
536 lines
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* ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
* Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
* IRC channel commands
#include "portab.h"
static char UNUSED id[] = "$Id: irc-channel.c,v 1.34 2006/03/16 19:56:34 fw Exp $";
#include "imp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "conn.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "lists.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "irc-info.h"
#include "irc-write.h"
#include "resolve.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "irc-channel.h"
char *channame, *channame_ptr, *key, *key_ptr, *flags, *topic, modes[8];
bool is_new_chan, is_invited, is_banned;
CLIENT *target;
CHANNEL *chan;
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
/* Bad number of arguments? */
if(( Req->argc > 2 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
/* Who is the sender? */
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER ) target = Client_Search( Req->prefix );
else target = Client;
if( ! target ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->prefix );
/* Are channel keys given? */
if (Req->argc > 1) {
key = Req->argv[1];
key_ptr = strchr(key, ',');
if (key_ptr) *key_ptr = '\0';
key = key_ptr = NULL;
channame = Req->argv[0];
channame_ptr = strchr(channame, ',');
if (channame_ptr) *channame_ptr = '\0';
/* Channel-Namen durchgehen */
while (channame)
chan = NULL; flags = NULL;
/* wird der Channel neu angelegt? */
if( Channel_Search( channame )) is_new_chan = false;
else is_new_chan = true;
/* Hat ein Server Channel-User-Modes uebergeben? */
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER )
/* Channel-Flags extrahieren */
flags = strchr( channame, 0x7 );
if( flags )
*flags = '\0';
/* Local client? */
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_USER )
2002-12-14 14:23:11 +01:00
/* Test if the user has reached his maximum channel count */
if(( Conf_MaxJoins > 0 ) && ( Channel_CountForUser( Client ) >= Conf_MaxJoins )) {
Client_ID( Client ), channame );
2002-12-14 14:23:11 +01:00
/* Existiert der Channel bereits, oder wird er im Moment neu erzeugt? */
if( is_new_chan )
/* Erster User im Channel: Operator-Flag setzen */
flags = "o";
/* Existierenden Channel suchen */
chan = Channel_Search( channame );
assert( chan != NULL );
is_banned = Lists_CheckBanned( target, chan );
is_invited = Lists_CheckInvited( target, chan );
/* Testen, ob Client gebanned ist */
if(( is_banned == true) && ( is_invited == false ))
/* Client ist gebanned (und nicht invited): */
IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), channame );
/* Try next name, if any */
channame = strtok( NULL, "," );
/* Ist der Channel "invite-only"? */
if(( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'i' )) && ( is_invited == false ))
/* Channel ist "invite-only" und Client wurde nicht invited: */
IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), channame );
/* Try next name, if any */
channame = strtok( NULL, "," );
/* Is the channel protected by a key? */
if(( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'k' )) && ( strcmp( Channel_Key( chan ), key ? key : "" ) != 0 ))
/* Bad channel key! */
IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_BADCHANNELKEY_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), channame );
/* Try next name, if any */
channame = strtok( NULL, "," );
/* Are there already too many members? */
if(( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'l' )) && ( Channel_MaxUsers( chan ) <= Channel_MemberCount( chan )))
/* Bad channel key! */
IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_CHANNELISFULL_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), channame );
/* Try next name, if any */
channame = strtok( NULL, "," );
/* Remote server: we don't need to know whether the
* client is invited or not, but we have to make sure
* that the "one shot" entries (generated by INVITE
* commands) in this list become deleted when a user
* joins a channel this way. */
chan = Channel_Search( channame );
if( chan != NULL ) (void)Lists_CheckInvited( target, chan );
/* Channel joinen (und ggf. anlegen) */
if( ! Channel_Join( target, channame ))
/* naechsten Namen ermitteln */
channame = strtok( NULL, "," );
if( ! chan ) chan = Channel_Search( channame );
assert( chan != NULL );
/* Modes setzen (wenn vorhanden) */
while( flags && *flags )
Channel_UserModeAdd( chan, target, *flags );
/* Wenn persistenter Channel und IRC-Operator: zum Channel-OP machen */
if(( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'P' )) && ( strchr( Client_Modes( target ), 'o' ))) Channel_UserModeAdd( chan, target, 'o' );
/* Muessen Modes an andere Server gemeldet werden? */
strlcpy( &modes[1], Channel_UserModes( chan, target ), sizeof( modes ) - 1 );
if( modes[1] ) modes[0] = 0x7;
else modes[0] = '\0';
/* An andere Server weiterleiten */
IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client, target, "JOIN :%s%s", channame, modes );
/* im Channel bekannt machen */
IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, target, false, "JOIN :%s", channame );
if( modes[1] )
/* Modes im Channel bekannt machen */
IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, target, false, "MODE %s +%s %s", channame, &modes[1], Client_ID( target ));
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_USER )
/* an Client bestaetigen */
IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( Client, target, "JOIN :%s", channame );
/* Send topic to client, if any */
topic = Channel_Topic(chan);
if (*topic) {
IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_TOPIC_MSG,
Client_ID(Client), channame, topic);
#ifndef STRICT_RFC
IRC_WriteStrClient(Client, RPL_TOPICSETBY_MSG,
Client_ID(Client), channame,
/* Mitglieder an Client Melden */
IRC_Send_NAMES( Client, chan );
IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, RPL_ENDOFNAMES_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Channel_Name( chan ));
/* next channel? */
channame = channame_ptr;
if (channame) {
channame_ptr = strchr(channame, ',');
if (channame_ptr) *channame_ptr = '\0';
if (key_ptr) {
key = ++key_ptr;
key_ptr = strchr(key, ',');
if (key_ptr) *key_ptr = '\0';
} /* IRC_JOIN */
CLIENT *target;
char *chan;
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
/* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */
if(( Req->argc > 2 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
/* Wer ist der Absender? */
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER ) target = Client_Search( Req->prefix );
else target = Client;
if( ! target ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->prefix );
/* Channel-Namen durchgehen */
chan = strtok( Req->argv[0], "," );
while( chan )
if( ! Channel_Part( target, Client, chan, Req->argc > 1 ? Req->argv[1] : Client_ID( target )))
/* naechsten Namen ermitteln */
chan = strtok( NULL, "," );
/* naechsten Namen ermitteln */
chan = strtok( NULL, "," );
} /* IRC_PART */
CHANNEL *chan;
CLIENT *from;
char *topic;
bool r;
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
/* Falsche Anzahl Parameter? */
if(( Req->argc < 1 ) || ( Req->argc > 2 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER ) from = Client_Search( Req->prefix );
else from = Client;
if( ! from ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->prefix );
/* Welcher Channel? */
chan = Channel_Search( Req->argv[0] );
if( ! chan ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( from ), Req->argv[0] );
/* Ist der User Mitglied in dem Channel? */
if( ! Channel_IsMemberOf( chan, from )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL_MSG, Client_ID( from ), Req->argv[0] );
if( Req->argc == 1 )
/* Request actual topic */
topic = Channel_Topic(chan);
if (*topic) {
r = IRC_WriteStrClient(from, RPL_TOPIC_MSG,
Client_ID(Client), Channel_Name(chan), topic);
#ifndef STRICT_RFC
r = IRC_WriteStrClient(from, RPL_TOPICSETBY_MSG,
Client_ID(Client), Channel_Name(chan),
return r;
return IRC_WriteStrClient(from, RPL_NOTOPIC_MSG,
Client_ID(from), Channel_Name(chan));
if( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 't' ))
/* Topic Lock. Ist der User ein Channel Operator? */
if( ! strchr( Channel_UserModes( chan, from ), 'o' )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED_MSG, Client_ID( from ), Channel_Name( chan ));
/* Set new topic */
Channel_SetTopic(chan, from, Req->argv[1]);
Log(LOG_DEBUG, "User \"%s\" set topic on \"%s\": %s",
Client_Mask(from), Channel_Name(chan),
Req->argv[1][0] ? Req->argv[1] : "<none>");
/* im Channel bekannt machen und an Server weiterleiten */
IRC_WriteStrServersPrefix( Client, from, "TOPIC %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, from, false, "TOPIC %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_USER ) return IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( Client, Client, "TOPIC %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
else return CONNECTED;
} /* IRC_TOPIC */
* Handler for the IRC "LIST" command.
* This implementation handles the local case as well as the forwarding of the
* LIST command to other servers in the IRC network.
char *pattern;
CHANNEL *chan;
CLIENT *from, *target;
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
/* Bad number of prameters? */
if( Req->argc > 2 )
return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG,
Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
if( Req->argc > 0 )
pattern = strtok( Req->argv[0], "," );
pattern = "*";
/* Get sender from prefix, if any */
if( Client_Type( Client ) == CLIENT_SERVER )
from = Client_Search( Req->prefix );
from = Client;
if( ! from )
return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER_MSG,
Client_ID( Client ), Req->prefix );
if( Req->argc == 2 )
/* Forward to other server? */
target = Client_Search( Req->argv[1] );
if(( ! target ) || ( Client_Type( target ) != CLIENT_SERVER ))
return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER_MSG,
Client_ID( Client ), Req->argv[1] );
if( target != Client_ThisServer( ))
/* Target is indeed an other server, forward it! */
return IRC_WriteStrClientPrefix( target, from,
"LIST %s :%s", Client_ID( from ),
Req->argv[1] );
while( pattern )
/* Loop through all the channels */
chan = Channel_First( );
while( chan )
/* Check search pattern */
if( Match( pattern, Channel_Name( chan )))
/* Gotcha! */
if( ! strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 's' ) ||
Channel_IsMemberOf( chan, from ))
if( ! IRC_WriteStrClient( from,
RPL_LIST_MSG, Client_ID( from ),
Channel_Name( chan ),
Channel_MemberCount( chan ),
Channel_Topic( chan )))
chan = Channel_Next( chan );
/* Get next name ... */
if( Req->argc > 0 )
pattern = strtok( NULL, "," );
pattern = NULL;
return IRC_WriteStrClient( from, RPL_LISTEND_MSG, Client_ID( from ));
} /* IRC_LIST */
char modes_add[COMMAND_LEN], l[16], *ptr;
CLIENT *from;
CHANNEL *chan;
int arg_topic;
assert( Client != NULL );
assert( Req != NULL );
/* Bad number of parameters? */
if(( Req->argc < 2 ) || ( Req->argc == 4 ) || ( Req->argc > 5 )) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->command );
/* Compatibility kludge */
if( Req->argc == 5 ) arg_topic = 4;
else if( Req->argc == 3 ) arg_topic = 2;
else arg_topic = -1;
/* Search origin */
from = Client_Search( Req->prefix );
if( ! from ) return IRC_WriteStrClient( Client, ERR_NOSUCHNICK_MSG, Client_ID( Client ), Req->prefix );
/* Search or create channel */
chan = Channel_Search( Req->argv[0] );
if( ! chan ) chan = Channel_Create( Req->argv[0] );
if( ! chan ) return CONNECTED;
if( Req->argv[1][0] == '+' )
ptr = Channel_Modes( chan );
if( ! *ptr )
/* OK, this channel doesn't have modes jet, set the received ones: */
Channel_SetModes( chan, &Req->argv[1][1] );
if( Req->argc == 5 )
if( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'k' )) Channel_SetKey( chan, Req->argv[2] );
if( strchr( Channel_Modes( chan ), 'l' )) Channel_SetMaxUsers( chan, atol( Req->argv[3] ));
/* Delete modes which we never want to inherit */
Channel_ModeDel( chan, 'l' );
Channel_ModeDel( chan, 'k' );
strcpy( modes_add, "" );
ptr = Channel_Modes( chan );
while( *ptr )
if( *ptr == 'l' )
snprintf( l, sizeof( l ), " %ld", Channel_MaxUsers( chan ));
strlcat( modes_add, l, sizeof( modes_add ));
if( *ptr == 'k' )
strlcat( modes_add, " ", sizeof( modes_add ));
strlcat( modes_add, Channel_Key( chan ), sizeof( modes_add ));
/* Inform members of this channel */
IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix( Client, chan, from, false, "MODE %s +%s%s", Req->argv[0], Channel_Modes( chan ), modes_add );
else Log( LOG_WARNING, "CHANINFO: invalid MODE format ignored!" );
if( arg_topic > 0 )
/* We got a topic */
ptr = Channel_Topic( chan );
if(( ! *ptr ) && ( Req->argv[arg_topic][0] ))
/* OK, there is no topic jet */
Channel_SetTopic(chan, Client, Req->argv[arg_topic]);
IRC_WriteStrChannelPrefix(Client, chan, from, false,
"TOPIC %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Channel_Topic(chan));
/* Forward CHANINFO to other serevrs */
if( Req->argc == 5 ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefixFlag( Client, from, 'C', "CHANINFO %s %s %s %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1], Req->argv[2], Req->argv[3], Req->argv[4] );
else if( Req->argc == 3 ) IRC_WriteStrServersPrefixFlag( Client, from, 'C', "CHANINFO %s %s :%s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1], Req->argv[2] );
else IRC_WriteStrServersPrefixFlag( Client, from, 'C', "CHANINFO %s %s", Req->argv[0], Req->argv[1] );
/* -eof- */