- STATS: Unterfunktion "L" implementiert.

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Barton 2002-12-02 13:20:02 +00:00
parent 39219230b2
commit bad7ac62a7
1 changed files with 32 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
* der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
* $Id: irc-info.c,v 1.2 2002/11/30 18:10:01 alex Exp $
* $Id: irc-info.c,v 1.3 2002/12/02 13:20:02 alex Exp $
* irc-info.c: IRC-Info-Befehle
@ -330,7 +330,8 @@ IRC_NAMES( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
CLIENT *from, *target;
CLIENT *from, *target, *cl;
CONN_ID con;
CHAR query;
assert( Client != NULL );
@ -360,6 +361,35 @@ IRC_STATS( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
if( Req->argc > 0 ) query = Req->argv[0][0] ? Req->argv[0][0] : '*';
else query = '*';
switch ( query )
case 'l': /* Links */
case 'L':
con = Conn_First( );
while( con != NONE )
cl = Client_GetFromConn( con );
if( cl )
#ifdef USE_ZLIB
if( Conn_Options( con ) & CONN_ZIP )
if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( from, RPL_STATSLINKINFOZIP_MSG, Client_ID( from ), Client_Mask( cl ), Conn_SendQ( con ), Conn_SendMsg( con ), Conn_SendBytesZip( con ), Conn_SendBytes( con ), Conn_RecvMsg( con ), Conn_RecvBytesZip( con ), Conn_RecvBytes( con ), (LONG)( time( NULL ) - Conn_StartTime( con )))) return DISCONNECTED;
if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( from, RPL_STATSLINKINFO_MSG, Client_ID( from ), Client_Mask( cl ), Conn_SendQ( con ), Conn_SendMsg( con ), Conn_SendBytes( con ), Conn_RecvMsg( con ), Conn_RecvBytes( con ), (LONG)( time( NULL ) - Conn_StartTime( con )))) return DISCONNECTED;
con = Conn_Next( con );
case 'm': /* IRC-Befehle */
case 'M':
return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, RPL_ENDOFSTATS_MSG, Client_ID( from ), query );
} /* IRC_STATS */