const packageJson = require('../package.json'); const ignoreList = [ /^\/\.idea($|\/)/, /^\/\.vscode($|\/)/, /^\/\.nyc_output($|\/)/, /^\/declarations($|\/)/, /^\/mocks($|\/)/, /^\/templates($|\/)/, /^\/test-paths($|\/)/, /^\/types($|\/)/, /^\/workspace($|\/)/, /^\/scripts($|\/)/, /^\/\.editorconfig/, /^\/\.eslintignore/, /^\/\.eslintrc\.json/, /^\/\.gitignore/, /^\/\.mocharc\.yml/, /^\/\.nycrc\.yml/, /^\/\.prettierrc\.yml/, /^\/CONTRIBUTING\.md/, /^\/ormconfig\.yml/, /^\/package-lock\.json/, /^\/tsconfig\.json/, /^\/node_modules\/\.cache($|\/)/, // test and mock files: /^.*\.(spec|mock)\.(ts|js(\.map)?)/, /^\/src\/.*\/test\/.*$/, // original typescript source and generated source map files: /^\/src\/.*\.(ts|js\.map)/, /^\/src\/.*\.eslintrc\.json/, ]; const name = packageJson.productName; if(name !== 'Renai') { throw new TypeError(`The product name "${name}" in package.json is not "Renai"! Change it before building but do not commit it.`) } module.exports = { packagerConfig: { icon: 'resources/icon', ignore: ignoreList, name: name, }, electronRebuildConfig: { force: true, }, makers: [ { name: '@electron-forge/maker-squirrel', config: { name: name, }, }, ], };