
794 lines
22 KiB

* Modules
* Copyright 1995 Alexandre Julliard
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "neexe.h"
#include "pe_image.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "selectors.h"
#include "stackframe.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "callback.h"
extern BOOL32 THREAD_InitDone;
* looks for the referenced HMODULE in the current process
MODULE32_LookupHMODULE(PDB32 *process,HMODULE32 hmod) {
if (!hmod)
return process->exe_modref;
if (!HIWORD(hmod)) {
ERR(module,"tried to lookup 0x%04x in win32 module handler!\n",hmod);
return NULL;
for (wm = process->modref_list;wm;wm=wm->next)
if (wm->module == hmod)
return wm;
return NULL;
* MODULE_CreateDummyModule
* Create a dummy NE module for Win32 or Winelib.
HMODULE32 MODULE_CreateDummyModule( const OFSTRUCT *ofs )
HMODULE32 hModule;
NE_MODULE *pModule;
char *pStr,*s;
int len;
const char* basename;
INT32 of_size = sizeof(OFSTRUCT) - sizeof(ofs->szPathName)
+ strlen(ofs->szPathName) + 1;
INT32 size = sizeof(NE_MODULE) +
/* loaded file info */
of_size +
/* segment table: DS,CS */
2 * sizeof(SEGTABLEENTRY) +
/* name table */
9 +
/* several empty tables */
hModule = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, size );
if (!hModule) return (HMODULE32)11; /* invalid exe */
FarSetOwner( hModule, hModule );
pModule = (NE_MODULE *)GlobalLock16( hModule );
/* Set all used entries */
pModule->magic = IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE;
pModule->count = 1;
pModule->next = 0;
pModule->flags = 0;
pModule->dgroup = 1;
pModule->ss = 1;
pModule->cs = 2;
pModule->heap_size = 0xe000;
pModule->stack_size = 0x1000;
pModule->seg_count = 2;
pModule->modref_count = 0;
pModule->nrname_size = 0;
pModule->fileinfo = sizeof(NE_MODULE);
pModule->os_flags = NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS;
pModule->expected_version = 0x030a;
pModule->self = hModule;
/* Set loaded file information */
memcpy( pModule + 1, ofs, of_size );
((OFSTRUCT *)(pModule+1))->cBytes = of_size - 1;
pSegment = (SEGTABLEENTRY*)((char*)(pModule + 1) + of_size);
pModule->seg_table = pModule->dgroup_entry = (int)pSegment - (int)pModule;
/* Data segment */
pSegment->size = 0;
pSegment->flags = NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA;
pSegment->minsize = 0x1000;
/* Code segment */
pSegment->flags = 0;
/* Module name */
pStr = (char *)pSegment;
pModule->name_table = (int)pStr - (int)pModule;
basename = strrchr(ofs->szPathName,'\\');
if (!basename) basename = ofs->szPathName;
else basename++;
len = strlen(basename);
if ((s = strchr(basename,'.'))) len = s - basename;
if (len > 8) len = 8;
*pStr = len;
strncpy( pStr+1, basename, len );
if (len < 8) pStr[len+1] = 0;
pStr += 9;
/* All tables zero terminated */
pModule->res_table = pModule->import_table = pModule->entry_table =
(int)pStr - (int)pModule;
NE_RegisterModule( pModule );
return hModule;
* MODULE_GetWndProcEntry16 (not a Windows API function)
* Return an entry point from the WPROCS dll.
FARPROC16 MODULE_GetWndProcEntry16( LPCSTR name )
if (__winelib)
/* FIXME: hack for Winelib */
extern LRESULT FileOpenDlgProc(HWND16,UINT16,WPARAM16,LPARAM);
extern LRESULT FileSaveDlgProc(HWND16,UINT16,WPARAM16,LPARAM);
extern LRESULT FindTextDlgProc16(HWND16,UINT16,WPARAM16,LPARAM);
extern LRESULT PrintSetupDlgProc(HWND16,UINT16,WPARAM16,LPARAM);
extern LRESULT ReplaceTextDlgProc16(HWND16,UINT16,WPARAM16,LPARAM);
if (!strcmp(name,"ColorDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)ColorDlgProc;
if (!strcmp(name,"FileOpenDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)FileOpenDlgProc;
if (!strcmp(name,"FileSaveDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)FileSaveDlgProc;
if (!strcmp(name,"FindTextDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)FindTextDlgProc16;
if (!strcmp(name,"PrintDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)PrintDlgProc;
if (!strcmp(name,"PrintSetupDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)PrintSetupDlgProc;
if (!strcmp(name,"ReplaceTextDlgProc"))
return (FARPROC16)ReplaceTextDlgProc16;
WARN(module,"No mapping for %s(), add one in library/miscstubs.c\n",name);
assert( FALSE );
return NULL;
WORD ordinal;
static HMODULE32 hModule = 0;
if (!hModule) hModule = GetModuleHandle16( "WPROCS" );
ordinal = NE_GetOrdinal( hModule, name );
if (!(ret = NE_GetEntryPoint( hModule, ordinal )))
WARN( module, "%s not found\n", name );
assert( FALSE );
return ret;
* MODULE_FindModule32
* Find a (loaded) win32 module depending on path
* The handling of '.' is a bit weird, but we need it that way,
* for sometimes the programs use '<name>.exe' and '<name>.dll' and
* this is the only way to differentiate. (mainly hypertrm.exe)
* the module handle if found
* 0 if not
HMODULE32 MODULE_FindModule32(
PDB32* process, /* [in] process in which to find the library */
LPCSTR path /* [in] pathname of module/library to be found */
) {
LPSTR filename;
LPSTR dotptr;
if (!(filename = strrchr( path, '\\' )))
filename = HEAP_strdupA(process->heap,0,path);
filename = HEAP_strdupA(process->heap,0,filename+1);
if (!process) {
return 0;
for (wm=process->modref_list;wm;wm=wm->next) {
LPSTR xmodname,xdotptr;
assert (wm->modname);
xmodname = HEAP_strdupA(process->heap,0,wm->modname);
if ( (xdotptr && !dotptr) ||
(!xdotptr && dotptr)
) {
if (dotptr) *dotptr = '\0';
if (xdotptr) *xdotptr = '\0';
if (!lstrcmpi32A( filename, xmodname)) {
return wm->module;
if (dotptr) *dotptr='.';
/* FIXME: add paths, shortname */
return 0;
* Implementation of LoadModule().
* cmd_line must contain the whole command-line, including argv[0] (and
* without a preceding length byte).
* If cmd_line is NULL, the module is loaded as a library even if it is a .exe
HINSTANCE16 MODULE_Load( LPCSTR name, BOOL32 implicit,
LPCSTR cmd_line, LPCSTR env, UINT32 show_cmd )
HMODULE16 hModule;
HINSTANCE16 hInstance, hPrevInstance;
NE_MODULE *pModule;
if (__winelib)
lstrcpyn32A( ofs.szPathName, name, sizeof(ofs.szPathName) );
if ((hModule = MODULE_CreateDummyModule( &ofs )) < 32) return hModule;
pModule = (NE_MODULE *)GlobalLock16( hModule );
hInstance = NE_CreateInstance( pModule, &hPrevInstance,
(cmd_line == NULL) );
hInstance = NE_LoadModule( name, &hPrevInstance, implicit,
(cmd_line == NULL) );
if ((hInstance == 21) && cmd_line)
return PE_LoadModule( name, cmd_line, env, show_cmd );
/* Create a task for this instance */
if (hInstance < 32) return hInstance;
pModule = NE_GetPtr( hInstance );
if (cmd_line && !(pModule->flags & NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE))
PDB32 *pdb;
pModule->flags |= NE_FFLAGS_GUI;
pdb = PROCESS_Create( pModule, cmd_line, env, hInstance,
hPrevInstance, show_cmd );
if (pdb && (GetNumTasks() > 1)) Yield16();
return hInstance;
* LoadModule16 (KERNEL.45)
HINSTANCE16 LoadModule16( LPCSTR name, LPVOID paramBlock )
LPSTR cmd_line, new_cmd_line;
UINT16 show_cmd = 0;
HINSTANCE16 hInstance;
if (!paramBlock || (paramBlock == (LPVOID)-1))
return LoadLibrary16( name );
params = (LOADPARAMS *)paramBlock;
cmd_line = (LPSTR)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN( params->cmdLine );
/* PowerPoint passes NULL as showCmd */
if (params->showCmd)
show_cmd = *((UINT16 *)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(params->showCmd)+1);
if (!cmd_line) cmd_line = "";
else if (*cmd_line) cmd_line++; /* skip the length byte */
if (!(new_cmd_line = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0,
strlen(cmd_line) + strlen(name) + 2 )))
return 0;
strcpy( new_cmd_line, name );
strcat( new_cmd_line, " " );
strcat( new_cmd_line, cmd_line );
if (params->hEnvironment) env = GlobalLock16( params->hEnvironment );
hInstance = MODULE_Load( name, FALSE, new_cmd_line, env, show_cmd );
if (params->hEnvironment) GlobalUnlock16( params->hEnvironment );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_cmd_line );
return hInstance;
* LoadModule32 (KERNEL32.499)
* This should get implemented via CreateProcess -- MODULE_Load
* is resolutely 16-bit.
DWORD LoadModule32( LPCSTR name, LPVOID paramBlock )
LOADPARAMS32 *params = (LOADPARAMS32 *)paramBlock;
#if 0
st.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
st.wShowWindow = p->lpCmdShow[2] ; WRONG
BOOL32 ret = CreateProcess32A( name, p->lpCmdLine,
NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, p->lpEnvAddress,
NULL, &st, &pi);
if (!ret) {
/* handle errors appropriately */
return MODULE_Load( name, FALSE, params->lpCmdLine, params->lpEnvAddress,
*((UINT16 *)params->lpCmdShow + 1) );
* GetModuleHandle (KERNEL32.237)
HMODULE32 WINAPI GetModuleHandle32A(LPCSTR module)
TRACE(win32, "%s\n", module ? module : "NULL");
if (module == NULL)
return PROCESS_Current()->exe_modref->module;
return MODULE_FindModule32(PROCESS_Current(),module);
HMODULE32 WINAPI GetModuleHandle32W(LPCWSTR module)
HMODULE32 hModule;
LPSTR modulea = HEAP_strdupWtoA( GetProcessHeap(), 0, module );
hModule = GetModuleHandle32A( modulea );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, modulea );
return hModule;
* GetModuleFileName32A (KERNEL32.235)
DWORD WINAPI GetModuleFileName32A(
HMODULE32 hModule, /* [in] module handle (32bit) */
LPSTR lpFileName, /* [out] filenamebuffer */
DWORD size /* [in] size of filenamebuffer */
) {
WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE(PROCESS_Current(),hModule);
if (!wm) /* can happen on start up or the like */
return 0;
/* FIXME: we should probably get a real long name, but wm->longname
* is currently a UNIX filename!
lstrcpyn32A( lpFileName, wm->shortname, size );
TRACE(module, "%s\n", lpFileName );
return strlen(lpFileName);
* GetModuleFileName32W (KERNEL32.236)
DWORD WINAPI GetModuleFileName32W( HMODULE32 hModule, LPWSTR lpFileName,
DWORD size )
LPSTR fnA = (char*)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size );
DWORD res = GetModuleFileName32A( hModule, fnA, size );
lstrcpynAtoW( lpFileName, fnA, size );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, fnA );
return res;
* LoadLibraryEx32W (KERNEL.513)
HMODULE32 WINAPI LoadLibraryEx32W16( LPCSTR libname, HANDLE16 hf,
DWORD flags )
return LoadLibraryEx32A(libname, hf,flags);
* LoadLibraryEx32A (KERNEL32)
HMODULE32 WINAPI LoadLibraryEx32A(LPCSTR libname,HFILE32 hfile,DWORD flags)
HMODULE32 hmod;
hmod = PE_LoadLibraryEx32A(libname,PROCESS_Current(),hfile,flags);
if (hmod < 32) {
char buffer[256];
strcpy( buffer, libname );
strcat( buffer, ".dll" );
hmod = PE_LoadLibraryEx32A(buffer,PROCESS_Current(),hfile,flags);
/* initialize all DLLs, which haven't been initialized yet. */
if (hmod >= 32)
return hmod;
* LoadLibraryA (KERNEL32)
HMODULE32 WINAPI LoadLibrary32A(LPCSTR libname) {
return LoadLibraryEx32A(libname,0,0);
* LoadLibraryW (KERNEL32)
HMODULE32 WINAPI LoadLibrary32W(LPCWSTR libnameW)
return LoadLibraryEx32W(libnameW,0,0);
* LoadLibraryExW (KERNEL32)
HMODULE32 WINAPI LoadLibraryEx32W(LPCWSTR libnameW,HFILE32 hfile,DWORD flags)
LPSTR libnameA = HEAP_strdupWtoA( GetProcessHeap(), 0, libnameW );
HMODULE32 ret = LoadLibraryEx32A( libnameA , hfile, flags );
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, libnameA );
return ret;
* FreeLibrary
BOOL32 WINAPI FreeLibrary32(HINSTANCE32 hLibModule)
WARN(module,"(%08x): stub\n", hLibModule);
return TRUE; /* FIXME */
* PrivateLoadLibrary (KERNEL32)
* FIXME: rough guesswork, don't know what "Private" means
HINSTANCE32 WINAPI PrivateLoadLibrary(LPCSTR libname)
return (HINSTANCE32)LoadLibrary16(libname);
* PrivateFreeLibrary (KERNEL32)
* FIXME: rough guesswork, don't know what "Private" means
void WINAPI PrivateFreeLibrary(HINSTANCE32 handle)
* WinExec16 (KERNEL.166)
HINSTANCE16 WINAPI WinExec16( LPCSTR lpCmdLine, UINT16 nCmdShow )
return WinExec32( lpCmdLine, nCmdShow );
* WinExec32 (KERNEL32.566)
HINSTANCE32 WINAPI WinExec32( LPCSTR lpCmdLine, UINT32 nCmdShow )
HINSTANCE32 handle = 2;
char *p, filename[256];
static int use_load_module = 1;
int spacelimit = 0, exhausted = 0;
if (!lpCmdLine)
return 2; /* File not found */
/* Keep trying to load a file by trying different filenames; e.g.,
for the cmdline "abcd efg hij", try "abcd" with args "efg hij",
then "abcd efg" with arg "hij", and finally "abcd efg hij" with
no args */
while(!exhausted && handle == 2) {
int spacecount = 0;
/* Build the filename and command-line */
lstrcpyn32A(filename, lpCmdLine,
sizeof(filename) - 4 /* for extension */);
/* Keep grabbing characters until end-of-string, tab, or until the
number of spaces is greater than the spacelimit */
for (p = filename; ; p++) {
if(*p == ' ') {
if(spacecount > spacelimit) {
if(*p == '\0' || *p == '\t') {
exhausted = 1;
*p = '\0';
/* Now load the executable file */
if (use_load_module)
/* Winelib: Use LoadModule() only for the program itself */
if (__winelib) use_load_module = 0;
handle = MODULE_Load( filename, FALSE, lpCmdLine, NULL, nCmdShow );
if (handle == 2) /* file not found */
/* Check that the original file name did not have a suffix */
p = strrchr(filename, '.');
/* if there is a '.', check if either \ OR / follow */
if (!p || strchr(p, '/') || strchr(p, '\\'))
p = filename + strlen(filename);
strcpy( p, ".exe" );
handle = MODULE_Load( filename, FALSE, lpCmdLine,
NULL, nCmdShow );
*p = '\0'; /* Remove extension */
handle = 2; /* file not found */
if (handle < 32)
/* Try to start it as a unix program */
if (!fork())
/* Child process */
DOS_FULL_NAME full_name;
const char *unixfilename = NULL;
const char *argv[256], **argptr;
int iconic = (nCmdShow == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED ||
THREAD_InitDone = FALSE; /* we didn't init this process */
/* get unixfilename */
if (strchr(filename, '/') ||
strchr(filename, ':') ||
strchr(filename, '\\'))
if (DOSFS_GetFullName( filename, TRUE, &full_name ))
unixfilename = full_name.long_name;
else unixfilename = filename;
if (unixfilename)
/* build argv */
argptr = argv;
if (iconic) *argptr++ = "-iconic";
*argptr++ = unixfilename;
p = strdup(lpCmdLine);
while (1)
while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) *p++ = '\0';
if (!*p) break;
*argptr++ = p;
while (*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t') p++;
*argptr++ = 0;
/* Execute */
execvp(argv[0], (char**)argv);
/* Failed ! */
if (__winelib)
/* build argv */
argptr = argv;
*argptr++ = "wine";
if (iconic) *argptr++ = "-iconic";
*argptr++ = lpCmdLine;
*argptr++ = 0;
/* Execute */
execvp(argv[0] , (char**)argv);
/* Failed ! */
MSG("WinExec: can't exec 'wine %s'\n",
} /* while (!exhausted && handle < 32) */
return handle;
* WIN32_GetProcAddress16 (KERNEL32.36)
* Get procaddress in 16bit module from win32... (kernel32 undoc. ordinal func)
FARPROC16 WINAPI WIN32_GetProcAddress16( HMODULE32 hModule, LPCSTR name )
WORD ordinal;
FARPROC16 ret;
if (!hModule) {
WARN(module,"hModule may not be 0!\n");
return (FARPROC16)0;
if (HIWORD(hModule))
WARN( module, "hModule is Win32 handle (%08x)\n", hModule );
return (FARPROC16)0;
hModule = GetExePtr( hModule );
if (HIWORD(name)) {
ordinal = NE_GetOrdinal( hModule, name );
TRACE(module, "%04x '%s'\n",
hModule, name );
} else {
ordinal = LOWORD(name);
TRACE(module, "%04x %04x\n",
hModule, ordinal );
if (!ordinal) return (FARPROC16)0;
ret = NE_GetEntryPoint( hModule, ordinal );
TRACE(module,"returning %08x\n",(UINT32)ret);
return ret;
* GetProcAddress16 (KERNEL.50)
FARPROC16 WINAPI GetProcAddress16( HMODULE16 hModule, SEGPTR name )
WORD ordinal;
FARPROC16 ret;
if (!hModule) hModule = GetCurrentTask();
hModule = GetExePtr( hModule );
if (HIWORD(name) != 0)
ordinal = NE_GetOrdinal( hModule, (LPSTR)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(name) );
TRACE(module, "%04x '%s'\n",
hModule, (LPSTR)PTR_SEG_TO_LIN(name) );
ordinal = LOWORD(name);
TRACE(module, "%04x %04x\n",
hModule, ordinal );
if (!ordinal) return (FARPROC16)0;
ret = NE_GetEntryPoint( hModule, ordinal );
TRACE(module, "returning %08x\n", (UINT32)ret );
return ret;
* GetProcAddress32 (KERNEL32.257)
FARPROC32 WINAPI GetProcAddress32( HMODULE32 hModule, LPCSTR function )
return MODULE_GetProcAddress32( PROCESS_Current(), hModule, function );
* MODULE_GetProcAddress32 (internal)
FARPROC32 MODULE_GetProcAddress32(
PDB32 *process, /* [in] process context */
HMODULE32 hModule, /* [in] current module handle */
LPCSTR function ) /* [in] function to be looked up */
WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE(process,hModule);
if (HIWORD(function))
if (!wm)
return (FARPROC32)0;
switch (wm->type)
case MODULE32_PE:
return PE_FindExportedFunction( process, wm, function);
ERR(module,"wine_modref type %d not handled.\n",wm->type);
return (FARPROC32)0;
* RtlImageNtHeaders (NTDLL)
/* basically:
* return hModule+(((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)hModule)->e_lfanew);
* but we could get HMODULE16 or the like (think builtin modules)
WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( PROCESS_Current(), hModule );
if (!wm || (wm->type != MODULE32_PE)) return (LPIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)0;
return PE_HEADER(wm->module);