Surah Al-Waqiah: A Reminder of Judgment and Righteousness #1

opened 2025-01-11 08:29:20 +01:00 by abuislam · 0 comments

Surah Al-Waqiah (Chapter 56) reminds us of the Day of Judgment and the importance of righteous deeds for eternal life. It emphasizes Allah's power and the transient nature of this world. Explore سورة الكهف مكتوبة here.

Surah Al-Waqiah (Chapter 56) reminds us of the Day of Judgment and the importance of righteous deeds for eternal life. It emphasizes Allah's power and the transient nature of this world. Explore [سورة الكهف مكتوبة]( here.
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Reference: abuislam/LearnSurahWaqiah#1
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