
1006 lines
38 KiB

* Copyright 2001 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2020 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "conhost.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <winreg.h>
#include "wine/debug.h"
enum update_state
struct console_window
HDC mem_dc; /* memory DC holding the bitmap below */
HBITMAP bitmap; /* bitmap of display window content */
HFONT font; /* font used for rendering, usually fixed */
HBITMAP cursor_bitmap; /* bitmap used for the caret */
unsigned int ui_charset; /* default UI charset */
WCHAR *config_key; /* config registry key name */
LONG ext_leading; /* external leading for font */
BOOL quick_edit; /* whether mouse ops are sent to app or used for content selection */
unsigned int menu_mask; /* MK_CONTROL MK_SHIFT mask to drive submenu opening */
COORD win_pos; /* position (in cells) of visible part of screen buffer in window */
unsigned int win_width; /* size (in cells) of visible part of window (width & height) */
unsigned int win_height;
unsigned int cursor_size; /* in % of cell height */
int cursor_visible; /* cursor visibility */
unsigned int sb_width; /* active screen buffer width */
unsigned int sb_height; /* active screen buffer height */
COORD cursor_pos; /* cursor position */
RECT update; /* screen buffer update rect */
enum update_state update_state; /* update state */
struct console_config
DWORD color_map[16]; /* console color table */
unsigned int cell_width; /* width in pixels of a character */
unsigned int cell_height; /* height in pixels of a character */
unsigned int cursor_size; /* in % of cell height */
int cursor_visible; /* cursor visibility */
unsigned int attr; /* default fill attributes (screen colors) */
unsigned int popup_attr ; /* pop-up color attributes */
unsigned int history_size; /* number of commands in history buffer */
unsigned int history_mode; /* flag if commands are not stored twice in buffer */
unsigned int insert_mode; /* TRUE to insert text at the cursor location; FALSE to overwrite it */
unsigned int menu_mask; /* MK_CONTROL MK_SHIFT mask to drive submenu opening */
unsigned int quick_edit; /* whether mouse ops are sent to app or used for content selection */
unsigned int sb_width; /* active screen buffer width */
unsigned int sb_height; /* active screen buffer height */
unsigned int win_width; /* size (in cells) of visible part of window (width & height) */
unsigned int win_height;
COORD win_pos; /* position (in cells) of visible part of screen buffer in window */
unsigned int edition_mode; /* edition mode flavor while line editing */
unsigned int font_pitch_family;
unsigned int font_weight;
static const char *debugstr_config( const struct console_config *config )
return wine_dbg_sprintf( "cell=(%u,%u) cursor=(%d,%d) attr=%02x pop-up=%02x font=%s/%u/%u "
"hist=%u/%d flags=%c%c msk=%08x sb=(%u,%u) win=(%u,%u)x(%u,%u) edit=%u",
config->cell_width, config->cell_height, config->cursor_size,
config->cursor_visible, config->attr, config->popup_attr,
wine_dbgstr_w(config->face_name), config->font_pitch_family,
config->font_weight, config->history_size,
config->history_mode ? 1 : 2,
config->insert_mode ? 'I' : 'i',
config->quick_edit ? 'Q' : 'q',
config->menu_mask, config->sb_width, config->sb_height,
config->win_pos.X, config->win_pos.Y, config->win_width,
config->win_height, config->edition_mode );
static const char *debugstr_logfont( const LOGFONTW *lf, unsigned int ft )
return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%s%s%s%s lfHeight=%d lfWidth=%d lfEscapement=%d "
"lfOrientation=%d lfWeight=%d lfItalic=%u lfUnderline=%u "
"lfStrikeOut=%u lfCharSet=%u lfPitchAndFamily=%u lfFaceName=%s",
(ft & RASTER_FONTTYPE) ? "raster" : "",
(ft & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) ? "truetype" : "",
((ft & (RASTER_FONTTYPE|TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)) == 0) ? "vector" : "",
(ft & DEVICE_FONTTYPE) ? "|device" : "",
lf->lfHeight, lf->lfWidth, lf->lfEscapement, lf->lfOrientation,
lf->lfWeight, lf->lfItalic, lf->lfUnderline, lf->lfStrikeOut,
lf->lfCharSet, lf->lfPitchAndFamily, wine_dbgstr_w( lf->lfFaceName ));
static const char *debugstr_textmetric( const TEXTMETRICW *tm, unsigned int ft )
return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%s%s%s%s tmHeight=%d tmAscent=%d tmDescent=%d "
"tmAveCharWidth=%d tmMaxCharWidth=%d tmWeight=%d "
"tmPitchAndFamily=%u tmCharSet=%u",
(ft & RASTER_FONTTYPE) ? "raster" : "",
(ft & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) ? "truetype" : "",
((ft & (RASTER_FONTTYPE|TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)) == 0) ? "vector" : "",
(ft & DEVICE_FONTTYPE) ? "|device" : "",
tm->tmHeight, tm->tmAscent, tm->tmDescent, tm->tmAveCharWidth,
tm->tmMaxCharWidth, tm->tmWeight, tm->tmPitchAndFamily,
tm->tmCharSet );
/* read the basic configuration from any console key or subkey */
static void load_registry_key( HKEY key, struct console_config *config )
DWORD type, count, val, i;
WCHAR color_name[13];
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(config->color_map); i++)
wsprintfW( color_name, L"ColorTable%02d", i );
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, color_name, 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->color_map[i] = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"CursorSize", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->cursor_size = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"CursorVisible", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->cursor_visible = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"EditionMode", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->edition_mode = val;
count = sizeof(config->face_name);
RegQueryValueExW( key, L"FaceName", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&config->face_name, &count );
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"FontPitchFamily", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->font_pitch_family = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"FontSize", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
int height = HIWORD(val);
int width = LOWORD(val);
/* A value of zero reflects the default settings */
if (height) config->cell_height = MulDiv( height, GetDpiForSystem(), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI );
if (width) config->cell_width = MulDiv( width, GetDpiForSystem(), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI );
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"FontWeight", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->font_weight = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"HistoryBufferSize", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->history_size = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"HistoryNoDup", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->history_mode = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"wszInsertMode", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->insert_mode = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"MenuMask", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->menu_mask = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"PopupColors", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->popup_attr = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"QuickEdit", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->quick_edit = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"ScreenBufferSize", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->sb_height = HIWORD(val);
config->sb_width = LOWORD(val);
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"ScreenColors", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->attr = val;
count = sizeof(val);
if (!RegQueryValueExW( key, L"WindowSize", 0, &type, (BYTE *)&val, &count ))
config->win_height = HIWORD(val);
config->win_width = LOWORD(val);
/* load config from registry */
static void load_config( const WCHAR *key_name, struct console_config *config )
static const COLORREF color_map[] =
RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00), RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80),
RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x00), RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80), RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x00), RGB(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0),
RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80), RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00), RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF),
RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00), RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
HKEY key, app_key;
TRACE("loading %s registry settings.\n", wine_dbgstr_w( key_name ));
memcpy( config->color_map, color_map, sizeof(color_map) );
memset( config->face_name, 0, sizeof(config->face_name) );
config->cursor_size = 25;
config->cursor_visible = 1;
config->font_pitch_family = FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
config->cell_height = MulDiv( 16, GetDpiForSystem(), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI );
config->cell_width = MulDiv( 8, GetDpiForSystem(), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI );
config->font_weight = FW_NORMAL;
config->history_size = 50;
config->history_mode = 0;
config->insert_mode = 1;
config->menu_mask = 0;
config->popup_attr = 0xF5;
config->quick_edit = 0;
config->sb_height = 25;
config->sb_width = 80;
config->attr = 0x000F;
config->win_height = 25;
config->win_width = 80;
config->win_pos.X = 0;
config->win_pos.Y = 0;
config->edition_mode = 0;
/* read global settings */
if (!RegOpenKeyW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Console", &key ))
load_registry_key( key, config );
/* if requested, load part related to console title */
if (key_name && !RegOpenKeyW( key, key_name, &app_key ))
load_registry_key( app_key, config );
RegCloseKey( app_key );
RegCloseKey( key );
TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_config( config ));
static void save_registry_key( HKEY key, const struct console_config *config )
DWORD val, width, height, i;
WCHAR color_name[13];
TRACE( "%s", debugstr_config( config ));
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(config->color_map); i++)
wsprintfW( color_name, L"ColorTable%02d", i );
val = config->color_map[i];
RegSetValueExW( key, color_name, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->cursor_size;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"CursorSize", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->cursor_visible;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"CursorVisible", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->edition_mode;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"EditionMode", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
RegSetValueExW( key, L"FaceName", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)&config->face_name, sizeof(config->face_name) );
val = config->font_pitch_family;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"FontPitchFamily", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
width = MulDiv( config->cell_width, USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI, GetDpiForSystem() );
height = MulDiv( config->cell_height, USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI, GetDpiForSystem() );
val = MAKELONG( width, height );
RegSetValueExW( key, L"FontSize", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->font_weight;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"FontWeight", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->history_size;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"HistoryBufferSize", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->history_mode;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"HistoryNoDup", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->insert_mode;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"InsertMode", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->menu_mask;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"MenuMask", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->popup_attr;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"PopupColors", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->quick_edit;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"QuickEdit", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = MAKELONG(config->sb_width, config->sb_height);
RegSetValueExW( key, L"ScreenBufferSize", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = config->attr;
RegSetValueExW( key, L"ScreenColors", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
val = MAKELONG( config->win_width, config->win_height );
RegSetValueExW( key, L"WindowSize", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
static void save_config( const WCHAR *key_name, const struct console_config *config )
HKEY key, app_key;
TRACE( "%s %s\n", debugstr_w( key_name ), debugstr_config( config ));
if (RegCreateKeyW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Console", &key ))
ERR("Can't open registry for saving\n");
if (key_name)
if (RegCreateKeyW( key, key_name, &app_key ))
ERR("Can't open registry for saving\n");
/* FIXME: maybe only save the values different from the default value ? */
save_registry_key( app_key, config );
RegCloseKey( app_key );
else save_registry_key( key, config );
/* fill memory DC with current cells values */
static void fill_mem_dc( struct console *console, const RECT *update )
unsigned int i, j, k;
unsigned int attr;
char_info_t *cell;
HFONT old_font;
HBRUSH brush;
WCHAR *line;
INT *dx;
if (!console->window->font)
if (!(line = malloc( (update->right - update->left + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ) return;
dx = malloc( (update->right - update->left + 1) * sizeof(*dx) );
old_font = SelectObject( console->window->mem_dc, console->window->font );
for (j = update->top; j <= update->bottom; j++)
cell = &console->active->data[j * console->active->width];
for (i = update->left; i <= update->right; i++)
attr = cell[i].attr;
SetBkColor( console->window->mem_dc, console->active->color_map[(attr >> 4) & 0x0F] );
SetTextColor( console->window->mem_dc, console->active->color_map[attr & 0x0F] );
for (k = i; k <= update->right && cell[k].attr == attr; k++)
line[k - i] = cell[k].ch;
dx[k - i] = console->active->font.width;
ExtTextOutW( console->window->mem_dc, i * console->active->font.width,
j * console->active->font.height, 0, NULL, line, k - i, dx );
if (console->window->ext_leading &&
(brush = CreateSolidBrush( console->active->color_map[(attr >> 4) & 0x0F] )))
r.left = i * console->active->font.width;
r.top = (j + 1) * console->active->font.height - console->window->ext_leading;
r.right = k * console->active->font.width;
r.bottom = (j + 1) * console->active->font.height;
FillRect( console->window->mem_dc, &r, brush );
DeleteObject( brush );
i = k - 1;
SelectObject( console->window->mem_dc, old_font );
free( dx );
free( line );
/* set a new position for the cursor */
static void update_window_cursor( struct console *console )
if (console->win != GetFocus() || !console->active->cursor_visible) return;
SetCaretPos( (console->active->cursor_x - console->active->win.left) * console->active->font.width,
(console->active->cursor_y - console->active->win.top) * console->active->font.height );
ShowCaret( console->win );
/* sets a new shape for the cursor */
static void shape_cursor( struct console *console )
int size = console->active->cursor_size;
if (console->active->cursor_visible && console->win == GetFocus()) DestroyCaret();
if (console->window->cursor_bitmap) DeleteObject( console->window->cursor_bitmap );
console->window->cursor_bitmap = NULL;
console->window->cursor_visible = FALSE;
if (size != 100)
int w16b; /* number of bytes per row, aligned on word size */
int i, j, nbl;
BYTE *ptr;
w16b = ((console->active->font.width + 15) & ~15) / 8;
ptr = calloc( w16b, console->active->font.height );
if (!ptr) return;
nbl = max( (console->active->font.height * size) / 100, 1 );
for (j = console->active->font.height - nbl; j < console->active->font.height; j++)
for (i = 0; i < console->active->font.width; i++)
ptr[w16b * j + (i / 8)] |= 0x80 >> (i & 7);
console->window->cursor_bitmap = CreateBitmap( console->active->font.width,
console->active->font.height, 1, 1, ptr );
static void update_window( struct console *console )
unsigned int win_width, win_height;
BOOL update_all = FALSE;
int dx, dy;
console->window->update_state = UPDATE_BUSY;
if (console->window->sb_width != console->active->width ||
console->window->sb_height != console->active->height ||
console->window->sb_width = console->active->width;
console->window->sb_height = console->active->height;
if (console->active->width && console->active->height && console->window->font)
HBITMAP bitmap;
HDC dc;
if (!(dc = GetDC( console->win ))) return;
bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( dc,
console->active->width * console->active->font.width,
console->active->height * console->active->font.height );
ReleaseDC( console->win, dc );
SelectObject( console->window->mem_dc, bitmap );
if (console->window->bitmap) DeleteObject( console->window->bitmap );
console->window->bitmap = bitmap;
SetRect( &r, 0, 0, console->active->width - 1, console->active->height - 1 );
fill_mem_dc( console, &r );
empty_update_rect( console->active, &console->window->update );
update_all = TRUE;
/* compute window size from desired client size */
win_width = console->active->win.right - console->active->win.left + 1;
win_height = console->active->win.bottom - console->active->win.top + 1;
if (update_all || win_width != console->window->win_width ||
win_height != console->window->win_height)
console->window->win_width = win_width;
console->window->win_height = win_height;
r.left = r.top = 0;
r.right = win_width * console->active->font.width;
r.bottom = win_height * console->active->font.height;
AdjustWindowRect( &r, GetWindowLongW( console->win, GWL_STYLE ), FALSE );
dx = dy = 0;
if (console->active->width > win_width)
dy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL );
SetScrollRange( console->win, SB_HORZ, 0, console->active->width - win_width, FALSE );
SetScrollPos( console->win, SB_VERT, console->active->win.top, FALSE );
ShowScrollBar( console->win, SB_HORZ, TRUE );
ShowScrollBar( console->win, SB_HORZ, FALSE );
if (console->active->height > win_height)
dx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL );
SetScrollRange( console->win, SB_VERT, 0, console->active->height - win_height, FALSE );
SetScrollPos( console->win, SB_VERT, console->active->win.top, FALSE );
ShowScrollBar( console->win, SB_VERT, TRUE );
ShowScrollBar( console->win, SB_VERT, FALSE );
dx += r.right - r.left;
dy += r.bottom - r.top;
SetWindowPos( console->win, 0, 0, 0, dx, dy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE );
SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &r, 0 );
console->active->max_width = (r.right - r.left) / console->active->font.width;
console->active->max_height = (r.bottom - r.top - GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION )) /
InvalidateRect( console->win, NULL, FALSE );
UpdateWindow( console->win );
update_all = TRUE;
else if (console->active->win.left != console->window->win_pos.X ||
console->active->win.top != console->window->win_pos.Y)
ScrollWindow( console->win,
(console->window->win_pos.X - console->active->win.left) * console->active->font.width,
(console->window->win_pos.Y - console->active->win.top) * console->active->font.height,
SetScrollPos( console->win, SB_HORZ, console->active->win.left, TRUE );
SetScrollPos( console->win, SB_VERT, console->active->win.top, TRUE );
InvalidateRect( console->win, NULL, FALSE );
console->window->win_pos.X = console->active->win.left;
console->window->win_pos.Y = console->active->win.top;
if (console->window->update.top <= console->window->update.bottom &&
console->window->update.left <= console->window->update.right)
RECT *update = &console->window->update;
r.left = (update->left - console->active->win.left) * console->active->font.width;
r.right = (update->right - console->active->win.left + 1) * console->active->font.width;
r.top = (update->top - console->active->win.top) * console->active->font.height;
r.bottom = (update->bottom - console->active->win.top + 1) * console->active->font.height;
fill_mem_dc( console, update );
empty_update_rect( console->active, &console->window->update );
InvalidateRect( console->win, &r, FALSE );
UpdateWindow( console->win );
if (update_all || console->active->cursor_size != console->window->cursor_size)
console->window->cursor_size = console->active->cursor_size;
shape_cursor( console );
if (console->active->cursor_visible != console->window->cursor_visible)
console->window->cursor_visible = console->active->cursor_visible;
if (console->win == GetFocus())
if (console->window->cursor_visible)
CreateCaret( console->win, console->window->cursor_bitmap,
console->active->font.width, console->active->font.height );
if (update_all || console->active->cursor_x != console->window->cursor_pos.X ||
console->active->cursor_y != console->window->cursor_pos.Y)
console->window->cursor_pos.X = console->active->cursor_x;
console->window->cursor_pos.Y = console->active->cursor_y;
update_window_cursor( console );
console->window->update_state = UPDATE_NONE;
static void fill_logfont( LOGFONTW *lf, const WCHAR *name, unsigned int height, unsigned int weight )
lf->lfHeight = height;
lf->lfWidth = 0;
lf->lfEscapement = 0;
lf->lfOrientation = 0;
lf->lfWeight = weight;
lf->lfItalic = FALSE;
lf->lfUnderline = FALSE;
lf->lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
lf->lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
lf->lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
lf->lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
lstrcpyW( lf->lfFaceName, name );
static BOOL set_console_font( struct console *console, const LOGFONTW *logfont )
struct font_info *font_info = &console->active->font;
HFONT font, old_font;
CPINFO cpinfo;
HDC dc;
TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_logfont( logfont, 0 ));
if (console->window->font && logfont->lfHeight == console->active->font.height &&
logfont->lfWeight == console->active->font.weight &&
!logfont->lfItalic && !logfont->lfUnderline && !logfont->lfStrikeOut &&
console->active->font.face_len == wcslen( logfont->lfFaceName ) * sizeof(WCHAR) &&
!memcmp( logfont->lfFaceName, console->active->font.face_name,
console->active->font.face_len ))
TRACE( "equal to current\n" );
return TRUE;
if (!(dc = GetDC( console->win ))) return FALSE;
if (!(font = CreateFontIndirectW( logfont )))
ReleaseDC( console->win, dc );
return FALSE;
old_font = SelectObject( dc, font );
GetTextMetricsW( dc, &tm );
SelectObject( dc, old_font );
ReleaseDC( console->win, dc );
font_info->width = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
font_info->height = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
font_info->weight = tm.tmWeight;
free( font_info->face_name );
font_info->face_len = wcslen( logfont->lfFaceName ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
font_info->face_name = malloc( font_info->face_len );
memcpy( font_info->face_name, logfont->lfFaceName, font_info->face_len );
/* FIXME: use maximum width for DBCS codepages since some chars take two cells */
if (GetCPInfo( console->output_cp, &cpinfo ) && cpinfo.MaxCharSize > 1)
font_info->width = tm.tmMaxCharWidth;
if (console->window->font) DeleteObject( console->window->font );
console->window->font = font;
console->window->ext_leading = tm.tmExternalLeading;
if (console->window->bitmap)
console->window->bitmap = NULL;
return TRUE;
struct font_chooser
struct console *console;
int pass;
BOOL done;
/* check if the font described in tm is usable as a font for the renderer */
static BOOL validate_font_metric( struct console *console, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
DWORD type, int pass )
switch (pass) /* we get increasingly lenient in later passes */
case 0:
if (type & RASTER_FONTTYPE) return FALSE;
/* fall through */
case 1:
if (tm->tmMaxCharWidth * (console->active->win.right - console->active->win.left + 1)
>= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN))
return FALSE;
if (tm->tmHeight * (console->active->win.bottom - console->active->win.top + 1)
>= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN))
return FALSE;
/* fall through */
case 2:
if (tm->tmCharSet != DEFAULT_CHARSET && tm->tmCharSet != console->window->ui_charset)
return FALSE;
/* fall through */
case 3:
if (tm->tmItalic || tm->tmUnderlined || tm->tmStruckOut) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* check if the font family described in lf is usable as a font for the renderer */
static BOOL validate_font( struct console *console, const LOGFONTW *lf, int pass )
switch (pass) /* we get increasingly lenient in later passes */
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if (lf->lfCharSet != DEFAULT_CHARSET && lf->lfCharSet != console->window->ui_charset)
return FALSE;
/* fall through */
case 3:
if ((lf->lfPitchAndFamily & 3) != FIXED_PITCH) return FALSE;
/* fall through */
case 4:
if (lf->lfFaceName[0] == '@') return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* helper functions to get a decent font for the renderer */
static int WINAPI get_first_font_sub_enum( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam)
struct font_chooser *fc = (struct font_chooser *)lparam;
TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_textmetric( tm, font_type ));
if (validate_font_metric( fc->console, tm, font_type, fc->pass ))
LOGFONTW mlf = *lf;
/* Use the default sizes for the font (this is needed, especially for
* TrueType fonts, so that we get a decent size, not the max size)
mlf.lfWidth = fc->console->active->font.width;
mlf.lfHeight = fc->console->active->font.height;
if (!mlf.lfHeight)
mlf.lfHeight = MulDiv( 16, GetDpiForSystem(), USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI );
if (set_console_font( fc->console, &mlf ))
struct console_config config;
fc->done = 1;
/* since we've modified the current config with new font information,
* set this information as the new default.
load_config( fc->console->window->config_key, &config );
config.cell_width = fc->console->active->font.width;
config.cell_height = fc->console->active->font.height;
fc->console->active->font.face_len = wcslen( config.face_name ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
memcpy( fc->console->active->font.face_name, config.face_name,
fc->console->active->font.face_len );
/* Force also its writing back to the registry so that we can get it
* the next time.
save_config( fc->console->window->config_key, &config );
return 0;
return 1;
static int WINAPI get_first_font_enum( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
DWORD font_type, LPARAM lparam )
struct font_chooser *fc = (struct font_chooser *)lparam;
TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_logfont( lf, font_type ));
if (validate_font( fc->console, lf, fc->pass ))
EnumFontFamiliesW( fc->console->window->mem_dc, lf->lfFaceName,
get_first_font_sub_enum, lparam );
return !fc->done; /* we just need the first matching one... */
return 1;
/* sets logfont as the new font for the console */
static void update_console_font( struct console *console, const WCHAR *font,
unsigned int height, unsigned int weight )
struct font_chooser fc;
if (font[0] && height && weight)
fill_logfont( &lf, font, height, weight );
if (set_console_font( console, &lf )) return;
/* try to find an acceptable font */
WARN( "Couldn't match the font from registry, trying to find one\n" );
fc.console = console;
fc.done = FALSE;
for (fc.pass = 0; fc.pass <= 5; fc.pass++)
EnumFontFamiliesW( console->window->mem_dc, NULL, get_first_font_enum, (LPARAM)&fc );
if (fc.done) return;
ERR( "Couldn't find a decent font" );
static void apply_config( struct console *console, const struct console_config *config )
if (console->active->width != config->sb_width || console->active->height != config->sb_height)
change_screen_buffer_size( console->active, config->sb_width, config->sb_height );
console->window->menu_mask = config->menu_mask;
console->window->quick_edit = config->quick_edit;
console->edition_mode = config->edition_mode;
console->history_mode = config->history_mode;
if (console->history_size != config->history_size)
struct history_line **mem = NULL;
int i, delta;
if (config->history_size && (mem = malloc( config->history_size * sizeof(*mem) )))
memset( mem, 0, config->history_size * sizeof(*mem) );
delta = (console->history_index > config->history_size)
? (console->history_index - config->history_size) : 0;
for (i = delta; i < console->history_index; i++)
mem[i - delta] = console->history[i];
console->history[i] = NULL;
console->history_index -= delta;
for (i = 0; i < console->history_size; i++)
free( console->history[i] );
free( console->history );
console->history = mem;
console->history_size = config->history_size;
if (config->insert_mode)
console->mode &= ~ENABLE_INSERT_MODE;
console->active->cursor_size = config->cursor_size;
console->active->cursor_visible = config->cursor_visible;
console->active->attr = config->attr;
console->active->popup_attr = config->popup_attr;
console->active->win.left = config->win_pos.X;
console->active->win.right = config->win_pos.Y;
console->active->win.right = config->win_pos.X + config->win_width - 1;
console->active->win.bottom = config->win_pos.Y + config->win_height - 1;
memcpy( console->active->color_map, config->color_map, sizeof(config->color_map) );
if (console->active->font.width != config->cell_width ||
console->active->font.height != config->cell_height ||
console->active->font.weight != config->font_weight ||
console->active->font.pitch_family != config->font_pitch_family ||
console->active->font.face_len != wcslen( config->face_name ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ||
memcmp( console->active->font.face_name, config->face_name, console->active->font.face_len ))
update_console_font( console, config->face_name, config->cell_height, config->font_weight );
update_window( console );
static LRESULT window_create( HWND hwnd, const CREATESTRUCTW *create )
struct console *console = create->lpCreateParams;
TRACE( "%p\n", hwnd );
SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, 0, (DWORD_PTR)console );
console->win = hwnd;
console->window->mem_dc = CreateCompatibleDC( 0 );
return 0;
static LRESULT WINAPI window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
struct console *console = (struct console *)GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, 0 );
switch (msg)
return window_create( hwnd, (const CREATESTRUCTW *)lparam );
console->win = NULL;
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
update_window( console );
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
return 0;
void update_window_config( struct console *console )
if (!console->win || console->window->update_state != UPDATE_NONE) return;
console->window->update_state = UPDATE_PENDING;
PostMessageW( console->win, WM_UPDATE_CONFIG, 0, 0 );
BOOL init_window( struct console *console )
struct console_config config;
WNDCLASSW wndclass;
static struct console_window console_window;
console->window = &console_window;
if (!TranslateCharsetInfo( (DWORD *)(INT_PTR)GetACP(), &ci, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE ))
return FALSE;
console->window->ui_charset = ci.ciCharset;
if (si.lpTitle)
size_t i, title_len = wcslen( si.lpTitle );
if (!(console->window->config_key = malloc( (title_len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < title_len; i++)
console->window->config_key[i] = si.lpTitle[i] == '\\' ? '_' : si.lpTitle[i];
console->window->config_key[title_len] = 0;
load_config( console->window->config_key, &config );
config.sb_width = si.dwXCountChars;
config.sb_height = si.dwYCountChars;
config.attr = si.dwFillAttribute;
wndclass.style = CS_DBLCLKS;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = window_proc;
wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(DWORD_PTR);
wndclass.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIconW( 0, (const WCHAR *)IDI_WINLOGO );
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursorW( 0, (const WCHAR *)IDC_ARROW );
wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH );
wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wndclass.lpszClassName = L"WineConsoleClass";
if (!CreateWindowW( wndclass.lpszClassName, NULL,
0, 0, 0, 0, wndclass.hInstance, console ))
return FALSE;
apply_config( console, &config );
return TRUE;