diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c18df41d..af9d14ca 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@
+  - IRC_WHO now supports search patterns and will test this
+    against user nickname/servername/hostname, etc. as required by
+    RFC 2812, Section 3.6.1. (reported by Dana Dahlstrom)
+  - Add test cases for "WHO" command. (Dana Dahlstrom)
   - implement RFC 2812 handling of "0" argument to 'JOIN':
     must be treated as if the user had sent PART commands
     for all channels the user is a member of. (Dana Dahlstrom)
@@ -741,4 +744,4 @@ ngIRCd 0.0.1, 31.12.2001
-$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.336 2008/02/05 13:31:50 fw Exp $
+$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.337 2008/02/11 11:06:33 fw Exp $
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 1f37b88b..9bd503f7 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
+  - IRC_WHO now supports search patterns and will test this
+    against user nickname/servername/hostname, etc. as required by
+    RFC 2812, Section 3.6.1.
   - implement RFC 2812 handling of "0" argument to 'JOIN':
     must be treated as if the user had sent PART commands
     for all channels the user is a member of. (Dana Dahlstrom)
@@ -258,4 +260,4 @@ ngIRCd 0.0.1, 31.12.2001
-$Id: NEWS,v 1.85 2008/02/05 14:41:50 fw Exp $
+$Id: NEWS,v 1.86 2008/02/11 11:06:33 fw Exp $
diff --git a/src/ngircd/irc-info.c b/src/ngircd/irc-info.c
index 24db75de..1a9f7b4b 100644
--- a/src/ngircd/irc-info.c
+++ b/src/ngircd/irc-info.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "portab.h"
-static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: irc-info.c,v 1.41 2007/12/11 11:29:44 fw Exp $";
+static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: irc-info.c,v 1.42 2008/02/11 11:06:31 fw Exp $";
 #include "imp.h"
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: irc-info.c,v 1.41 2007/12/11 11:29:44 fw Exp $";
 #include "defines.h"
 #include "log.h"
 #include "messages.h"
+#include "match.h"
 #include "tool.h"
 #include "parse.h"
 #include "irc-write.h"
@@ -592,12 +593,87 @@ IRC_VERSION( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
 } /* IRC_VERSION */
+static bool
+write_whoreply(CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *c, const char *channelname, const char *flags)
+	return IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_WHOREPLY_MSG, Client_ID(Client), channelname,
+			Client_User(c), Client_Hostname(c), Client_ID(Client_Introducer(c)), Client_ID(c),
+			flags, Client_Hops(c), Client_Info(c));
+static bool
+IRC_Send_WHO(CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan, bool OnlyOps)
+	bool is_visible, is_member, is_ircop;
+	CL2CHAN *cl2chan;
+	const char *client_modes;
+	const char *chan_user_modes;
+	char flags[8];
+	CLIENT *c;
+	assert( Client != NULL );
+	assert( Chan != NULL );
+	is_member = Channel_IsMemberOf(Chan, Client);
+	/* Secret channel? */
+	if (!is_member && strchr(Channel_Modes(Chan), 's'))
+		return CONNECTED;
+	cl2chan = Channel_FirstMember(Chan);
+	for (; cl2chan ; cl2chan = Channel_NextMember(Chan, cl2chan)) {
+		c = Channel_GetClient(cl2chan);
+		client_modes = Client_Modes(c);
+		is_ircop = strchr(client_modes, 'o') != NULL;
+		if (OnlyOps && !is_ircop)
+			continue;
+		is_visible = strchr(client_modes, 'i') == NULL;
+		if (is_member || is_visible) {
+			if (strchr(client_modes, 'a'))
+				strcpy(flags, "G"); /* away */
+			else
+				strcpy(flags, "H");
+			if (is_ircop)
+				strlcat(flags, "*", sizeof(flags));
+			chan_user_modes = Channel_UserModes(Chan, c);
+			if (strchr(chan_user_modes, 'o'))
+				strlcat(flags, "@", sizeof(flags));
+			else if (strchr(chan_user_modes, 'v'))
+				strlcat(flags, "+", sizeof(flags));
+			if (!write_whoreply(Client, c, Channel_Name(Chan), flags))
+				return DISCONNECTED;
+		}
+	}
+	return IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Channel_Name(Chan));
+} /* IRC_Send_WHO */
+static bool
+MatchCaseInsensitive(const char *pattern, const char *searchme)
+	char haystack[COMMAND_LEN];
+	strlcpy(haystack, searchme, sizeof(haystack));
+	ngt_LowerStr(haystack);
+	return Match(pattern, haystack);
 GLOBAL bool
-	bool ok, only_ops;
-	char flags[8];
-	const char *ptr;
+	bool only_ops, have_arg, client_match;
+	const char *channelname, *client_modes;
+	char pattern[COMMAND_LEN];
+	char flags[4];
 	CL2CHAN *cl2chan;
 	CHANNEL *chan, *cn;
 	CLIENT *c;
@@ -605,78 +681,101 @@ IRC_WHO( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req )
 	assert( Client != NULL );
 	assert( Req != NULL );
-	/* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */
-	if(( Req->argc > 2 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
+	if (Req->argc > 2)
+		return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
 	only_ops = false;
-	chan = NULL;
+	have_arg = false;
-	if( Req->argc == 2 )
-	{
-		/* Nur OPs anzeigen? */
-		if( strcmp( Req->argv[1], "o" ) == 0 ) only_ops = true;
+	if (Req->argc == 2) {
+		if (strcmp(Req->argv[1], "o") == 0)
+			only_ops = true;
 #ifdef STRICT_RFC
-		else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
+		else return IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID(Client), Req->command);
-	if( Req->argc >= 1 )
-	{
-		/* wurde ein Channel oder Nick-Mask angegeben? */
-		chan = Channel_Search( Req->argv[0] );
+	IRC_SetPenalty(Client, 1);
+	if (Req->argc >= 1) { /* Channel or Mask. */
+		chan = Channel_Search(Req->argv[0]);
+		if (chan)
+			return IRC_Send_WHO(Client, chan, only_ops);
+		if (strcmp(Req->argv[0], "0") != 0) { /* RFC stupidity, same as no arguments */
+			have_arg = true;
+			strlcpy(pattern, Req->argv[0], sizeof(pattern));
+			ngt_LowerStr(pattern);
+			IRC_SetPenalty(Client, 3);
+		}
-	if( chan )
-	{
-		/* User eines Channels ausgeben */
-		if( ! IRC_Send_WHO( Client, chan, only_ops )) return DISCONNECTED;
-	}
+	for (c = Client_First(); c != NULL; c = Client_Next(c)) {
+		if (Client_Type(c) != CLIENT_USER)
+			continue;
+		 /*
+		  * RFC 2812, 3.6.1:
+		  * In the absence of the parameter, all visible (users who aren't
+		  * invisible (user mode +i) and who don't have a common channel
+		  * with the requesting client) are listed.
+		  *
+		  * The same result can be achieved by using a [sic] of "0"
+		  * or any wildcard which will end up matching every visible user.
+		  *
+		  * The [sic] passed to WHO is matched against users' host, server, real name and
+		  * nickname if the channel cannot be found.
+		  */
+		client_modes = Client_Modes(c);
+		if (strchr(client_modes, 'i'))
+			continue;
-	c = Client_First( );
-	while( c )
-	{
-		if(( Client_Type( c ) == CLIENT_USER ) && ( ! strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'i' )))
-		{
-			ok = false;
-			if( Req->argc == 0 ) ok = true;
-			else
-			{
-				if( strcasecmp( Req->argv[0], Client_ID( c )) == 0 ) ok = true;
-				else if( strcmp( Req->argv[0], "0" ) == 0 ) ok = true;
-			}
+		if (only_ops && !strchr(client_modes, 'o'))
+			continue;
-			if( ok && (( ! only_ops ) || ( strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'o' ))))
-			{
-				/* Get flags */
-				strcpy( flags, "H" );
-				if( strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'o' )) strlcat( flags, "*", sizeof( flags ));
+		if (have_arg) { /* match pattern against user host/server/name/nick */
+			client_match = MatchCaseInsensitive(pattern, Client_Hostname(c)); /* user's host */
+			if (!client_match)
+				client_match = MatchCaseInsensitive(pattern, Client_ID(Client_Introducer(c))); /* server */
+			if (!client_match)
+				client_match = Match(Req->argv[0], Client_Info(c)); /* realname */
+			if (!client_match)
+				client_match = MatchCaseInsensitive(pattern, Client_ID(c)); /* nick name */
-				/* Search suitable channel */
-				cl2chan = Channel_FirstChannelOf( c );
-				while( cl2chan )
-				{
-					cn = Channel_GetChannel( cl2chan );
-					if( Channel_IsMemberOf( cn, Client ) ||
-					    ! strchr( Channel_Modes( cn ), 's' ))
-					{
-						ptr = Channel_Name( cn );
-						break;
-					}
-					cl2chan = Channel_NextChannelOf( c, cl2chan );
-				}
-				if( ! cl2chan ) ptr = "*";
-				if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_WHOREPLY_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), ptr, Client_User( c ), Client_Hostname( c ), Client_ID( Client_Introducer( c )), Client_ID( c ), flags, Client_Hops( c ), Client_Info( c ))) return DISCONNECTED;
-			}
+			if (!client_match) /* This isn't the client you're looking for */
+				continue;
-		/* naechster Client */
-		c = Client_Next( c );
+		if (strchr(client_modes, 'a'))
+			strcpy(flags, "G"); /* user is away */
+		else
+			strcpy(flags, "H");
+		if (only_ops) /* this client is an operator */
+			strlcat(flags, "*", sizeof(flags));
+		/* Search suitable channel */
+		cl2chan = Channel_FirstChannelOf(c);
+		while (cl2chan) {
+			cn = Channel_GetChannel(cl2chan);
+			if (Channel_IsMemberOf(cn, Client) ||
+				    !strchr(Channel_Modes(cn), 's'))
+			{
+				channelname = Channel_Name(cn);
+				break;
+			}
+			cl2chan = Channel_NextChannelOf(c, cl2chan);
+		}
+		if (!cl2chan)
+			channelname = "*";
+		if (!write_whoreply(Client, c, channelname, flags))
+			return DISCONNECTED;
-	if( chan ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Channel_Name( chan ));
-	else if( Req->argc == 0 ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), "*" );
-	else return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->argv[0] );
+	if (Req->argc > 0)
+		channelname = Req->argv[0];
+	else
+		channelname = "*";
+	return IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG, Client_ID(Client), channelname);
 } /* IRC_WHO */
@@ -1056,53 +1155,6 @@ IRC_Send_NAMES( CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan )
 } /* IRC_Send_NAMES */
-GLOBAL bool
-IRC_Send_WHO( CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan, bool OnlyOps )
-	bool is_visible, is_member;
-	CL2CHAN *cl2chan;
-	char flags[8];
-	CLIENT *c;
-	assert( Client != NULL );
-	assert( Chan != NULL );
-	if( Channel_IsMemberOf( Chan, Client )) is_member = true;
-	else is_member = false;
-	/* Secret channel? */
-	if( ! is_member && strchr( Channel_Modes( Chan ), 's' )) return CONNECTED;
-	/* Alle Mitglieder suchen */
-	cl2chan = Channel_FirstMember( Chan );
-	while( cl2chan )
-	{
-		c = Channel_GetClient( cl2chan );
-		if( strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'i' )) is_visible = false;
-		else is_visible = true;
-		if( is_member || is_visible )
-		{
-			/* Flags zusammenbasteln */
-			strcpy( flags, "H" );
-			if( strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'o' )) strlcat( flags, "*", sizeof( flags ));
-			if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( Chan, c ), 'o' )) strlcat( flags, "@", sizeof( flags ));
-			else if( strchr( Channel_UserModes( Chan, c ), 'v' )) strlcat( flags, "+", sizeof( flags ));
-			/* ausgeben */
-			if(( ! OnlyOps ) || ( strchr( Client_Modes( c ), 'o' )))
-			{
-				if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_WHOREPLY_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Channel_Name( Chan ), Client_User( c ), Client_Hostname( c ), Client_ID( Client_Introducer( c )), Client_ID( c ), flags, Client_Hops( c ), Client_Info( c ))) return DISCONNECTED;
-			}
-		}
-		/* naechstes Mitglied suchen */
-		cl2chan = Channel_NextMember( Chan, cl2chan );
-	}
-	return CONNECTED;
-} /* IRC_Send_WHO */
  * Send the ISUPPORT numeric (005).
diff --git a/src/ngircd/irc-info.h b/src/ngircd/irc-info.h
index 41e3953d..1aff85bf 100644
--- a/src/ngircd/irc-info.h
+++ b/src/ngircd/irc-info.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  * (at your option) any later version.
  * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
- * $Id: irc-info.h,v 1.4 2007/11/21 12:16:36 alex Exp $
+ * $Id: irc-info.h,v 1.5 2008/02/11 11:06:31 fw Exp $
  * IRC info commands (header)
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ GLOBAL bool IRC_WHOWAS PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, REQUEST *Req ));
 GLOBAL bool IRC_Show_MOTD PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
-GLOBAL bool IRC_Send_WHO PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, CHANNEL *Chan, bool OnlyOps ));
diff --git a/src/testsuite/Makefile.am b/src/testsuite/Makefile.am
index d02e4e19..58a617ee 100644
--- a/src/testsuite/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/testsuite/Makefile.am
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
 # der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
-# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.15 2007/11/18 15:07:16 alex Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.16 2008/02/11 11:06:32 fw Exp $
 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = ../portab/ansi2knr
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	start-server.sh stop-server.sh tests.sh stress-server.sh \
 	test-loop.sh wait-tests.sh \
 	connect-test.e channel-test.e mode-test.e \
+	who-away-test.e
 	stress-A.e stress-B.e check-idle.e \
@@ -47,6 +48,10 @@ channel-test: tests.sh
 	rm -f channel-test
 	ln -s $(srcdir)/tests.sh channel-test
+who-away-test: tests.sh
+	rm -f who-away-test
+	ln -s $(srcdir)/tests.sh who-away-test
 mode-test: tests.sh
 	rm -f mode-test
 	ln -s $(srcdir)/tests.sh mode-test
@@ -54,6 +59,7 @@ mode-test: tests.sh
 TESTS = start-server.sh \
 	connect-test \
 	channel-test \
+	who-away-test \
 	mode-test \
 	stress-server.sh \
diff --git a/src/testsuite/who-away-test.e b/src/testsuite/who-away-test.e
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5e442a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testsuite/who-away-test.e
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# $Id: who-away-test.e,v 1.1 2008/02/11 11:06:32 fw Exp $
+spawn telnet localhost 6789
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	"Connected"
+send "nick nick\r"
+send "user user . . :Real Name\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	"376"
+send "who\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "who 0\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "who *\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "away :testing\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	"306 nick"
+send "who localhost\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick G :0 Real Name"
+send "who ngircd.test.server\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick G :0 Real Name"
+send "who Real?Name\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick G :0 Real Name"
+send "who nick\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick G :0 Real Name"
+send "away\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	"305 nick"
+send "who *cal*ho??\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "who *.server\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "who Real*me\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "who n?c?\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	":ngircd.test.server 352 nick * ~user localhost ngircd.test.server nick H :0 Real Name"
+send "quit\r"
+expect {
+	timeout { exit 1 }
+	"Connection closed"
+# -eof-