- SQUIT wird auf jeden Fall geforwarded, zudem besseres Logging.

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Barton 2002-02-27 02:26:58 +00:00
parent 1575e30d77
commit b181f1bd3c
1 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -9,11 +9,14 @@
* Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
* der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
* $Id: irc.c,v 1.71 2002/02/27 00:50:05 alex Exp $
* $Id: irc.c,v 1.72 2002/02/27 02:26:58 alex Exp $
* irc.c: IRC-Befehle
* $Log: irc.c,v $
* Revision 1.72 2002/02/27 02:26:58 alex
* - SQUIT wird auf jeden Fall geforwarded, zudem besseres Logging.
* Revision 1.71 2002/02/27 00:50:05 alex
* - einige unnoetige Client_NextHop()-Aufrufe entfernt.
* - NAMES korrigiert und komplett implementiert.
@ -1045,6 +1048,7 @@ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_QUIT( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
CLIENT *target;
CHAR msg[128];
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
@ -1055,6 +1059,9 @@ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_SQUIT( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
/* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */
if( Req->argc != 2 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
/* SQUIT an alle Server weiterleiten */
IRC_WriteStrServers( Client, "SQUIT %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
target = Client_GetFromID( Req->argv[0] );
if( ! target )
@ -1065,20 +1072,23 @@ GLOBAL BOOLEAN IRC_SQUIT( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
if( target == Client ) Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Got SQUIT from %s: %s", Client_ID( Client ), Req->argv[1] );
else Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Got SQUIT from %s for %s: %s", Client_ID( Client ), Client_ID( target ), Req->argv[1] );
/* SQUIT an alle Server weiterleiten */
IRC_WriteStrServers( Client, "SQUIT %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
if( Req->argv[1][0] )
strcpy( msg, "Got SQUIT: " );
strncpy( &msg[11], Req->argv[1], 116 );
msg[128] = '\0';
else strcpy( msg, "Got SQUIT command." );
if( Client_Conn( target ) > NONE )
if( Req->argv[1][0] ) Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), "Got SQUIT command.", Req->argv[1], TRUE );
else Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), "Got SQUIT command.", NULL, TRUE );
/* dieser Server hat die Connection */
if( Req->argv[1][0] ) Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), msg, Req->argv[1], TRUE );
else Conn_Close( Client_Conn( target ), msg, NULL, TRUE );
else Client_Destroy( target, msg, Req->argv[1] );
Client_Destroy( target, "Got SQUIT command.", Req->argv[1] );
} /* IRC_SQUIT */