import { expect } from 'chai'; import fc from 'fast-check'; import 'mocha'; import { c, s, t } from '../../../src/renderer/services/utils'; describe('Frontend Utils', function() { this.timeout(1000); it("does 'translate' text", () => { expect(t('translate this')).to.equal('translate this'); }); describe('Class Util', () => { beforeEach(function() { const numeric = fc.integer(0x30, 0x39); const alphaCapital = fc.integer(0x41, 0x5a); const alphaSmall = fc.integer(0x61, 0x7a); const alpha = fc.oneof(alphaCapital, alphaSmall).map(String.fromCharCode); const alphaNumeric = fc.oneof(numeric, alphaCapital, alphaSmall).map(String.fromCharCode); this.className = fc .stringOf(fc.oneof(alpha, alphaNumeric, fc.constantFrom('-', '_'))) .filter((name: string) => !!name.charAt(0).match(/[a-zA-Z]/)); this.anything = fc .anything({ maxDepth: 1, maxKeys: 2, }) .filter((thing) => typeof thing !== 'string'); }); it('compiles classes out of an array', function() { const classArrayArbitrary = fc.array(fc.oneof(this.className, this.anything)); fc.assert(, (classArray) => { const expectedClasses = classArray.filter((potentialClass) => typeof potentialClass === 'string'); const compiled = c(classArray); expect(compiled)'string', 'class util does not return a string'); expectedClasses.forEach((expectedClassName) => { expect(compiled).to.contain(expectedClassName, 'class util does not add all classes'); }); }) ); }); it('compiles classes out of an object', function() { const classObjectArbitrary = fc.object({ maxDepth: 0, key: this.className, values: [fc.boolean()], }); fc.assert(, (classObject: any) => { const expectedClasses = Object.keys(classObject).filter((key) => classObject[key]); const compiled = c(classObject); expect(compiled)'string', 'class util does not return a string'); expectedClasses.forEach((className) => { expect(compiled).to.contain(className, 'class util does not add all classes'); }); }) ); }); }); describe('Style Util', () => { it('compiles an object into an html style property', () => { const styleObjectArbitrary = fc.object({ maxDepth: 0, key: fc.string(1, 10).filter((str) => !str.match(/\s/)), values: [fc.string(), fc.integer(), fc.boolean()], }); fc.assert(, (styleObject: any) => { const expectedString = Object.keys(styleObject) .filter((key) => { const value = styleObject[key]; if (typeof value === 'string') { return !!value; } return typeof value === 'number'; }) .map((key) => { return `${key}:${styleObject[key]}`; }) .join(';'); expect(s(styleObject)).to.equal(expectedString); }) ); }); }); });