![Renai](resources/logo.png 'Renai') # レンアイ - Hentai Library Thingy text for test commit **What?**\ an application for categorizing hentai manga **Why?**\ see [user stories](workspace/user-stories.md) **How?**\ Node.js, Electron, Typescript, SQLite3 (TypeORM) By the way, there is mature content in this repository. ## Development Quickstart For more information, check [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). - `npm install`, the postinstall script compiles native node modules for electron - might need to install some build tools depending on your platform - `npm run watch` for code transpilation (starts watchers) - `npm run start` ## Usage There is nothing to use yet. You might want to contribute a [user story](workspace/user-stories.md) or two.