import { Column, Entity, OneToMany, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm'; import { CollectionName } from './collection-name'; import { CollectionPart } from './collection-part'; /** * A collection is a set of works. * For example, this can be a series or a set of alternate angles. * What constitutes as a collection is ultimately up to the user. * * As a general rule of thumb: * If authors of works see them as belonging together, they are a collection */ @Entity() export class Collection implements IIdentifiableEntity, IMultiNamedEntity { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() public id!: number; @Column() public nameCanonical!: string; @OneToMany(() => CollectionName, (collectionName: CollectionName) => collectionName.entity) public names!: Promise; /** * the connecting entity between this collection and the work */ @OneToMany(() => CollectionPart, (collectionPart: CollectionPart) => collectionPart.collection) public parts!: Promise; }