Xymorot 2179e0e06c fix: add missing JoinTable statement
BREAKING CHANGE: This commit replaces the initial typeorm migration.
2020-08-18 00:59:21 +02:00
main fix: add missing JoinTable statement 2020-08-18 00:59:21 +02:00
renderer update: upgrade eslint to major version 7 and rework the application to fit new rules 2020-07-25 02:02:37 +02:00
services update: upgrade eslint to major version 7 and rework the application to fit new rules 2020-07-25 02:02:37 +02:00
main.spec.ts feat: implement a logger service and make it log uncaught exceptions, make unhandled rejections throw an exception, fix spectron test 2020-08-05 22:48:00 +02:00
main.ts feat: make services gettable and injectable by simple strings and not needing to call Symbol.for every time 2020-08-08 18:23:29 +02:00
renderer.ts meta: fix typo in comment 2020-07-26 00:46:39 +02:00