LINE_LEN - CLIENT_NICK_LEN - 8 )) { /* Zeile senden */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "%s", str )) return DISCONNECTED; snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "NJOIN %s :", Channel_Name( chan )); } cl2chan = Channel_NextMember( chan, cl2chan ); } /* noch Daten da? */ if( str[strlen( str ) - 1] != ':') { /* Ja; Also senden ... */ if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, "%s", str )) return DISCONNECTED; } /* naechsten Channel suchen */ chan = Channel_Next( chan ); } return CONNECTED; } else if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER ) { /* Neuer Server wird im Netz angekuendigt */ /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 4 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); /* Ist ein Server mit dieser ID bereits registriert? */ if( ! Client_CheckID( Client, Req->argv[0] )) return DISCONNECTED; /* Ueberfluessige Hostnamen aus Info-Text entfernen */ ptr = strchr( Req->argv[3] + 2, '[' ); if( ! ptr ) ptr = Req->argv[3]; from = Client_Search( Req->prefix ); if( ! from ) { /* Hm, Server, der diesen einfuehrt, ist nicht bekannt!? */ Log( LOG_ALERT, "Unknown ID in prefix of SERVER: \"%s\"! (on connection %d)", Req->prefix, Client_Conn( Client )); Conn_Close( Client_Conn( Client ), NULL, "Unknown ID in prefix of SERVER", TRUE ); return DISCONNECTED; } /* Neue Client-Struktur anlegen */ c = Client_NewRemoteServer( Client, Req->argv[0], from, atoi( Req->argv[1] ), atoi( Req->argv[2] ), ptr, TRUE ); if( ! c ) { /* Neue Client-Struktur konnte nicht angelegt werden */ Log( LOG_ALERT, "Can't create client structure for server! (on connection %d)", Client_Conn( Client )); Conn_Close( Client_Conn( Client ), NULL, "Can't allocate client structure for remote server", TRUE ); return DISCONNECTED; } /* Log-Meldung zusammenbauen und ausgeben */ if(( Client_Hops( c ) > 1 ) && ( Req->prefix[0] )) snprintf( str, sizeof( str ), "connected to %s, ", Client_ID( from )); else strcpy( str, "" ); Log( LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" registered (via %s, %s%d hop%s).", Client_ID( c ), Client_ID( Client ), str, Client_Hops( c ), Client_Hops( c ) > 1 ? "s": "" ); /* Andere Server informieren */ IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client, from, "SERVER %s %d %d :%s", Client_ID( c ), Client_Hops( c ) + 1, Client_MyToken( c ), Client_Info( c )); return CONNECTED; } else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); } /* IRC_SERVER */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_NJOIN( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CHAR nick_in[COMMAND_LEN], nick_out[COMMAND_LEN], *channame, *ptr, modes[8]; BOOLEAN is_op, is_voiced; CHANNEL *chan; CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 2 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); strlcpy( nick_in, Req->argv[1], sizeof( nick_in )); strcpy( nick_out, "" ); channame = Req->argv[0]; ptr = strtok( nick_in, "," ); while( ptr ) { is_op = is_voiced = FALSE; /* Prefixe abschneiden */ while(( *ptr == '@' ) || ( *ptr == '+' )) { if( *ptr == '@' ) is_op = TRUE; if( *ptr == '+' ) is_voiced = TRUE; ptr++; } c = Client_Search( ptr ); if( c ) { Channel_Join( c, channame ); chan = Channel_Search( channame ); assert( chan != NULL ); if( is_op ) Channel_UserModeAdd( chan, c, 'o' ); if( is_voiced ) Channel_UserModeAdd( chan, c, 'v' ); /* im Channel bekannt machen */ IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, c, FALSE, "JOIN :%s", channame ); /* Channel-User-Modes setzen */ strlcpy( modes, Channel_UserModes( chan, c ), sizeof( modes )); if( modes[0] ) { /* Modes im Channel bekannt machen */ IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, Client, FALSE, "MODE %s +%s %s", channame, modes, Client_ID( c )); } if( nick_out[0] != '\0' ) strlcat( nick_out, ",", sizeof( nick_out )); if( is_op ) strlcat( nick_out, "@", sizeof( nick_out )); if( is_voiced ) strlcat( nick_out, "+", sizeof( nick_out )); strlcat( nick_out, ptr, sizeof( nick_out )); } else Log( LOG_ERR, "Got NJOIN for unknown nick \"%s\" for channel \"%s\"!", ptr, channame ); /* naechsten Nick suchen */ ptr = strtok( NULL, "," ); } /* an andere Server weiterleiten */ if( nick_out[0] != '\0' ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client, Client_ThisServer( ), "NJOIN %s :%s", Req->argv[0], nick_out ); return CONNECTED; } /* IRC_NJOIN */ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_SQUIT( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ) { CLIENT *target; CHAR msg[LINE_LEN + 64]; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Req != NULL ); /* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */ if( Req->argc != 2 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command ); Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Got SQUIT from %s for \"%s\": \"%s\" ...", Client_ID( Client ), Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] ); target = Client_Search( Req->argv[0] ); if( ! target ) { /* Den Server kennen wir nicht (mehr), also nichts zu tun. */ Log( LOG_WARNING, "Got SQUIT from %s for unknown server \"%s\"!?", Client_ID( Client ), Req->argv[0] ); return CONNECTED; } if( Req->argv[1][0] ) { if( strlen( Req->argv[1] ) > LINE_LEN ) Req->argv[1][LINE_LEN] = '\0'; snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "%s (SQUIT from %s).", Req->argv[1], Client_ID( Client )); } else snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Got SQUIT from %s.", Client_ID( Client )); if( Client_Conn( target ) > NONE ) { /* dieser Server hat die Connection */ if( Req->argv[1][0] ) Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), msg, Req->argv[1], TRUE ); else Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), msg, NULL, TRUE ); return DISCONNECTED; } else { /* Verbindung hielt anderer Server */ Client_Destroy( target, msg, Req->argv[1], FALSE ); return CONNECTED; } } /* IRC_SQUIT */ /* -eof- */