/* * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon * Copyright (c)2001-2012 Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information. */ #define __client_c__ #include "portab.h" /** * @file * Client management. */ #include "imp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defines.h" #include "conn.h" #include "exp.h" #include "client.h" #include #include "ngircd.h" #include "channel.h" #include "conf.h" #include "conn-func.h" #include "hash.h" #include "irc-write.h" #include "log.h" #include "match.h" #include "messages.h" #include #define GETID_LEN (CLIENT_NICK_LEN-1) + 1 + (CLIENT_USER_LEN-1) + 1 + (CLIENT_HOST_LEN-1) + 1 static CLIENT *This_Server, *My_Clients; static WHOWAS My_Whowas[MAX_WHOWAS]; static int Last_Whowas = -1; static long Max_Users, My_Max_Users; static unsigned long Count PARAMS(( CLIENT_TYPE Type )); static unsigned long MyCount PARAMS(( CLIENT_TYPE Type )); static CLIENT *New_Client_Struct PARAMS(( void )); static void Generate_MyToken PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client )); static void Adjust_Counters PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client )); static CLIENT *Init_New_Client PARAMS((CONN_ID Idx, CLIENT *Introducer, CLIENT *TopServer, int Type, const char *ID, const char *User, const char *Hostname, const char *Info, int Hops, int Token, const char *Modes, bool Idented)); static void Destroy_UserOrService PARAMS((CLIENT *Client,const char *Txt, const char *FwdMsg, bool SendQuit)); static void cb_introduceClient PARAMS((CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Prefix, void *i)); GLOBAL void Client_Init( void ) { struct hostent *h; This_Server = New_Client_Struct( ); if( ! This_Server ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate client structure for server! Going down." ); Log( LOG_ALERT, "%s exiting due to fatal errors!", PACKAGE_NAME ); exit( 1 ); } /* Client-Struktur dieses Servers */ This_Server->next = NULL; This_Server->type = CLIENT_SERVER; This_Server->conn_id = NONE; This_Server->introducer = This_Server; This_Server->mytoken = 1; This_Server->hops = 0; gethostname( This_Server->host, CLIENT_HOST_LEN ); if (Conf_DNS) { h = gethostbyname( This_Server->host ); if (h) strlcpy(This_Server->host, h->h_name, sizeof(This_Server->host)); } Client_SetID( This_Server, Conf_ServerName ); Client_SetInfo( This_Server, Conf_ServerInfo ); My_Clients = This_Server; memset( &My_Whowas, 0, sizeof( My_Whowas )); } /* Client_Init */ GLOBAL void Client_Exit( void ) { CLIENT *c, *next; int cnt; if( NGIRCd_SignalRestart ) Client_Destroy( This_Server, "Server going down (restarting).", NULL, false ); else Client_Destroy( This_Server, "Server going down.", NULL, false ); cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { cnt++; next = (CLIENT *)c->next; free( c ); c = next; } if( cnt ) Log( LOG_INFO, "Freed %d client structure%s.", cnt, cnt == 1 ? "" : "s" ); } /* Client_Exit */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_ThisServer( void ) { return This_Server; } /* Client_ThisServer */ /** * Initialize new local client; wrapper function for Init_New_Client(). * @return New CLIENT structure. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewLocal(CONN_ID Idx, const char *Hostname, int Type, bool Idented) { return Init_New_Client(Idx, This_Server, NULL, Type, NULL, NULL, Hostname, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, Idented); } /* Client_NewLocal */ /** * Initialize new remote server; wrapper function for Init_New_Client(). * @return New CLIENT structure. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewRemoteServer(CLIENT *Introducer, const char *Hostname, CLIENT *TopServer, int Hops, int Token, const char *Info, bool Idented) { return Init_New_Client(NONE, Introducer, TopServer, CLIENT_SERVER, Hostname, NULL, Hostname, Info, Hops, Token, NULL, Idented); } /* Client_NewRemoteServer */ /** * Initialize new remote client; wrapper function for Init_New_Client(). * @return New CLIENT structure. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NewRemoteUser(CLIENT *Introducer, const char *Nick, int Hops, const char *User, const char *Hostname, int Token, const char *Modes, const char *Info, bool Idented) { return Init_New_Client(NONE, Introducer, NULL, CLIENT_USER, Nick, User, Hostname, Info, Hops, Token, Modes, Idented); } /* Client_NewRemoteUser */ /** * Initialize new client and set up the given parameters like client type, * user name, host name, introducing server etc. ... * @return New CLIENT structure. */ static CLIENT * Init_New_Client(CONN_ID Idx, CLIENT *Introducer, CLIENT *TopServer, int Type, const char *ID, const char *User, const char *Hostname, const char *Info, int Hops, int Token, const char *Modes, bool Idented) { CLIENT *client; assert(Idx >= NONE); assert(Introducer != NULL); client = New_Client_Struct(); if (!client) return NULL; client->starttime = time(NULL); client->conn_id = Idx; client->introducer = Introducer; client->topserver = TopServer; client->type = Type; if (ID) Client_SetID(client, ID); if (User) { Client_SetUser(client, User, Idented); Client_SetOrigUser(client, User); } if (Hostname) Client_SetHostname(client, Hostname); if (Info) Client_SetInfo(client, Info); client->hops = Hops; client->token = Token; if (Modes) Client_SetModes(client, Modes); if (Type == CLIENT_SERVER) Generate_MyToken(client); if (strchr(client->modes, 'a')) strlcpy(client->away, DEFAULT_AWAY_MSG, sizeof(client->away)); client->next = (POINTER *)My_Clients; My_Clients = client; Adjust_Counters(client); return client; } /* Init_New_Client */ GLOBAL void Client_Destroy( CLIENT *Client, const char *LogMsg, const char *FwdMsg, bool SendQuit ) { /* remove a client */ CLIENT *last, *c; char msg[LINE_LEN]; const char *txt; assert( Client != NULL ); txt = LogMsg ? LogMsg : FwdMsg; if (!txt) txt = "Reason unknown"; /* netsplit message */ if( Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) { strlcpy(msg, This_Server->id, sizeof (msg)); strlcat(msg, " ", sizeof (msg)); strlcat(msg, Client->id, sizeof (msg)); } last = NULL; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c->introducer == Client ) && ( c != Client )) { /* * The client that is about to be removed is a server, * the client we are checking right now is a child of that * server and thus has to be removed, too. * * Call Client_Destroy() recursively with the server as the * new "object to be removed". This starts the cycle again, until * all servers that are linked via the original server have been * removed. */ Client_Destroy( c, NULL, msg, false ); last = NULL; c = My_Clients; continue; } if( c == Client ) { /* found the client: remove it */ if( last ) last->next = c->next; else My_Clients = (CLIENT *)c->next; if(c->type == CLIENT_USER || c->type == CLIENT_SERVICE) Destroy_UserOrService(c, txt, FwdMsg, SendQuit); else if( c->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) { if (c != This_Server) { if (c->conn_id != NONE) Log(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s.", c->id, c->conn_id, txt); else Log(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_snotice, "Server \"%s\" unregistered: %s.", c->id, txt); } /* inform other servers */ if( ! NGIRCd_SignalQuit ) { if( FwdMsg ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "SQUIT %s :%s", c->id, FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client_NextHop( c ), c, "SQUIT %s :", c->id ); } } else { if (c->conn_id != NONE) { if (c->id[0]) Log(LOG_NOTICE, "Client \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s.", c->id, c->conn_id, txt); else Log(LOG_NOTICE, "Client unregistered (connection %d): %s.", c->conn_id, txt); } else { Log(LOG_WARNING, "Unregistered unknown client \"%s\": %s", c->id[0] ? c->id : "(No Nick)", txt); } } free( c ); break; } last = c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } } /* Client_Destroy */ /** * Set client hostname. * * If global hostname cloaking is in effect, don't set the real hostname * but the configured one. * * @param Client The client of which the hostname should be set. * @param Hostname The new hostname. */ GLOBAL void Client_SetHostname( CLIENT *Client, const char *Hostname ) { assert(Client != NULL); assert(Hostname != NULL); if (strlen(Conf_CloakHost)) { char cloak[GETID_LEN]; strlcpy(cloak, Hostname, GETID_LEN); strlcat(cloak, Conf_CloakHostSalt, GETID_LEN); snprintf(cloak, GETID_LEN, Conf_CloakHost, Hash(cloak)); LogDebug("Updating hostname of \"%s\": \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", Client_ID(Client), Client->host, cloak); strlcpy(Client->host, cloak, sizeof(Client->host)); } else { LogDebug("Updating hostname of \"%s\": \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", Client_ID(Client), Client->host, Hostname); strlcpy(Client->host, Hostname, sizeof(Client->host)); } } /* Client_SetHostname */ GLOBAL void Client_SetID( CLIENT *Client, const char *ID ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( ID != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->id, ID, sizeof( Client->id )); if (Conf_CloakUserToNick) { strlcpy( Client->user, ID, sizeof( Client->user )); strlcpy( Client->info, ID, sizeof( Client->info )); } /* Hash */ Client->hash = Hash( Client->id ); } /* Client_SetID */ GLOBAL void Client_SetUser( CLIENT *Client, const char *User, bool Idented ) { /* set clients username */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( User != NULL ); if (Conf_CloakUserToNick) { strlcpy(Client->user, Client->id, sizeof(Client->user)); } else if (Idented) { strlcpy(Client->user, User, sizeof(Client->user)); } else { Client->user[0] = '~'; strlcpy(Client->user + 1, User, sizeof(Client->user) - 1); } } /* Client_SetUser */ /** * Set "original" user name of a client. * This function saves the "original" user name, the user name specified by * the peer using the USER command, into the CLIENT structure. This user * name may be used for authentication, for example. * @param Client The client. * @param User User name to set. */ GLOBAL void Client_SetOrigUser(CLIENT UNUSED *Client, const char UNUSED *User) { assert(Client != NULL); assert(User != NULL); #if defined(PAM) && defined(IDENTAUTH) strlcpy(Client->orig_user, User, sizeof(Client->orig_user)); #endif } /* Client_SetOrigUser */ GLOBAL void Client_SetInfo( CLIENT *Client, const char *Info ) { /* set client hostname */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Info != NULL ); if (Conf_CloakUserToNick) strlcpy(Client->info, Client->id, sizeof(Client->info)); else strlcpy(Client->info, Info, sizeof(Client->info)); } /* Client_SetInfo */ GLOBAL void Client_SetModes( CLIENT *Client, const char *Modes ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Modes != NULL ); strlcpy(Client->modes, Modes, sizeof( Client->modes )); } /* Client_SetModes */ GLOBAL void Client_SetFlags( CLIENT *Client, const char *Flags ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Flags != NULL ); strlcpy(Client->flags, Flags, sizeof(Client->flags)); } /* Client_SetFlags */ GLOBAL void Client_SetAway( CLIENT *Client, const char *Txt ) { /* Set AWAY reason of client */ assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Txt != NULL ); strlcpy( Client->away, Txt, sizeof( Client->away )); LogDebug("%s \"%s\" is away: %s", Client_TypeText(Client), Client_Mask(Client), Txt); } /* Client_SetAway */ GLOBAL void Client_SetType( CLIENT *Client, int Type ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->type = Type; if( Type == CLIENT_SERVER ) Generate_MyToken( Client ); Adjust_Counters( Client ); } /* Client_SetType */ GLOBAL void Client_SetHops( CLIENT *Client, int Hops ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->hops = Hops; } /* Client_SetHops */ GLOBAL void Client_SetToken( CLIENT *Client, int Token ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->token = Token; } /* Client_SetToken */ GLOBAL void Client_SetIntroducer( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Introducer ) { assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Introducer != NULL ); Client->introducer = Introducer; } /* Client_SetIntroducer */ GLOBAL void Client_SetOperByMe( CLIENT *Client, bool OperByMe ) { assert( Client != NULL ); Client->oper_by_me = OperByMe; } /* Client_SetOperByMe */ GLOBAL bool Client_ModeAdd( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ) { /* Set Mode. * If Client already alread had Mode, return false. * If the Mode was newly set, return true. */ char x[2]; assert( Client != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; if (!strchr( Client->modes, x[0])) { strlcat( Client->modes, x, sizeof( Client->modes )); return true; } else return false; } /* Client_ModeAdd */ GLOBAL bool Client_ModeDel( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ) { /* Delete Mode. * If Mode was removed, return true. * If Client did not have Mode, return false. */ char x[2], *p; assert( Client != NULL ); x[0] = Mode; x[1] = '\0'; p = strchr( Client->modes, x[0] ); if( ! p ) return false; /* Client has Mode -> delete */ while( *p ) { *p = *(p + 1); p++; } return true; } /* Client_ModeDel */ /** * Search CLIENT structure of a given nick name. * * @return Pointer to CLIENT structure or NULL if not found. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Search( const char *Nick ) { char search_id[CLIENT_ID_LEN], *ptr; CLIENT *c = NULL; UINT32 search_hash; assert( Nick != NULL ); /* copy Nick and truncate hostmask if necessary */ strlcpy( search_id, Nick, sizeof( search_id )); ptr = strchr( search_id, '!' ); if( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; search_hash = Hash(search_id); c = My_Clients; while (c) { if (c->hash == search_hash && strcasecmp(c->id, search_id) == 0) return c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /** * Serach first CLIENT structure matching a given mask of a server. * * The order of servers is arbitrary, but this function makes sure that the * local server is always returned if the mask matches it. * * @return Pointer to CLIENT structure or NULL if no server could be found. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_SearchServer(const char *Mask) { CLIENT *c; assert(Mask != NULL); /* First check if mask matches the local server */ if (MatchCaseInsensitive(Mask, Client_ID(Client_ThisServer()))) return Client_ThisServer(); c = My_Clients; while (c) { if (Client_Type(c) == CLIENT_SERVER) { /* This is a server: check if Mask matches */ if (MatchCaseInsensitive(Mask, c->id)) return c; } c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /** * Get client structure ("introducer") identfied by a server token. * @return CLIENT structure or NULL if none could be found. */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_GetFromToken( CLIENT *Client, int Token ) { CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); if (!Token) return NULL; c = My_Clients; while (c) { if ((c->type == CLIENT_SERVER) && (c->introducer == Client) && (c->token == Token)) return c; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return NULL; } /* Client_GetFromToken */ GLOBAL int Client_Type( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->type; } /* Client_Type */ GLOBAL CONN_ID Client_Conn( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->conn_id; } /* Client_Conn */ GLOBAL char * Client_ID( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); #ifdef DEBUG if(Client->type == CLIENT_USER) assert(strlen(Client->id) < Conf_MaxNickLength); #endif if( Client->id[0] ) return Client->id; else return "*"; } /* Client_ID */ GLOBAL char * Client_Info( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->info; } /* Client_Info */ GLOBAL char * Client_User( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->user[0] ? Client->user : "~"; } /* Client_User */ #ifdef PAM /** * Get the "original" user name as supplied by the USER command. * The user name as given by the client is used for authentication instead * of the one detected using IDENT requests. * @param Client The client. * @return Original user name. */ GLOBAL char * Client_OrigUser(CLIENT *Client) { #ifndef IDENTAUTH char *user = Client->user; if (user[0] == '~') user++; return user; #else return Client->orig_user; #endif } /* Client_OrigUser */ #endif /** * Return the hostname of a client. * @param Client Pointer to client structure * @return Pointer to client hostname */ GLOBAL char * Client_Hostname(CLIENT *Client) { assert (Client != NULL); return Client->host; } /** * Return the cloaked hostname of a client, if set. * @param Client Pointer to the client structure. * @return Pointer to the cloaked hostname or NULL if not set. */ GLOBAL char * Client_HostnameCloaked(CLIENT *Client) { assert(Client != NULL); return Client->cloaked; } /** * Get (potentially cloaked) hostname of a client to display it to other users. * * If the client has not enabled cloaking, the real hostname is used. * Please note that this function uses a global static buffer, so you can't * nest invocations without overwriting earlier results! * * @param Client Pointer to client structure * @return Pointer to client hostname */ GLOBAL char * Client_HostnameDisplayed(CLIENT *Client) { assert(Client != NULL); /* Client isn't cloaked at all, return real hostname: */ if (!Client_HasMode(Client, 'x')) return Client_Hostname(Client); /* Use an already saved cloaked hostname, if there is one */ if (Client->cloaked[0]) return Client->cloaked; Client_UpdateCloakedHostname(Client, NULL, NULL); return Client->cloaked; } /** * Update (and generate, if necessary) the cloaked hostname of a client. * * The newly set cloaked hostname is announced in the network using METADATA * commands to peers that support this feature. * * @param Client The client of which the cloaked hostname should be updated. * @param Origin The originator of the hostname change, or NULL if this server. * @param Hostname The new cloaked hostname, or NULL if it should be generated. */ GLOBAL void Client_UpdateCloakedHostname(CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Origin, const char *Hostname) { static char Cloak_Buffer[CLIENT_HOST_LEN]; assert(Client != NULL); if (!Origin) Origin = Client_ThisServer(); if (!Hostname) { /* Generate new cloaked hostname */ if (*Conf_CloakHostModeX) { strlcpy(Cloak_Buffer, Client->host, CLIENT_HOST_LEN); strlcat(Cloak_Buffer, Conf_CloakHostSalt, CLIENT_HOST_LEN); snprintf(Client->cloaked, sizeof(Client->cloaked), Conf_CloakHostModeX, Hash(Cloak_Buffer)); } else strlcpy(Client->cloaked, Client_ID(Client->introducer), sizeof(Client->cloaked)); } else strlcpy(Client->cloaked, Hostname, sizeof(Client->cloaked)); LogDebug("Cloaked hostname of \"%s\" updated to \"%s\"", Client_ID(Client), Client->cloaked); /* Inform other servers in the network */ IRC_WriteStrServersPrefixFlag(Client_NextHop(Origin), Origin, 'M', "METADATA %s cloakhost :%s", Client_ID(Client), Client->cloaked); } GLOBAL char * Client_Modes( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->modes; } /* Client_Modes */ GLOBAL char * Client_Flags( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->flags; } /* Client_Flags */ GLOBAL bool Client_OperByMe( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->oper_by_me; } /* Client_OperByMe */ GLOBAL int Client_Hops( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->hops; } /* Client_Hops */ GLOBAL int Client_Token( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->token; } /* Client_Token */ GLOBAL int Client_MyToken( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->mytoken; } /* Client_MyToken */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_NextHop( CLIENT *Client ) { CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); c = Client; while( c->introducer && ( c->introducer != c ) && ( c->introducer != This_Server )) c = c->introducer; return c; } /* Client_NextHop */ /** * Return ID of a client: "client!user@host" * This client ID is used for IRC prefixes, for example. * Please note that this function uses a global static buffer, so you can't * nest invocations without overwriting earlier results! * @param Client Pointer to client structure * @return Pointer to global buffer containing the client ID */ GLOBAL char * Client_Mask( CLIENT *Client ) { static char Mask_Buffer[GETID_LEN]; assert (Client != NULL); /* Servers: return name only, there is no "mask" */ if (Client->type == CLIENT_SERVER) return Client->id; snprintf(Mask_Buffer, GETID_LEN, "%s!%s@%s", Client->id, Client->user, Client->host); return Mask_Buffer; } /* Client_Mask */ /** * Return ID of a client with cloaked hostname: "client!user@server-name" * * This client ID is used for IRC prefixes, for example. * Please note that this function uses a global static buffer, so you can't * nest invocations without overwriting earlier results! * If the client has not enabled cloaking, the real hostname is used. * * @param Client Pointer to client structure * @return Pointer to global buffer containing the client ID */ GLOBAL char * Client_MaskCloaked(CLIENT *Client) { static char Mask_Buffer[GETID_LEN]; assert (Client != NULL); /* Is the client using cloaking at all? */ if (!Client_HasMode(Client, 'x')) return Client_Mask(Client); snprintf(Mask_Buffer, GETID_LEN, "%s!%s@%s", Client->id, Client->user, Client_HostnameDisplayed(Client)); return Mask_Buffer; } /* Client_MaskCloaked */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Introducer( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->introducer; } /* Client_Introducer */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_TopServer( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->topserver; } /* Client_TopServer */ GLOBAL bool Client_HasMode( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return strchr( Client->modes, Mode ) != NULL; } /* Client_HasMode */ GLOBAL char * Client_Away( CLIENT *Client ) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->away; } /* Client_Away */ /** * Make sure that a given nickname is valid. * * If the nickname is not valid for the given client, this function sends back * the appropriate error messages. * * @param Client Client that wants to change the nickname. * @param Nick New nickname. * @returns true if nickname is valid, false otherwise. */ GLOBAL bool Client_CheckNick(CLIENT *Client, char *Nick) { assert(Client != NULL); assert(Nick != NULL); if (!Client_IsValidNick(Nick)) { if (strlen(Nick ) >= Conf_MaxNickLength) IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_NICKNAMETOOLONG_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Nick, Conf_MaxNickLength - 1); else IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Nick); return false; } if (Client_Type(Client) != CLIENT_SERVER && Client_Type(Client) != CLIENT_SERVICE) { /* Make sure that this isn't a restricted/forbidden nickname */ if (Conf_NickIsBlocked(Nick)) { IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_FORBIDDENNICKNAME_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Nick); return false; } } /* Nickname already registered? */ if (Client_Search(Nick)) { IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Nick); return false; } return true; } /* Client_CheckNick */ GLOBAL bool Client_CheckID( CLIENT *Client, char *ID ) { char str[COMMAND_LEN]; CLIENT *c; assert( Client != NULL ); assert( Client->conn_id > NONE ); assert( ID != NULL ); /* ID too long? */ if (strlen(ID) > CLIENT_ID_LEN) { IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME_MSG, Client_ID(Client), ID); return false; } /* ID already in use? */ c = My_Clients; while (c) { if (strcasecmp(c->id, ID) == 0) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "ID \"%s\" already registered", ID); if (c->conn_id != NONE) Log(LOG_ERR, "%s (on connection %d)!", str, c->conn_id); else Log(LOG_ERR, "%s (via network)!", str); Conn_Close(Client->conn_id, str, str, true); return false; } c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return true; } /* Client_CheckID */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_First( void ) { return My_Clients; } /* Client_First */ GLOBAL CLIENT * Client_Next( CLIENT *c ) { assert( c != NULL ); return (CLIENT *)c->next; } /* Client_Next */ GLOBAL long Client_UserCount( void ) { return Count( CLIENT_USER ); } /* Client_UserCount */ GLOBAL long Client_ServiceCount( void ) { return Count( CLIENT_SERVICE );; } /* Client_ServiceCount */ GLOBAL long Client_ServerCount( void ) { return Count( CLIENT_SERVER ); } /* Client_ServerCount */ GLOBAL long Client_MyUserCount( void ) { return MyCount( CLIENT_USER ); } /* Client_MyUserCount */ GLOBAL long Client_MyServiceCount( void ) { return MyCount( CLIENT_SERVICE ); } /* Client_MyServiceCount */ GLOBAL unsigned long Client_MyServerCount( void ) { CLIENT *c; unsigned long cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( c->type == CLIENT_SERVER ) && ( c->hops == 1 )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_MyServerCount */ GLOBAL unsigned long Client_OperCount( void ) { CLIENT *c; unsigned long cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c && ( c->type == CLIENT_USER ) && ( strchr( c->modes, 'o' ))) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_OperCount */ GLOBAL unsigned long Client_UnknownCount( void ) { CLIENT *c; unsigned long cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c && ( c->type != CLIENT_USER ) && ( c->type != CLIENT_SERVICE ) && ( c->type != CLIENT_SERVER )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Client_UnknownCount */ GLOBAL long Client_MaxUserCount( void ) { return Max_Users; } /* Client_MaxUserCount */ GLOBAL long Client_MyMaxUserCount( void ) { return My_Max_Users; } /* Client_MyMaxUserCount */ /** * Check that a given nickname is valid. * * @param Nick the nickname to check. * @returns true if nickname is valid, false otherwise. */ GLOBAL bool Client_IsValidNick(const char *Nick) { const char *ptr; static const char goodchars[] = ";0123456789-"; assert (Nick != NULL); if (strchr(goodchars, Nick[0])) return false; if (strlen(Nick ) >= Conf_MaxNickLength) return false; ptr = Nick; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr < 'A' && !strchr(goodchars, *ptr )) return false; if (*ptr > '}') return false; ptr++; } return true; } /* Client_IsValidNick */ /** * Return pointer to "My_Whowas" structure. */ GLOBAL WHOWAS * Client_GetWhowas( void ) { return My_Whowas; } /* Client_GetWhowas */ /** * Return the index of the last used WHOWAS entry. */ GLOBAL int Client_GetLastWhowasIndex( void ) { return Last_Whowas; } /* Client_GetLastWhowasIndex */ /** * Get the start time of this client. * The result is the start time in seconds since 1970-01-01, as reported * by the C function time(NULL). */ GLOBAL time_t Client_StartTime(CLIENT *Client) { assert( Client != NULL ); return Client->starttime; } /* Client_Uptime */ /** * Reject a client when logging in. * * This function is called when a client isn't allowed to connect to this * server. Possible reasons are bad server password, bad PAM password, * or that the client is G/K-Line'd. * * After calling this function, the client isn't connected any more. * * @param Client The client to reject. * @param Reason The reason why the client has been rejected. * @param InformClient If true, send the exact reason to the client. */ GLOBAL void Client_Reject(CLIENT *Client, const char *Reason, bool InformClient) { char info[COMMAND_LEN]; assert(Client != NULL); assert(Reason != NULL); if (InformClient) snprintf(info, sizeof(info), "Access denied: %s", Reason); else strcpy(info, "Access denied: Bad password?"); Log(LOG_ERR, "User \"%s\" rejected (connection %d): %s!", Client_Mask(Client), Client_Conn(Client), Reason); Conn_Close(Client_Conn(Client), Reason, info, true); } /** * Introduce a new user or service client in the network. * * @param From Remote server introducing the client or NULL (local). * @param Client New client. * @param Type Type of the client (CLIENT_USER or CLIENT_SERVICE). */ GLOBAL void Client_Introduce(CLIENT *From, CLIENT *Client, int Type) { /* Set client type (user or service) */ Client_SetType(Client, Type); if (From) { if (Conf_NickIsService(Conf_GetServer(Client_Conn(From)), Client_ID(Client))) Client_SetType(Client, CLIENT_SERVICE); LogDebug("%s \"%s\" (+%s) registered (via %s, on %s, %d hop%s).", Client_TypeText(Client), Client_Mask(Client), Client_Modes(Client), Client_ID(From), Client_ID(Client_Introducer(Client)), Client_Hops(Client), Client_Hops(Client) > 1 ? "s": ""); } else { Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s \"%s\" registered (connection %d).", Client_TypeText(Client), Client_Mask(Client), Client_Conn(Client)); Log_ServerNotice('c', "Client connecting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] - %s", Client_ID(Client), Client_User(Client), Client_Hostname(Client), Conn_IPA(Client_Conn(Client)), Client_TypeText(Client)); } /* Inform other servers */ IRC_WriteStrServersPrefixFlag_CB(From, From != NULL ? From : Client_ThisServer(), '\0', cb_introduceClient, (void *)Client); } /* Client_Introduce */ static unsigned long Count( CLIENT_TYPE Type ) { CLIENT *c; unsigned long cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if( c->type == Type ) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* Count */ static unsigned long MyCount( CLIENT_TYPE Type ) { CLIENT *c; unsigned long cnt = 0; c = My_Clients; while( c ) { if(( c->introducer == This_Server ) && ( c->type == Type )) cnt++; c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } return cnt; } /* MyCount */ static CLIENT * New_Client_Struct( void ) { /* Neue CLIENT-Struktur pre-initialisieren */ CLIENT *c; c = (CLIENT *)malloc( sizeof( CLIENT )); if( ! c ) { Log( LOG_EMERG, "Can't allocate memory! [New_Client_Struct]" ); return NULL; } memset( c, 0, sizeof ( CLIENT )); c->type = CLIENT_UNKNOWN; c->conn_id = NONE; c->oper_by_me = false; c->hops = -1; c->token = -1; c->mytoken = -1; return c; } /* New_Client */ static void Generate_MyToken( CLIENT *Client ) { CLIENT *c; int token; c = My_Clients; token = 2; while( c ) { if( c->mytoken == token ) { /* Das Token wurde bereits vergeben */ token++; c = My_Clients; continue; } else c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } Client->mytoken = token; LogDebug("Assigned token %d to server \"%s\".", token, Client->id); } /* Generate_MyToken */ static void Adjust_Counters( CLIENT *Client ) { long count; assert( Client != NULL ); if( Client->type != CLIENT_USER ) return; if( Client->conn_id != NONE ) { /* Local connection */ count = Client_MyUserCount( ); if( count > My_Max_Users ) My_Max_Users = count; } count = Client_UserCount( ); if( count > Max_Users ) Max_Users = count; } /* Adjust_Counters */ /** * Register client in My_Whowas structure for further recall by WHOWAS. * Note: Only clients that have been connected at least 30 seconds will be * registered to prevent automated IRC bots to "destroy" a nice server * history database. */ GLOBAL void Client_RegisterWhowas( CLIENT *Client ) { int slot; time_t now; assert( Client != NULL ); /* Don't register WHOWAS information when "MorePrivacy" is enabled. */ if (Conf_MorePrivacy) return; now = time(NULL); /* Don't register clients that were connected less than 30 seconds. */ if( now - Client->starttime < 30 ) return; slot = Last_Whowas + 1; if( slot >= MAX_WHOWAS || slot < 0 ) slot = 0; #ifdef DEBUG Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Saving WHOWAS information to slot %d ...", slot ); #endif My_Whowas[slot].time = now; strlcpy( My_Whowas[slot].id, Client_ID( Client ), sizeof( My_Whowas[slot].id )); strlcpy( My_Whowas[slot].user, Client_User( Client ), sizeof( My_Whowas[slot].user )); strlcpy( My_Whowas[slot].host, Client_HostnameDisplayed( Client ), sizeof( My_Whowas[slot].host )); strlcpy( My_Whowas[slot].info, Client_Info( Client ), sizeof( My_Whowas[slot].info )); strlcpy( My_Whowas[slot].server, Client_ID( Client_Introducer( Client )), sizeof( My_Whowas[slot].server )); Last_Whowas = slot; } /* Client_RegisterWhowas */ GLOBAL const char * Client_TypeText(CLIENT *Client) { assert(Client != NULL); switch (Client_Type(Client)) { case CLIENT_USER: return "User"; break; case CLIENT_SERVICE: return "Service"; break; case CLIENT_SERVER: return "Server"; break; default: return "Client"; } } /* Client_TypeText */ /** * Destroy user or service client. */ static void Destroy_UserOrService(CLIENT *Client, const char *Txt, const char *FwdMsg, bool SendQuit) { if(Client->conn_id != NONE) { /* Local (directly connected) client */ Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s \"%s\" unregistered (connection %d): %s.", Client_TypeText(Client), Client_Mask(Client), Client->conn_id, Txt); Log_ServerNotice('c', "Client exiting: %s (%s@%s) [%s]", Client_ID(Client), Client_User(Client), Client_Hostname(Client), Txt); if (SendQuit) { /* Inforam all the other servers */ if (FwdMsg) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix(NULL, Client, "QUIT :%s", FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix(NULL, Client, "QUIT :"); } } else { /* Remote client */ LogDebug("%s \"%s\" unregistered: %s.", Client_TypeText(Client), Client_Mask(Client), Txt); if(SendQuit) { /* Inform all the other servers, but the ones in the * direction we got the QUIT from */ if(FwdMsg) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix(Client_NextHop(Client), Client, "QUIT :%s", FwdMsg ); else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix(Client_NextHop(Client), Client, "QUIT :" ); } } /* Unregister client from channels */ Channel_Quit(Client, FwdMsg ? FwdMsg : Client->id); /* Register client in My_Whowas structure */ Client_RegisterWhowas(Client); } /* Destroy_UserOrService */ /** * Introduce a new user or service client to a remote server. * * This function differentiates between RFC1459 and RFC2813 server links and * generates the appropriate commands to register the new user or service. * * @param To The remote server to inform. * @param Prefix Prefix for the generated commands. * @param data CLIENT structure of the new client. */ static void cb_introduceClient(CLIENT *To, CLIENT *Prefix, void *data) { CLIENT *c = (CLIENT *)data; CONN_ID conn; char *modes, *user, *host; modes = Client_Modes(c); user = Client_User(c) ? Client_User(c) : "-"; host = Client_Hostname(c) ? Client_Hostname(c) : "-"; conn = Client_Conn(To); if (Conn_Options(conn) & CONN_RFC1459) { /* RFC 1459 mode: separate NICK and USER commands */ Conn_WriteStr(conn, "NICK %s :%d", Client_ID(c), Client_Hops(c) + 1); Conn_WriteStr(conn, ":%s USER %s %s %s :%s", Client_ID(c), user, host, Client_ID(Client_Introducer(c)), Client_Info(c)); if (modes[0]) Conn_WriteStr(conn, ":%s MODE %s +%s", Client_ID(c), Client_ID(c), modes); } else { /* RFC 2813 mode: one combined NICK or SERVICE command */ if (Client_Type(c) == CLIENT_SERVICE && strchr(Client_Flags(To), 'S')) IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix(To, Prefix, "SERVICE %s %d * +%s %d :%s", Client_Mask(c), Client_MyToken(Client_Introducer(c)), Client_Modes(c), Client_Hops(c) + 1, Client_Info(c)); else IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix(To, Prefix, "NICK %s %d %s %s %d +%s :%s", Client_ID(c), Client_Hops(c) + 1, user, host, Client_MyToken(Client_Introducer(c)), modes, Client_Info(c)); } } /* cb_introduceClient */ #ifdef DEBUG GLOBAL void Client_DebugDump(void) { CLIENT *c; Log(LOG_DEBUG, "Client status:"); c = My_Clients; while (c) { Log(LOG_DEBUG, " - %s: type=%d, host=%s, user=%s, conn=%d, start=%ld, flags=%s", Client_ID(c), Client_Type(c), Client_Hostname(c), Client_User(c), Client_Conn(c), Client_StartTime(c), Client_Flags(c)); c = (CLIENT *)c->next; } } /* Client_DumpClients */ #endif /* -eof- */