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* ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
* Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
* Connection compression using ZLIB
#include "portab.h"
#ifdef ZLIB
static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: conn-zip.c,v 1.6 2005/03/19 18:43:48 fw Exp $";
#include "imp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "conn.h"
#include "conn-func.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "conn-zip.h"
Zip_InitConn( CONN_ID Idx )
/* Kompression fuer Link initialisieren */
assert( Idx > NONE );
My_Connections[Idx] = 0;
My_Connections[Idx] = 0;
My_Connections[Idx] = 0;
My_Connections[Idx] = NULL;
My_Connections[Idx] = NULL;
My_Connections[Idx] = Z_ASCII;
if( inflateInit( &My_Connections[Idx] ) != Z_OK )
/* Fehler! */
Log( LOG_ALERT, "Can't initialize compression on connection %d (zlib inflate)!", Idx );
return false;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.out.total_in = 0;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.out.total_in = 0;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.out.zalloc = NULL;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.out.zfree = NULL;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.out.data_type = Z_ASCII;
if( deflateInit( &My_Connections[Idx].zip.out, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION ) != Z_OK )
/* Fehler! */
Log( LOG_ALERT, "Can't initialize compression on connection %d (zlib deflate)!", Idx );
return false;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_in = My_Connections[Idx].bytes_in;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_out = My_Connections[Idx].bytes_out;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Enabled link compression (zlib) on connection %d.", Idx );
Conn_SetOption( Idx, CONN_ZIP );
return true;
} /* Zip_InitConn */
Zip_Buffer( CONN_ID Idx, char *Data, int Len )
/* Daten zum Komprimieren im "Kompressions-Puffer" sammeln.
* Es wird true bei Erfolg, sonst false geliefert. */
assert( Idx > NONE );
assert( Data != NULL );
assert( Len > 0 );
/* Ist noch Platz im Kompressions-Puffer? */
if( ZWRITEBUFFER_LEN - My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen < Len + 50 )
/* Nein! Puffer zunaechst leeren ...*/
if( ! Zip_Flush( Idx )) return false;
/* Daten kopieren */
memmove( My_Connections[Idx].zip.wbuf + My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen, Data, Len );
My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen += Len;
return true;
} /* Zip_Buffer */
Zip_Flush( CONN_ID Idx )
/* Daten komprimieren und in Schreibpuffer kopieren.
* Es wird true bei Erfolg, sonst false geliefert. */
int result, out_len;
z_stream *out;
out = &My_Connections[Idx].zip.out;
out->next_in = (void *)My_Connections[Idx].zip.wbuf;
out->avail_in = My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen;
out->next_out = (void *)(My_Connections[Idx].wbuf + My_Connections[Idx].wdatalen);
out->avail_out = WRITEBUFFER_LEN - My_Connections[Idx].wdatalen;
result = deflate( out, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
if(( result != Z_OK ) || ( out->avail_in > 0 ))
Log( LOG_ALERT, "Compression error: code %d!?", result );
Conn_Close( Idx, "Compression error!", NULL, false );
return false;
out_len = WRITEBUFFER_LEN - My_Connections[Idx].wdatalen - out->avail_out;
My_Connections[Idx].wdatalen += out_len;
My_Connections[Idx].bytes_out += out_len;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_out += My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.wdatalen = 0;
return true;
} /* Zip_Flush */
Unzip_Buffer( CONN_ID Idx )
/* Daten entpacken und in Lesepuffer kopieren. Bei Fehlern
* wird false geliefert, ansonsten true. Der Fall, dass keine
* Daten mehr zu entpacken sind, ist _kein_ Fehler! */
int result, in_len, out_len;
z_stream *in;
assert( Idx > NONE );
if( My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen <= 0 ) return true;
in = &My_Connections[Idx];
in->next_in = (void *)My_Connections[Idx].zip.rbuf;
in->avail_in = My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen;
in->next_out = (void *)(My_Connections[Idx].rbuf + My_Connections[Idx].rdatalen);
in->avail_out = READBUFFER_LEN - My_Connections[Idx].rdatalen - 1;
result = inflate( in, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
if( result != Z_OK )
Log( LOG_ALERT, "Decompression error: %s (code=%d, ni=%d, ai=%d, no=%d, ao=%d)!?", in->msg, result, in->next_in, in->avail_in, in->next_out, in->avail_out );
Conn_Close( Idx, "Decompression error!", NULL, false );
return false;
in_len = My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen - in->avail_in;
out_len = READBUFFER_LEN - My_Connections[Idx].rdatalen - 1 - in->avail_out;
My_Connections[Idx].rdatalen += out_len;
if( in->avail_in > 0 )
/* es konnten nicht alle Daten entpackt werden, vermutlich war
* im Ziel-Puffer kein Platz mehr. Umkopieren ... */
My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen -= in_len;
memmove( My_Connections[Idx].zip.rbuf, My_Connections[Idx].zip.rbuf + in_len, My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen );
else My_Connections[Idx].zip.rdatalen = 0;
My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_in += out_len;
return true;
} /* Unzip_Buffer */
Zip_SendBytes( CONN_ID Idx )
/* Anzahl gesendeter Bytes (komprimiert!) liefern */
assert( Idx > NONE );
return My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_out;
} /* Zip_SendBytes */
Zip_RecvBytes( CONN_ID Idx )
/* Anzahl gesendeter Bytes (komprimiert!) liefern */
assert( Idx > NONE );
return My_Connections[Idx].zip.bytes_in;
} /* Zip_RecvBytes */
/* -eof- */