*[ Gitea Onion Instances ]* -[ HUMAN RIGHTS TECH (RTP) ] A+ (No current hard limits set. As long as people aren't treating it like their cloud) http://gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad.onion - [ Basedwa.re (Heimdall) ] B+ (Requires email access for verification link within 3 hours) http://pmo2bva2xhlxydq7zfswb6v4x4e32p3mj446tblj3hfi2rygh3lraqyd.onion - [ fuwafuwa.moe ] A http://git.fwfwqtpi2ofmehzdxe3e2htqfmhwfciwivpnsztv7dvpuamhr72ktlqd.onion - [ Nixnet Services (Amolith) ] C+ (Public Regristration is Disabled due to excessive spam, you need to send an email to support@nixnet.services to request account.) http://qt5vr747phiq55ubqip4hflmpygzl374mum2zbyqdxg6sqbngmzlqhid.onion - [ Darktea ] http://it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion - [ Kallist Git ] http://gt.kallist4mcluuxbjnr5p2asdlmdhaos3pcrvhk3fbzmiiiftwg6zncid.onion/